Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Weeping Soldiers

This photo of one of the sailors captured (and, quickly released) by Iran a few weeks ago was just released.

You who have fathers or grandfathers who fought in WWII, can you imagine them crying so soon after being captured, especially considering the easy, almost luxurious, conditions in which this sailor was being held?  I can’t.

Question: What do you think of this soldier?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
February 11, 2016 7:31 pm

If I just got arrested by Iranians knowing what a traitor Obama is, I might cry in frustration.

February 11, 2016 7:36 pm

I’d cry over the food they served.

February 11, 2016 7:45 pm

I wasnt there, so I cant say.

February 11, 2016 7:57 pm

Obama doesn’t care – he provided Iran with a bad Nuke deal and they spit on America; just what Obama likes, providing more prestige and power to the Muzzies while dismantling our country.

February 11, 2016 8:08 pm

First off, he is a sailor and not a soldier. I don’t think anything about him. We do not know the circumstances of that photo. Perhaps those Iranians made him dice an onion. Who knows. Why bother to jump to a conclusion about his character or choice of footwear?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 11, 2016 8:17 pm

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To be fair, he didn’t get a juice box.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 11, 2016 8:43 pm

Did you see the video of what the Iranians used to capture the US vessels? It was like your kids using an AMC Pacer to capture 2 fully loaded MRAPS.

The female sailor looked particularly unhappy having to wear a headscarf while the other guys were wolfing down apricots and plums.

If it weren’t for our superior air power, drones, bombers and armor we wouldn’t be able to take on a company of Civil War reenactors.

Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

February 11, 2016 8:44 pm

What a poignant question! I have wondered something similar myself …. why didn’t they – the navy crew members – ‘open up’ when approached by the iranians? Have you seen the pictures of the U.S. vessels versus the iranians? It’s a complete joke. The times they are a changin.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 11, 2016 9:13 pm

He joined and that makes him braver than 90% of youngsters. This may be his first month in his first war zone. I’ve had men break down but get over it quickly. I’ve cried for less and ain’t no sissy. Don’t be as stupid as Gen Patton was to slap some kid in Sicily with Battle Fatigue (PTSD). Once I got back after a for certain fatal crash (that God saved me from) and started pondering what went wrong, I started shaking so bad that you would have wanted to slap me. If captured, you stop being a fighting soldier (sailor or airman) and wisely begin thinking of deception and escape (unless you want to amuse the enemy as his punching bag or target). Has a certain 6’6″ 300 pound giant ever pondered his chances of being a brave bad ass smarting off at some 125 pound 5’6″ captor and then having to out run a tiny little bullet.

February 11, 2016 9:19 pm

How do we know that the Iranian goons hadn’t hit this sailor in the face with a lachrymatory agent (such as Mace) in order to subdue and/or humiliate him?

That seems more likely than that he’d be weeping.

February 11, 2016 9:28 pm

rhs….that sailor does Not look like a youngster. Looks like a guy in 30’s anyway, so based on that, I disagree with all those that are sticking up or making excuses for him.

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
February 11, 2016 9:29 pm
February 11, 2016 9:43 pm

I never ‘served’ so I won’t judge, but I had a grandfather who toured Europe with Patton’s 3rd Army in WWII and I remember him telling me as a kid in the 70’s that an all volunteer force would draw too many people who couldn’t succeed in regular society.

February 11, 2016 9:49 pm

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” – Heraclitus

I have a buddy who is Force Recon, and he is ready to serve up this quote at the drop of a hate. He was a badass in High School, and is a badass now. He’s one of those friends I could drop in and split a beer with and it would all be cool, even though I haven’t seen him in 10 years, and rarely hear from him.

A good dude. A mother fucking dangerous dude. A patriot after all our hearts, who serves the Constitution and detests the bulk of politicians in DC. He was a rabid R. Paul supporter.

Stuck, the quote holds true across time. There will always be pussies that cry, and men that drag the group through hell.

You don’t think people cried? The closest I can get is Band of Brothers as far as film, but I have personally met many WW2 vets and if you listen to their stories long enough you will hear tales of GI cowardice.

Plus, a dude with the word “clit” in his name said it, so it must be true.

February 11, 2016 10:07 pm

Its not sinful homosexuality if you buttfuck captives in the name of Jihad.

February 11, 2016 10:17 pm

I wouldn’t be so quick to judge. One of my interests is reading and listening to first hand accounts of US soldiers lives throughout history. The Library of Congress has been collecting stories for years.

I’m sure the first minutes, hours and maybe days of being captured and held by 12th century savages is not an experience many of us would care to share. One minute your doing your routine job…happy go lucky……shooting the shit with your friends and the next minute you’ve got guns in your face and you’re being held hostage. Personally I’d be wondering how much longer I’d be keeping my head attached to my carcass. I’m also sure that bigger and badder men have cried in similar situations.

Be sure to check out some of those veterans stories at the LOC website. You’ll find yourself in tears just listening……..I know I have several times.

A great book to keep in the car for Dr. appointments etc is War Letters by Tom Brokaw. It’s a collection a letters written to and from battlefields from the US Revolution up to Iraq ver. 1.0.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 11, 2016 10:31 pm


And no, my Caps Lock key was not stuck. I was, in fact, shouting.

February 11, 2016 10:35 pm

Great question Stuck although I understand your feelings, I can’t agree. I just read the comments on this post. Maybe the dude had a new baby at home he’d never seen and that was on his mind? I’m not the slightest bit religious but the words:

There but for the grace of God…………..

come to mind. I’m sure that freedom and home appear exceedingly distant at times like that.

I sincerely hope we all fare better in what awaits us.

February 11, 2016 10:36 pm

Short answer- Yes he’s a puss. However, his pussy self enlisted and served. He was there. We needed the guys whos only accomplishment was just being there. They burned shit, dug trenches and provided suppressive fire. They were necessary.

If you’re reading this, seated at your computer, gut hanging over your belt and you never served… STFU. Thinking about stucky in particular.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
February 11, 2016 10:40 pm

The truth about the modern military: these people are coddled outside of a boot camp and a few field exercises here and there. They mostly sit around, leave early, get paid and blow their money fighting at the bar. Oh yeah, and everywhere they go they tell everyone they meet they are in the military, demand you thank them for their “service,” and give them bennies like discounts and free food, and let them into bars underage and think women should sleep with them for graduating boot camp. For every one that sees combat there are dozens who never have and never will.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least. I saw guys who couldn’t read, gangbangers, guys who didn’t know right from left. I knew Navy guys who did not know there were 360 degrees in a circle. Pretty common stuff.

Sorry to your old timers. I think it was different in the past. But the truth hurts.

February 11, 2016 10:40 pm

Read that history project……most guys sent off to war, voluntary or otherwise are just wet behind the ears kids with tons of bravado until shit got real. Go ahead, read, listen and learn. I’d bet that most of your fathers and grandfathers cried at some point as they took their turn on the line. The honest ones admit it and even the wet behind the ears boys…… old men, still cry in simply telling their stories.

February 11, 2016 11:13 pm

I look at it this way; the U.S. propaganda about how nasty the Iranians are has been historic. These sailors probably thought they’d be thrown in a dungeon forever and a day. Who knows what was going through their heads. It’s unfair of us to sit in judgment.

Otherwise I’d say they’re pussies, but that would be politically in-correct.

February 11, 2016 11:54 pm

Since none of us, you, me, or any of the other commenters have a fucking clue as to what really happened there or why, perhaps it is best to withhold judgement. You remind me of the girls in England during WWI who presented white feathers to the men they thought
were shirkers. In one case, to a veteran on the tram who had lost a leg.

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
February 11, 2016 11:59 pm

Brent says: If you’re reading this, seated at your computer, gut hanging over your belt and you never served… STFU. Thinking about stucky in particular.

Brent, you don’t know what your talking about. Why don’t you STFU? Old Stuck beat the crap out of his roomy for lesser shit than this.

Poor fucker wouldn’t dare go out and get a blowjob without bring one back for Stuck. You might have to do the same if you don’t watch your mouth.

February 12, 2016 12:17 am

I don’t know if you ever “served your country”. Many of us did during the Viet Nam excursion. I fortunately managed to avoid a Southeast Asian tour. Guys who beat the reaper and made it home from Nam were greeted at the airport in California by people who yelled at them, spit on them and added a bit to the stress they were already experiencing. Years later I would meet guys who had escaped death in the Orient and were wasting away on the streets of America. Fuck you for a stupid post.

Elpidio Corona
Elpidio Corona
February 12, 2016 12:36 am

It’s the times we live in, Gryf. One year they hate your guts, the next you can do no wrong. One year you can bash queers, another year they are untouchable.

Pull the wool off your eyes. You know damn well the mood of the country back then. Today, we support the troops and rally behind the governments call for war anywhere, anytime for whatever reason. To do otherwise is treason.

They will hang Snowden to send a message to anybody who dares question the official story. Get it, Gryf?

Now go give Stuck a blowjob after Brent is done.

February 12, 2016 12:53 am

El whatever,
Got no wool over my eyes. And you, like the boy from Nantucket whose cock was so long he could suck it, can try to fuck yourself in the ear.

February 12, 2016 2:02 am

You are a judgmental, sophomoric, foul minded and foul mouthed twit. I am not lying. A friend of mine ran the gauntlet in SF on his return to the US. Perhaps you, an air force dude “in a war zone” missed that experience. As I said earlier, none of us know what happened to the sailor who cried. You toss around the occasional biblical reference. How about “Let he who is free of guilt toss the first stone.” You are very clever and often funny, but when you lash out in your blind vitriolic anger your credibility falls to zip.

February 12, 2016 2:39 am

And you, the guy who drinks too much and takes other disguises, are still a twit. My grandfather was a POW in Russia so fuck off.

February 12, 2016 2:46 am

Come back when you are sober and semi- coherent. I was a commissioned officer, 1965-1967. You are still a twit.
G’ night jerk off.

February 12, 2016 2:55 am

Seriously Stucky?!! You post a question asking what we thought so we provided responses. If you don’t want to hear the responses then keep your fucking questions to yourself. Suck my hairy nuts and shove your Q.O.T.D. thread up your ass! Fucking moron! Seriously, how retarded can you get? This kind of shit reminds me of this post from yesterday:

“Truth” Is What The State Says It Is

Next time just post the answer you want to hear and the ass clown brigade can come up with appropriate questions.

February 12, 2016 3:13 am

I’m sure Bernie can post you as his official State Lacrimation Czar.

Maybe he’s the fuknut who got them into that mess and he’s begging them to kill him and let his sailors go?

February 12, 2016 3:39 am

Butt hurt my ass! I see moronic shit…….I point out moronic shit. It’s what I do.

You’re not asking what 2+2 is. There could be as many different answers to your question as there are people providing answers. You don’t know anymore about why this particular sailor is crying than I do based on the info provided so I suppose we just have two buckets of horseshit now. Crap in and crap out is a recurring theme around here, usually not from you though.

I didn’t miss or ignore anything. I can’t fix all the dumbfuckery around here, I’m just one man.

I believe the point you’re looking for is on your head!

I’ll see your blow me and raise you a rusty trombone! (you probably don’t want to look that up)

February 12, 2016 3:48 am

You mistake butthurt for being vigorously told what a retarded moron you are. A recessive gene in retarded morons causes them to sound the same.

Don’t mention that on your Bernie job application. Those all inclusive socialists judge the shit out of you behind your back and known flaws can get you marked for culling when things go hot.

February 12, 2016 4:09 am

I just did a little digging around about your weeping sailor boy. He was being tortured by the Iranians and broke after having his ears pried open with speculums and forced to listen to the following video 19 fucking times! (He’s being awarded a chest full of purple hearts, nominated for the CMH and honorably discharged on full lifetime disability for enduring so much pain.) Can you do better?

February 12, 2016 4:58 am

All of this growling, whining, bitching and vituperation, and NOBODY has entertained the possibility that the pictured sailor was “crying” because he’d been Mace’d (hit with a spritz of tear gas from a pressurized container) by one of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard goons who’d violated maritime law by boarding elements of a foreign navy in peaceful transit on the high seas (i.e., far beyond the lawful territorial waters of the Iranian “Republic”).

This guy – rather than being a wimp – might well have been the MOST bad-ass among those two boat crews, and got a faceful of CN for his defiance.