Greece: Sound and Fury Signifying Much

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

All of Europe, and insouciant Americans and Canadians as well, are put on notice by Syriza’s surrender to the agents of the One Percent. The message from the collapse of Syriza is that the social welfare system throughout the West will be dismantled.

The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has agreed to the One Percent’s looting of the Greek people of the advances in social welfare that the Greeks achieved in the post-World War II 20th century. Pensions and health care for the elderly are on the way out. The One Percent needs the money.

The protected Greek islands, ports, water companies, airports, the entire panoply of national patrimony, is to be sold to the One Percent. At bargain prices, of course, but the subsequent water bills will not be bargains.

This is the third round of austerity imposed on Greece, austerity that has required the complicity of the Greeks’ own governments. The austerity agreements serve as a cover for the looting of the Greek people literally of everything. The IMF is one member of the Troika that is imposing the austerity, despite the fact that the IMF’s economists have said that the austerity measures have proven to be a mistake. The Greek economy has been driven down by the austerity. Therefore, Greece’s indebtedness has increased as a burden. Each round of austerity makes the debt less payable.

But when the One Percent is looting, facts are of no interest. The austerity, that is the looting, has gone forward despite the fact that the IMF’s economists cannot justify it.

Greek democracy has proven itself to be impotent. The looting is going forward despite the vote one week ago by the Greek people rejecting it. So what we observe in Alexis Tsipras is an elected prime minister representing not the Greek people but the One Percent.

The One Percent’s sigh of relief has been heard around the world. The last European leftist party, or what passes as leftist, has been brought to heel, just like Britain’s Labour Party, the French Socialist Party, and all the rest.

Without an ideology to sustain it, the European left is dead, just as is the Democratic Party in the US. With the death of these political parties, the people no longer have any voice. A government in which the people have no voice is not a democracy. We can see this clearly in Greece. One week after the Greek people express themselves decisively in a referendum, their government ignores them and accommodates the One Percent.

The American Democratic Party died with jobs offshoring, which destroyed the party’s financial base in the manufacturing unions. The European left died with the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was a symbol that there existed a socialist alternative to capitalism. The Soviet collapse and “the end of history” deprived the left of an economic program and left the left-wing, at least in America, with “social issues” such as abortion, homosexual marriage, gender equality, and racism, which undermined the left-wing’s traditional support with the working class. Class warfare disappeared in the warfare between heterosexuals and homosexuals, blacks and whites, men and women.

Today with the Western peoples facing re-enserfment and with the world facing nuclear war as a result of the American neoconservatives’ claim to be History’s chosen people entitled to world hegemony, the American left is busy hating the Confederate battle flag.

The collapse of Europe’s last left-wing party, Syrzia, means that unless more determined parties arise in Portugal, Spain, and Italy, the baton passes to the right-wing parties—-to Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party, to Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France, and to other right-wing parties who stand for nationalism against national extermination in EU membership.

Syriza could not succeed once it failed to nationalize the Greek banks in response to the EU’s determination to make them fail. The Greek One Percent have the banks and the media, and the Greek military shows no sign of standing with the people. What we see here is the impossibility of peaceful change, as Karl Marx and Lenin explained.

Revolutions and fundamental reforms are frustrated or overturned by the One Percent who are left alive. Marx, frustrated by the defeat of the Revolutions of 1848 and instructed by his materialist conception of history, concluded, as did Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot, that leaving the members of the old order alive meant counter-revolution and the return of the people to serfdom. In Latin America every reformist government is vulnerable to overthrow by US economic interests acting in conjunction with the Spanish elites. We see this process underway today in Venezuela and Ecuador.

Duly instructed, Lenin and Mao eliminated the old order. The class holocaust was many times greater than anything the Jews experienced in the Nazi racial holocaust. But there is no memorial to it.

To this day Westerners do not understand why Pol Pot emptied Cambodia’s urban areas. The West dismisses Pol Pot as a psychopath and mass murderer, a psychiatric case, but Pol Pot was simply acting on the supposition that if he permitted representatives of the old order to remain his revolution would be overthrown. To use a legal concept enshrined by the George W. Bush regime, Pol Pot pre-empted counter-revolution by striking in advance of the act and eliminating the class inclined to counter-revolution. The class genocide associated with Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot are the collateral damage of revolution.

The English conservative Edmund Burke said that the path of progress was reform, not revolution. The English elite, although they dragged their heels, accepted reform in place of revolution, thus vindicating Burke. But today with the left so totally defeated, the One Percent does not have to agree to reforms. Compliance with their power is the only alternative.

Greece is only the beginning. Greeks driven out of their country by the collapsed economy, demise of the social welfare system, and extraordinary rate of unemployment will take their poverty to other EU countries. Members of the EU are not bound by national boundaries and can freely emigrate. Closing down the support system in Greece will drive Greeks into the support systems of other EU countries, which will be closed down in turn by the One Percent’s privatizations.

The 21st century Enclosures have begun.

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July 16, 2015 12:32 pm

This is remarkably accurate. Great write

July 16, 2015 12:38 pm

PCR seems to be going over to the dark side, favoring collectivist governments such as those of Venezuela and Ecuador. IMOH this is a dreadful error. I live in a place that promotes this and it has wreaked havoc with my family, thanks to oppressive taxation that is driving my son and his family out of a place that desperately needs such people. I’m trapped here by my own doing and have to lie in the bed that I made, but sad as I am to see my son and his family go, I’m behind them 100%.

Pol Pot was a monster, Paul, whatever his “beliefs” about his insane “revolution”. Get a grip on yourself! Reform IS possible, though it may require extreme measures in the “developed” world. PCR is right when he says that “What we see here is the impossibility of peaceful change, as Karl Marx and Lenin explained”, but fer Chrissake, don´t cite Marx and Lenin! Look to our own Western anti-finance capitalists, our own non-materialists! Whatever may be your metaphysical views, take a close look at Catholic Social Teachings, particularly subsidiarity! The group that has co-opted the West is small, though its lickspittles are many, but perhaps passive resistance can put an end to their domination; then again, perhaps not. Ignore the blather of the present pope, ignore the preachings of the End-Time lunatics and TAKE BACK THE USA AND EUROPE!

July 16, 2015 1:05 pm

I get some satisfaction watching the socialists and fascists canabalizing each other. Lazy ass welfare queens trying to steal from thugs. Get the popcorn. I think the thugs will win this round. Coming rounds with Spain and France maybe not.

July 16, 2015 2:01 pm

Mongolia , you know Damn well reforms well never work as long the one % control the entire world Keynesian economic scheme. They may make some concessions but they will still control everything.The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers types will never voluntarily give up that power. It has to be taken from them.

July 16, 2015 2:02 pm

Montefrio, I think what he is saying is the healthy tension between right and left, capital and labor has been destroyed by clinton’s third way. Winner take all capitalism, unbound by morality or law, and fueled by unlimited counterfeit money and brazen corruption of every institution, is as ugly as anything mankind has ever seen

July 16, 2015 2:12 pm

PCR Writes: “The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has agreed to the One Percent’s looting of the Greek people of the advances in social welfare that the Greeks achieved in the post-World War II 20th century. Pensions and health care for the elderly are on the way out. The One Percent needs the money.”

The Greek people asked for this: They asked for retirement at age 50 – with huge pensions. They asked for jobs – that were nothing more than welfare from the state. They voted for it, and they got it.

PCR says “advances in social welfare” – it’s not social welfare when you don’t have the economy to support it – it’s just stealing. And that’s what they did – kept stealing and stealing via electing officials that kept begging for loans.

Nobody is owed a pension, nobody is owed a job. At this point, no government wants to default.

If Greece went back to the drachma the ‘official’ government would convert the euros held by the citizens at a low rate of exchange. Thus it would be a large devaluation.

Germany’s conditions are simply calling for a sane fiscal policy that Greece has failed to do. What a con job to call it ‘asuterity’ – it should be called ‘self responsibility’.

July 16, 2015 2:24 pm

Go back to Nigel Farage’s video from last week where he was encouraging Tsipras to take a stand and do what the people wanted etc. Look at Tsipras’ face and reaction, he never had any intent to do anything other than what he did. Roll over.

July 16, 2015 2:41 pm

Peace out…he didn’t roll over…he bent over….without lube.

July 16, 2015 6:12 pm

Greece needs to learn to pay for what they consume instead of expecting someone else to do it for them.

One of those running out of other peoples money sort of things.

July 16, 2015 6:23 pm

Greeks no a pay the taxes. We is entitled to retire at the fifty. You all is stingy not to a paying for it. Without the Greeks, you would a be still chimpanzee with a no democracy. You a owe us.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
July 16, 2015 9:00 pm

Behold, the TRUE Sound & Fury of Greece!:

July 17, 2015 6:02 am

Interesting eh…

No Wonder Greece is in such a total mess.

Experts mandated by the European Union to investigate the causes that led Greece to the current economic situation relate the following facts:
Greece falsified its accounts to enter the euro zone and distorted the facts until it finally exploded. There were massive retirements at the age of 50 years. At Evangelismos hospital there were 50 drivers for officials’ cars, and on average there were 45 gardeners for a small lawn with 4 bushes.
Greece has the highest population in the world of people reporting an age of 110 years. The deaths are often not registered and pensions continue to be received. The European Union has found that there are families receiving 4-5 pensions, which they are not supposed to get. There are still pensions paid to persons who died in 1953, 50 years ago. 40,000 girls receive monthly life pensions of 1,000 euros for the simple fact that they are unmarried daughters of deceased civil servants and it costs the state coffers € 550 million euros per year. Now they will receive only up to the age of 18.
The pacemakers in Greek hospitals were acquired at a price 400 times higher than in British hospitals. In Greece, many workers have benefited from early retirement, set at 50 years for women and 55 for men who belong to one of the 600 job categories identified as particularly painful, and among which are included hairdressers (because of dyes that may be considered harmful), the musicians of wind instruments (blowing into a flute is exhausting) or TV presenters (the microphones are supposed to cause damage to health). (This law was adopted by the Socialist government of 1978).
There are thousands of good “tricks” departments and unnecessary institutions, which many Greeks live off. For example the Institute for the Protection of Kopais Lake , a dry lake since 1930.
In the last decade, it has created over 300 new public companies. Tax evasion is massive, over 25% of Greeks do not pay a cent on personal income. In addition, the weight of the public sector on the economy is overwhelming. There are about one million officials to 4,000,000 active people. On Greek public railways the average salary of employees exceeds € 66.000.- per year. And this includes the cleaners and the low skilled. The (almost free) Athens Metro delivers about 90 million tickets a year, while the total cost of this public company exceeds 500 million.
The French retirees receive on average 51% of the last salary, the Germans 40%, North Americans 41% Japanese 34%. Meanwhile, Greek pensioners receive 96% of their earlier salary . Greece has four times more teachers than Finland, the best educated country according to the last PISA report, while the student performance in Greece is the lowest among many European countries by comparison.