Post-COVID Capitalism…


I have now run a few companies. Over time, I have experienced a repeated epiphany; which is that you never realize which employees are useless until they go on a vacation and nothing bad happens. Now, this isn’t a dig at good employees; good ones find ways to delegate their responsibilities and still check their emails – great ones work harder while on vacation. However, the bad ones often vacation themselves out of a job – oddly, those are usually the ones who keep reminding me about how valuable they are. Ironic right?

I bring this up because most employees just went on a 3-month forced vacation. As I speak with my friends, they’re all saying the same things:

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“THIS is why Americans are voting for Donald Trump.”

The quote in the title was actually spoken by Stuart Varney on Fux News on Monday.

Pray for the Top Dogs at Carrier.  After all, they said it was a “very difficult decision”. Poor guys …..



Watch American Workers Being Told Their Jobs Are Being Sent To Mexico: “F*CK YOU!”

This video is the undeniable depiction of so much of Donald Trump’s appeal to millions of American voters. An American company caught on video announcing to its workers that in order to “remain competitive” their jobs are moving to Mexico. 

For years, Democrats have allowed this to happen. Republicans have allowed this to happen.

And now the American Middle Class has had enough.

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