Vampire Cops

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Apparently, our money’s not enough.forced blood draw lead 2

They want our blood, too.

You may have heard about this. In Texas – one of America’s, uh, “freest” states – the cops have got the power to throw you over the hood of a cruiser and forcibly extract your blood if you decline to take a Breathalyzer test. After having been forced to stop for no specific reason at a “sobriety” checkpoint. Your refusal to cooperate – that is, to prove your innocence (that’s how it works in America nowadays) to the satisfaction of a cop is all the provocation necessary. Roll down your sleeve.

Or else.

Count (oops, Police Chief) Art Acevedo of the Austin PD wants to expand what had been a “pilot” program – weekends only – to a full time regular operation.

To make this routine. News story here.checkpoint image

Inevitably, other states will follow. Oregon already has. At some point, the Supreme Court will “affirm” the “constitutionality” of these blood draws. Why not? It has already affirmed the “constitutionality” of all sorts of obviously not constitutional practices – including the random and probable cause-bereft stopping of motorists to force them to prove they aren’t guilty of pretty much everything in the motor vehicle code (e.g., you’re forced to prove you have a license, the mandatory insurance, that your car is registered and has all the demanded stickers, that you are buckled up for “safety”, etc.). If these fishing expeditions are reasonable (as demanded by the Fourth Amendment) then what constitutes an unreasonable search?

Nominally, search warrants are still required before the syringes puncture your flesh – per a 2013 Supreme Court decision to that effect. But it’s a pro forma (read, rubber stamp) exercise. The warrants are approved reflexively, as a matter of course. Because – words of the court – refusal to voluntarily provide a sample constitutes “consciousness of guilt.”

Might as well have one of those machines – like they have at the airport long-term parking lot – that spits out the piece of paper when you push the green button. It’s not like it was back when America still had a semi, rule-of-law-wise and it was actually necessary to go before a judge or grand jury with evidence, which would be considered and which had to rise to a fairly high standard before a warrant was issued.

Ah, but this took time.forced blood 2

And cops – law enforcers – cannot abide this. Justice must be served piping hot and steaming fresh. Better to kick down the wrong door in the middle of the night or jab needles in the arms of “suspected” behind-the-wheel-tipplers (and tokers) than fuss with all that tiresome rule-of-law stuff.

For instance, that weird and strange idea that no person may be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. Fifth Amendment. And as legally irrelevant today as the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of unreasonable searches. Both very ungoodthinkful and doubleplusungood.

Our “freedoms,” you see. It’s what they hate us for.

The government, that is.

The real terrists.

Who are the enemies of our freedom.

How is this business worse than Sharia Law? Seriously. Substitute The State for Allah – and it’s the same thing. The least show of disrespect – which now includes declining to cooperate in your own railroading – will result in an ultraviolent response. Instead of ululating, you’ll hear stop resisting! … but what’s the difference?

Maybe they don’t kill you – well, not as policy (yet). But how far down the road can that be?

If you’re over 40 – and still dimly remember the America that used to be – you will no doubt marvel (despair is probably a better word) that such things are happening. Things which would have been literally not believable as recently as 20 years ago.forced grope image

Cops forcibly holding you down and shoving a needle in your arm to extract your blood because you asserted your former right to not participate in your own incrimination. Of course, this is not new. It’s just that the principle has been expanded. How many decades has the Ministry of Plenty (aka the eye r s) required – under penalty of law! – that you provide them with… well, whatever they demand? That you swear – under penalty of law! – that all the information about your affairs you’re compelled to provide them with for purposes of trying and convicting you of whatever crime they choose to charge you with is without error or omission?

Keep in mind that these vampiric cops are the same cops who have already been sanctioned by the same courts to strip search you and probe your anus or vagina with their fingers following an arrest for any offense – including routine traffic offenses (Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders of County of Burlington, et al; see here). Remember: Arrest means they simply assert you’ve done something illegal. They do not have to prove it to arrest you. And then probe you.

Once under their power, you are – legally speaking – powerless. Even to the extent of declining to provide evidence that can and will be used against you.

And even if there is no evidence of anything “illegal.”      void

Your mere refusal to play their game – to perform the roadside acrobatics, to exhale into their notoriously unreliable Breathalyzer – now constituting sufficient legal warrant to extract your bodily fluids using whatever force is necessary.

Because “exigent circumstances” – and so on.

The fools who support this do so under the delusion that since they have nothing to hide, no possible harm can come to them. What harm, after all, could possibly come from empowering the government to assault people at random, without the legal necessity of having to adduce some specific reason to suspect them of having committed a crime prior to the assault?

They are, after all, only trying to keep us safe.

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October 15, 2015 8:56 am

This is what happens when you let the cops make up their own laws without any legislative or judicial oversight or permission.

October 15, 2015 9:14 am

Sometimes I read these articles in utter disbelieve. We truly are seeing our country become some kind of hybrid of “1984” meets “A brave New World”. If they can’t dope you up and keep you distracted with mindless crap, well then they just roll out the jack booted thugs, to beat you into submission.

I have several relatives in law enforcement and thought that the job was dangerous and police deserved some level of respect. That was a long time ago. The system operates like the mafia now. Maybe it always did and I never noticed, or maybe it is so blatant now, only the most unaware can ignore it.

To me, it seems the cops are simply the “muscle” for the state. The “capos” judges, simply back the “muscle” up if there is a legal problem. The corruption is so apparent.

October 15, 2015 9:34 am

Winston….it wasn’t always like this; in my youth, I had run-in’s with police and no complaints from me. I think a good part of the problem is tied to money, at least on the corruption angle.

If you were addressing police brutality/unwarranted killings, I cannot explain why.

October 15, 2015 10:03 am

A few years ago Claire Wolf opined that it’s still too early to start shooting the bastards. Events like this take us ever closer to “yes it is time”! It’s one thing to have your license suspended for refusal to “play their game”, but it’s entirely something else for some pigfuk to stick a fucking needle in a person’s arm. What kind of training do they get? Are they liable if they hit a nerve and said person loses the use of his/her arm? Once the shooting starts, the chief of police should be the first one to go.

October 15, 2015 10:53 am

here in NY, if you get more than 2 moving violations (or 6 pts) with 1.5 years, after you have paid you tickets and court fiees (that was about $420 for both) the state sends you a letter called “Driver Responsibility Assessment Statement” and informs you that you now owe another $300 or you will loose your license. It’s like a never ending blood draw, with secret rules you only find out about, after the fact.

And the kicker is, “even if you have taken the Defensive driver course and reduced you point, you still have to pay this FEE”

I guess its better than getting strapped to a table and poked, but it still feels the same. The cops are now nothing more than a collection agency for the state.

October 15, 2015 7:02 pm

I have read all about the abuse of power by cops, so I don’t disagree with the fact that in many ways they are out of control. In many cases way out of control. But I also, have a problem with people drinking and driving. I have lost a loved a one in my family and have relatives be permanently fucked up from being hit by drunk drivers. I have also seen, first hand, people fuck around with the breathalizer to try to give a false reading and cops repeatedly tell them to breath into it, until they are taken to jail to have the test done there. By then, an hour goes by and they can get away with it. So I’m torn because I think that if you drive, which is a privilege, and still decide to endanger other peoples lifes, well then, fuck you. Take a blood test. But in our times, when it seems like big bro is ever bigger, I get why it doesn’t seem like a good thing.

October 15, 2015 10:23 pm

Bill Buppert over at has some excellent essays on policing and the inevitable storm of retribution they are slowly and inexorably bringing on themselves. Every victim they abuse, taze, beat up or murder is multiplied by the very number of family members that victim has who feel that these thugs deserve to be held accountable.
The system that sanctions and dismisses these egregious actions is called government and the cops are nothing more than the pointy end of that stick.
Just like American soldiers in the Middle East they are an occupying army and the more they oppress at some point there will begin an equal and opposite reaction.
Personally I have no respect for anyone choosing to be employed as a government LEO. To me that kind of person either lacks the critical thinking necessary to recognize the immorality of the state sanctioned violence and coercion they’re authorized to employ or else they have made a willful decision to ignore this truth. In either case, they are the last person who should be trusted with life or death power over another human being.

October 16, 2015 2:32 pm

@Spinolator, I’m sorry for your loss, and I’ve lost people too.

Here is the problem.

The REAL dangers, are STILL on the road, even after MULTIPLE tickets. Recently a FIVE times arrested/cause accident drunken driver went down to Ohio, drove the wrong way on the freeway and wiped out an entire family. Whom happened to be local to my home too (what are those odds? Michigan guy kills Michigan family in another state? I digress)

Exactly like the drug laws, the stated goals never materialize, but the Leviathan grows and grows and grows. More paid-for-life cops, courts, judges, jailers, connected counselors, “experts”

Criminals, and people that get behind the wheel 100% messed up, do NOT follow the laws.

WE do.

So, this “safety” net only serves to punish the minor offenders that truly haven’t broken any laws, while doing nothing to actually MAKE us safe.

In Michigan, right after the state passed an “automatic” 15 year sentence for driving drunk/drugged and striking a road construction worker, some drunk bitch out of Detroit was going 30-50 miles over the stated speed limit, in a construction zone. She went around the barriers and struck and killed one of the workers. Not only was she drunk & trashed, she was on heroin (might have been crack, was a long time ago) and SHE HAD HER KIDS with her.

Did she get the automatic 15? NO. ‘Cause her chilrens.

It is 100% impossible to regulate crazy. 100% impossible.

Yet creating a fascist police state where we are not allowed to have a good time, enjoy a glass of wine with our dinner, or smoke a joint, somehow equates to “safety” within the minds of the majority.

These laws did NOTHING to stop the deaths of my friends and families. They have, however, ruined the lives of many more people I know for not hitting an arbitrary number, or taking the wrong kinds of drugs, when NO ONE else was hurt.

If we really wanted to stop the dangerous and deadly drunks it wouldn’t be that hard. Hang the first ten assholes that drive trashed and kill someone. Not the little old lady whom had one glass of wine and then was sideswiped by the cop (that scenario goes down as “alcohol related accident” btw). With bodies and proof of our seriousness waving in the wind, I’d bet many more people would think before they drove trashed.

We are routinely treated like we are criminals without hurting ANYONE, nor even hurting property. Minority Report has been our way of life for going on 40 years. Arrested for a happening you “might” commit.

Again, I am sorry for your loss but I hate to tell you, unless they died BEFORE the war on drinking/bars was enacted, the legislation was in place and did NOTHING to stop their deaths. Nothing. It just makes you/us feel like we are “doing something.”

Which we are, increasing the power of the jackboots on our necks. THAT is what we have accomplished and not much else.