
Guest Post by Fred Reed

Watching the Leper’s Fingers Fall

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. At Vassar some ditzbunny got blitzed, got laid, and a year later decided that she had been sexually assaulted. I guess she didn’t notice it at the time. You have to be alert to know when you have been raped. It can happen when you are distracted, maybe working on your laundry list, and you don’t find out about it for a while.

Congruent with the national fantasy that college girls don’t know about sex or the effects of beer, a conventionally imbecilic judge found the guy guilty. No surprise here. (“What part of “yes” don’t you understand, your honor?”)

But check out the astonishing email she wrote to the offender:

“I’m really sorry I led you on last night I should have known better then [sic] to let my self [sic] drink yet, I really don’t want this to effect [sic] our team dynamic or friendship. I don’t think any less of you at all I had a wonderful time last night I’m just too close to my previous relationship to be in one right now.”

Doesn’t sound very raped to me, but what do I know? I love her grammar. The child is semi-literate. I couldn’t have gotten away with such stuff in the sixth grade. Vassar? The national fingers drop. Drop, drop, drop they drop.

Next, in Stars and Stripes, we find that American Special Operations troops do not believe that women can succeed in their death-in-the-bushes outfits. The shame. How can they believe that women, who obviously can’t do certain things, obviously can’t do the things they obviously can’t do? This discriminatory position has no support at all, other than common sense, observation, and experience.

You see: Women, imperiled by frat parties, want to be SEALs. The only conclusion possible is that women are crazy.

Next, Rolling Stone retracts its story about yet another imaginary rape, this time at the University of Virginia. The magazine admits that it just invented the story. This too is traditional, as in the Towana Brawley and the Duke lacrosse unrapes. The magazine called the story’s fabricator, one Sabrtina Erdely, ”a really expert fabulist storyteller.”  This is flackspeak for “an accomplished liar.” The magazine says that Sabrina will not be fired. Apparently the story was in the nature of a typo. It could happen to anyone.

I find myself wondering what is going on in the swirling minds of American women. I asked Natalia, my Mexican stepdaughter, whether rape was a concern on her university campus in Guadalajara. “No,” she said, and apparently thought she had exhausted the subject. There is in these rape rhapsodies a whiff of lurking bogeymen, an hysteria reminiscent of the spinster looking under her bed every night for fear, or in hopes, of finding a man.

Something curious goes on with our indigenous females. What? Is it that they can’t decide whether they want to be biochemists or mommies? That they really aren’t comfortable in the workplace? The insecurity of not having a place in society with which they are comfortable? Have stopped quite being women without quite being men, and it boggles them? Get things through affirmative action but know that they got them that way? Their personal systems seem to be under some nameless stress.

Next, the US has become a continental Vassar. Fortune headline: “American Millennials are among the world’s least skilled.” It warms a curmudgeon’s heart, as it will lead to something apppallingly stupid but interesting. Wilful collapse is wonderful entertainment.

Yes. We gringos are all brainless now, men and women together, koom bah yah. This is the unsurprising conclusion of a sprawling international exam.
Here we go:

“Sponsored by the OECD, the test was designed to measure the job skills of adults, aged 16 to 65, in 23 countries. When the results were analyzed by age group and nationality, ETS got a shock. It turns out, says a new report, that Millennials in the U.S. fall short when it comes to the skills employers want most: literacy (including the ability to follow simple instructions), practical math, and — hold on to your hat — a category called “problem-solving in technology-rich environments.”

Actually, our larvae fall way short, being behind everyone but Spain, Ireland, and Poland. Welcome to Vassar.

Not to worry, though. Nobody can hope to challenge America, us, the indispensable country. In particular, the Chinese are lazy, narcissistic, stupid, immature, lacking in ambition, and very, very bad at math. They enroll only in victims’ studies, and spend most of their time in studying rape or taking selfies.

As proof of this inferiority, I offer a column of the other day by Pat Buchanan.

By way of introduction, Thomas Jefferson High School, in Fairfax County in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC, accepts only seriously smart kids. I mean, pretty seriously seriously smart kids.

Writes Buchanan, “According to the Post, 70 percent of the incoming freshmen are Asians, the highest percentage ever…White students make up only 22 percent of the entering class.”

Ye gods and little catfish. And big ones too. This is worse than it seems since whites much outnumber Asians in suburban Virginia. Seventy freaking percent? But the snowballing inadequacy is everywhere, like corruption and sinus drainage. At CalTech, with probably the highest entrance standards in the US, and no affirmative action: Asians 40%, whites 29%, Hispanics 10%, and blacks 1.7%. In the elite high schools of New York, the same pattern holds.

But not to worry. Writes Buchanan, “Jeremy Shughart, admissions director at TJ, has a committee “reviewing the application process to improve diversity at the school.” Oh good. Affirmative action. Heartwarming morons. Dumbed-down classes will presumably follow.

More specifically, the school will admit unqualified blacks and Hispanics at the expense of whites, or at the expense of Asians. That will fix things.  The white kids will probably have to take Ritalin, attend rape-consciousness seminars, and discuss feelings.

Being as I am incorrigible, and weary of bureaucratic capons, in Shughart’s place I would have told the entitlement doxies, “Bugger off. TJ is not a remedial institution for the mentally lame and halt, the ethnically challenged and gender-deficient. If you can’t cut the mustard, get a federal job.”

But the man—I use the term loosely—doesn’t have the glands. Dimmer and dimmer we get, and dimmer, and dimmer. What else could one expect in a feminized system of schools hostile to academics, boys, talent, and competition? And unable to see the consequences of their sillinesses? Not to owrry, though. Not for a little bit.


Correction: Last week I mentioned Sherman’s famous quote about the only good Indian being a dead Indian. A reader wrote: “Sherman did not say
precisely that. He was being urged, well after the Civil War, to meet
with Gall. When he demurred, someone pointed out that Gall was a “good”
Indian. And Sherman responded, “I met a good Indian once. He was dead.”

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April 12, 2015 10:03 am

Hey Admin…

This post has nothing to do with Fred’s article.

Just found this guy… he’s got some badassed guitar Jedi Master skills going on… thought you might like it.


April 12, 2015 10:04 am

The track I was listening to was #5: Goodbye Walker Percy…

That’s some good shit right there…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 12, 2015 10:05 am

Assuming Rubio, Cruz, Jindal, Fiorina or Carson don’t get the Republican nomination, I have the perfect slogan: “Let’s give a white guy a chance!”

April 12, 2015 10:26 am

White women saw affirmative action and said, “We want a piece of that”. So they turned on their white male partners out of greed. The same thing happened in South Africa. After the blacks were thoroughly in control and didn’t need the traitorous white ladies, they made it illegal for whites of either sex to have government jobs. They also continue to kill whites in disproportionate numbers. Progressive white women are useful idiots. They will reap what they have sown.

April 12, 2015 10:41 am

@ pavan,

You’re only partially right about South Africa…

The ANC did not make it “illegal” for whites of either sex to hold government jobs. They installed quotas that blacks have to make up 95% of government employees and 90% of “management” in private companies must be black, as well as a majority of the shareholders (51%). There’s a few token whites here and there, because SOME work actually has to be accomplished, but the rest are just freeloading niggers doing nothing for a paycheck.

“Killing whites” does not mean everyone, all whites. While the murder rate for whites is especially high in SA, the Boers and Afrikaner land owners and farmers are the ones being targeted for slaughter. Not just the land owners themselves, but their whole families, down to the last infant. In the most heinous ways possible… hacked up with machetes. Even tiny babies. One teenaged white boy fought back, so they drowned him in a pot of boiling water…

Genociding entire families out of existence leaves no heir, so the land reverts back to the state. The ANC first denied that the farm murders were happening, then they downplayed it. Personally, I think they are aiding and abetting them, because if non-affiliated niggers wipe out white land owners, then the ANC can claim no knowledge and no responsibility, but the end result is the same – they get the land. Presumably to “redistribute” to their cronies and “the disadvantaged” – meaning niggers who don’t know shit about farming.

And people wonder why I hate niggers like I do…

April 12, 2015 10:42 am

Fred has read the tea leaves. And so has everyone here. The upcoming election and every issue hence forth until the enevitable mathematical collapse will be about Social Justice.

The Joos in the media with their cohorts in Hollywood and Joos inside the porn belt, will cherry pick incidents to reinforce and push the hot buttons of the artificial selves of the public that they themselves were instrumental in creating.

April 12, 2015 10:56 am

Fred Reed is my favorite curmudgeon; his columns are wonderful pinpricks in the inflated balloons of “muh exceptioinalism”.

April 12, 2015 11:24 am

For the past 50 years women have been taught that they are victims of men and at the same time they should be just like men. These premises, which have kernels of truth in them, have been distorted to such a degree that Fred is alarmed. As he should be. What you end up with is nutty women.

Ask a middle school girl about the future she plans. She is going to be either a doctor or a lawyer. Any aspirations to be a good wife and mother are ancient relics unworthy of consideration in this brave new world. I’m sure some girls still carry this ideal, but they would never be able to speak openly about it without being mocked and derided. The girls and their parents are creatures formed by popular culture, which only grows more depraved with passing time. The lies of the Progressives dominate the media and the schools; disaster inevitably occurs when life is lived in opposition to truth. Boys are victims too, as the lies denigrate their masculinity and ruin any sense of nobility that could otherwise be developed.

I hope Fred someday regales us with a witty essay explaining what Asian parents do differently.

Colonel Nogov
Colonel Nogov
April 12, 2015 11:28 am

There is no personal responsibility left in the U.S.

April 12, 2015 12:19 pm

Billy, Thanks for filling in the details. Do you have an explanation for why any whites stay in South Africa?

April 12, 2015 12:49 pm

“Just found this guy… he’s got some badassed guitar Jedi Master skills going on” ———- Billy

How did you find that guy??? Man, oh man, that is SERIOUSLY GOOD strumming going on there. One of the best music vids posted here in a long, long time. Can’t wait to tell my son about it.


April 12, 2015 3:19 pm

Billy, Thanks for filling in the details. Do you have an explanation for why any whites stay in South Africa? – pavan

Oh, whites have fled SA by the hundreds of thousands. Anyone with the brains and the means has already gone.

Then the ANC realized that all the doctors, engineers, etc – in short, anyone who could keep the lights on and water flowing, machinery running, etc – had pulled stumps and legged it for ANYWHERE that wasn’t SA… so they called anyone wanting to actually leave SA “racist”…

I know, right? That’s the face I made, too.

To stop the hemorrhaging of their brain trust – meaning whites, because we know the niggers couldn’t run a fucking shitter if you built it for them – they implemented an “exit fee” if you wanted to actually emigrate to anywhere else…

Know how much?

A cool $800,000. PER PERSON.

Which means that almost nobody can afford to pay to leave SA… which means they are literally being held prisoner and used as cash cows or to keep the lights on… which, to me, would be intolerable. Keep me prisoner somewhere I’m hated, hunted, murdered for sport by swarms of rampaging niggers and then to add insult to injury, they tax me to pay for the vast swarm of Free Shit niggers – the very same niggers who want me dead?

Yeah… FUCKA-YOO, ANC! I’d be grabbing a fucking rifle, a pile of ammo and heading for the most defensible place I could find… anyone from the government shows up gets the Three S’s… shoot, shovel and shut up…

April 12, 2015 3:38 pm

How did you find that guy??? Man, oh man, that is SERIOUSLY GOOD strumming going on there. One of the best music vids posted here in a long, long time. Can’t wait to tell my son about it.

THANKS!!!!!!!!! – Stucky

Heh… story behind that.

My boy and I went to ‘town’ the other day… we bought a new mower for the tractor (we needed one) and he talked me into stopping at this little 1920’s/30’s -vintage “Pharmacy”… you know, the kind with the huge wooden bar, mosaic tile floor, stained glass windows, soda fountains, tin ceiling and slow-moving wooden ceiling fans? They used to be everywhere… now they’re almost extinct.

One guy, he buys the place, fixes it up and restores it to it’s former glory – tin ceiling and all – and reopens the soda fountains… home-made ice cream floats, malts, sammiches, good soups, candy, cakes, brownies, fudge, etc. All made by hand, right there…. does a HUGE amount of business… locals flocking to it like bees to honey.

So, me and my boy, we’re sitting there at a little table drinking chocolate malts – the genuine article, made by hand right in front of you on 1930’s-era equipment – under one of them slow moving ceiling fans and “Goodbye Walker Percy” starts playing over the sound system dude installed… it just fit, ya know?

Dirtville Kentucky, little soda shop ca. 1930, sun shafting through the stained glass and some good ole downhome guitar magic.. and for a few minutes, I actually forgot how fucked up this country was. Made me genuinely happy for the first time in… well, for a long, long time.

You need to hold on to the good memories… like they’re solid fucking gold. Keep them hidden and locked away… And when things look about as fucking low as they’re gonna get, you break out the best of them and use that to keep it going… me and my boy, just sittin there listening to Brooks throw down some righteous music in the middle of Nowhere, far from the asshats and dickbags that ruin the world…

A good memory, bro… one for the books.

Glad I could share it with you all… hope it makes y’all some good memories too.. .

April 12, 2015 3:40 pm

Billy: “…where I’m hated, hunted, murdered for sport by swarms of rampaging niggers…” Are you sure you weren’t talking about St Louis, Philly, Detroit or some other African Paradise right here in the good ole’ USofA?

April 12, 2015 3:57 pm

@ ragman,

I was trying to think up something witty to say back to you, but there’s too much truth in what you say… I got nothing.

How it goes with South Africa? So it will go with the US… they’re about 20 years ahead of us.

Give it time.

April 12, 2015 4:00 pm

One of the glaring things that I noticed during the oscar pistorius trial, they kept alluding to his ‘exclusive gated neighborhood’. Where I live, we are awash in exclusive gated neighborhoods, they look every bit as posh from the outside as the name would suggest, lushly landscaped, classy walls and fencing

April 12, 2015 4:05 pm

In south africa, it’s a little different. Pistorius’ neighborhood has 10 foot walls topped with razorwire, and instead of a pen and clipboard, the security guards carry uzis. No landscaping, like a maximum security prison. Maybe it’s to ward off lions and hyenas. Maybe.

April 12, 2015 4:08 pm

Can you imagine the mindset you gotta have to drive out of that prison everyday, to face whatever the razorwire is in place to stop? Sort of like jim’s daily commute through philly.

April 12, 2015 5:46 pm

@ Billy
Appreciated your post at 3:38 p.m.

April 12, 2015 6:22 pm

Billy: I have something good to say about SA! I found a case of 7.62X51 R1M1 that I forgot about. Can’t wait to try it out in the Socom II.

April 12, 2015 6:44 pm

I frequent several expat forums. This post went up a few days ago and understandably has garnered no replies. Doesn’t seem like south Americans truly appreciate the specialness of of a certified lactation counselor.

Copy and pasted verbatim, specific country redacted by me:


family going from Los Angeles to [South America]

A family of 4 2 small girls. We have friends in [redacted] and [redacted] and are looking forward leaving the USA. We would like to know about job opportunities in either locations. I do birth work as a doula, childbirth education, lactation counselor. I have a BS in Gender Ethnicity and Multicultural Studies. Postbachelors certification as mental health specialist running peer mental health groups, and doing case management in social work field. My husband has works in eco-friendly landscaping, agriculture, and as a cook specializing in Mexican cuisine.
We are both fluent in Spanish.
How may we better prepare ourselves for the move?
How may we find employment before we get there?
How is the cost of living?

April 12, 2015 8:12 pm

“Feminism” in today’s world considers young women so weak that they must be protected, even a year or more later, from the consequences of their own weakness.

Anti-racism did the same thing to blacks.

This is part of the left’s all-out war on the nuclear family. The family is the natural locus of devotion among all people, and the state’s idolaters envy that devotion and seek to destroy the family and supplant it…hence Hillary’s Village.

Paradoxically, the more the “state” helps a group of people, the weaker that group’s members become. Native Americans are the poster children for this axiom.

The more the state “helps” women, blacks, gays, trannies, etc., and the more it shackles white men (and Asians, can’t forget Asians), the weaker people in the former get and the stronger become individuals in the latter categories. Nothing begets strength more than time in difficulty.

April 13, 2015 4:55 pm

since the subject migrated over to guitar Zen…

April 13, 2015 4:55 pm