
Via Knuckledraggin

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July 24, 2015 12:24 pm

damn honkies eff up everything…

July 24, 2015 12:28 pm

The Republican Party (abolitionists). The Dem’s fought tooth and nail before and after the States’ Rights War.

You gotta laugh at the black population, the liberals and their eugenics movement mostly on blacks and now with the liberal abortion agenda that is reducing the black population.

And who votes for the liberal Dem Party – why the blacks of course. It is like someone throwing feces in your face and then you say more please.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 24, 2015 12:39 pm

Dems were anti-black even up until the early 1960’s. KKK Grand Dragons were powerful in the Dem party don’t ya know.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 24, 2015 12:48 pm

Admin- Wonder what Truman would think about the state of affairs today IF he could be truthful.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 24, 2015 12:52 pm

Even old Martin Luther the King and his daddy were Republicans up until TPTB forced them to embrace the Dems. That’s how MLK got of jail.

July 24, 2015 1:23 pm

We are losing our REPUBLIC right before our eyes and the whites in government will not do a Damn thing to stop it for fear of being called racist. After economic ruin comes the bitter harvest of diversity.As Pat Buchanan says it will be Everybody fighting Everybody.No social cohesion , no social trust ,no unity on anything. A complete break down and then breaking apart. Not pretty.

July 24, 2015 1:37 pm

Don’t blame me, I didn’t do it

July 24, 2015 1:44 pm

#fuckmedead …. we’re free? When did they free us?

#fuckthatshit …. we’re all slaves.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 24, 2015 1:59 pm

In this case white guilt is warranted, should not have done it. Now they have us enslaved.

July 24, 2015 3:00 pm

As the law stands right now, any of us can legally be murdered or indefinitely detained without trial by the Fedgov. So the answer is, NONE of us are free.


John Angelo
John Angelo
July 24, 2015 3:22 pm

John Angelo’s plan to free the slaves, once and for all. Alternatively titled “Why I’ll never be elected to public office.”

The following is for anyone self-identifying as “African American,” “black,” “mixed race,” and their sympathizers, of course:

(DJ begins playing “Africa” by Toto)

Gather round, brothers and sisters, and prepare for a once in a lifetime opportunity called Return to Your Roots! In honor of our founding brothers (“father” being a foreign concept) Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray (whose portraits will be displayed on our own Mount Rushmo’), we’re giving you a way to get the fuck out this bitch!

How would YOU like a FREE trip on a luxury ocean liner to visit the homeland itself: Africa! The finest fleet of ships from every cruise line will depart Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Newark, New Jersey, taking you and your kinfolk back to the homeland. Your ancestors may have arrived on slave ships, but we’re sending your black ass back on Royal Caribbean. Fuck Michelle Obama’s school lunch menus, you’ll have an unlimited buffet of fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda… open 24 hours! But wait, there’s more! We’ll cover those pools on deck and replace them with basketball courts. After all, #blacklivesmatter and we don’t want any y’all niggas to drown.

Now, you might ax, where exactly in Africa do we be going? Good question! We pulled a string or two (#drones #bombedvillages) and purchased Angola. That’s right, the whole fucking West African nation. It’s lovely this time of year, and will be even MORE lovely with you there. The next question is where are you going to live in Angola, which, coincidentally has been renamed N.I.G.G.A.N.O. (Niggas Is Gonna Get A New Opportunity). Wee’ve contracted with HUD and you’re getting the Section 8 version of Atlantis. How can you afford it? Simple. We’ll add the cost of every federal and state benefit you receive over the course of an entire year, double it, and cut you a check. Initial financial estimates show you’ll instantly be the richest country in Africa and qualify for the G7. Now don’t go spending it all on chrome rims and Jesus pieces! Finally, you might ax, what will you do for work? Good one. Thanks for the laugh. The same thing you (don’t) do here. Bon voyage!

P.S. It’s one-way, of course, but why would you want to stay another day in this racist, Confederate flag flying, slave owning, white privileged society? You’ll be happier, we’ll be happier, and within five years you’ll turn your new land into what you’ve turned our inner cities into, courtesy of your Democratic politicians. It’ll feel just like home in no time.

July 24, 2015 5:54 pm

We are all slaves who work for the government/banking masters. No southern plantations can rival those in DC. The gentleman with the sign is thinking 2D instead of 3D.

July 24, 2015 7:43 pm

“Who freed the slaves?”

Initially, a federal govt. working an angle freed the slaves (in the secessionist states only). That they were white was secondary or not even part of the equation at all.

July 24, 2015 7:55 pm

@ kokoda,

You’re making the same mistake as the left does…

150 years ago, the Republicans and Democrats had ideologies 180 degrees different than what they have today. They simply say “Oh, the Republicans did this and the Dems did such-and-such!”, conveniently leaving out this important fact.

The classical Jeffersonian “liberal” today would be a right-of-center libertarian (small “L”) or even mislabeled with the pejorative “tea-bagger”…

July 24, 2015 7:59 pm

Fuck me. All working people are taxSlaves.

July 24, 2015 8:42 pm

Martin Luther King freed the slaves. He did it right after they signed the Declaration of Independence at the bridge in Selma.

EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
July 24, 2015 10:09 pm

Billy says: 150 years ago, the Republicans and Democrats had ideologies 180 degrees different than what they have today. They simply say “Oh, the Republicans did this and the Dems did such-and-such!”, conveniently leaving out this important fact.

Shit, Billy, thanks for bringing that up. A lot of folks forget that Kennedy geared up the space program, since Reagan/Bush they think it was the Repubs. I find it quite galling to hear them declare their Republican bloodline. Hah, the fuckers are only voting their pocketbook. These folks are RINOS, they certainly do not have the pedigree to even call themselves Republicans. If it wasn’t for the Democrats, these Okies would still be picking lettuce along with us Mexicans out in the fields.

I do wish folks would remember that Republicans and Democrats are not Christian denominations, they are political orientations.

July 25, 2015 7:17 am


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July 25, 2015 7:42 am

Repukes…look behind you…you’re Waterloo doth fast approach.

What is a Cuckservative?

What is a Cuckservative?

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, July 24, 2015
“Fighting words” from the Dissident Right.

The main issues in American politics are mass immigration, demographic change, and the new Culture War against implicit symbols of white identity. A celebrity businessman is now the leading GOP candidate for president only because of his banal truism that illegals from Mexico commit crimes. The overwhelmingly white base of the Republican Party is coping with the brutal reality that European-Americans will be a minority in the country they created. Even the Left is gripped in internecine warfare as an older generation of white progressives grapple with a multicultural monster of its own creation, as minority activists would rather agitate about “white privilege” than suffer through boring speeches about jobs or infrastructure.

The racial question is at the center of American politics and culture. Every new controversy or scandal simply reveals a new facet of the issue racially conscious whites have been debating for decades.

At a time when the Republican Party ostensibly controls Congress, President Obama is unilaterally enacting racially charged policies on immigration, housing, and law enforcement that will have incalculable consequences for ordinary Americans–and there has been no real resistance from the majority party. The only notable thing the Republican-controlled legislature has done is pass a secret trade agreement that has the effect of enabling more immigration–“the worst bill Congress has ever passed,” in the words of Phyllis Schlafly. On top of all this, Justice John Roberts–appointed by George W. Bush–has cemented the legitimacy of Obamacare.

Conservatives should be steamrolling a lame-duck president. Instead, the GOP might as well not exist. Grassroots Republicans who thought they had retaken the government are confused, angry, and powerless. They worked for Republicans in good faith, but get only scorn and contempt. They’ve been deceived, cheated, antd exploited.

In short, they’ve been “cucked,” or cuckolded.

The Dissident Right received one of its periodic media boosts yesterday when Conservatism Inc. functionaries Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller and Erick Erickson of Red State discovered and denounced the insult “cuckservative,” which is being used against the Beltway Right.

These spasms of attention from “conservatives” don’t usually last, but this one is different.

The perfect storm of anti-white aggression by minorities and the media, the abject Republican surrender on virtually every issue, the insurgent candidacy of Donald Trump, and the sheer vacuity of what passes for intellectual debate in the Beltway Right has finally led many Republicans to understand Conservatism Inc. has failed. More than that, Conservatism Inc. has always failed. If every political life ends in failure, to quote Enoch Powell, the American conservative movement is unique in that it began with failure.

As it stands today, after decades of electoral success, the conservative movement has not only done nothing to cut the size of government or preserve traditional values, it has managed to literally endanger the continued existence of the national community. The wholesale dispossession of the ethnic core of the country and the utter political and cultural transformation of American society can’t be defended by any definition of “conservatism,” no matter how expansive.


We can’t even call the Beltway Right self-interested. Even within the pages of its own publications, the conservative movement concedes that leaders such as Ronald Reagan could no longer be elected because of the massive demographic change it has presided over.

Yet this isn’t why they are cuckolds. While the demographic transformation–what the French are now calling “the great replacement”–is important, the fact that “conservatives” dare not lift a finger against it is the least of their sins. They’re cucks because they take pride in degradation and defeat.

Cuckservatives glory in advocating positions that hurt their own supporters and humiliate themselves. They act thrilled and proud when they throw one of their own to the wolves. Like Rich Lowry, they might even thank the people who alert them to the dissidents in their midst. They make self-evidently foolish arguments that ideologically disarm their own constituents and reward their foes. They completely accept the moral standards of people who despise them.

They are like a man who tries to appeal to a woman through acts of submission; they inspire not desire but disgust. Each new conservative surrender inspires only further contempt in the hearts of leftists, which of course encourages conservatives to capitulate even more eagerly the next time. And since the conservative base remains overwhelmingly white–this proves it is “racist”–there will always be a next time.

There’s also the variety of cuckold who gets a thrill from watching another man mount his wife. Such a creature possesses the illusion of control. He can tell himself that he is directing this obscenity and thus remain, in some way, the dominant figure.

American conservatism is perhaps best summarized as maintaining a posture of command even as the reality of control is lost. Thus conservatives cheering on the demographic transformation of the country tell themselves they remain leaders in the new America. The cuck in the corner begging to be degraded is still technically the “man of the house,” for all the good it does him.

We see the premises of cuckservatism at work in the posts by Mr. Lewis and Mr. Erickson. Mr. Erickson says “cuckservative” is “a slur against Christian voters coined by white-supremacists.” Yet one of the charges against cuckservatives is they have utterly failed to maintain Christian morality in public life. What Pat Buchanan used to call “God’s Country” is a nation where the greatest hero in public life is a 65-year-old man in drag.

However, the key to understanding this position can be found in an earlier controversy, when both Mr. Lewis and Mr. Erickson disagreed with Ann Coulter for suggesting American Christians could most effectively serve their fellow citizens instead of morally preening by trying to save Africans. Mr. Lewis suggested Miss Coulter’s position was akin to an immigration restrictionist position, which constitutes a “cry of victimhood” and leads to a politics for the “angry and dispossessed.” An “aspirational” country like ours is one that welcomes more immigration (regardless of the source), sends charity outward, and has a dogmatic belief that the future can get only better.

July 25, 2015 7:44 am