Caught On Tape: Arizona Police Cruiser Runs Over Suspect At 50 mph

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It has not been a good month for police “infractions” caught on tape: whether it is a cop shooting an unarmed suspect just because, or a cop shooting an unarmed suspect because “a taser was confused with a gun”, the latest grotesque act caught on dashcam is the following video taken on February 19 showing a police cruiser slamming into an alleged crime suspect, Mario Valencia, holding a gun (however not aiming it at anyone and certainly not the police) at a speed of about 50 mph from behind, in what was clearly a move intended to kill the suspect.

Miraculously, the suspect survived. Ironically, the Police in Marana, Arizona, where the dashcam video was taken, claim that they saved the suspect’s life. His lawyer, understandably, strongly disagrees.

“Everything in the video seems to point towards an obvious excessive use of force. It is miraculous that my client isn’t dead,” said attorney Michelle Cohen-Metzger.

That said, the video of the incident has stirred debate about what type of force police should have used to detain a man with a gun.

As CNN recounts, in one video, an officer who was tailing Valencia at slow speed reports over the radio that the suspect has fired one round in the air with a rifle he is accused of stealing that morning from a Walmart.

Another patrol car zooms past, runs into the man from behind then hits a short cinder block wall next to a driveway. Video from Officer Michael Rapiejko’s camera shows the officer running the man over and the windshield smashing as the car hits the wall.


“Oh Jesus Christ. Man down,” the officer in the first car says.


Police in Marana, which is about a half-hour from Tucson, have justified Rapiejko’s actions.

The police, as has now become the norm, will either shoot, or run suspects over, and ask questions later.

“If we’re going to choose between maybe we’ll let him go a little bit farther and see what happens, or we’re going to take him out now and eliminate any opportunity he has to hurt somebody, you’re going to err on the side of, in favor of the innocent people,” Police Chief Terry Rozema said. “Without a doubt.”

At least according to the Police, the suspect was engaged in a series of extended crimes before his read end’s fateful encounter with the Arizona police cruiser.

Tucson Police Sgt. Pete Dugan told CNN that Valencia was involved in several incidents in Tucson the day he was struck. At 6:45 a.m., Valencia robbed a 7-Eleven in Tucson with a metal object in his hand. Authorities said he was dressed only in his underwear. He was charged with theft.


A little more than an hour later, police said, Valencia set a fire at a church for which he was charged with arson of an occupied structure.

Just after that he entered a home and stole a car, police said.


Authorities said he drove to a Walmart where he stole a .30-30 rifle and ammunition. He fled the store with Walmart employees in pursuit.

It is here that things get “liquid.” Valencia, police said, walked away from the officer, turned a corner and stopped. Valencia pointed the rifle at the officer then walked away again toward a Coca-Cola bottling plant and another business.

None of that is on the tape. What is visible is the next part of the police report: “Brunenkant also said by phone that before Rapiejko’s encounter with Valencia, the suspect had pointed the rifle at his head multiple times and threatened suicide before fleeing.

In other words, the driver of the police cruiser decided to take matters into his own hands and potentially kill someone with clearly… suicidal tendencies?

Valencia’s attorney was livid: “My client’s back was turned and the officer drove right into him,” she said. “It isn’t that dissimilar to a police officer shooting a fleeing suspect in the back.”

However, as recent events have demonstrated, shooting a fleeing suspect in the back is an all too normal occurrence.

Appearing later on CNN, a former NYPD officer Harry Houck said: “What if that (suspect) walks into somebody, maybe taking a potential hostage, maybe just shooting somebody.”   After a man fires a gun in the air, officers have to make a decision how to detain the man, Houck said. Do they surround him with their cars and get in a gun battle? That would risk the lives of officers and bystanders, he said.

“I’m 100% behind this officer,” Houck said.

Well, that’s what cops do: they stand behind each other; they only shoot and drive at 50 mph into non-police officers from behind.

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, told Cooper the suspect had to be stopped but not with a vehicle running into him.

And the understatement of the day: “I have to question this tactic a bit,” he said. “I think setting up a secure perimeter and at least making some attempt to negotiate may have been far more efficient.”

Then again what has become quite apparent in recent months, is that America’s increasingly militarized and weaponized police force, has also become Judge Dredd-ized, and is meant to not uphold the law and preserve the peace, but also to serve as judge, jury and exectuioner all at the same time. And hope that nobody is recording.

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April 15, 2015 8:39 am

Shit is fucked up and bullshit.

April 15, 2015 9:14 am

Another Clive Bundy type Federal land grab situation developing…

Tension Between BLM and Mining Operation, Oath Keepers Set Up Camp

April 15, 2015 9:34 am

For a change, this looks like a case of adrenaline and aggression, but the change is that this guy actually deserved it.

IF what the reports say is true and the guy was pointing the gun at innocents and had already hurt people and robbed stores, then the cops needed to take him down.

50 mph seems a bit harsh, but at least this bastard appears to be an actual threat to society and a criminal.

Exactly the opposite of many of the other situations we have discussed.

But, for the sake of statement, anyone else shocked at how these stories, buried for so long, are all of a sudden MSM story #1?

We are being set up, my belief is that the set up will be a National Police Force, which Holder and Obama have talked about already.

Once again we are being forced to support and beg for Federal overreach. Which is EXACTLY what the PTB want.

Am I the only one that thinks we just will not be able to “win,” ever?

This path we are on seems unstoppable, and horrific, maybe I should start watching “19 and Counting” and quit thinking. It seems to work for the majority.

April 15, 2015 9:45 am

Hope Obamma Care takes care of illegal aliens.

April 15, 2015 9:56 am

another instance of public servants helping out a fellow citizen.

CEO Planted Cocaine On Brother Then Paid Police $100K To Arrest Him

April 15, 2015 10:01 am

another public servant., just doing what’s best for da’ commun’ty ..didn’t see covered in Lame Stream Media.

Bombshell: Black Philadelphia cop admits framing and robbing white college students

If the races were reversed, this would be the single biggest news story in the USA right now. Instead it is a “hush crime.”

Philadelphia is about half black and 36% white. The leadership of the city is largely black.

Jeffrey Walker, who is black, says that he robbed white college students and then planted drugs on them. He is also accusing another black cop and five white cops of being in on it. Walker says that the Philadelphia drug squad targeted white college students to rob and frame for years.

April 15, 2015 10:33 am

TE says: For a change, this looks like a case of adrenaline and aggression, but the change is that this guy actually deserved it.

Of course I agree. Once again you cannot have a whacked out idiot walking down the street waving a gun. There were people in the neighborhood walking down the street, this guy was a threat to everyone around him, error on the side of caution, always.

The officer risked his own life throwing his body at the suspect at fifty miles an hour, albeit inside a patrol car. This new tactic may come in handy. How? When you have a non compliant suspect down in the street and you can’t get him cuffed, you have an officer stationed down the block in his patrol car, one foot on the brake and one on the gas, tires just a smokin, Inform the target, get right or get bumper, if he chooses bumper, jump back and drop the green flag. This will also help their stats by dropping the number of suspects killed by gun fire. Police agencies across this land are going to have to come up with alternative methods of execution, death by handgun is so yesterday. They may want to take a look at curare dipped darts with a blow gun delivery system, it’s quite and very effective.
What says you?

April 15, 2015 10:54 am

@TE – completely agree with your assessment. Also, I would point out that in this case the cops didn’t riddle him with bullets after running him over…which, unfortunately, is not an absurd notion given today’s cops. It seems the lines between right and wrong get blurrier during Fourth Turnings as well. This was a tough situation, the guy was dangerous, had threatened people, and was a threat to civilians, and I could give the cops a pass for all that. Now, I also believe there was the adrenaline shot, chance to be a hero mentality coursing its way through all of this, and it is that culture in the police nationwide that is truly scary.

I too was surprised that a story I read first on ZH was lead on the 10 o’clock news. That is a strange development.

And please, don’t stop thinking, you seem to be in the small minority that is quite good at it….and never, ever fall into the pit of despair that is reality TV.

April 15, 2015 10:56 am

He should have just shot the bastard.Now we the tax payers with have to buy a new cop car .Then pay off the lawyers. Such a waste of tax money.

April 15, 2015 10:59 am

Flash says: Bombshell: Black Philadelphia cop admits framing and robbing white college students.

There’s a key word in the above sentence that speaks volumes. Can you pick it out?

April 15, 2015 11:01 am

bb Cops are obsessed with two things. Wrestlin and NASCAR. You let the crash cars and job satisfaction scores will go through the roof, no need for pay raises?

April 15, 2015 11:21 am

Let them

April 15, 2015 11:37 am

Quiet not quite

harry p.
harry p.
April 15, 2015 12:57 pm

Some cops today grww up playing gta and it shows.

April 15, 2015 1:02 pm

If I’d been a cop in that, I’d have pulled over, grabbed the patrol rifle, gotten behind solid cover and when the guy approached it would be a choice between arrest and suicide by cop.

I concur that the behavior he exhibited merited a Full Monte (guns drawn, demands to set down the rifle, demands to kneel and put hands on head, etc.) If I was in a rural area where there were no cops to call, and some erratically-behaving guy who I knew had just stolen a 30-30 was anywhere near me, I’d conclude that arming up was required.

Can’t fault the cops for doing what made sense.

Using the car to do it? Nuttier than a squirrel turd, I’d take the cost of the car repair out of the officer’s pay.

April 15, 2015 1:04 pm

+1 harry p. I was wondering where I’d seen that video previously. Must have been a flashback to all the pedestrians and hookers I ran down in GTA.

April 15, 2015 1:06 pm

Sensetti’s satire, at its best.

April 15, 2015 1:10 pm

I take back my comment.

Given how crappy is the marksmanship of lots of cops, possibly using the “run ’em over with the car” method better protects bystanders.

Remember a couple years ago when NYC cops unloaded their Glock 19’s at a guy on a crowded street and shot half the people in the background?

Have a famous NASCAR driver deliver the award to the officer at the wheel.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
April 15, 2015 2:12 pm

Not so much what they did, but how they did it. Why not just napalm the bastard from a police helicopter? The effect would be much the same. Cruel and unusual punishment comes into play. If the cops continue to demand immunity, respect, free food, discounts, tons of benefits, all under the guise of being “heroes” who “put themselves in harm’s way” then Grand Theft Autoing a guy hardly fits this narrative. As it stands in actuality they would rather level a city block than risk a hangnail.

April 15, 2015 4:33 pm

I watched this with my kids and they said that cop is nuts!
More death by cops via a dash cam.The way its going this could be a new TV show.
Its going to cost the state or someone a lot by the time the lawyers get done.

April 15, 2015 4:33 pm

“As it stands in actuality they would rather level a city block than risk a hangnail.”

You’re confusing policework with US foreign policy, where in fact the .mil levels and entire suburban neighborhood to try to kill a single guy.

What’s the 100% casualty radius of a Mk 82 500 lb bomb, SSS?

April 15, 2015 4:38 pm

yashure, lest we forget, it was actually a taping of the show “COPS!” that cost that little girl her life in, if I recall correctly, Detroit? Cops were amped up to be “Famous!” and SNAFU’d both trigger discipline and muzzle discipline. His AR didn’t fire itself.

Even the so-called “experts” on tactical teams can’t handle their guns as safely as the Joe Blow regulars at my club’s Thursday night USPSA match. Bah.

Americans are so addicted to violence that the fiction of Hollywood no longer suffices. How far is dashcam footage from dystopian movies like Running Man or Deathrace?

My, but my fellow citizens are a bloodthirsty bunch.

April 15, 2015 4:45 pm

I don’t see an issue here.

Fucktard in his Underoos running around with a medium powered rifle like a 30-30, breaking into people’s shit, stealing shit, etc…

I’d have fuckin’ shot him..

It’s one thing to backshoot someone. It’s another thing to backshoot an unarmed man running away.

This fucknut got what was coming. That he lived is just a bonus.

April 15, 2015 5:21 pm

Conclusion: People are getting stupider and cops are getting crazier. Bad combination. Pray they don’t perceive you as a threat or dislike you. You’ll have a bad day.

April 15, 2015 6:06 pm

Well said Spin.

Here’s the question. Cops have protocols correct? Why didn’t the first cop following him stop, throw a door open, yell, Hey Dumbass, and when the Bean eater turned to face him bust a cap in his ass? The first cop was willing to let the guy walk on. Mario Andretti on the other hand decided to put his NASCAR skills to work. For real, if I lived in town, which that will never fucking happen, and the dude walked on past my place without pointing his weapon in my direction, he’s free to be. It’s not against my law for a man to walk down the street carrying a long gun. However, if he raised his weapon towards me or mine, I will exhaust my clip. Are you getting the picture yet? Most of this shit is Drug induced psychosis. Have you read about the new desiginer drug Flakka, it’s known as instant insanity, Google it, it’s in Florida moving west, as this crap spreads look for more Police shootings. Where are the sick motherfuckers making this shit. They are College educated chemists, soulless demons masquerading as humanity.

April 15, 2015 7:18 pm


I agree. It seems as though common sense gets more scarce by the minute. People don’t wanna or don’t know how to think, wtf…. It’s clear we have removed nearly all consequences for law enforcement when they do wrong things, as long as they can somehow justify it. Once this happens they have no incentive to act differently.

I have heard of it. It is crazy that people would use crap like that.

April 15, 2015 8:30 pm

Spin here’s the deal. Think back to the 1800’s they would hang a man for stealing a horse. Today some get pissed because cops beat on a guy for stealing a horse. Who’s right and what’s abusive? People are just fucked up beyond all reason. We have fucked up crazy ass people being policed by fucked up crazy ass cops. It’s time to thin the herd, I’m calling Walter, me and Walter, we can fix this shit!!

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