“THIS is why Americans are voting for Donald Trump.”

The quote in the title was actually spoken by Stuart Varney on Fux News on Monday.

Pray for the Top Dogs at Carrier.  After all, they said it was a “very difficult decision”. Poor guys …..



Watch American Workers Being Told Their Jobs Are Being Sent To Mexico: “F*CK YOU!”

This video is the undeniable depiction of so much of Donald Trump’s appeal to millions of American voters. An American company caught on video announcing to its workers that in order to “remain competitive” their jobs are moving to Mexico. 

For years, Democrats have allowed this to happen. Republicans have allowed this to happen.

And now the American Middle Class has had enough.

And it is not entirely the fault of U.S.-based business for this problem, but a government that has consistently choked the life out of business in America through taxes, regulations, and a repeated anti-business sentiment coming out of  Washington D.C. where success is vilified over and over again.

In order to try and survive, these business have to then choose to relocate where production costs will be lower.

One need look no further than politically liberal-dominated places like Flint, Michigan to see the results of this anti-business environment:

For an economy to survive, it needs a tax base made up of JOBS-JOBS-JOBS.

In America, the tax & regulate more politicians at the local, state, and federal levels have refused to acknowledge this most basic economic truth and millions of jobs have been lost as a result.

Watch this video and see the anger that stirs within America. These people WANT to work, but are being told their job is going to someone else living outside of the United States. Obama-styled economics would then tell these same people not to worry, that the government will give them just enough to “get by.”

That is not the American Dream – that is tyranny in the form of a handout that seeks to enslave the votes of future generations.

The 2016 Election will likely be determined by those who must choose between wanting to work, and those who have given up and simply accepted the plantation of Big Government.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 16, 2016 7:12 am

Jobs will return to this country. What’s going on now is the great leveling. Wages in China, India and other, near third world nations are rising. Wages in The EU, USA, Canada etc are dropping. Same goes for standard of living and upward mobility. When the jobs return you’ll be working for large, mostly foreign based corporations for 1/3rd the former “living wage”. Goods will be cheaper but of poor quality, including food and “services” and service jobs will be greatly reduced because the Times O’ Plenty will be behind us and only your elite masters will be able to afford your “necessarily reduced rate” services that you’ll be performing for them. There will probably be more than a few “company towns” dotting the landscape as well. Malcontents will probably doing the shittiest jobs for free as slaves or serving as fertilizer. The jobs will return though.

In the meantime, the elites are gonna need yer chirrens to commit genocide on the muzzies. Can’t have those savages gumming up the works in the coming Utopia. Forward————–>!

February 16, 2016 7:50 am

Well-educated people with secure employment are harder to control than uneducated welfare queens, each with a pack of feral children.

February 16, 2016 8:19 am

“And it is not entirely the fault of U.S.-based business …………….”

People need to start discriminating the difference between a real American business that owes allegiance to America and Multinational corporations (the ones created by those Free Trade agreements we ridiculed Ross Perot about) that owe allegiance to no one other than themselves and are completely free to move wherever they find the best deal to suit their current purpose.

Ford and GM are examples of multinationals that most people still think of as American although they actually have more overseas interests than American ones.

February 16, 2016 8:21 am


Not when that employment is government employment, the government currently being the largest segment of employers offering actual secure employment.

February 16, 2016 8:23 am


The US media, who collectively has been treating Sanders with kid gloves since day one and is now supporting him at every turn, has also been attacking Trump since day one. This same media has gone to extraordinary lengths to sell the America people the lie that Sanders, a man with over a quarter of a century in Congress, and a professional politician his entire working life (minus his service to Israel on the Kibbutz of course)a man who along with the rest of the scum in Congress, was one of the architects of the destruction of the Middle Class, is some how or another a man of the people.

And just as Mr. Trump as advocated we should bring must of our troops home, and let them do the job they are intended to carry out; protect America and Americans. A job that has been impossible since they have been fighting wars for Israel for 15 years thanks to the likes of Bernie Sanders (I am a dual citizen zionist-even if I through away my Israeli passport), Hillary Clinton (I should already be a convicted federal Felon), Ted Cruz (I am not qualified on citizenship grounds) and Mr. Rubio. ( I am a proud member of the Keating 5) And every single one of these scum are Israeli first traitors.

Which goes a long way toward explaining how it is that our defense budget now takes almost 60 cents on every tax dollar, while the number of military installation inside America that once protected the American people have been reduced by 70% in the last quarter of century. It also explains why, despite spending more money on defense than most of the rest of the world combined, our entire Military is falling apart. Nearly all of our major weapons systems that actually work are decades old; think F-15, F16, F-18, B-52, A-10 etc. Neither the F-22 nor the F-35 which were developed and built and supported by the likes of Sanders actually work. And you can go on down the line for every branch. Planes that don’t fly, ships that don’t sail, or actually stay afloat, Black ops that are actually thinly disguised mercenaries used covertly to illegally overthrow governments for Israel, or against Americans who object at home. Soldiers suffering from poor equipment, getting upgrades only if the outcome is in question. Soldiers who are systematically denied health care at home (Sanders was Chairman of the Senate Committee overseeing the Veterans Administration and conducted 1/6 the investigations of his House counterpart while thousands of VETS died waiting for care) And despite the Trillions lavished on the military these same politicians refused to seal our borders or protect our ports. They did however institute strip search’s for little girls and old ladies at airports. Not to mention cool machines to see through people’s clothes!

I guess from my perspective given the choices for President, how could anyone not vote for Trump. Even if it comes down to being a matter of the lesser evil. Or put another way, why in the world, unless you are a member of the 1% or a government employee, would anyone ever vote for more of the same of this? Which is precisely what every other candidate is actually offering, despite the best efforts of the media to put lipstick on one of those pigs. (Sanders)

February 16, 2016 8:48 am

I truly feel for these folks. I read a few days ago when this story broke UTs fiscal year profits were around $8 billion dollars. Eight billion fucking dollars and they can’t, or refuse to keep this plant open. Apple products being built in China, FMC opening a 2nd plant in Meh-he-co, Honda, VW, Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai building cars in the US. I don’t know about you guys, but I think the asteroid purposely missed us.

February 16, 2016 9:12 am

I don’t feel sorry for these people . Looking at the crowd probably half voted for Obama. Fuck those people . Fuck the 90 million working age people that don’t have a job.Jobs are out there if you’re willing to work. You may have to do work you would rather not do but that’s life.

February 16, 2016 9:32 am

Import more foreigners, export more jobs ..The american productive class has no representation in US government ..fuck the Democrat and Republican parties,..

Paul Ryan: ‘We’re Not Going To Be Talking About Visa Caps’

Ninety-two percent of GOP voters want immigration frozen or slashed, according to Pew polling data.

Ryan eventually admitted the he would not bring up legislation desired by the overwhelming majority of his Party: “We’re not going to be talking about visa caps in our agenda,” Ryan declared.

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February 16, 2016 9:33 am

again.. Paul Ryan: ‘We’re Not Going To Be Talking About Visa Caps’

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February 16, 2016 9:51 am

Well that right there kind of explains why they are going after Drudge. Soon it will be illegal to post a link to a news story.

February 16, 2016 10:28 am


Good comment, but the last time I voted for the lesser of two evils, it was to vote for Bush over Gore. I will not do it again. I’ll continue to vote for a third party candidate or abstain from voting at all for President. I agree that Trump is the only chance of change and I would like to watch the ensuing chaos, but I will not vote for him.

February 16, 2016 10:43 am

This won’t end well. These people are angry and their violence will probably be misdirected.. I fear this could turn into Lebanon.

February 16, 2016 2:29 pm

A business and a corporation are two different animals, but in the west we have decided to apply different standards to them (or the same when it suits the corporation).

– Exists locally: the ‘office’ and ‘shop’ are generally the same building, or at least reasonably close to each-other to minimize required travel distance – the symbiote is born.
– Part of the community: has an effect and is affected by changes in the state of the local economy; word-of-mouth is a powerful force when making decisions. – the symbiote is affected by the host’s condition.
– Owners are not ‘Fat-cats’: The owner usually makes a pittance for every hour worked by an employee, they make up for this by expanding the business to employ as many people as possible. – the symbiote gains from benefiting the host.
– Highly sensitive to regulatory, legal, economic changes: Since they are primarily local (even with multiple locations) they have less flexibility to absorb forced changes to operations. – the symbiote inhabits a select niche associated with the host.

– Doesn’t physically exist: The corporation is a piece of paper that says ‘I exist’ (Make even Descartes head spin); has no roots in the community in which it is based other than maybe a P.O. box. The only rule of the corporation is ‘Thou shalt increase my returns’ – the parasite is born.
– Can come to dominate a community: Through the magic of offshoring costs (jobs), and financial gimmickry, they can overwhelm local competitors (businesses) with lower prices and faster response times while maintaining a larger inventory (even at a net loss). End result is that the community comes to depend on the corporation – the parasite has found another host.
– Owners are?: The owners don’t care about you, the business, your community, and don’t have to since the corporation exists to make them money, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Think the corp. giving money to fund a new fitness center for the local school is philanthropic? – nope, some accountant met with a financial engineer and they solved an equation that told them to put $X million into community Y to maximize return. (sure public perception makes an appearance in the calculus, but good luck trying to find a consistent metric for the dollar value of ‘goodwill’ from the community) – the parasite convinces the host it is symbiotic.
– Has some control over the regulatory, legal, and even economic changes: Because of the distributed nature of the corporation (not to mention the fortunes spent annually in lobbying) the corporation effectively exercises limited control over the markets in which it ‘competes’. – the parasite changes host behavior to favor the parasite.

The parasites have drained the hosts and killed off too many of the symbiotes. But hey, at least we can choose from 100 ridiculously cheap branded versions of the same crap we’ve been told we need (made by different subsidiaries of the same corporation) and might be safe (but no one is actually accountable if it kills you – read the fine print dummy) – ain’t it the good life?

February 16, 2016 4:02 pm

I did a bit of research on the loss of these jobs at Carrier. Why are the jobs going?

1) it is a union shop. Management just loves unions, as they are so productive and easy to deal with.

2) the hourly wages were $25 and up plus bennies for unskilled labor. So it cost the company probably around $80k per year to hire unskilled labor.

Gee, I wonder why the company decided to pack its bags.

Further, here is the deal. Anyone here besides me ever went through he process of automating/upgrading the facilities at a large Union controlled plant?

It is fucking nigh on impossible. The union blocks you at every turn. Just putting a new machine in is a major fight.

Carrier would have found it simply too difficult and distasteful to try to bring the Indiana plant up to speed (I know – I tried to do hat very thing in Indiana once. We gave up and closed the doors and moved the production to North Carolina).

It is almost impossible to keep productivity up long term at a large Union organised plant.

Who was most responsible for this shit? Management for letting it get so bad, the government for all of the add on costs, and the fucking Union for making it impossible to make improvements.

The Donald cannot fix any of these three things. That is a joke to even think he can.

February 16, 2016 4:28 pm

@Lipoh: You missed the fact that about 1/2 the workers at Carrier make $14 an hour. Only those with seniority make the $25. Carrier isn’t leaving because of the union, they’re leaving because they can pay Mexicans $2 an hour.

We need to pull out of all these “trade agreements” and make it clear to manufacturers that the days of making their stuff their to sell it here are over. Do that and we’ll make up the difference by slapping a tariff on anything not made here. Tariffs work and in fact this country was run on Tariff income prior to the employment income tax.

February 16, 2016 4:43 pm

I have a lot of sympathy for companies like Carrier who are forced by the government to make a choice between moving their production offshore or going bankrupt. However, too few are prepared to organize and fight for their country and their workers, behaving like sheep herded into slaughterhouses. What Americans – and indeed all people of the western world – must understand is that what is happening is not by accident or incompetence but by the design of the Deep State (bankers, global corporations, MSM and other gangsters) that now controls America and the western world. While America slept or was distracted by bread, circuses, sex and drugs, the US was turned into a slave colony with the trappings of a democracy but few of the basic protections enshrined in the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution has been gutted. And since the voting system is now rigged, Congress and Supreme Court controlled, and the MSM little more than a propaganda system, there will be no reversal at the ballot box. Trump or any outsider will not be allowed to become president. Americans will once again have to fight for their freedom and liberty or go quietly into the night as a defeated people. If you want to know what awaits you, I suggest you read Solzhenitsyn’s books such as Gulag Archipelago or 200 Years Together that document the slaughter of tens of millions of Russians under the unspeakable evil of an alien movement called Bolshevism. You must realize that the Bolsheviks have morphed into the modern Neocons; despite the name, they are the polar opposite of conservatives which just shows the level of deceit and deception. That is why the Neocons hate Putin and Russia because the Russian people are well informed and fully understand exactly who caused the murder of over 50 million of their fellow citizens during the Bolshevik coup d’état which was funded by Wall Street bankers (this was not a revolution; read books by scholar Anthony Sutton for documentation). As strange as it may seem, particularly if you follow the propaganda and subversive MSM, Russia and the Russian people are probably the greatest allies of the American people. It is no surprise that Putin and Russia are being vilified in the MSM and attacked economically and militarily using surrogates such as Turkey in Syria. And the greatest enemy occupies the highest offices in the land – Congress, the Whitehouse, government agencies, Federal Reserve and the Supreme Court. And don’t take my word, below is a quote from Prof. Carroll Quigley’s book: Tragedy and Hope which pretty much provides a blueprint of what has been happening.

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

February 16, 2016 5:40 pm

Westcoaster – I did not miss the fact, you dumbass. Like always, you are a fuckwit.

They pay about 1/4, not 1/2, the lower rate. So 1500 out of 2000 make the $25+ per hour.

And how much experience do you have in this stuff, you fucking imbecile?

Carrier would not make the decision they did lightly. The cost of closing that Indiana plant would be astronomical. The $2 an hour (probably much more than that) dumbass Westcoaster mentions finally overcame the extreme costs and difficulties in doing business with a Union shop in a heavy reg nation.

If it was just for the fucking wage difference, why did it not happen years ago?

Riddle me that, asshat.

Fact is, very productive companies in the US can compete with just about any other nation, if it were not for government interference and the intransigence of unions.

Fucking ignoramuses think that companies are just going to stop moving manufacturing because the govt does not like it, or Union drones like Westcoaster say so?

Just try to stop the flow of capital.

It is not going to happen.

I guarantee the reason Carrier left had as much to do with govt regs and the inability to upgrade an aging facility because of Union interference than it did with the pure cost of labor.

Plus the little factoid that the company was paying double the going rate to 3/4 of its workers. Paying double the going rate is costing that Indiana plant about $60 MILLION dollars a year more than market rates.

But Westcoaster and his ilk are too stupid to understand that. He thinks a magic trade wand will somehow keep Carrier paying that out forever. Combining that $60 million plus the cost of having a fucking Union plus the cost of govt regs would add up to well in excess of $100 million a year of pure waste foisted onto the company.

It is no surprise that the company pocketed that $100+ million, plus another $60 million in wages, plus some productivity gains, less the cost of transport = around $125 million gain per year. The directors would need to be fired if they did not do it.

The unions and the govt fucked over those employees.

Too many folks here are clueless when it comes to understanding costs and what drives business, either to stay or away.

And Westcoaster is as dumb as it comes. Anyone thinking the US can somehow mandate a system where companies will swallow hundreds of millions of dollars in added costs indefinitely are out of their fucking minds. Business will not do that.

February 16, 2016 5:42 pm

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Rise Up
Rise Up
February 16, 2016 6:21 pm

Westcoaster says: We need to pull out of all these “trade agreements” and make it clear to manufacturers that the days of making their stuff their to sell it here are over. Do that and we’ll make up the difference by slapping a tariff on anything not made here. Tariffs work and in fact this country was run on Tariff income prior to the employment income tax.
Are you abandoning your pal Bernie for Trump? Isn’t what you wrote one of Trump’s ideas?