A twit tweets to a twat

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2015 4:42 pm

Most kids in high school or college these days get their political opinions from a tweet from Hanna Montana. Courage is being among the 1% of students who oppose gay marriage or say that a castrato is not a woman.

June 5, 2015 4:50 pm

Why did we stop keeping insane people in insane asylums?

June 5, 2015 4:59 pm

Since when has our society become so twisted as to celebrate perversion? It’s in our faces 24/7 way out of proportion to the actual percentage practicing it. Almost every TV show has a gay/lesbo/tranny character and all the other characters are accepting of it. Almost as bad as how they bend over backwards to be “inclusive of minorities” again, way out of proportion to the percentage of the population. Think I’ll go live in a cave.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 5, 2015 6:32 pm

“Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me”

Dissociative Identity Disorder, anyone? Yet more proof that transgenderism constitutes mental illness.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 5, 2015 6:33 pm

“Why did we stop keeping insane people in insane asylums?”

Because we started putting them into the Oval Office instead.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 5, 2015 6:39 pm

Baby boomers gone crazy. It perplexes me why anybody gives a shit about a 65-year old cross dresser. With this “in our face” acceptance push for different lifestyles I won’t be surprised when people get fed up and turn completely intolerant.

June 5, 2015 6:40 pm

wEST…..It is part of the liberal takeover -everything goes. The Art of Lying is a necessity for true liberalism. Obama has it nailed – GloBull Warming anyone.

June 5, 2015 6:54 pm

Just curious….. how do any of you know this is degenerate behavior? Westcoast , how know we celebrate perversion? Who or what told you this behavior was wrong or maybe evil.?

On a lighter note , maybe Stucky would look good in a dress

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 5, 2015 7:19 pm

“Just curious….. how do any of you know this is degenerate behavior?”

I’ll take this one people!

OK, it’s like this: have you ever seen a penis? OK. How about a vagina? Good, we’re making progress! Now consider how the two fit together so P E R F E C T L Y. Perhaps you yourself haven’t had the pleasure (pun intended) but surely you must have seen pictures.

Now try to stick one penis into another, or likewise penetrate one vagina with another. Can’t do it! Believe me, people have tried.

Now let’s take a gander at the anus. Filthy little creature, huh? Well not in my case, I use a bidet. But you, as an Amerikan, probably have very poor anal hygiene …but I digress. Let’s consider the anus as I was saying: it is a means for evacuating feces. It’s really meant to perform an exclusively one-way function. Sure, you can force things up into it just like you can elbow your way onto a very crowded subway car ..but the result is uncomfortable, icky and quite painful too. Believe me, people have tried ..still are.

Which brings us to the mouth. An area I do not specialize in and for which I’m not qualified to comment on. Which is why I brought along an esteemed friend who DOES specialize in fellatio and thus without further ado I yield the floor to ….

June 5, 2015 7:26 pm

Russia Is Strong

Your longest and most detailed paragraph is about the anus. I think you’re speaking from actual experience. So, do tell, what was the most painful object you inserted there?

June 5, 2015 7:38 pm

Two girlie-men blowing each other over twitter…………isn’t that special.

June 5, 2015 8:11 pm

Russia , that’s probably to much truth and besides you never answered the question.

Stucky , how do you know when a given behavior is morally wrong?

June 5, 2015 11:25 pm

I’m with Stephanie.

June 5, 2015 11:27 pm

The snap-back against the perversions pushed on us by the Leftist / collectivist lunatics will be bloody indeed.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 5, 2015 11:38 pm

BB – I have a better idea – why don’t you tell us your definition? Normally I don’t participate in conversations like this for a variety of reasons but you seem eager to discuss. Why don;t you get the ball rolling?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 5, 2015 11:45 pm

@DC- The odd part is I am very much the “live and let live” type but this is way over the top. I remember a few years ago when Chastity Bono became Chaz Bono it wasn’t as hyped nor pushed as a “new normal”. I thought, “Ok, that’s a bit odd. But it is Cher’s kid after all”. When it comes to Bruce Jenner I really don’t see the point of a 65 year old man desperately trying to become a 40 year old women with a resemblance to Jessica Lange.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 5, 2015 11:49 pm

@ Steph,

When I first saw the cover on Drudge I thought “Hmmm… Jessica lang on Vanity Fair – so what?”

Then I clicked the link. I should’t have clicked the link…. sucks you can’t ‘unsee’ things….

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 5, 2015 11:53 pm

@Francis- IF I was Jessica Lange I’d be pissed lol.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2015 11:58 pm

The weirdest thing is that Bruce Gender recently said he’s still attracted to women. So even if you buy the whole transgender concept (I don’t), he’s converted himself from a hetero man to a lesbian. I think a lot of lesbians’ heads would blow up over that. They may even be pissed, but can’t say it, because that wouldn’t be PC.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 6, 2015 12:03 am

Iska- He still has a dick. The only thing he did was start taking hormones and have plastic surgery.

June 6, 2015 12:13 am

Stephanie Shepard says:

Iska- He still has a dick. The only thing he did was start taking hormones and have plastic surgery.

I don’t think so. Look at the photos. Doctors can turn a dick into a pussy but they can’t turn a pussy into a dick.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 6, 2015 12:17 am

Russia Is Strong says: Now let’s take a gander at the anus. Filthy little creature, huh? Well not in my case, I use a bidet. But you, as an Amerikan, probably have very poor anal hygiene …but I digress. Let’s consider the anus as I was saying: it is a means for evacuating feces. It’s really meant to perform an exclusively one-way function. Sure, you can force things up into it just like you can elbow your way onto a very crowded subway car ..but the result is uncomfortable, icky and quite painful too. Believe me, people have tried ..still are.

So, your ass is clean, do you shave it also? Would you happen to have a lisp, love musicals, are you – pretty?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 6, 2015 12:21 am

Z- From wikipedia:

“While she has undergone some cosmetic surgery as part of transitioning, she has not undergone gender confirmation surgery, but has not ruled it out either; she said that life as a woman is primarily a matter of mental state and lifestyle.”

June 6, 2015 12:35 am

Stephanie Shepard says:

Z- From wikipedia:

“While she has undergone some cosmetic surgery as part of transitioning, she has not undergone gender confirmation surgery, but has not ruled it out either; she said that life as a woman is primarily a matter of mental state and lifestyle.”

Okay then. His dick and balls were tucked under or photoshopped from the Vanity Fair photos. He is a transgender but is still merely a man with tits but not really a woman.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 6, 2015 1:09 am

He said in his interview that the pork and beans would be dealt with in a couple of months.
We still have time to Save the (Jenner) Weiner.

June 6, 2015 3:29 am

The world we are living in has gone totally insane. The bigger story here though I think is that now they want to do this to CHILDREN!

harry p.
harry p.
June 6, 2015 7:16 am

Comparing the nonsense regarding this spectacle is eerily similar to a 10yo southpark episode.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
June 6, 2015 8:40 am

Russia is Strong, good gawd, it’s high someone round here points out that yer got ter be creative at times if stuffin things in the bunghole is yer deal. It’s uh damn game around our house, and we always play with Crisco if you know what I mean. A few nights ago Billah jr got 14 eggs in afore the first one cracked. Oh mah gawd That turned out ter be one funky tastin sueflay.

June 6, 2015 9:24 am

Lesbians ARE pissed, I’m sure. One lesbian friend in St Louis told me that nothing pissed lesbians off like trans-sexed people, which was why she told me to be nice to the poor trangendered male-to-lesbian female transgender. She said that that she/he had NO friends in the dyke community at all. She said, be nice, but let him (even she could not avoid referring to her/him as a “he”) know that you are straight and have a boyfriend.

Like the lost souls I met then, who were very damaged by their transgender transformations that led to more misery, not less. Jenner is going to find ‘her’ new life as disappointing as her old one, and probably much more so. Transgenders have appalling suicide rates, more than 3X any other segment of the population. Many practitioners attribute their stratospheric suicide rate to discrimination, but I would submit that these troubled people are attempting to address personal issues that have nothing to do with their sexuality, and think that getting a new body and, presumably, a new life, will solve their problems, just to find that they are still their same old confused, helpless, lonely selves, only with a brand new problem that hey inflicted on themselves.