Taking Down The Donald

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

If his Republican opponents will not take down Donald Trump, Fox News will not only show them how it is done. Fox News will do the job for them.

That is the message that came out loud and clear from last Thursday’s debate in Cleveland, which was viewed by the largest cable audience ever to watch a political event — 24 million Americans.

As political theater, it was exciting and entertaining.

But what was supposed to be a debate among the top-10 Republican candidates turned into a bear-baiting of Donald Trump.

Make no mistake. The issues Fox News raised were legitimate.

Trump’s threat to run third party, his remarks about women who have affronted him, the bankruptcies that four of his companies went through as he built his real estate empire — these are all fair game.

What was wrong here was that it was not his Republican rivals raising these issues or taking on Trump. It was the Fox News “moderators” of what was supposed to be a candidates’ debate. They came into the arena to do to Trump what his GOP rivals have been too timid or reluctant to do.

Chris Wallace and Megyn Kelly came with their oppo research done and attack questions prepared — to sack Trump in the end zone and send him to the locker room on a stretcher.

When did that become the job of a “moderator” who is supposed to be more of a referee than a middle linebacker?

Who decided to turn the first Republican presidential debate into a two-hour version of “The Kelly File”?

With the exception of Rand Paul on the opening question about Trump bolting to run as a third-party candidate, no Republican chose to follow up the Fox News attacks on Trump that were disguised as questions. They let Fox do the wet work.

The anger of Trump and his followers that he was being singled out and sandbagged is understandable, even if his reaction revealed that Fox News had drawn blood. Indeed, this debate will be recalled in political lore as the night Fox News tried to take down the Donald.

Did they succeed? What do the early returns tell us?

According to an NBC poll, taken in the 48 hours after Cleveland, Trump has held first place and has risen a point to 23 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz had vaulted into second place with 13 percent.

Dr. Ben Carson had risen to No. 3 with 11 percent. Carly Fiorina, who was not in the top 10 a week ago, is now fourth with 9 percent.

Together, these four outsiders can claim the support of well over half of all Republicans, while the beltway favorites — Marco Rubio at No. 5, Jeb Bush at No. 6 and Scott Walker at No. 7 — can together claim less Republican support than Donald Trump alone.

Who won the debate? According to the NBC poll, it was Carson, Trump and Cruz in that order.

With a real opportunity to capture the presidency in 2016, those leading in the race for the GOP nomination seem to be among the least likely to amass 270 electoral votes. But those most acceptable to the establishment seem, as each month passes, to generate less and less enthusiasm.

Yet, what is now clear is that the Republican establishment wants Trump out of this race, and, frustrated at his continuing strong support, is less and less willing to wait for him to implode.

Over the weekend, we heard talk of a Kasich-Rubio ticket, or vice versa. Yet, in that NBC poll, Kasich remains dead in the water after the debate, dropping from 3 to 2 percent, while Rubio is at 9 percent.

A real danger is emerging here of the split inside the GOP deepening and widening. For if it is seen that Trump has not been rejected by the voters, but driven out the race by the establishment and the elites, the value of the nomination will be vastly diminished.

Thus far in this presidential season, the rise of the Republican outsiders, insurgents, nonpoliticians and anti-politicians reveals how far the people of the United States are estranged and alienated from their political leadership.

In the Democratic Party, too, we have seen the rise of outsider-insurgent Socialist Bernie Sanders to within single digits of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and the fall of Clinton to where she is underwater in the polls on issues of trust and, “Does she care about people like me?”

If there is one lesson to be taken from this run-up year to the presidential campaign of 2016, it is that a huge and growing segment of the nation does not want what the establishment of either party has on offer.

And as insurgent parties spring up all over Europe, and the two-party system disintegrates there, the Europeanization of American politics may be at hand.

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August 11, 2015 6:32 am

I must wonder how the GOP came to endorse Trump as a candidate in the first place. Just what is the game?

Democrats and Republicans….two doors entering into the same room.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
August 11, 2015 7:00 am

F**k FOX / FAUX NEWS and Rupert Murdoch!

” The issues Fox News raised were legitimate.”

POUND SAND Pat Buchanan!

Once Again:

The fact that those moderators are all mere paid mouthpieces of Rupert Murdoch (who owns Fox, Dow Jones – Wall St. Journal, Barron’s Magazine, etc.) and they obviously had a scripted agenda to go after Donald Trump, first with the Baier with his baited ‘Party Goose-Stepping commitment regardless’ question, where Trump was the only one with the courage to stand up to such a pathetic tactic; followed by Megyn Kelly’s attempt at a personal smear, only to be further subjected to this direct confrontational line of questioning by Wallace concerning Mr. Trump’s adroitly handling of his corporate responsibilities in the face of adverse economic headwinds, and getting those Wall Street financiers who were gouging his corporate businesses at the time with junk bond usury interest rates of 14% to essentially go pound sand.

Whether such “debate” tactics were simply for the sake of Ratings, or otherwise actually a thinly veiled message being sent to Mr. Trump by Rupert Murdoch’s lapdogs that if Mr. Trump intended to succeed in obtaining the Republican Nomination bid he had better curry favor with Murdoch pronto, or that fact that Mr. Trump who has been quite vocal about the illegal aliens streaming across America’s southern borders and committing crimes herein of murder, rape, smuggling drugs, etc., while Rupert Murdoch has been lobbying with Billionare Michael Bloomberg as well as major leftist corporations such as Disney to get legal status for all illegal aliens in America, others can make up their own minds, as I am certain that most are aware of how the majority of Main Stream Media is controlled by only six corporations, which indeed have an agenda, and considerable sway in shaping the opinions and minds of at least the sheople voting constituents as well as future favorable votes from the politicians they can control.

Mr. Trump to his credit, handled himself quite well and demonstrated that he was not going to take any Crap whatsoever from these A**holes!

S. Rex

August 11, 2015 7:18 am

Fuck. Them. All.

Just let the motherfucker burn down.

Know why I feel this way?

Because during the “debate”, I didn’t see one of those bloviating assholes say shit about returning America to “normal”. “Normal” being defined as what this country was like up till I was about 20 or so.

The Repukes should be running the table on the HNIC. Instead, it’s like they all fuckin’ phoned it in – nobody home. Those ‘candidates’ despise Trump because he’s got Fuck You money and can say what he wants – and he’s showing everyone the Emperor Ain’t Got No Fuckin’ Clothes On.

I don’t want Trump for President. He’s a loudmouthed clown with horrifyingly bad hair.

But those fuckers have burned me one too many times – promising they’ll do something in return for my support. And I’ve seen those same fuckers bone me up the ass time and again. Thanks to them, we’ve lost the fucking country. We’re done.

And if we’re done and we can’t get our country back, then all that leaves is Revenge.

I’m totally cool with revenge.

Which is why I like Trump – he’s gonna destroy the fuckin Repukes. Either through getting elected (NOT!) or through taking his ball and going home – and all the voters that will follow him will spike the Repukes’ efforts at winning the election, as well as (hopefully) create a massive schism in the party… if that means the Demonfucks get free run for awhile, then so be it.

You fucking fuckers fucked me. Payback’s a BITCH fucksticks… I’m still not gonna vote, but if I do, It’s gonna be for Trump just to let you fags know what it’s like to get ass-reamed dry… we’ll not only deny you this election, but all future elections UNTIL YOU FUCKIN’ GET IT! We’ll do our best to destroy your party by voting for a loudmouth clown with hilariously bad hair.


Visitor from Germany
Visitor from Germany
August 11, 2015 7:22 am

>>And as insurgent parties spring up all over Europe, and the two-party system disintegrates there, the Europeanization of American politics may be at hand.<<

Frankly, in my view this would be the best what could happen to the U.S. populace.

(Btw – except in Great Britain, where there was long a two-party system, in most countries in Europe there have been 3 – 5 or more competing parties for the last 30 – 40 years.)

August 11, 2015 7:59 am

Trump just lost my vote

Flashback: Donald Trump Calls for ‘Execution’ of Edward Snowden


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 11, 2015 8:40 am

I like Snowden. So now Trump is as wrong on Snowden as Bush and Clinton. Oh well. No matter which of those the would get elected, Snowden would be well-advised to stay in Russia.

August 11, 2015 8:58 am

Trump is an attention seeking narcissist. He is a shameless self promoter and does not shy away from manufacturing controversy, because any publicity is good publicity.

His deliberate engagement with the politically correct media is a calculated, even cynical move on his part. He knows that if he gives certain parties cause to be ‘offended’ or ‘outraged’, they will spend a lot of time talking about him. It’s simply free advertising for the Trump brand.

It does not matter if his presidential bid is serious or not. He can walk away from his presidential run and still benefit from all the attention that the media has lavished upon him. It is just advertising for any product with his name on it, whether it be real estate, clothing, a tv show or some other project.

Even if he is voted into office, do you think he will amount to anything more than a blustering figurehead? Do you think he will gain any real power in office? He might put his name on a few public works projects, or perhaps expand military operations in yet another dusty country noone gives a fuck about, but I doubt he has the conviction to affect any great, long lasting change, for good or ill.

The whole thing is theatre, as far as I am concerned. Not even entertaining threatre. What concerns me about recent events, is that while the media draws everyones attention to the bellowing orangutan, more dangerous creatures get to move about unnoticed.

August 11, 2015 8:58 am

Everybody is framing Fox as the bad guy here, but I’m not totally convinced. One of the successful strategies of the left, especially the Clintons, is to bring up potentially bad skeletons in a controlled way, and well before the election. By controlling the timing and the message, this effectively defuses whatever the issue is. If the GOP then brings up the issue later, the dems then say “oh this is old news”, “people are tired of hearing about that” etc. By bringing these things up now rather than a year from now, Fox is doing Trump a big favor.

August 11, 2015 8:59 am

I wonder if The Donald is gonna surf the wave of Repub voter resentment and anger all the way to the Oval Office?

Cuz there is enough of it to propel a manned mission to Pluto and back.

I predict a Trump/Fiorina or a Trump/Carson ticket – capture the BFUTW (Trump) folks and counter the Dems with a female or black VP. (Both of whom I really like, just so ya know.)

Mebbe we should form a BFUTW party or PAC and put up our own candidates instead of the PC pussy whipped, ball-less, spineless traitorous shitbags the RNC keeps vomiting forth.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 11, 2015 9:07 am

So Billy, does this mean you are a little pissed off? No graphics? No hardware of destruction?

Billy is actually rather mellow. heh

August 11, 2015 9:40 am

All the professional politicians have this polished image that they never have said / did anything wrong. So they never told a nigger joke? Jew joke? Called a woman a bitch? This is how they project themselves – some sort of super human. Well as soon as someone finds a little chink in the mortar – they fail – cause they are no longer ‘pure’.

How Trump is different, he doesn’t pretend to be Holier Than Thou. He’s a regular guy (sort like Archie Bunker), you can’t take him down because he readily admits to whom he is.

I have to agree with Billy: Let this bitch burn.

It doesn’t matter who get’s elected, the US is so fucked up – nobody is going to be able to unwind it. The system is ‘cast’, the billion pages of administrative laws are cast, the financial system rigged, and the NSA is collecting our communications.

It’s gonna have to crash. People have to be woken up – forget the PC bullshit, forget about trans-sexuals using what bathroom, forget about the Kardashians,

August 11, 2015 10:11 am

Dutchman: not only are they “impure”, they are liars. To say you have reached adulthood and never disparaged another person because of his/her race, religion, sexual orientation, &TC is absolute bullshit!

August 11, 2015 10:23 am

Must say if Trump is that hated by the msm they are afraid of him.So vote I will for him

August 11, 2015 10:40 am

— “Must say if Trump is that hated by the msm…”

It’s fake. They are all actors. Just like when a movie wants to make you cry, this movie wants you to like Trump.

It’s not even a hard script to write… any out of work writer from Hollywood watching the conversations on the internet could do it.

August 11, 2015 10:54 am

I’m starting to hear my socialist colleagues say “if Trump wins I’m leaving the country.”

That’s enough for me. He’s got my vote. If we get another establishment ticket I’m staying home on election day.

August 11, 2015 11:07 am


Funny but the the German industrialists thought Hitler a buffoon. They supported him because they thought he could be easily controlled and manipulated once in office. The people voted for him because they were sick of the party system and the corruption in German politics.

Hitler had the last laugh.

August 11, 2015 11:37 am

I hope the Koch Bros/Adelson dump billions on this one too.They walked away with shit last time.

August 11, 2015 11:40 am

@Nickelthrower, GREAT history there. We won’t listen, just like the Germans didn’t listen to their neighbors that were feeling alot like I do. First they came for the unionists…

@Aquapura says: “I’m starting to hear my socialist colleagues say “if Trump wins I’m leaving the country.”

That would be wonderful, we both know it isn’t true.

Those of us that buck the status quo and dare to point out the duplicity and deception of the banksters/pharms and MIC should probably heed their suggestions though.

Of course, that also goes for whomever, whatever, is installed in WDC, us independent sorts aren’t wanted by anyone there.

August 11, 2015 11:40 am

This bitch is going to burn no matter who wins. I like Trump better than any of the rest .Maybe he will build a fence across the southern border.

Billy , I’m glad you are so full of revenge .Remember as old Frederick N said as you are killing
Monsters just make sure you don’t become one yourselve .(paraphrasing)

August 11, 2015 1:27 pm

Democracy (social version) squanders capital and embeds ruin.
After democracy will come the fall, and at the bottom will come either an overt military coup or some other sort of dictatorship. You can already see Americans lining up for it.

Once dictatorship runs its course, the question will be whether North America (or parts thereof) can return to a less crooked form of political order or if the import of tens of millions of Latinos will doom the country to a future like that of Argentina after Peron, a century of lower lows and lower highs as the country works its way to full 3rd World squalor.

We don’t know who in the Deep State is pulling the strings, but strings are being pulled for certain.

August 11, 2015 1:46 pm

Didnt there used to be laws against monopolies? Wouldn’t the MSM constitute such? Don’t see how they could be under TBTF like the banks lol which they should fail but that’s another story .
How can the absolute shit that the MSM get away with be stopped? I remember when ATT got broke up or was it bellsouth ? whatever. They cause way more damage than the phone company .
Nevermind , I forgot they were controlled by government and such .

August 11, 2015 6:24 pm

Does anyone notice that Trump says we have a corrupt system – pay to play, and that he plays alright.


All you tea party goers that support Chump because “he speaks his mind”, do you really want him calling the shots and being the boss of this country?

Scottie, forget beaming me up, just shoot me with your phaser. On kill.

August 11, 2015 6:35 pm

“All you tea party goers that support Chump because “he speaks his mind”, …” —- taxSlave

That … plus the fact they he pisses off Fux Newz, CuNNt, MS-whatever, Koch, Oreo, Murdoch, every fucking Repub, every cuntfuk Dem, Rosie, Minnie Mouse …….. he has practically ZERO (!!!) allies. Well, goddammit, that’s gotta count for SOMETHING!

Plus …… He. Is. Not. THEM.

August 11, 2015 6:38 pm

One fucking cronie capitalist to replace a fucking neegro cronie facist. Seems fair enough.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 11, 2015 7:21 pm

In true billionaire form Trump backed the continued funding of Planned Parenthood, strike two after the Snowden comments. In a CuNNt news interview today, Trump said he would still be for funding PP (yes he did say that). They sell baby parts, remember? sick

August 11, 2015 8:26 pm

Democrats conned mainly stupid minorities & stupid white liberals, Republicans conned mainly stupid as white “fake” conservatives.

People have to get it through their thick skulls that the elites don’t give a shit about U or minorities. When the economy collapses, they’ll shoot U just as quick as a black guy in Ferguson.

As George Carlin said, “U ain’t in their club”. Barack Obama is. Many people in the USA are as dumb as bb, who always defends cops. The Founding Fathers would be ashamed at how Americans haven’t burned DC down over high taxes or NBA spying.

August 11, 2015 8:45 pm

That would be NSA spying, not NBA. I doubt Shaq is spying on us. Stupid autocorrect.

August 11, 2015 8:54 pm

Batshit Annie weighs in on Trump. “Abandon all hope ye who enter here. ”

“So you think a man who builds mirror-penis skyscrapers and names them all after himself is cause for hope? Rilly?

To say that watching people fawn over the psycho carnival barker Trump makes me nauseous with despair is putting it mildly.

The Barnhardt Axiom:

The fact that a given person is holding or even seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.

So, who said the following? I’ll give you forty-seven guesses:

1) “I probably identify more as Democrat.”

2) “I’ve been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”

3) “Nancy — you’re the best. Congrats. [signature]”
—Handwritten note to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

4) “Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.”

5) “I’m totally pro-choice.”

6) “I want to see the abortion issue removed from politics. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.”

7) “I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care.”

8) “The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans… We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan.”

9) “By imposing a one-time 14.25 percent net-worth tax on the richest individuals and trusts, we can put America on sound financial footing for the next century.”

10) “I think he [Obama] has a chance to go down as a great president.”

Stumped? I’ll give you a hint. This person has donated over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton sat in the FRONT ROW of this person’s most recent wedding.

I’d just like to also mention for the record the fact that we are all up-in-arms about Pope Francis and his Frat boys getting ready to eviscerate the sacrament of marriage later this fall, but don’t even bat an eyelash when public figures have a string of ex-spouses. I guess I’m just being completely unreasonable, unrealistic and… wait for it… IMMODERATE to expect any degree of intellectual consistency from anyone, ever. After all, it’s a post-modern world, and the essence and battle cry of modernism is, “WE DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE!”

So here’s the answer. All of the quotes above are from the second coming of George Washington, or Constantine – oh, no wait. The second coming of Constantine is Putin…

…That developer of mirror-penis skyscrapers which he then names after himself, because that is so totally NOT indicative of anything even remotely problematic:

trump wedding picture:

So you think a man who builds mirror-penis skyscrapers and names them all after himself is cause for hope? Rilly?

The only function I would attend with Bill and/or Hillary Clinton, people who are rapists, murderers and guilty of capital crimes against humanity, would be their public executions.”

August 11, 2015 8:56 pm

Ron Paul was the last chance folks.

Collapse & revolution or collapse & fascist police state are the probable outcomes. If white people don’t rise up, option 2 is inevitable. Better to be dead & free than alive & a slave.

August 12, 2015 1:00 am

Roy- +100
That was an outstanding post, thanks for including the wedding picture with Donald Chump hugged up to the Clintons. At least you can see the Donald for what he really is. Again great post.

August 12, 2015 6:06 am

I do believe Ann is right… Trump will NOT save this country from herself. He might, however, wake a few more people up to what is really going on.

“The fact that a given person is holding or even seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.”