Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

There is a growing divide in the country and day by day it grows deeper and more irrevocable. All around us we see the signs, if we look for them, of decay and collapse built into the very system itself.

If you reward indolence, it will become the norm, if we practice wholesale slaughter from the womb to a foreign wedding party others will take the cue. If we celebrate slatterns and degenerates and ridicule the wholesome and traditional we will wind up with more of one and less of another.

The further an organism lives from it’s natural state, the more adaptable the organism will become to that which is unnatural.

Yesterday an older farmer came to pick up his cow from my farm. She had been a guest of ours for several days to be bred by my bull and when he arrived I asked him to pull his trailer to the lower trail beside the stream and open the rear door. I explained that I would be opening a gate from one pasture and leading the animals to another, that his animals- the cow and her young heifer- would follow at the rear of the herd and when he saw them approach he would simply close the pasture gate behind them and allow them to load back in his trailer. The cattle dogs watched my every move, excited to work and anxious for their opportunity to show off to my friend. I called out to the cows- mooing to them from the trailhead- and they quickly assembled at the gate, mooing in return.

I opened the gate, placing my hands with palms extended behind me and walked them along the trail towards the upper field. The dogs, without instruction, took up places at the right and left of the herd, keeping a close eye on the calves. When the last calves passed through the gates the dogs trotted alongside them without a sound and followed them the length of the passage. My friend stood by his trailer watching for his animals and as my herd moved into the upper pasture they spread out and put their heads down to the grass walking slowly uphill.

The calves, younger and full of energy shot ahead past his animals and sprinted through the gate to catch up with their mothers on the green field and like clockwork his two cows passed the edge of his trailer and made a sharp right and climbed into the trailer without a hitch. The dogs came in for a pat and a couple of “good dogs!”, panting happily.

He shut the door behind them and looked at me with a rare smile on his face, genuine and slightly surprised.

An cow in it’s natural state, well fed, not stressed, kept on pasture rather than in confinement and handled with respect are trouble free. They thrive. They get along. They breed easily, deliver strong calves, put on muscle with ease, and are generally a pleasure to be around. Human beings share a very similar set of needs and requirements as most domesticated livestock- domesticated livestock being a creation of humans, adapted to human use and care throughout the centuries and to human habits and behaviors.

In progressive farming- yes, that’s what industrial agriculture calls itself- animals are kept in confinement, fed diets that contain little or no grass in order to fatten them quickly not with protein rich muscle but with tallow. They are pumped full of antibiotics- not to keep sickness at bay but to kill the digestive microbes in their guts so that each pound of feed is more readily converted to a pound of fat. They stand not in fields of grass but in knee deep paddocks filled with manure. They are moved about not by family farmers who have known them since birth, respectfully and with ease, but by hirelings who shout and push them and use taser like devices to shock them into compliance from on overcrowded paddock to another, filled with fear, their bodies flooded by hormones before slaughter.

How do we fail to make the connection? How do we not see that the further we drift from what we were meant to be and to do as human beings the more we become disoriented, obese, dysfunctional, angry, depressed, violent or passive in the extreme. These responses are the natural outcome of unnatural circumstances and we should be in no way surprised that the more we extol and promote such systems the more often we will see such behaviors. It isn’t surprising, it doesn’t require any in depth studies or introspection beyond the obvious.

We are a product of our time and place. We live in a dystopian future that makes Brave New World look positively mundane in comparison. Mass shootings are the natural outcome of a society that mentally shackles its population while pumping it full of psychotropic drugs and violent imagery. It tells us to turn away from bullying while it dumps payloads of high explosives on hospitals and schools. It tells us to empathize with women while objectifying them via pornography and then denies young adult males the benefits of a loving wife and family unless he meets an impossible standard or forces him in direct competition with females both academically and in the workplace, putting off family formation until such a time as a woman is near menopause-

I could go on but you get the picture.

What is happening is- in my opinion- is engineered. You couldn’t do more if you personally placed the gun in the young man’s hand and gave him a lawful order to kill everyone in that school- and ironically is that not what we do to our drone pilots, only in different locations?

We are being led, deliberately and inexorably to the abattoir. The only question is, are you willing to submit?

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October 3, 2015 8:41 am

So glad you wrote this. I have been thinking the same things for some time.

October 3, 2015 9:12 am

I started on the long journey of waking up back in 2007-2008. At the time, I only wanted to try and understand why the news was reporting financial collapse and I seemed to be prospering. Since that time, I’ve digested a huge amount of information in the form of websites, podcasts, TBP, my permaculture PDC, youtube videos, books, etc. I cannot claim that I’m any more knowledgeable than anyone else out there, especially this crowd on TBP. But I get it. There’s a system that’s highly engineered and designed to work against us. A system designed to bleed us just a little more every day without killing us. Just enough to keep us going on to the next day.

What this means for me is that I want out. That has become my over-arching theme in life. What am I doing today to make a full transition (if that’s even possible) to A Life of Freedom? Am I planting something? Am I getting garden beds ready? Am I taking steps on a small business? Those kind of things.

What this means for my wife is that I’m on the verge of being certifiably crazy. I used the words “mind control” recently, and she flipped out. That’s crazy talk! Unless you’ve spent as many hours of research into these topics as I have. My wife wants a more traditional lifestyle. I imagine a nice one-story brick house, ranch-style, on a nicely manicured cul-de-sac. I go to work 50 weeks a year at my job which requires normal 9-5 hours, and we vacation for two weeks a year, in the words of John Mellncamp, “down at the Gulf of Mexico.” Church on Sunday morning and Wed nights, and our lives are complete. Let’s not think about difficult subjects like manufactured death, the evil of order-followers, The injustice of paying taxes, the illusion of authority, or anything like that.

In short, there IS a growing divide, and it’s happening in my marriage. If the worst-case dystopian nightmare becomes reality, then I “win” and my foresight becomes infinitely valuable. On the other hand, if they keep the system just well oiled enough as they do now, and things continue to appear more-or-less normal for the middle class, then I’m just another kooky fringe conspiracy theorist.

All I know to do is keep moving forward. I sometimes think the answer is like that one dude in The Matrix, and just take a pill and go back to sleep and plug back into the system. But I know in my heart, I can’t do that. Unless my wife has some kind of awakening experience, then we just continue to drift apart until the kids have graduated………….

Sorry to lay down my marriage troubles here on such a public forum. But, let’s face it, I’m anonymous to the degree that none of you really know me. I know there was a female poster here on TBP who had some pretty extreme marriage circumstances she posted about. I don’t have anything nearly so dire. I just want to re-connect with my wife, and I’m not sure how to do it. I’d like to bring her along in this journey I’m on, but I don’t think she’s ready to travel down this rabbit trail.

November 3, 2016 1:26 pm

Um, Yeah. Same here, mostly, but different, as I am a care-taker and can’t possibly leave, my friend would die, I don’t know where I could go and at 60 years old, I don’t have the energy to get there. But you can take comfort, if you like, in the fact that civilization about to completely collapse and that there will be no more humans (or anything else) on the surface of the earth with a few short years. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVps2BTOpjY

October 3, 2015 9:29 am

“What is happening is- in my opinion- is engineered.” ——- HSF

Normally, I don’t easily subscribe to conspiracy theories, especially vast ones …. and “engineering” an entire country of 300+ million is indeed VAST.

Nevertheless, you make excellent points very well worth consideration.

Love your well written stories, as always. (And I love that you often post them in my threads.) I know you can’t make it next week …. but, don’t hold it against me if I’m hoping for a miracle.) 🙂

October 3, 2015 9:32 am

Your opinion coincides with mine: “What is happening…is engineered”. I’ve tried and tried to keep this an opinion and not let it become a belief, but my Magic 8-ball keeps coming up “Signs point to yes”. It is a nearly inescapable conclusion, and I say “nearly” because I have yet to see unquestionable hard evidence as to who is behind the engineering. The problem I have is that it IS an inescapable conclusion that whoever these persons are, they are guilty of treason, and that’s a mighty bitter pill to swallow. I have no doubt that there is no shortage of “useful idiots” who on track with the agenda because they sincerely believe that the feel-good pap they’ve been fed in schools, in the media… But their “instructors” know better and have a hidden agenda that too few can see.
That agenda is as described in the post, but too many prefer the “ostrich policy” and refuse to accept it, becoming at times quite hostile if one attempts to convince them otherwise.

My own decision was to “worst case plan” and begin building a life that might keep the collectivist wolf from my door while waiting to see if folks would awaken. That was 20 years ago and now I’m a near-hermit in a relatively remote and faraway place to which the central government’s reach barely extends, though they’ve managed to close in a bit over the 11 years I’ve been where I live now.

I fear HSF’s question “Are you willing to submit” is moot: it’s happened in the society, and while there will always be individual holdouts, we are vastly outnumbered. Nothing short of a serious collapse of the last vestiges of the “American way of life” as I knew it as a youngster provides the possibility of a mass movement to stop the ongoing social degradation and eventual subjugation of the “ordinary” citizen. Sadly, I’ve been forced to conclude that as long as most have three hots and a cot plus some entertainment, they ain’t going to do shit.

For me, the only question is “At what point if any will the majority or at least a substantial minority decide they’ve had enough and actually DO something about it?” Anyone want to speculate on that? This guy ain’t holding his breath.

October 3, 2015 9:41 am

Christians should understand it is engineered and why, others might want to read their books to find out who, what, and why is behind the engineering.

It doesn’t take vast numbers to engineer something in the cultural arena, it takes subtle influence over vast numbers using a keen insight into their inherent nature.

October 3, 2015 9:54 am

We bought a big place some years ago, 10 acres with a big red barn.

Such a property is a big responsibility and a lot of work.

We had no livestock, we had no tractor nor equipment. The weeds were overwhelming and the beautiful barn was empty of creatures (except the barn cat who came with the property).

I accidentally came upon a fellow who raised prize Angus cows and had lost his land lease. I welcomed him to put his cows in my barn and graze the land so as to control overgrowth. Win win.

Except he kept trying to pay me. He wanted to pay rent for the barn, to pay for the electricity he used. He seemed to want to be a tenant which I couldn’t understand at all – I didn’t want tenants of any kind. I just wanted the barn and the land to be used as they were meant to be. My land was intended for his cows. So be it, I’m happy.

He never could accept that. He was a really nice guy and I liked him, we got along well. But somehow he seemed to want to be in business of some kind (even though those cows were his pets and he treated them like family) he couldn’t seem to grasp that his needs and my needs met each other perfectly and happiness could be had on both sides without the exchange of money.

Somehow we have lost all faith in each other in this country. The fabric of our culture has been fractured. There is no trust, no faith, no community anymore. Only money, and success and/or failure. The connections have all been lost.

October 3, 2015 9:55 am

Thank you, Hardscrabble. Truly, thank you.

This is one of, if to my mind THE biggest problem we face in this country today.

The question of “What does it mean to be a man in present day America?”

I didn’t get raised here, this present place I find myself in. I was born in 1961.

I came up in world at the tail end of a world where gender identification was as starkly defined as black and white on canvas. Men were men. They said little, did the job at hand, and got on with life. Period. They didn’t air their dirty laundry in public, or otherwise, because being a man, by its very definition, was not something you talked about. It was something you “did.”

You let your achievements, from an event as trivial as mowing the lawn to an experience as difficult as combat, speak for you. No words necessary. I absorbed all of this the way all young boys (children) do – they internalize it. They learn it, know it, live it, until it becomes automatic. By setting their assumptions about what is expected of them as they grow into manhood, it comes to define their behavior and determine their actions.

A real man understood that if he wanted an unassailable right to an opinion, he needed to earn it. Period. From work, to politics, to the military, to taxes, he understood that unless he’d “been there, done” he’d best shut the fuck up, until by “doing,” he’d become entitled to an opinion.

By the late 60’s, early 70’s the currents were shifting, almost imperceptibly, but moving none-the-less. And now, today? What’s expected of a “Man?” Look around. Look at how low the bar now sits. Hell, there isn’t one any more. The “rights of passage” to manhood have been replaced with “empathy” classes. “Fatherhood,” once the higher institution of male learning, has been relegated to the trunk of the “Goobermint Agenda” mobile, with its passenger load of shrieking Social Justice Warriors.

Young men desperately want their “right to passage,” but’s it’s been stolen from them. They want, no, they need opportunities to test themselves through the rigors of trial-by-fire. It’s a biological imperative. Just look to nature, pure and simple.

And instead, we tamp it down, drown it out, and shove pills down young men’s throats whenever they show signs of “acting out.” Hell yes, they’re acting out! We’re purposefully suppressing natural impulses and they’re helpless to do anything about it. Jesus Christ, it isn’t rocket science.

Regardless of how its argued, attempting to “merge” the genders into some “uni-definable” oneness is not natural. It defies that biological world. And at its very core it’s sinister as Hell. Which appears to be exactly where we’re headed when SHTF and there aren’t enough young “men” capable in skill sets, and the mental toughness in the face of adversity, to put the pieces back together again.

You’re absolutely right. This is by design. It’s a clear as day – to almost anyone who actually stops to see it. What speaks volumes about where we are as a society is the silence in response to it.

October 3, 2015 10:03 am

“My wife wants a more traditional lifestyle. I imagine a nice one-story brick house, ranch-style, on a nicely manicured cul-de-sac.” ————– Tim

Yeah, well ….. THAT’S what women want.

For example, I was very active on match.com for about 6 years or so after my divorce. You wanna know what question ALWAYS comes up within 5 minutes of meeting the babe? It’s, “so, what do you do for a living?”. Translation; how much money do you make? lol They want and crave security above all else.

Did I EVER ask about money? Nope. Not directly anyway … the only thing I wondered was how much money was I gonna have to spend to get in her pants. heh heh

My seester and I are diametrically opposed on ….. everything. But, I still love her, and would give my life for her. Nothing comes above family, imho. Ever. Yes, I know seeing a sister on occasion is different than living with a wife daily. But the principle holds. (Ms Freud voted for Obama.)

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

What does prepping, politics, economics, etc. have to do with the above? Nothing! I am NOT being judgmental, but I ask you, how may of the above things are YOU doing?

Tim …. there IS a way for you to be a prepper AND still love your wife, even if she’s not. Yes! There IS a way! I’m cheering for you wholeheartedly that you will leave no stone unturned to find a way.

Stuchenmeister Marriage Counseling, Inc.

October 3, 2015 10:09 am

You eloquently stated what I’ve believed for a long time. Thank you.

Anyone that is familiar with Agenda 21, which is freely available on the web, can see the plans for themselves. In city councils, state houses and WDC, they pass laws in compliance. How people refuse to see what is readily found is proof of our inbred ideals of our country and not what is happening before our very eyes and in our own backyards.

@Tim, you have no idea how much I can empathize with your marriage, and how lonely and crazy it can feel. I’ve used this forum, more than once, to vent those frustrations and air my dirty laundry. I used to use my real name (some stupid ideal of helping to change things) but then figured out that if I try to leave, he’ll use my “crazy conspiracy theories” as ammunition in court. And thanks to his investing skills and business acumen (long stories) we are underwater in business and home, while having 100% of our savings and retirement in the stock market.

So, welcome and ignore the assholes, or brawl, big dogs aren’t born, they’re made…

Thanks again, Hardscrabble, you are truly gifted in your words, they are a pleasure to read.

October 3, 2015 10:15 am

Come on backbabble, you didn’t write that. Makes too much sense, not enough leaps in logic. Very nice, and right on the button. Montefrio, you nailed it with the point about the manipulators and the brainwashed believers. More on that later

October 3, 2015 10:49 am

We get what we allow.

[imgcomment image?oh=bf4a1edc12d3753bbdfe0ce3a28f2a4d&oe=56D32DEE[/img]

October 3, 2015 10:54 am

I was a Dairyman in my younger years and I love your story about the cows. It is absolutely true. There were times when I would take my guitar up on the hill to serenade them. They would stop eating and come as a large group and surround me listening to me play. They’d stay about eight feet away in a circle around me listening until I stopped.

October 3, 2015 10:57 am


Well done! When I saw that you’d been born in 1961 I thought “Well, he’s a kid, but pretty impressive” and then did a double-take: you’re in your fifties! Geezer tunnel vision, I’m ashamed to say. But man are you ever right!

Stanley, you too have made an important contribution: you’re a Zen guy whether you know it or not. “The fabric of our culture has been fractured. There is no trust, no faith, no community anymore. Only money, and success and/or failure. The connections have all been lost.” YOU have trust and faith, YOU are the man who can make a community come together if that’s still possible. Fight, fight against the dying of the light.

HSF you have done yeoman service with this post and the thread developing is one that NEEDS developing.

Stuck:I don’t believe all women are fixated on security, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. And I’m with you in asking myself if “engineering” is possible in so vast a nation, but I’ve come around to answering “Yes”. Remember the old Sherlock thing that once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever solution remains, however improbable, has to be correct? Yeah, well…

Tim: a “life of freedom” is still possible, tocayo, but maybe not so possible in the USA any longer. You’re not crazy and you’re doing what’s right for your family whether they recognize it or not, because YOU, sir, are the head of the household and if your wife fails to recognize that and choose imprudent, well, while the likely outcome is tragic, it will not be because you failed in your duty to be a prudent householder. Love is one thing, duty another, though in fact the should go hand in hand. Good luck!

Given the dreadful acceleration of the snowball down the hill, perhaps “Good Luck!” is the best we can hope for.

October 3, 2015 11:50 am

Don’t know if you’ve ever heard the story of the Hopi prophesy rock. The path of humanity is spit into two lines, the upper one is man as he acts now which leads to ruin. The lower path, with ears of corn, shows man returning to the land and life in peace.

October 3, 2015 12:05 pm

Jim, if you have it handy, could you relink that soros link you put up the other day? It has to be the most chilling thing I’ve read in a long time, and if you want to see one side of yhe equation completely drop the curtain for a moment, it is right there. Any question about who is pulling the levers in the dimocrat party and in eutope, well you can quit wondering.

October 3, 2015 12:11 pm


You wrote a fantastic summation of the tragic trajectory of our times. As for me, I daily feel more and more out of place in this culture. I may as well have moved to Cambodia.

The other lovely evening I was walking my dog when I encountered a couple wheeling a stroller. They looked about 30, white, upper-middle class, educated. In the stroller was a little girl somewhere between 18-24 months old. This child was oblivious to everything because she was focused on the smartphone in her chubby little hands. I can’t say if I was more enraged or saddened, but certainly both.

This is what we are up against. The machine and it’s Luciferian masters are way more intelligent and cunning than we are. To resist takes an unusual level of awareness and insight and dedication to intentional living. Maybe a little inborn paranoia helps. Maybe knowledge of ancient prophecies about the end of Earth helps. I see the intensity of the battle between good and evil ramping up. Apocalypse Pretty Soon?

This site is full of intuitive people who find reality beyond the surface appearance of things. I suspect your dear wife is a senser whose reality is all about what she perceives with her senses – the surface. Until her world gets rocked in a tangible way, she will be resistant to your view of things. I suspect it won’t be too long. Be patient with her.

October 3, 2015 12:12 pm

@ Hardscrabble Farmer……Well said. I’ve thought about this for a long while, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that most people actually are naturally cattle-like. And I don’t mean that as some kind of snarky slam against my fellow man, I mean it literally. If an individual is forced to think for themselves on every matter and if the consequences of their decisions determine whether they live or die, then you will see some pretty sharp individuals. But if you live in a herd, like modern civilization is, then you can afford to let your guard down because the greater whole, the herd, has your back. The consequences of your screw-up are way less severe. There’s no right or wrong about this, it’s only natural.

On the other hand, you have the government. Their job is governance, which naturally evolves into ever increasing control over everything. And like it or not, they are part of the herd. Just as you were saying about ‘progressive’ cattle production where the miserable animals are fed garbage, live in dung and are shocked with cattle prods to get them to do anything, the truth is that the owners do those things because it was found to be the most efficient way to handle the herd. Our government is no different, and I don’t really blame them. What the hell are they supposed to do? I don’t like it, and I rebel against their control, but at the same time I can’t come up with a viable alternative, given the number of people and the number of sub-groupings that there are.

The biggest, by far, issue for the human race is over-population. The more humans there are, the less anyone gives a damn about other humans and the harder it is to control them. As you said, a nice herd of free range, naturally fed, decently cared for cattle are in the best situation. But in this country, you cannot feed 340+ Million people without industrial farming. And you cannot control 340+ million people without industrial governance. I know this makes me sound like a fascist, well then so be it. Give me a break, I’m 3/4 German so maybe it’s in my genes, lol.

I don’t like what I’m saying, but it’s the conclusion I’ve come up with. So, to answer your question, HF, on whether we submit or resist, I would say to the individual…..resist! But to hundreds of millions of cattle-like hungry mouths to feed, I would say….. submit.

October 3, 2015 12:18 pm

Hey Tim, you have written the situation as succinctly as it can be written. I could not imagine being in a relationship whereby my spouse was 180 degrees out from my point of view. That is as difficult as it is frustrating. Good luck to ya.

October 3, 2015 12:40 pm

Zerohedge is a go.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 3, 2015 1:30 pm

HSF, good article. Tim, hang in there. There are a lot of couples who are unequally yoked. Don’t let the doom porn drive you crazy. We may be on the cusp of the shit hitting the fan, but we have to get up every day and put our pants on and proceed. I don’t understand exactly what Admin does, but I think it’s something involved with the financial markets. You can be aware that markets are being pumped and manipulated but still have to trade/invest in that environment because it’s your job. Even those of us most disconnected from the system still have to interact with it. You’re not crazy for seeing the marionette strings behind our politicians, but you’re wife’s not crazy in seeing the value in stability and contentment, especially when you have kids to raise. There’s worse things than going to church on Sundays, if for no other reason than sleeping in is overrated and morning is the best time of day. The mantra “question everything” should apply to even to the conclusions we reach after questioning everything. Don’t expect your wife to agree with you on everything. It would be nice if she did, but that’s pretty rare. I have to bite my tongue about six times a day.

Stephanie Relfe
Stephanie Relfe
October 3, 2015 1:53 pm

They are preparing humans for the harvest by aliens.

The Wachowski Brothers told you that, just as they told the date of 911 in The Matrix, two years before 911 happened.

DO NOT GET ON THE SHIPS when they come.

See most important video and article at:


October 3, 2015 2:02 pm

HSF. Well said. Thank you once again.

October 3, 2015 2:10 pm

@ Stephanie Rae

I haven’t set foot on a plane since 2010, so whyna hell would I get on a flying saucer!

Sheesh, even.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 3, 2015 2:18 pm

@ Tim

Those Winter Sundays
Robert Hayden, 1913 – 1980

Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?

I read this poem for the first time during an English class in year one of my university days. It struck a chord with me – making me think of my own father – a working class shlep from a modest ‘bush farming’ background. I often thought of my father as something of a harsh man but I never saw the burden he bore – taking care of our brood and making sure my mother – severely damaged from a car accident – was also cared for. He never complained when life threw him curve balls – he put his big boy panties on, sucked it up and did whatever needed to be done.

I think the same lesson applies to us – my life has been measurably better than his on many levels (we’ve had a few curve balls too but not like my dear old dad had) so I try to keep his example center in my minds eye as I get older.

Your job is simple – you don’t have to convert your wife – if she is anything like mine mostly she requires your love and intimacy – your job is to suck it up and keep your eye on the big picture – to provide security (to prep in the shadows if you will) and bear the burden God has given you.

Life is complicated for most people. So do what your instincts tell you to do – bear your burden in silence and prepare but let your wife live the life God intended for her. Be her loving husband – play your role and let the burden of being prepared be your own.

My humble opinion only. Good luck to you.

October 3, 2015 2:27 pm

Here come the cowhands . . . .



Though, I think they probably call themselves the Unsecpo, or something.

October 3, 2015 3:01 pm


We were warned about this as far back as 1862:

October 3, 2015 3:04 pm

The (engineering) started at least 100 years ago. It was slow at first, but progressive! Now in the past decade the birth pangs have increased and are getting closer together! If the masses can’t see the (change) by now, I guess they never will. There have been many watchman shouting the warnings, if they are ignored, whatever consequences happen to the individual is their own fault! But having said all of that, one can only be (awakened) if the LORD allows it to happen! Those of us that are, need to thank the LORD daily for the veil being lifted!!!

October 3, 2015 3:32 pm

If you believe in the bible , Jesus Christ , Satan and the Revelation to John then of course our demise is being engineered by people especially politicians who are energized by Satanic forces.Both Judaism and Islam share a desire to destroy Christian civilization in Europe by encouraging endless immigration . Same here in America.All by design.

Tim ,I have always been successful at keeping a job and working my life away but I have completely failed at marriage . All my relationships with women outside of family have ended in failure. Even my high school sweet heart dumped me for another boy.This should give you hope.At least you’re still in the game.

bb's ex-girlfriend
bb's ex-girlfriend
October 3, 2015 4:00 pm

You turned me into a lesbian you little shithead.

October 3, 2015 4:00 pm

Well put. Engineered indeed. It has become that one can smell an MK Ultra operation the moment it rears its ugly head. Like late ’70’s models American cars they all look pretty much the same and all of them lack any fashion of creativity at this point. That the main stream propaganda machine is so blatantly in lock step with the operations should be shocking, but its not, simply because their complicity is so commonplace.

October 3, 2015 4:25 pm

As usual HSF has his feet firmly planted in reality.

October 3, 2015 4:28 pm


1.a slaughterhouse.

synonyms: slaughterhouse · butchery · shambles


a state of total disorder:

synonyms: chaos · mess · muddle · confusion · disorder · havoc ·

Seems we are halfway there now, and just waiting our turn, there is only one thought that remains,

“praise god and pass the ammunition”

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we’ll all stay free

Praise the Lord and swing into position
Can’t afford to be a politician
Praise the Lord, we’re all between perdition
And the deep blue sea

Yes, the sky pilot said it, you gotta give him credit
For a son of a gun of a gunner was he

Shouting, ‘Praise the Lord, we’re on a mighty mission
All aboard, we ain’t a-goin’ fishin’
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we’ll all stay free’

Praise the Lord
(Praise the Lord)
And pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord
(Praise the Lord)
And pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord
(Praise the Lord)
And pass the ammunition
And we’ll all stay free

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we’ll all stay free

October 3, 2015 4:43 pm

I must say, it’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve seen a current example of “Essayist-as Artist”, and to my sensibilities this is a salutory, poetic work of art indeed! Thank You. I look forward to reading your other work.

Also: an amazing group of people! I really need to spend more time here, and intend to do so.

@ Tim: Say to your wife these words: “I love you very much, even if you don’t understand some of the things I think. My ideas may seem strange to you, but I am not dangerous, and will not become dangerous. So please understand that you have nothing to be afraid of. I think we can restrengthen our love if we don’t get too carried away with ideas, and focus on making ourselves and each other happy”.

Then: Just let her talk and say whatever she thinks. Don’t resist anything of further objections come up, and respond with “Thank you for being candid. Sometimes that is hard when you are not sure. I will think about what you have said”. Then change the subject to something agreeable: “Let’s go have pizza and take in a movie.”

THEN: Stop talking randomly about what you know and perceive, and gradually, safely commence her education by starting at the periphery, where shock is of lower valence than “The Big Stuff”:

“Honey…? Did you see this study by a senior scientist from MIT that says that by 2025 half the children born will have autism due to glycophospate (Roundup) poisoning?”

“Honey…? Did you see this article about all dead and dieing sea creatures washing up on the west coast? I wonder what that’s about?”

“Honey….? Did you see Putin’s speech to the UN the other day…?”

Just maybe one story every few days for while, and elsewise don’t talk about your ideas if you can avoid it. Eventually she will become (assuming that she listens at all, if not, start further out in the periphery) more open to matters of larger consequence. Hopefully in this manner you can preserve your marriage and your integrity as well.

There are many other insightful comments that I would like to interact with, and might if I can find the time.

Thanks again to the writer and all the commentators.


October 3, 2015 4:51 pm

@ Rumplestillskin:

I worked for a while on a breeding ranch, where they wanted the cattle calm and gentle. Lots of Old Moms, calves, yearlings and two year olds. I found also that singing to them pretty well magnetized them, and it was a strange, and slightly intimidating as well as exalting feeling that came from standing out in the center of a group of dozens of beings much larger than myself, singing away to them. I feel their consciousness, all those eyes sinking as deep into me as they could.

Curiously, the females seemed to prefer melodies in the Major key, while the males preferred the Minor.

October 3, 2015 4:54 pm

@ don

90+% of the mainstream media is owned collectively be six megacorporations with interlocking director-ships. Newspapers owned by one of them are not going to print stories embarassing to their pals.

See craigphulet.com.

Hulet has some amazing radio interviews as well, if you scroll down the page.

October 3, 2015 5:02 pm

Two people interacting above said:

bb says:

If you believe in the bible , Jesus Christ , Satan and the Revelation to John then of course our demise is being engineered by people especially politicians who are energized by Satanic forces.Both Judaism and Islam share a desire to destroy Christian civilization in Europe by encouraging endless immigration . Same here in America.All by design.

Tim ,I have always been successful at keeping a job and working my life away but I have completely failed at marriage . All my relationships with women outside of family have ended in failure. Even my high school sweet heart dumped me for another boy.This should give you hope.At least you’re still in the game.

3rd October 2015 at 3:32 pm

bb’s ex-girlfriend says:

You turned me into a lesbian you little shithead.”

3rd October 2015 at 4:00 pm


BB: You might try taking a course called “Active Listening”. It may surprise you to discover that listening is a skill that can be honed, and one that can provide you with very elegant results.

Ex: It sounds like you are violently angry there. But your public language, nasty and vicious as it is, has no place in a group of people like this, and indicates that as your present personality is configured, it is not suitable to be in any relationship at all. Please consider counseling of some kind yourself. Unless you learn to sort things out yourself, which is a very hard thing for many people to do, you shall remain unhappy until you do. …just my opinion.

October 3, 2015 5:05 pm

@ Ex:

Should’ve put this in the last post, it is an afterthought:

By taking the name that you do, you are defining yourself in terms of someone else, and in this case, someone for whom you harbor strong, negative feelings. Do you see this? Do you think that that is a healthy thing to be doing?

… Are there other ways that you could define yourself so that you aren’t focussing on an identity that makes you unhappy?

October 3, 2015 5:09 pm

Been saying for YEARS we are being setup. If you can’t see that then it’s working.

October 3, 2015 5:10 pm

@Francis: Thanks so much for sharing that poem; what a clear, clean, and pungently poingnant (sp?) presentation!

October 3, 2015 6:30 pm

Skip – you have been had. Read more, learn the players. Right now you are a mark for anyone wanting to pull your chain.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 3, 2015 6:38 pm

“What is happening is- in my opinion- is engineered.”
But what, exactly, IS happening…and WHO are the engineers?

@Tim, I’ve been married over 20 years and the last 10 have been
a period when I have leaned more towards conspiracy theories (which
only means that I have woken up to the corruption, greed, and lies,
mostly from our government). Conspiracy theorists seek truth, want answers,
and don’t accept the status quo. Luckily it has not brought a rift in
my marriage but my “other half” is certainly not in lock step
with my opinions or views. However, I have been able to slowly
open her eyes of late. Example: chemtrails. I matter-of-factly
point them out when we are driving together and calmly explain what
they are and what I’ve read about them, and can predict to her
that the skies will turn a milky white vs. blue within an hour
or two of their appearance. Now she points them out to ME!
So be calm, don’t try to persuade–and definitely don’t argue.
Another commenter above suggests asking simple questions–a good

Back to the Engineers.

Being raised non-denominational and never taken to church by
my parents, I grew up pretty much agnostic. However, over the
last 30 years (I’m over 60 now), I’ve sought the higher meaning
of life and the age-old questions of why we are here and what
MY individual purpose is. I still don’t know the answers but
it’s the process that’s important–to continually ask “why”.
Seeking the answers that may never be knowable is in itself

Gayle said “The machine and it’s Luciferian masters are way more
intelligent and cunning than we are.” Five years ago I would
not have given that much credence, but I’ve changed. The Nag
Hammadi texts, written 2000 years age and discovered in 1945 but
only deciphered in the late 1970’s describe archons.

“”They sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions… although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs… For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity.”

These parasitic Archons desparately seek to have a soul like humans, but cannot. So
rather than becoming like us, they are making us like THEM.

I believe our rulers in government and industry are more and
more under the influence of these archons, and have become
soulless themselves. That negative influence then works its
way down through society at large.

So it all boils down to the age old battle of good vs. evil.
Whether the current situation is but one battle reaching a conclusion
in the eons old war, we can only surmise. But at present, it seems that evil is winning…for now.

Deanna Johnston Clark
Deanna Johnston Clark
October 3, 2015 6:44 pm

Long ago I decided to never wear slave or sweatshop clothes.
My life is a simple working class one…a disabled husband, grandkids who live here a lot,a small house. But I felt powerless over what you folks talk about, so I decided to do ONE THING…so small it wouldn’t make any difference, but just for the hell of it.

Every time the seasons change or somebody makes a comment I have bought stuff…then give it away. Usually cheap…isn’t everything now? My skirts and blouses are made with Chinese fabric…I can’t afford to order fair trade online $25 a yard. So even that isn’t so pure.

What’s the point? The POINT is how HARD it is to master yourself and do even a little thing.

And if one little thing is so hard…how are we going to change our culture to a more natural, kindly, affectionate one? Yet I feel the angels laugh and are glad when I keep trying. It’s nothing, but it’s everything. England used to brag, “Slaves can’t breathe English air.” because as soon as they did, they were no longer slaves. Well, maybe it shows on my face, “Slaves didn’t make my clothes.”

You wouldn’t believe the anger it evokes in people…such a little nothing. I don’t even suggest anyone else do it. Let’s face it, we love this lifestyle, most of us.

October 3, 2015 7:17 pm

I’m afraid that this article says it all: http://www.activistpost.com/2015/09/the-western-media-is-dying-and-heres-why.html It details, inter alia, the hideous executive order Obama signed in Mid-September authorizing the formation of a group of behavioral scientists to “nudge” public opinion in the direction desired by the government.

Here’s another one that might be useful for the author’s wife: http://www.activistpost.com/2015/07/vaccines-ideal-covert-op-to-genetically.html
Pay particular attention roughly halfway down to the Prinction microbiologist Lee Silver’s quote. It gives you a very good idea of what lies ahead. It is not pretty.

bb's ex-girlfriend
bb's ex-girlfriend
October 3, 2015 7:49 pm

“Ex: It sounds like you are violently angry there.” ——– Skip

You’d be angry too if you put up with the shit I have. You see, I am a Believer in the Lord Jesus. As such, I did not have premarital sex with bb…. even though we dated for 6 years 5 months and 18 days. I stuck with him because he promised me he had an eleven inch cock. Imagine my surprise when on our glorious and blessed wedding night, I discovered it was only one inch, and a soft inch at that!

So, take your armchair psychology and shove it far up your puny asshole, ya fag!

Oh, one other thing. Blow me.

October 3, 2015 8:28 pm

Yes!–Stanley. If I could put what’s happening in one sentence it would be a ‘crisis of trust’. All civilizations progress on a basis of trust. ‘Real Bills’ rested on trust, politicians and the citizenry rests on trust, bankers and their depositors rests on trust and trust is all eroding at a startling pace.

Too big to fail banks have robbed and cheated their customers and others in their business dealings paying huge fines for their immoral and illegal actions. The Prez lies with such verve as to overwhelm you with his falsity. The stock market is rigged with Algos and the President’s Working Group on Markets- PPT Team- rigs all markets to maintain the illusion of well being. The Bureau of Labor statistics lies about the unemployment rate. The Main Street Media gives you no story, a half-story or out right lies and that passes for News. The Healthcare industry pushes thru Obama Care, ACA, and their profits increase and healthcare cost everyone more amid claims to the contrary. On and On and On!!! We have the most divisive Prez and congress ever.

Is it any wonder that ‘trust’ has passed by the wayside or been replaced with ‘suspicion’ and ‘what’s in it for me?’ mentality. We have passed the ‘Cusp of Civility, of Civilization’ and are slowly picking up steam, heading into ‘Chaos’. James Howard Kunstler, Chris Martenson and many more too numerous to mention have commented on this ensuing maelstrom with great lucidity.

Yes, it is a ‘crisis of confidence’. ‘Confidence’ in our money and in all that we hold dear. Confidence is nothing but ‘Trust’ and it becomes more ephemeral with each passing day. People sense this and are becoming increasingly despondent, wondering what is happening and what to do about it. Expect more irrational acting out, more dissension between you, your family, neighbors and nations.

The people have lost their compass and are navigating the sea of life without any sense of direction, midst shoals, rip tides and tsunamis. A recipe for disaster, I think.

The first trust for me is the “Trust in God”. That is my compass. Will it provide me true bearings in this voyage thru life? What’s your compass? Your trust in government? hmmmm!

October 3, 2015 8:44 pm

Deanna Johnston Clark says—“And if one little thing is so hard…how are we going to change our culture to a more natural, kindly, affectionate one?”

It’s easy Deanna, you do it one person at a time. Start with yourself. God’s way isn’t from the top down or else governments would be the way to go. It’s from the bottom up, from the family up. That’s always been His way. Stone upon stone, a little leavening here, a little leavening there. Before you know it the whole loaf is leavened.

Take hope, Deanna, most don’t understand the earth shaking depth of a warm smile, a kind gesture, or a helpful acknowledgement. Many a life has been turned around by less.

October 3, 2015 8:54 pm

“As far as I can tell not only has democracy departed the western world but also compassion empathy for others, morality integrity respect for truth justice fairness self-respect western civilization has become a hollow shell there is nothing left but greed and coercion and the threat of coercion.”–Paul Craig Roberts

Is it really that bad???

October 3, 2015 9:22 pm

Tim says: I know there was a female poster here on TBP who had some pretty extreme marriage circumstances she posted about.

I’m not saying she was TE but, yeah, TE.
Most of the problem men experience is not being able to let go.
They get it in their tiny head that they are indispensable, which is untrue.
El Doggy says that men who do not value themselves, unsure of their own worth,
Put the woman’s needs before their own.

He calls these men, madilones, men who wear a mental apron, men who cater to women
instead of insisting that the woman assume her natural role as the man’s ideal helper.

I read a lot of responses here, they sympathize with you, I say that you need to reevaluate your life
starting with your needs and whether she is fulfilling any of them. If she is going to be nothing more than a dead weight in times of trouble, it’s time to start looking for a replacement.

Consider: would you think it smart to advise your own son to keep a woman who’s nothing but a leech and an obstruction to his dreams? Would you approve of him if all he did was work his ass off to fulfill her Barbie Doll dreams?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 3, 2015 9:27 pm

As far as bb’s Ex. So she was disappointed with his equipment. That’s trying to have it all her way. bb is too much of a gentleman to dish about her shortcomings.

You go, bb. Your going to find a great woman soon.