Do you want to start off your day with a YUGE smile? 

Then watch this short video.  It’s really one of the best ones out there. (I just love the Putin laughing interjections!) Seriously, I’ve already watched it many times yesterday and today.  The inconsolable grief of Clintonistas warms my heart and makes my soul merry.  I know that makes me a bad person but, fuckit.


And watch this very short video of our NEW FRIENDS, the Russkies celebrate.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 11, 2016 9:28 am

Makes me understand why the Left is so adamant about including mental health treatment in their health care plans.

November 11, 2016 6:44 pm

I was thinking most of these fragile snowflakes need to be on meds.

November 11, 2016 9:34 am

Adult children, every one of them.

November 11, 2016 9:50 am

I shared both with my 12 hillbilly friends. This is how I labelled it:

This doesn’t mean we are “best buds” with the Russians, but what it means is that they are grateful to have a “rational actor” as our head of state. While Obama may have been a “good” thing as an attempt at political healing in the U.S. (the symptoms remain and the cost of the medicine was HIGH)., his crazy governing method and unrevealed golf scores probably made the other great superpower a bit nervous in the days of a crazy spoiled brat with a nuclear arsenal in North Korea and Iran about ten minutes from announcing. At least they know Trump is sober, acts in the interests of himself VIS-A-VIS his country and isn’t going to take the furniture when he leaves. They also can quit having to defend their own cultural heritage from the SJWs.

So can we, for that matter.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 11, 2016 9:57 am

I’m not investment savvy. But I’m thinking maybe I should invest in pharmaceuticals.
My gut tells me that antidepressants are about to fucking skyrocket.

November 11, 2016 10:05 am

This guy crushes it.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 11, 2016 11:05 am

I’m afraid I’m removing your name to be the next White House Spokesman. The job should go to Eric July.
Trump should have a bust made of this guy.
No offense Stuck.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 11, 2016 4:37 pm

Ha, ha. I guess I’m not the only one who recently started following Eric July. I posted a video of his band Backwordz last week.

Backwordz-Utopia Don’t Exist

November 11, 2016 10:11 am

For once you spoke the truth You really need to seriously look in a mirror

November 11, 2016 10:15 am

Personally I love the fact that they painted themselves into a corner.

The constant whine of “Trump is undermining Democracy by doubting the results!,” has now turned into the whine of his winning.

And, thanks to their own fearless leader’s words, they CAN’T demand a recount as then THEY would be undermining Democracy.

*Note to the clueless, we are NOT a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic. Maybe, just maybe, your leader should understand the difference BEFORE running for office?

Here’s the best thing, for me, though: I still TRULY believe that the election WAS compromised. I believe it WAS rigged.

The counters just didn’t even consider the FACTS that Trump had single-handedly brought millions to the polls that hadn’t voted in years, or ever.

We OVERWHELMED the cheaters and their cheating, although more than likely huge and they knew they were risking it all by cheating so large, wasn’t enough!

There is NO WAY that evil witch garnered the number of votes they are announcing she received. I will NEVER believe it, never.

Other funny thing, I wonder how many of the “protestors” are destroying their own communities AND didn’t even bother to vote because the MSM had them convinced that Madame President was a done deal.

Ha! Their lies and statistics (redundant, I know) skewered them!

Had they been showing Trump in the lead, as I believe he actually was all along, it would have motivated the Demoncrats to show up. Instead, just like with what happened to Bernie, they stayed home content in the fact the “experts” told them all was well.

By and large though, the most amusing thing to me is that the morons had the absolute chance to keep the Status Quo, and DEMONcrats, as their rulers. Instead they kept absolute mum and even after finding out the Clinton/DEMONcrat machine had intentionally screwed them, they supported the criminal and her minions anyway.

Talk about instant Karma, had they ignited and demanded accountability, Bernie would have been in the mix and I really doubt that Trump could have beaten him. I personally know dozens of people that secretly admitted they would have NEVER voted for Trump had he been running against the Bern.

Ha! Ah well. No matter whom is at the helm we have one helluva decade facing us.

Laugh today, tomorrow we may all be crying. But, at least, we won’t be crying over the caskets of our children returning from the Eastern Front.

November 11, 2016 10:22 am

Agreed. They thought the fix was in. They severely underestimated just how reviled Hillary was.

Without graft or Gary Johnson, Trump would have taken several more states. VA, CO, NH are most likely. Hell, even NV might have gone Trump.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 11, 2016 10:16 am
Rise Up
Rise Up
November 11, 2016 10:39 am

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Rise Up
Rise Up
November 11, 2016 10:48 am

Larry Sabato was paraded in the media throughout the campaign as the “gold standard” of election predictors. Boy did they fuck up!

[imgcomment image?x63433[/img]

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa – Larry J. Sabato

Well, what can we say — we blew it.

We thought the signs pointed to Hillary Clinton winning the White House. We thought that even if she lost Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, her Midwestern “firewall” of states that not only had voted for Barack Obama twice, but hadn’t voted for a Republican since the 1980s, would hold for her. It didn’t — Trump blew a hole in what we dubbed “Fortress Obama.” Remarkably, this all happened while Clinton was winning Virginia by a larger margin than Obama did in 2012 and almost certainly winning the national popular vote.

Every two years, we put out an update after the election asking, “How did we do?” Well, let’s see:

Do we really have to get into it? OK, fine.

We wrongly insisted for months that Clinton was always leading the race and never put her below 270 electoral votes. As of this writing, Trump won 279 electoral votes to Clinton’s 228, according to NBC News projections. We missed the following Leans Democratic states: Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. We had Wisconsin as Likely Democratic, yet Trump also carried it. Two other Leans Democratic states — Michigan (where Trump leads) and New Hampshire (where Clinton leads) — remain uncalled, as well as Arizona, where Trump leads and we rated as Leans Republican.

We heard for months from many of you, saying that we were underestimating the size of a potential hidden Trump vote and his ability to win. We didn’t believe it, and we were wrong. The Crystal Ball is shattered. We’ll pick up the pieces starting next week as we try to unpack what happened in this election, where there was so much dramatic change from just four years ago.

We have a lot to learn, and we must make sure the Crystal Ball never has another year like this. This team expects more of itself, and we apologize to our readers for our errors.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Rise Up
November 11, 2016 9:46 pm

Old Lazy Eye Larry smacked right in the teeth with reality and still can’t give up the grift.

You didn’t “get it wrong” you phony, you were deliberately trying to subvert the process, skewing the stats, rigging the vote and bird dogging the people who read your mess of pottage. Now your fall back is “Oh boy, geeze oh Pete. Crikey, whatup dog?” in the hopes that they’ll still buy it? Wow, that’s chutzpah.

The temerity of these shysters is beyond comprehension.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
November 11, 2016 11:44 am

That was hilarious.

I wonder how many of you have close family member who were fanatical supporters of Hillary!?

I have a close relative who a year or two ago wrote a Facebook post telling her Facebook friends that she was tired of getting and reading political content from them, that her page was for family news and business only. However, since early August and the conventions, her page had increasingly become a Hillary campaign ad. When Trump won, she wrote a series of wildly emotional posts on a par with the people in that video above. She also wrote that if one had voted for Trump, she didn’t want to know about it and that one should unfriend her quietly. I am praying the topic doesn’t get raised at Thanksgiving dinner. I don’t want to get into a fight with what appears to now be a lunatic.

November 11, 2016 3:44 pm

socialism is a mental disease. you can’t argue with sickoes
we fight the same battle here in europe, but I’afraid we’ll never manage to eject the parasites. the situation here is too FUBAR to avoid some kind of civil war at some point.

November 11, 2016 11:06 pm

I guess the special snowflakes will have to crawl back under whatever safe space they crawled out of.