Do you want to start off your day with a YUGE smile? 

Then watch this short video.  It’s really one of the best ones out there. (I just love the Putin laughing interjections!) Seriously, I’ve already watched it many times yesterday and today.  The inconsolable grief of Clintonistas warms my heart and makes my soul merry.  I know that makes me a bad person but, fuckit.


And watch this very short video of our NEW FRIENDS, the Russkies celebrate.


Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Weeping Soldiers

This photo of one of the sailors captured (and, quickly released) by Iran a few weeks ago was just released.

You who have fathers or grandfathers who fought in WWII, can you imagine them crying so soon after being captured, especially considering the easy, almost luxurious, conditions in which this sailor was being held?  I can’t.

Question: What do you think of this soldier?