Stucky Intervention #1: HF

Hardscrabble Farmer says — “We did not land on the moon.”

This is amazing, and I gave him some shit for it. Kinda like this …..

However, that’s not helpful.

If you like and admire HF, and it seems that most here do, then help him out via this “intervention”.  He seems worth saving. Show him the error of his ways.

Note:  — Ignore any attempts by HF to halt this intervention. He  might say “I don’t need it!“,  or “I don’t care!”, or sundry other excuses.  This is what these people do.  The Road To Denial leads to destruction. So, help him out, regardless. Lead him to The Road Of Sanity.

As a side benefit, you’ll probably be helping out Bea Lever also — as he loves every and all conspiracies.

Several others here need interventions as well.  I’ll get to you in due time.

If you don’t like the idea of an “intervention”, then think of it as a Question Of The Day —- “Did we land on the fucken’ moon, or not?”

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 17, 2016 6:12 pm

Stuck….you forgot that HF was once a starving artist (comedian). Soooo, he had to be joking – can’t be that gullible. You are correct about Bea – everything is a conspiracy.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
February 17, 2016 6:17 pm

A picture says a thousand words. BTW, thanks for the QOD day off Stuck, was swamped today.

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Rise Up
Rise Up
February 17, 2016 6:21 pm

@mike, lots of those pictures are suspicious.


1) Have you researched Stanley Kubrick’s involvement with the studio setup of the Apollo simulations that NASA contracted him to do?

2) What about the Van Allen radiation belts that NASA now says are a problem (but weren’t back then?)

I’m not saying we did or did not land on the moon, but there are some strong arguments either way.

February 17, 2016 6:26 pm

Personally, I don’t give a flying spaghetti monster whether we landed on the moon or not. I question disbelievers because I think that if it was a hoax one or two times might have sufficed, but IIRC we landed on the moon at least 6 times and 12 different people have walked on the moon. If you think it sounds far fetched and you want to call bullhockey, then have at it.. I hear crap all the time that stretches the imagination, and makes me scratch my head in disbelief, you know, stuff about people raising tilapia in the sometimes frozen and arctic-like hinterlands of New Hampshire. Must be some kind of genetically-modified strain of tilapia, I guess. Truth is, true or not, what difference will it make if we landed on the moon in my life? The answer: about the same as if you proved to me that you farmed tilapia in substantial quantities in such a harsh climate. Some things defy that which we believe to be possible.

February 17, 2016 6:42 pm

I enjoy reading the writing and comments from you, HF, and lots of other regulars and big dogs on this site. I forwarded your photo essay on European cathedrals to my one of my brilliant sisters-in-law whose MFA thesis was on the stained glass windows in some of those and other cathedrals. She told me about Chartres bleu, a shade of blue glass which no one has figured out how to make. She gave you a big thumbs up.
There is a site which purports to show a famous director making fake moon videos. Other sites claim to see flaws in the official reports.
If you go to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum you can look at replicas of the various capsules and landers.
I would be curious to read what some former soviet experts think. You know, getting a second opinion. As Yogi said, “It ain’t over til it’s over.”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 6:42 pm

WHAT ??……We never landed on the moon ????

I’m shocked……shocked I tell Ya !!

How can you prove we did??

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 6:50 pm

Just because HSF thinks it was weird that there were 750 Disney employees working on the launch site for the first moon mission does not prove we did not land on the moon. They just wanted it to look dramatic and worth all those tax dollars.

February 17, 2016 6:56 pm
February 17, 2016 7:00 pm

it appears to be a matter of trust. just finished reading toyko, doolittles raid, many americans were pissed that they found out details of raid from the japanese. what few realize 250,000 chinese may have died as a consequence. revisiting history is not my aim, yet our government often finds the truth not to be in our interests. what is interesting is why the soviets gave up the quest. once confidence is lost can it ever be regained? we question everything, all thanks to warren commission.

February 17, 2016 7:03 pm

Stucky vs. Hardscrabble. I don’t want to choose. Someone please stop this, before it’s too late

February 17, 2016 7:04 pm

Stucky needs a new alarm clock….. waking up is hard.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 7:07 pm

Stucky – Go ahead and explain to HSF how they got that lunar rover vehicle in that small lunar module because we all saw it on tv so it really happened, right?

All of us believe that gold foil Christmas wrap really kept the astronauts from becoming crispy critters going through the Allen’s Radiation Belts……..all three of them, because we saw it on tv. Everything on tv is true. HSF please snap out of it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 17, 2016 7:13 pm

NASA admitted some photos were faked. It’s like all government reports going back to JFK: either you believe the official lies or you don’t.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 17, 2016 7:15 pm

The moon is most likely not a “natural” object. Read the free Christopher Knight online book, “Who Built the Moon” and discover the amazing anomalies and “coincidences” attributed to the moons size in relation to the Earth and Sun. You will scratch your head in wonder!

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February 17, 2016 7:17 pm

1) It would require moisture in the soil to support such a pristine footprint
2) No dust cloud during lunar lander takeoff or landing
3) 100% perfect photos taken by astronauts with cameras mounted to chest
4) No stars in pictures but earth is crystal clear

The astronauts are not lying, they were fed screen memories

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 17, 2016 7:22 pm

Jeff Rense & Jose Escamilla – Amazing Moon Anomolies

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 7:25 pm

Stucky- Looks like there are fuknut conspiracy whack jobs here at TBP standing behind HSF calling out NASA and the moon landing .

Get in here and prove to them it happened…… know , real solid stuff that they can’t dispute.

February 17, 2016 7:30 pm

I always thought that we landed on the moon, but recently I heard that moon rocks have exactly the same chemical composition as earth rocks. This leaves two possibilities that I can see 1) the moon used to be part of earth 2) They didn’t go to the moon so the rocks they “brought back” really are earth rocks, not moon rocks. The problem with the moon having been part of earth is how did they split from each other? If it was another large body hitting the earth (just about the only thing that could cause that big of a split) why is the surface of the earth homogenous and the same as the moon instead of one or both showing evidence of areas having the chemical composition from the other body?

Then there’s the whole issue of why the moon and the sun have the same apparent diameter when viewed from earth. It is very unusual for a planet the size of earth to have a moon as large as our moon. The chances that we would not only end up with that large of a moon but that it would settle naturally into an orbit that not only gave it the same apparent diameter as the sun but that crossed the sun’s orbit causing those neat eclipses are astronomically small. So it looks like somebody placed the moon in its current orbit for some reason. If someone placed the moon there it would make sense that they might not want us going to the moon and figuring out exactly what it is and why it is there.

February 17, 2016 7:30 pm

I’ve spent sometime researching the question of whether the United States landed men on the moon in the 1970s. For the naysayers, the best evidence seems to be the certainty that some or many photos were not taken on the moon. But that doesn’t prove that the several Apollo missions were hoaxes. There’s other strong evidence put forward by the hoaxers but it requires a belief in the correct interpretation of others and more scientific background than I have.

The issue’s an interesting one. If you like political puzzles like the Kennedy assassinations, the MH17, MH370, and Lufthansa crashes, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing, etc., you’ll love the Moon landing question.

Keep an open mind and try to analyze the evidence rationally.

February 17, 2016 7:31 pm

Why are the moon and the sun the same size in the sky?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 7:35 pm

See what I mean Stuck, even Araven who is level headed and down to Earth is starting to doubt the whole construct of NASA and even the moon itself.

I have to say HSF is “WINNING” this one so far.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 17, 2016 7:36 pm

Jay Weidner has researched Stanley Kubrick’s involvement with NASA (Never A Straight Answer) and the Apollo program.

“When it comes to the subject of the moon landings, people tend to fall into two belief groups. The first group, by far the bigger of the two groups, accepts the fact that NASA successfully landed on the moon six times and that 12 human beings have actually walked on the surface of the moon. The
second group, though far smaller, is more vocal about their beliefs. This group says that we never went to the moon and that the entire thing was faked.

This essay presents a third position on this issue. This third point of view falls somewhere
between these two assertions. This third position postulates that humans did go to the moon but
what we saw on TV and in photographs was completely faked.

Furthermore, this third position reveals that the great filmmaker Stanley Kubrick is the genius who directed the hoaxed landings.”

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
February 17, 2016 7:38 pm

Moon landing had to have happened. Too many would have needed to be part of conspiracy. Can’t see how it would be possible to cover up.

February 17, 2016 7:47 pm

Didn’t the government free cheese handouts start about this same time?? No moon landing equals no cheese.

If no cheese what were these poor folk really fed?

February 17, 2016 7:49 pm

HF ,Stucky says your full of shit.Don’t know . At times you do seem to be a little delusional . I just think it’s great others are finally noticing. Cheers.

HF ,don’t take it to hard .These guys rag my ass all the time.

February 17, 2016 7:51 pm

Back in PA Mike, Have you considered that NASA may have had someone like Stanley Kubrick take staged moon pictures on some movie set so that NASA would have much better “Moon landing” pictures for the public than photos the astronauts took on the moon? Sharp, well-composed, and dramatic moon pictures would help NASA sell their program to the public. No photos or poor ones that might have been taken under adverse conditions wouldn’t be very appealing.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 7:51 pm

Stucky- Nobody watched past the first two landings , are you sure there were six?

HSF prolly has the answer, I’m here to help you prove it is all true and really happened.

So far Stuck you are not proving anything on our side.

February 17, 2016 7:58 pm

apparently we only went to the moon (if you believe it ) to say we were first, that makes little sense in the big picture. other than tang and some other dry foods what really was gained? recently heard many moon rocks have been lost, how can that happen. normally empires would stake a claim with a fort and a settlement and exploit every resource possible.

February 17, 2016 8:00 pm

Bea, LOL! Thanks for the compliment, but I think you must be thinking of someone else. Level headed and down to earth aren’t exactly how I would describe the majority of my posts here.

February 17, 2016 8:02 pm

Stucky, now you’ve offended me! Just because I’m no where near the shed doesn’t mean I’m not sharp!

February 17, 2016 8:07 pm

Lunar retroreflectors.

February 17, 2016 8:08 pm

Odds are astronomically high that Stuckys got this one. Thousands were involved in the lunar landings and not one of those has come forth calling it all a scam? Not going to happen. Not to mention the lunar ranging program, ie. bouncing lazers off of planted lunar reflectors measuring distance, these being recorded by various countries.

February 17, 2016 8:14 pm


You’re the one not answering specific data about scientific anomalies that have to do with the moon and probable evidence of a cover up dealing with the moon and the moon landings.

How could they cover up hoaxed moon landings so good that they haven’t been uncovered yet? How could they cover up anomalies and false flags dealing with Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Grandpappy Bush’s involvement with the Nazis, etc, etc. so well that we’re just now finding out about them? I don’t know, but they did. If they can do all that faking a few moon landings would be a piece of cake in comparison.

February 17, 2016 8:15 pm

So how did the burden of proof fall on the deniers?
By that logic then just because I can’t explain exactly what caused WTC7 to implode means it must have been a perfectly normal event.

As far as how many people were in on it? My guess is 5 to 10 but it wouldn’t matter if it was 100. Wherner knew who he could trust.

February 17, 2016 8:17 pm

Cronkite said we went to the Moon. Enough said

February 17, 2016 8:19 pm

I know you did the cathedrals essay and my comment was directed to you and not HF. Interesting how a mere comma can alter the interpretation of a sentence. And we speak the same language.
Back to the question, I really would like to see a few interviews with Russian scientists on whether the radiation belt was a problem and
why Russia did not compete and set a Soviet flag on their own lunar base.
They still build some humungous rockets, keeping the international space station supplied and crews rotated. We buy rocket engines from them to power our US satellite launches. I think they had the technology and equipment to match us. One thing I observed attending a tech college in the ’60s was Russian scientists on the campus, doing graduate work and freely exchanging ideas about everything from our political systems to their particular field of study.

February 17, 2016 8:44 pm

What if all the pics from Hubble and Kepler space telescopes were just more CGI.

What if Obama is lying (again) about going after ISIS, when he is really supporting ISIS to take down Assad. What are you going to do about it?, – convince your Registered Democrat friends and family members – good luck with that.
I believe in certain conspiracies, but the moon landing one is over-the -top.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 8:47 pm

Lots of people work for NASA , each one working on their particular segment of launching rockets into space. Each worker is aware of their task and outcome, not every facet of each mission. Therefore since the government had huge plans to complete launches of low-orbit satellites and space stations (all of us agree they have tons of spy/communication/weather satellites ) they very well could have not known that leaving Earth’s orbit was faked. In other words there were very legit projects in motion which needed the ability to launch rockest with payloads and they took the opportunity to slip in the lunar landings (24 Billion worth) and that would be like 150 Billion in today’s money. Would people have cheered for NASA to get 24 Billion of their hard earned tax dollars for SATELLITES and SPACE STATIONS, not in 1969. That number was bigger than anyone could imagine. They needed a story big enough to make spending 24 Billion dollars seem legit to the sheep as the sheep had no concept of cellphones or internet etc.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 17, 2016 8:51 pm

Stucky says: Besides all that, YOU’RE MISSING THE POINT. This isn’t about me. This is an intervention for HF. Instead, it seems I opened the opportunity for nutters to come out of the woodwork.
What did you expect by opening this can of worms?

And of course it’s about you. You have an ego the size of…THE MOON!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 17, 2016 9:00 pm

This image is from the umanned Chinese probe Chiang (change?)3
comment imageit
landed at the site America said it did.

There is no rover of flag present but a closer look does reveal footprints. I think some things were superimposed, or faked, but look for yourself.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 17, 2016 9:01 pm

Grrr 404 on above link. Try here.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 17, 2016 9:02 pm

Chinese Lunar Probe Finds No Evidence American Astronauts Landed on the Moon

February 17, 2016 9:08 pm

If you can determine if free fall speed was involved, you’ll have your answer.

Personally I think it was like Butterfly Effect. All that junk we left on the Moon decades ago minutely altered the Moon’s gravity and created a slow moving gravity wave (now confirmed by LIGO) that had sort of a whipsaw effect that brought down the WTC and bldg #7 at free fall speed once the gravity wave reached Earf. Both Tesla and Einstein predicted that focused gravity waves are real and that they could be directed to cause great damage over vast distances and time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 17, 2016 9:09 pm

Nkit- My 8:47 post was an attempt at your question, maybe the stage crew and others who worked on the moon landing were far less than you would expect. How is it that CNN continues to fake news events and news stories using crews and they never spill the beans? Not that other news channels don’t, but CNN is the worst. Last time I looked people still believe cable news is legit.

February 17, 2016 9:20 pm

Did you know that all astronauts are either Freemasons or Mormons? They all know how to keep their traps shut, apparently.

February 17, 2016 9:21 pm

Apollo 11 landing site as imaged by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter:

You can see the footprint trails in the image

Apollo 12 landing site also imaged by the LRO spacecraft. Retrieved parts from the unmanned Surveyor 3 which touched down in 1967. You can see both the Lunar Module and the Surveyor lander:

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Looks at Apollo 12, Surveyor 3 Landing Sites

There are similar images of all six Apollo landing sites:

I guess the deniers will say these pictures are faked too.

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