Cover Girl

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

This shoot was about my life and who I am as a person. It’s not about the fanfare….”

— Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner

It was, perhaps, only coincidental that the shy, elderly, Olympic decathlon champion and Wheaties box icon ended up on the cover of America’s glossiest glossy magazine attended by a squadron of make-up artists, costumers, publicists, drapers, lighting designers, endocrinologists, agents, and managers under the direction of supreme photographic commander Annie Liebowitz. And, perhaps, another coincidence that the E! Network is producing an eight-part reality show (“docu-series”) on the journey of America’s new transgender sweetheart from sweaty, hairy, testosterone-jacked athlete to air-brushed pin-up “girl.” I guess fanfare is sometimes just the unexpected cherry-on-top of life’s big creamy cake.

But doesn’t it all raise the question: why is it so important for the nation’s cultural stage managers to make the case that a life of sexual confusion is the highest-and-best way of being in this world? It’s everywhere. A day does not pass lately when The New York Times fails to run a front-page story about the triumph of transgender life. One easy theory might be that old chestnut about folks out on the “cutting edge” always needing a new way to épater le bourgeois, shock and horrify the middle class (into the recognition of their pathetic, mind-numbing dullness.) Maybe the middle class doesn’t have enough to think about with keeping a step ahead of the re-po man, or being billed $30,000 to give birth in a hospital, or working 70 hours a week.

The best explanation (not mine originally), may be that in a “liminal” moment of history, when great scary trends and events trigger society’s existential dread, all kinds of boundaries dissolve. And sex, being among the humanity’s most compelling drives, fraught with heavy cultural regulation, ends up being the means of expression for our collective anxiety over the dissolution of things. It also happens that America today is at once an exceptionally pornified society and an exceptionally puritanical one. Rome under Caligula did not have the internet, enabling 12-year-olds to spectate on every imaginable sex act. But neither did the witch-obsessed settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony have the equivalent of the young woman (Emma Sulkowicz by name) who idiotically lugged a mattress around the Columbia University campus as a combination political protest / senior art project to draw attention to her dubious rape case (which was dismissed by Columbia’s own administrative kangaroo court).

The tension between these forces of extreme prurience and extreme Puritanism must be immense, probably intolerable, especially for the young who, even in the most settled times, are beset by insecurity over their sexual development — of how to grow into a man or a woman in the world. It’s also interesting that we want to talk about “sexuality” all the time — if media chatter can be taken for public “conversation” — but only in highly circumscribed ways. Overstep the conventional thinking du jour, and you invite a tsunami of censorious opprobrium… which I will now proceed to do.

For instance, I would propose the theory that homosexuality is lately promoted as a desirable way of being in the world because it allows those who behave that way to avoid and escape a primary source of tension in human life: the difficult relations between men and women. These tensions inevitably fluoresce in adolescence, and so now the choice is offered to opt out. I’d expect gay opinion to argue that opting into that way of being in the world actually generates greater tensions and torments, and that may indeed be so — but it is often the case with avoidance behavior that it invites unhappy complications.

I would also propose that the Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner spectacle represents “peak transgender.” Now that the culture stage managers have made the point that the paragon of maleness — a five-sport Olympic champion — can opt late in life to become a simulacrum of femaleness (with strange overtones of sexual availability, but to whom, or to what?), there’s nowhere further to go… we finally come to the actual long-sought edge of the cutting edge and drop off into an abyss.

Or maybe this is all just the result of life’s supreme test: keeping up with the Kardashians. After all those years of slip-sliding in Clinique Anti-blemish solution and L’Oreal True Match, poor Bruce just caved, surrendered, resorted to the tactic that could tempt even the most driven competitor: if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

All right, now I will step aside and endure all the punishment I have invited for venturing to have some opinions on these matters.

The third World Made By Hand novel

!! Is available !!

(The Fourth and final is near completion)

Kunstler skewers everything from kitsch to greed, prejudice, bloodshed, and brainwashing in this wily, funny, rip-roaring, and profoundly provocative page- turner, leaving no doubt that the prescriptive yet devilishly satiric A World Made by Hand series will continue.” — Booklist


My local indie booksellers… Battenkill Books (Autographed by the Author) … or Northshire Books
or Amazon

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June 8, 2015 9:42 am

Keep the public amused with trivia; do not let them become aware of the major policies screwing our country. Also speaks to the success of our public education system.

June 8, 2015 10:02 am

This superfluous bit of sad, extreme human confusion, is at best just that. Sad.

It does not and should not require more than two lines of text, in the back section of some check out counter sleaze mag.

This is nothing more than distraction. Quick! Look over there! Just more circus side show to go along with free bread for the mindless masses. Jim Kunstler has dropped the ball (balls?) on this one!

June 8, 2015 10:21 am

Just because you’ve changed the spigot doesn’t mean the plumbing is different…he’ll always be a man….the DNA proves it.

June 8, 2015 11:45 am

I am sick to death hearing about queer’s, lesbo’s, fag’s, dyke’s, fem’s, bi’s, trans.

The MSM would like us to think that these twisted people are 50% of the population, when it reality they are less than 3%

I think we should get all these ‘people’ together, and give them a big clusterfuck Mazola party.

June 8, 2015 12:09 pm

Kunstler should change the name of his book to: “A world made by hand job”.

June 8, 2015 12:38 pm

Dutch…3%……I think you’re being generous .

June 8, 2015 12:54 pm

I think we should get all these ‘people’ together, and give them a big clusterfuck Mazola party. – Dutch

A better idea…

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June 8, 2015 2:43 pm

Trans-gender, or Trans-Pacific Partnership? Joe Six Pack probably can’t keep them straight, and that’s good for the megacorps that will be his doom.

June 8, 2015 2:44 pm

“This shoot was about my life and who I am as a person. It’s not about the fanfare….”
Earth to Caitlyn: We really don’t give a shit about your screwed-up life. Now go away!

June 8, 2015 3:46 pm

Westcoast , I read an article stating he/she/it will make about 10 million dollars off his new reality show. Westcoast you would probably look good in a dress . Maybe make some money. No matter what the new and improved Bruce will be laughing all the to the bank.Hell ,he might even make the cover of Playboy Magazine.

June 8, 2015 3:59 pm

Stop feeding it…..

June 8, 2015 5:37 pm

Here’s a well-linked column on this subject I thought shed considerable light on this bizarro-world meme, I heartily suggest it in its entirety:

Trans Fixed

Post-op trannies have a suicide rate 20 times higher than us. Johns Hopkins no longer does the operation because they determined it violates the Hippocratic oath. The liberal retort to this is usually to blame the stigma surrounding the gender-disabled, but that doesn’t make sense. Today’s trannies are hailed as rock stars. Criticizing them gets you fired, yet their suicide rate is still off the charts. I talked to Shapiro about this and he pointed out that “the suicide rates among all transgenders is around one percent. That’s what it was for Jews during Nazi occupation.” I’m guessing being a Jew in 1942 Germany was a lot worse than being on the cover of Time. Post-op sex-change regretter Walt Heyer’s claim that 62.7 percent of transgenders have untreated mental disorders is a much more likely root cause. He’s been all over the news this week warning the cheerleaders that the “hangover” is coming.


You can deny that men and women are different. You can deny that gender exists. You can teach it in school and call doctors transphobic misogynists. However, as we learned from Timothy Treadwell, nature doesn’t care what you think. Reality always wins eventually. Chopping off your arms is not normal. To encourage it is to encourage suicide. The same goes with turning your penis inside out. I looked up what they do to a vagina and decided not to link it here. You’re welcome. Women are inexorably different from men and childbirth is a miracle. You can’t buy womanhood from a surgeon. It can’t be acquired. You can be an incredibly feminine homosexual. You can even wear a dress. If you think you’re anything but a gay man in a dress, you’re a mentally ill gay man in a dress. Men are different. They have evolved to be better providers. They’re physically stronger. You can be a butch lesbian. You can even wear a strap-on, but you’ll never be a man. To deny these basic natural truths isn’t progressive. It’s “a state of mind that prevents normal perception,” which is the very definition of insane.

June 8, 2015 5:44 pm

I’ve given this a lot of thought today. Women outlive men by about 5 years. So when you hit the tomaximum average life expectancy for a man you get a sex change operation and add years to your life.

Wonder if SSS is considering this ?

June 8, 2015 5:57 pm

…and we didn’t think a person could be more creepy, crazy and fucked up than the Kardasian sisters. All Bruthe needs to do now is release his sex tape of him and a big black NBA star.

June 8, 2015 7:51 pm

Not sure how to copy and paste video. This is 40 years old and Monty Python nails Bruce Jenner. Hopefully one of you computer geeks can put up the video.

June 8, 2015 7:51 pm

Guess I did it………WHO KNEW!! ===l:-D

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 8, 2015 8:38 pm

My name is Raquel lyrics

I met a girl looking so fine
wjile she was dancing at the disco
I approached and said hi, good looking
and like a wolf I was on her
I took her out to chat in the dark
cause I was gonna have that mango
of her treats, I unzipped myself
but what a scare I suffered

She said, my name is Raquel, I said is she a he?
I grabbed her and proved to myself
I jumped up and took off running
Back with my friends I told them everything
heck if I’ll do that again
even my girl heard of my mistake
for that alone she left me

In the morning I had a bad headache
and I stayed in my room all day
I can’t remember anything
but a lovely girl who told me

My name is Raquel…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 8, 2015 8:42 pm
June 8, 2015 9:13 pm

The world has really changed in the last 5-6 years, note how it corresponds with the the term of the prez. Pick up a NY Times paper and see how obsessed it is with all things gay. Even the trouble in the Middle East must have a gay slant as they did a story of how hard it was to be gay there. Go figure. We are now rapidly approaching the day when you will be in big trouble if you do not agree with their stance. Already they have indoctrinated our yout (my children included) who do not see anything wrong with this and they just ooh and ahh over their sympathetic lifestyle. I’ll tell ya, this country is looking more and more like the last days of the Roman Empire. Out.

June 8, 2015 11:22 pm

10 sports.

June 9, 2015 12:54 am

There are times I really, really try to like kuntsler, because he is occasionally entertaining in his critique. Sorta a bad PJ O’Rourke knock-off with less empathy and more ego. I think these last two (callousness and narcissism) are starting to get really, really overblown.

Has he ever actually praised anything that the average person might see a trace of appeal in? Not his fucking square dancing nonsense that is apparently proof of degeneracy because young people don’t enjoy it or whatever his bitch-fest was about, but something people could actually enjoy.

I have a couple of relatives who have the same mindset: liberal so they can shit on people, until taking a conservative position will let them do the same. Self-involved, self-glorified, and beyond fucking rude.

“All right, now I will step aside and endure all the punishment I have invited for venturing to have some opinions on these matters.”-Kuntsler

Okay. You’re a self-righteous blowhard. Using a thesaurus doesn’t make you smart; smugness is not proof of superiority; and people skills are a good skill to have in any world. When things get bad, manners may not mean much, but intentional dickishness is probably par with obesity in terms of how badly it will set you back.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 9, 2015 2:37 am

Keep them doped with religion and sex and TV
and they think they’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see

Visitor from Germany
Visitor from Germany
June 9, 2015 3:41 am

A joke:

Two friends talking.

1. “I am going to emigrate.”

2. “Why???”

1. “Because of homosexuality.”

2. “What is about homosexuality??”

1. “Well, long ago it carried the death Penalty. After that, it carried severe penal camp, and after that, prison. Today, it is allowed.”

2. “So what?”

1. “Now, before it becomes obligatory, I am going to emigrate…”