But she’s depressed too. She surely deserves to be supported with your tax dollars. How else would she be able to afford the Cheetos and Diet Pepsi?

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April 8, 2015 7:18 am

Murikans are just getting ahead of the curve. We’re headed for turd world status and that manatee** on the scooter is just making sure she gets hers first. As a hard working sap paying for her “disability”, I’m ashamed that she has to suffer the indignity of using a scooter with a taped up armrest. For my money, she deserves better.

**With sincere apologies to actual manatees.

April 8, 2015 7:36 am

“65-85-105” ….. nice measurements!!! Should be good for several hookups for people seeking fatfuk babes on match.com.

April 8, 2015 7:41 am

The guy on the nice bike used to be a waiter before a wood hauler, but people were tipping him too much.

April 8, 2015 8:48 am

You made my day.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 8, 2015 8:59 am

Every time I see a morbidly obese human like the one in that photo it perplexes me beyond reason.

How is it even possible? What kind of psychological problems exist perforce that someone could incrementally, day by day, move towards that goal without surcease.

Disabled? Certainly, but the kind that can be fixed. In a sane world her disability wouldn’t be a check, but a stint in a controlled environment where she would be monitored, fed and put on an exercise reginimen until she was back to ideal body weight. If not, no subsidy. Forcing the part of the population that works and cares for itself to do for those who do the exact opposite (of their own volition) is a form of colective insanity.

April 8, 2015 9:34 am

Looking at that blob on the scooter is like looking at a car wreck… you don’t want to look, but you are compelled. It’s fascinating, in a morbid way…

Like that one dumb show “My 9000 Pound Life” or whatever it’s called.

How in the name of everything that is good and right in the universe can someone physically shove enough food in their pie-holes to get that fucking disgusting? You’d have to be mainlining deep fryer fat from an IV to get like that. It is literally beyond comprehension…

Plus, how are these people even alive? The human heart is about the size of a fist. When someone is that gargantuan, how does the heart keep everything supplied with blood? I mean, look at her. If her heart were proportional to body size, we’re talking NBA regulation basketball size at the very least.

And how do they clean themselves, or even wipe their ass? Does her family roll her out into the back yard once a week and hose her down? Make sure to get in between the folds of flab, mold grows in there. Aw crap… I just disgusted myself…

April 8, 2015 11:14 am

What? Kermit IS Miss Piggy?

April 8, 2015 11:55 am

Scooterette: charcoal lighter plus match, problem solved.

I wish I could be ashamed of such a cruel thought, but…

I live in a 3rd world country with populist handouts that is politically cultivating these morbidly obese degenerates as if they were the soy upon which the handouts depend. The locals simply can’t understand why I grow food when they consider me one of what passes for “gentry” here. Well, not that long ago,four generations, my ancestors were Irish peasants who lived on spuds, turnips, seaweed and fish, but they lived! Good thing too, because otherwise…