These ads are a hoot. Flash will love them.

you mean a woman can open it

1950: The ad begins, "Most husbands, nowadays, have stopped beating their wives ... "

1951: "Show her it's a man's world."

1952: This ad makes light of domestic violence.

1952: "Don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer!"

1959: Woman are "a drag."

1961: "That's what wives are for!"

1964: "Are you woman enough to buy a man's mustard?"

1966: Wives are desperate for home appliances and will cry to get them.

1967: "The best ones are thin and rich."

1969: "Housewife headache."

1969: Tipalet wants you to know that cigarettes are made for men, but instantly attractive to women.

1970: "Keep up with the house ... "

1970: "It's nice to have a girl around the house."

1974: Weyenberg Shoes thinks women belong at men's feet.

See more at Business Insider

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April 9, 2015 8:24 am

yep…“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.”

― G.K. Chesterton

64.3 % of the predatory confiscation wing of the jack-bobbed police state are creatures of chaos…makes perfect sense now.

IRS Employees
Laurence M. Vance

IRS Employees

IRS employees are the lowest of Americans. On the level with DEA and TSA agents. According to a new report, as of Sept. 2014, the IRS employed 78,185 individuals, 50,301 female (64.3 percent) and 27,884 male (35.7 percent). And the worst thing is that there were “20,235 IRS employees (or about 26 percent of the agency’s workforce) who were paid $100,000 or more.”

April 9, 2015 8:34 am

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April 9, 2015 8:36 am

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 9, 2015 8:48 am

Truth in advertising……..many legs were spread in the backseat of a Pontiac.

Current ads depict white males as idiots that have to be led by the hand to do simple tasks. A black man is usually the person giving the advice or instruction…..whats up with that?

April 9, 2015 8:59 am
April 9, 2015 9:03 am

“the IRS employed 78,185 individuals, 50,301 female (64.3 percent) and 27,884 male (35.7 percent)”

That’s interesting, the entire 78,185 are either male or female. That seems to leave out some modern self-identified groups. It doesn’t sound very progressive to me – sounds like old fashioned prejudice. Down with gender binarism!


April 9, 2015 9:15 am

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April 9, 2015 9:23 am

persnickety nailed it. The bigoted IRS Nazis labeling people according to sex is not very progressive

Don’t gender identify me bro!

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April 9, 2015 9:31 am

Can you imagine the uproar if those ads were put out today.Protests , Protesters and rioting .

April 9, 2015 9:34 am

And that was the pinnacle of our society. Gone nuthin but down hill since we started giving rights to women and blacks.

April 9, 2015 10:38 am

I wonder what Megan Kelly and Gretchen Carlson think of these kinds of adds?

April 9, 2015 11:39 am

These ads really are a riot. I just LOVE the car ad!!

But they show how popular culture was deteriorating at that time, mainly that ad for Heinz soups.

All I can say is that you are a pretty sad case as a cook if Heinz canned soups beat your own home cooking. Yet, when I was a child in the 50s, living in one of the tens of thousands of cheapjack post-WW2 cookie cutter subdivisions that were springing up across the landscape like corn blight, half the women in our subdivision, stay-at-home wives all, served this slop at dinner, along with Spam, and Cheerios or Kelloggs to kids in the morning. My mother was the only woman in the area who made her own soups.

April 9, 2015 1:30 pm

Those ads are hilarious! 🙂

Pretty sure they wouldn’t fly around the Doomstead.

We trade off the slug work like grocery shopping, cooking, etc. We didn’t get married till I was 29, so I had to learn how to cook for myself. It was that, or eat canned food all the time, or takeout food constantly… bleah. Got pretty damn good at it too, especially when I got ahold of Grandma’s old cookbooks…

Someone complains about the food or cooking or whatever, it’s usually met by a shrug of indifference and “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it”. Or, “Well, then next time you can make dinner/go shopping”.

This ain’t Burger King and it ain’t no goddamned restaurant. Don’t fuckin’ like it? Don’t eat it. Don’t like the groceries I buy? Then do your own fuckin’ shopping or write down on a list what you want me to buy.

Just don’t stand there and bitch about what I make for dinner, because that shit goes nowhere and is completely nonproductive. I went out of my way to make you dinner. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth… otherwise, that horse might just jump the fence…

April 9, 2015 3:35 pm

I do 95% of the cooking and food shopping and do not get any complaints, not that I would listen anyway. My three brothers and I are all very good to excellent cooks and we all work in construction in one form or the other. Our wives tend to take care of the household stuff and the bills. In my case I take care of all of the work on the house and yard, which will be plenty after this winter. After I finish side walling the dormers this spring I will paint the house this summer for 4th time in 25 years, and hopefully the last. We do a good job dividing the work, thus we never fight over who does what. After 25 years and with both kids in college you usually have it figured out. My dad found that having 4 boys allowed him to do very little around the house once we got old enough to do chores. I’m sure when we were younger though he had to do it all himself so he had probably had enough by then.

April 9, 2015 3:51 pm

dickless nation

The White House Now Features a Gender-Neutral Restroom

April 9, 2015 4:09 pm


We’ve got the labor around the place pretty well split up. I don’t normally get complaints either. You’d figure after all the time I cooked for myself, plus learning from others like Mamma and also with access to Gramma’s cookbooks, I got some Jedi cooking skills…

It’s just that every once in awhile, I’ll buy what I like to eat at the grocery store simply because nobody piped up and said “Hey, can you pick up “X” at the store?”…. So, my default is what I like personally.

That doesn’t always jive with what my wife and son like. Example: They like beets. I despise beets. They’re nasty. They like asparagus. I think they’re Tubers of Evil and I cannot even abide the smell, much less the taste. My wife hates tomatoes, but loves spaghetti sauce and ketchup… but, I love tomatoes, especially Roma and those big gawdawful Beefsteak tomatoes…

I’m not overly touchy about people critiquing my cooking, especially if they’re a good cook as well. My wife is a wonderful cook – you should taste her rouladen – you know, beef sliced super thin, then rolled up with bacon, some chopped onions, a bit of mustard, speared and then sauteed? Afterwards, she simmers them in a light gravy and makes knödel (which I nicknamed “mashed potato balls”) and red cabbage with apples… that, my dear friend, is some GOOD SHIT!!!!

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Anyways, sometimes I’m beat down from doing shit around here and I’m really, really not in the mood to make anything if it’s my turn, so if someone walks in and says “Oh, I was hoping you would have made “X” instead of that..”, I might just shut everything down and walk out… have fun making your own freaking dinner.

Or bagging on what I buy at the grocery store… don’t like it or it’s not the exact shit you wanted? I did my best and maybe YOU do the freaking shopping next time or write that shit down so I know what to get… don’t bag on me because I didn’t read your effing mind or somehow mystically know what you wanted without you telling me…

“I… I sense you want beef kielbasa instead of polish sausage…. and Yukon Gold potatoes instead of russets…. “

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April 9, 2015 5:02 pm

“Tubers of Evil” now that’s some funny shit. Although I find them quite tasty when you wrap them in prosciutto and bake them. My specialty is pizza and calzones carried over from the days I worked at Pizzeria Regina. When I visit my kids or they are home from college they always demand pizza, which is fine by me. One of my brothers who is a contractor actually worked as a chef for several years, is an outstanding cook, but all of them are very comfortable in the kitchen and we have all worked in restaurants as teenagers and through college, funny how we all ended up in construction. All of our wives that have very strong personalities, probably the only way they can put up with us.

April 9, 2015 5:34 pm

All of our wives that have very strong personalities, probably the only way they can put up with us.

Heh… I’ve always been attracted to Valkyrie types… that’s led to some epic arguments in the past and has bitten me in the ass more than once, but I didn’t want a servant. I wanted a partner. An equal. Doing the whole ‘delegation of authority’ thing has kept the peace pretty well.

One of these days, Imma have to give you Gramma’s spinach lasagna recipe… it’ll blow you away. Couple things – Gramma had a big family, so expect to make a couple lasagnas using the recipe. Bake one and freeze the other(s) for later. Don’t know if you like wine or not – I’m not a big wine drinker, but a nice red goes well with it… I usually get a mid-range Merlot if I know I’m gonna be making it. Don’t like Cabs… and it’s probably the only time you’ll catch me drinking wine…

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
April 9, 2015 6:52 pm

My likes have expanded greatly over the years and I have turned into a mean chef and baker as well.

Talking about cooking:

Beets – fresh beets, no canned, that are over roasted in olive oil and garlic are great!
Same with asparagus – or grill them after marinating in the olive oil and garlic.
Tomatoes – all types great!!

Just did some very yeasty from scratch cinnamon (and clove and nutmeg) rolls, damn they are good. Same wi the whole wheat bread and pizza dough.

Just bottled my first batch of home brew beer, a hoppy amber ale – tasted good flat and not bottle conditioned, looking forward to trying them properly in a few weeks.

My wife also is a mean cook and has a strong personality – half Italian no less, won;t take any shit – keeps it interesting. 🙂

April 9, 2015 7:15 pm

Flash,,,that Gingerbread Man reminds me that they are re-writing my favorite book for all the liberal folks…..”Bi-Curious George ”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 9, 2015 11:31 pm

How the mighty have fallen.

April 9, 2015 11:55 pm

My how things have changed. Now a man can father two kids, be left with two more from your former wife who died, get divorced and be saddled with child support on all of them. Maybe lose your job or be underemployed, and the DA suspends your drivers license because you have fallen behind on the support order. Now you cannot get auto insurance anymore, plus now there is a warrant for your arrest. Then a cop pulls you over for a broken taillight and knowing you are fucked, make a run for it, and get shot in the back and killed trying to get away from him.

April 10, 2015 12:18 am

Anon says : the White House now has a gender neutral restroom.

Of course they do!! Obama had to have someplace to squat and take a piss.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
April 10, 2015 6:21 am

The Kenwood Chef ad. brought back memories, that may be of interest to you all.

The original (Havant, Hants, UK) plant was established by a former RAF Fitter – one Kenneth Wood., who made a very good name for himself manufacturing the Kenwood Chef – certainly one of the World’s better small-to-medium scale mixers.

The Plant expanded during the 60’s and 70’s, into a wide range of UK manufactured, pretty high-quality kitchenwares, then we entered the era of “Financialisation” with a “Price for everything, but a value for nothing”. Ken Wood (still Chairman of what was now a PLC), was determined to maintain production at Havant, but over a period of a few years, UK manufacture declined until the only thing still manufactured at the Havant plant was the Chef, with everything else coming from, you guessed it – China.

Eventually there was a “Management reshuffle”, Ken Wood was given the push (from the Company he founded, no less), and the “Manufacturing” Plant simply became a storage warehouse for “Made in China” Kenwood labelled appliances.

I left the UK in 1995, and I still remember seeing the “Warehouse Facilities For Sale” signage on what used to be a major local employer, of pretty skilled labour.

It now seems that the sale never occurred, and Kenwood still operate from the New Lane site (now Kenwood Business Park), which is something I suppose. No idea how much “real” manufacturing goes on there, since in today’s “New Normal” the best they could hope for is a design facility – local labour would be far too expensive!!

April 10, 2015 7:11 am

“Afterwards, she simmers them in a light gravy and makes knödel (which I nicknamed “mashed potato balls”) and red cabbage with apples… that, my dear friend, is some GOOD SHIT!!!! ” —Billy

You posted a picture of a box of knodel …. INSTANT shit??? Just add water? Seriously??? Bad German!!

Don’t you know how to make it from scratch? It’s actually pretty damn easy and fairly fast … and infinitely better than boxed shit.

April 10, 2015 7:24 am

Austrian LOAF Dumplings (Knodel)

A somewhat unusual presentation — in loaf form, instead of rolled balls. But, tastes the same. It’s the one I make most often.

If you don’t have the time to watch. Here ya go in written form.


Austrian Loaf Dumplings

10 Kaiser Rolls day old
4 tbls butter
1 egg
2 egg yolks
1 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1/3 cup parsley
1 onion
1/3 cup flower
2 slices crispy bacon


1. Chop up rolls put in pan
2. Melt butter over medium heat
3. Add chopped onion … do not burn/carmelize … until translucent
4. Combine eggs, yolk, milk, salt ….. lightly whip
5. Add parsley to onion and stir minute or two
6. Add onion/parsley to milk/egg mixture …. Mix
7. Add above mixture to bread …. Add bacon …. Squish it all together
8. Add flour … mix up
9. Cover and rest 30 minutes
10. Butter up aluminum foil on dullside
11. Divide dumpling dough in 2 parts … form into loaf … wrap in aluminum foil tightly
12. Boiling Salted water …. Drop in loafs … lower heat to slow boil … cook 30 minutes
13. Slice loaves
14. Carmelize sliced onions in oil …. Add butter …. Fry on one sideabout two minutes… fry on next side with onions on top ……… garnish with chopped parsley

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April 10, 2015 11:40 am

What, no pickle in the rouladen? That tang is really amazing with the onions and bacon.

Nobody made that stuff like my great aunt, who owned a famous German restaurant here in Chicago.
Still one of our favorite family recipes.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 10, 2015 12:39 pm

Z-Man, deadbeat dads are public enemy number one.