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March 10, 2015 6:51 am

That’s an insult to little league-ers everywhere!

Fucking Obutthole would have to climb the equivalent of Mt Everest to get to little league level and even then he’d hold up the sign that says: “They told me this was a basketball game”.

March 10, 2015 8:34 am

This would imply that Obongo can even find the parking lot, much less the stadium where such games of power are played……

March 10, 2015 9:27 am

Never miss a chance to reinforce the NARRATIVE that Iran is an existential threat to Isra…..(oops)…the USA!

It is beyond my imagination now that anyone is so ( ) stupid to believe that any nation-state, even IF armed with nuclear weapons, would attack a major nuclear-armed nation-state.

How ( ) stupid do you have to be, to believe that “those crazy (fill in the blank) in (fill in the blank) are so self-destructive and so ( ) stupid that they will 1. make nukes and 2. set one off.

FOLLOW THE MONEY. The war drums always always always are fueled by groups who expect to gain money and power.

Iran’s people, like the Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainians, have never threatened the people living in North America and never will. When I see endlessly repeated propaganda like this cartoon, I’m reminded that I’m surrounded by utter imbeciles whose thoughts are completely controlled by puppeteers in NYC, Washington DC and LA (and all of whom apparently work for Tel Aviv.)

March 10, 2015 9:54 am

Obama would then say that he first learned that he was playing on a Little League team the same way everyone else found out about – he saw it on the news.

March 10, 2015 10:10 am

@dc.sunsets: You are totally wrong about the regime in Iran, totally. The mullahs are totally committed to acquiring nuclear weapons and using them. Not my words, theirs. Go read about their “version” of Islam. Even Khomeni, no bastion of sanity himself, thought the Twelvers were batshit crazy.

Do the people of Iran want to go to war? No. Too bad when they rose up in their Green Revolution in 2009, Obongo didn’t even give them a news conference.

Because Obongo is totally okay with the idea that nuclear weapons be used against Israel and the USA because he HATES THE USA, THE WEST AND JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION.

Read his books, listen to what he says, who he associates with and whom he supports.

He ALWAYS comes down on the side of the dictators, the Islamists, the radicals, the Marxists, the criminals – the orcs and goblins of our age. ALWAYS.

You assume that the mullahs of Iran are rational and actually love themselves more than they hate us. No, they do not and they WILL drag the world into WW3 to fulfill their apocalyptic vision.

And stop dragging Israel into this. They are the canary in the coal mine in this who deal, not the puppet master.