Stucky Intervention #1: HF

Hardscrabble Farmer says — “We did not land on the moon.”

This is amazing, and I gave him some shit for it. Kinda like this …..

However, that’s not helpful.

If you like and admire HF, and it seems that most here do, then help him out via this “intervention”.  He seems worth saving. Show him the error of his ways.

Note:  — Ignore any attempts by HF to halt this intervention. He  might say “I don’t need it!“,  or “I don’t care!”, or sundry other excuses.  This is what these people do.  The Road To Denial leads to destruction. So, help him out, regardless. Lead him to The Road Of Sanity.

As a side benefit, you’ll probably be helping out Bea Lever also — as he loves every and all conspiracies.

Several others here need interventions as well.  I’ll get to you in due time.

If you don’t like the idea of an “intervention”, then think of it as a Question Of The Day —- “Did we land on the fucken’ moon, or not?”

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 18, 2016 10:37 am

I began my career as a field engineer for GE, working on the P3 Orion Sub hunter out of Warminster PA. This was around 1985. The main computer for this plane was a 64KB computer, that used banks of magnetic memory for storage (not silicon, not hard drives) each memory module was about 8K, and weighed in at about 5 pounds, inside each module were thousands of tiny round magnets, wrapped with wire, to program the 1 or 0. And they were not very reliable.

My point is, this was state of the art military grade equipment in 1985, and the computer weighed in at about 800 pounds for the same processing as the Commodore 64 (which came out in 1981)

So did they did have any computers on board, when they went to the moon?

The official story is that they did not have a computer, and achieve all this with radio signals from earth. every time they needed a calculation, they just radioed home, no problems with reception, no delay, no miscommunication between operators, etc. all in real time. to figure out when to turn on the landing thrusters, or achieve lunar orbit, or land, or take off, using a radio signal?

and, what, then they listened to ground control, and used a joy stick, and a some switches to fire rockets at exactly the right time, to land, take off, dock, orbit, etc.

They never landed on the moon,

as for keeping secrets, if you ever worked for a military h/w contractor, you know how compartmentalized the whole system is. We build circuit boards, but did not even know what chassis they were installed in or what program they were for. all classified.

Indeed, and intervention is required, but, for who?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 10:43 am

[imgcomment image?w=500[/img]

February 18, 2016 11:06 am

What is driving the moon doubters is not so much the particulars of the explanations as the larger view of how the power elite has operated over the past century or more.

Moon Landing Doubters … A Sign of the Times

February 18, 2016 11:08 am

“Being president is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show, or a reality show.”

– Barack Obama

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 11:13 am


If you iz so smart at working the internet, how abouts you post all them links on how to survive a round trip through 6 radiation belts for them astronauts. I’ll be waiting fer them.

I think your common core has melted down. 🙂

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 11:15 am


So far you have offered up nothing but lip service. Where is your proof that will put HSF in his place?

HSF is still “WINNING”.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 11:49 am

I don’t need any saving Stucky.

I asked earlier, but you demurred, why exactly is it so important for me to believe in something that I have found to be a falsehood? And why should my opinion be of any concern to anyone other than myself?

I look forward to your reply.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 11:51 am

OK fine, we are at the point we always reach where you start name calling and never present any counter evidence. Thank God you did not go into law or you would lose every case……just sayin.

And I/S is talking big but also offers no links or evidence so we will discount him also.

February 18, 2016 12:00 pm

Nice arguments…but the “trusting” responses need some work.

We did not go to the moon.

The $$$$ for the projects was spent to explore and test…and we

likely orbited around. The last, the Challenger, blew up, but the people

weren’t in there. They went into a witness protection system and resumed

their lives elsewhere.

Most everything is “faked” to serve an agenda. As Stucky would say, “so solly.”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 12:01 pm

WTC7 is not foolishness Stucky, it is a crime against this country and you are letting the criminals get away with it. That fight will never go away.

The blindness it burns !!

February 18, 2016 12:13 pm

Not going to weigh in on the moon, but this thread has been eye-opening for me.

Regarding Stanley Kubrick though, it is possible he was in deep with the power elite. If you ever want to read a fascinating review on Kubrick’s last film, “Eyes Wide Shut”, check out the link below (parts one, two and three). As you may or may not know, Kubrick died just prior to the film’s release.

For those who choose not to read it, I will quote the last line from part three (final) of the series.

Here it is:

“Our civilization as a whole still has its eyes wide shut … and those were Kubrick’s last cinematographic words.”

Here is the link:

The Hidden Messages in “Eyes Wide Shut”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 12:17 pm

In a nutshell, this was the process that led to my position regarding the Moon landing.

1) The claim comes from a disreputable source. When I was in the Army we had a guy in our platoon that would lie as a matter of course, about any topic, for no observable reason, without shame and even when it could be readily shown to be a falsehood. This does not mean that he didn’t have other attributes that made him valuable, only that he could not be trusted to tell the truth. It has been my experience in life to distrust a proven liar. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t come to his aid, engage him socially or in other ways have an interaction with him that didn’t rely on my having to accept something he said as a true statement. I assumed he was lying because he demonstrated that he was an inveterate and shameless liar. I believe that the Government of the United States and the people who staff it at high levels are of the same stock as that man in my platoon. Too many lies, never an apology when caught in them and a certain shamelessness and boldness with every new instance of deception.

2) It was the only scientific advance in the history of mankind to be predicated upon a political pronouncement.

Read that again, because it is central to the logic I have used to get to this point.

In a political speech given by the President of the United States of America in the midst of a Cold War with the USSR at the height of a propaganda campaign based on Space rival programs, we were told that scientific advance would occur by a specific date.

If you can provide one other example of such a pronouncement coming to fruition in recorded history, now would be a good time to present that evidence. Science proceeds at the pace of discovery, not at the whims of elected officials.

3) Evidence of pre-planned fabrication and after action destruction of evidence. The Kubrick involvement, the faked sets, the lost videos and negatives, the bogus moon rocks, the undeveloped technology, the anomalous lighting issues, the altered films, etc.

4) The Van Allen Belts

5) The reaction of the political establishment and its agencies in dealing with legitimate inquiry.

6) Verifiable falsehoods created and maintained by the Government during the Cold War in order to maintain an economic stranglehold on the US taxpayer to wage war against an enemy they knew was not capable of matching it’s efforts. They knew it, we paid for it and all we got was this lousy T-shirt.

I have no doubt that I have invested perhaps a hundred hours or more into this topic and I wouldn’t advise anyone else to try it unless they were extremely curious because, like 9/11, it is a rabbit hole that does not come out into a sunny field filled with clover. I wish I had those hours back. I wish I still believed the story as much as I did that Summer day in 1969 when I sat with my parents watching that finely scripted little turn of phrase by Neil Armstrong, but I am not in fourth grade. I no longer write letters to Santa, believe that my vote counts or accept any assurance from any government agency other than a demand from the IRS that I will be prosecuted if I don’t pay the vig.

I didn’t create this belief because it is “comforting” or it “explains” a disordered world to me in a simple way. I had my nose shoved in the reality of how Governments, especially oligarchic fiefdoms in an age of decline and corruption, operate. I may have to contribute to their treasuries against my will, but they cannot as yet force me to believe their lies by decree or by having willing apparatchiks shame me into conformity. I have been down that road and discovered that the most important person I have to prove anything to is myself.

I hope this helps to clarify my cretin-like intellectual rationale for disbelieving The Narrative.

We never went to the Moon.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 12:36 pm

Critical thinking at it’s finest……..thanks HSF.

February 18, 2016 12:46 pm

Stucky says: “The burden of proving bullshit must fall on the bullshitter, not the sane person.”

Stucky also says: “It’s been almost 5 hours since I asked HOW does one keep SO MANY (whatever the number) people silent for SO LONG”

Stucky, by your own logic it is up to you to prove that “they” COULDN’T keep (a number of people that you don’t even know) silent.

Have at it.

February 18, 2016 12:59 pm

HSF… Re your “The [Moon landing] claim comes from a disreputable source.”

Who’s more disreputable than Bill Clinton, an inveterate liar, who has been accused of lying even when he didn’t need to.

Re the Moon landings, in his autobiography, “My Life,” Clinton wrote,
“Just a month before, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had left their colleague, Michael Collins, aboard spaceship Columbia and walked on the Moon…The old carpenter asked me if I really believed it happened. I said sure, I saw it on television. He disagreed; he said that he didn’t believe it for a minute, that ‘them television fellers’ could make things look real that weren’t. Back then, I thought he was a crank. During my eight years in Washington, I saw some things on TV that made me wonder if he wasn’t ahead of his time.”

The inference is that Bill Clinton, who was in a position to know, believes that the Moon landings were a series of hoaxes. Surely you don’t believe Bill Clinton, a most disreputable source?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 1:04 pm

Hardly a convincing argument, especially considering this line-

“…Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had left their colleague, Michael Collins, aboard spaceship Columbia and walked on the Moon”

Spaceship Columbia?

Was it a time travel adventure too?

You can’t make this stuff up, really. That guy was President? Wow. Just wow.

February 18, 2016 1:30 pm

The command module of Apollo 11 was named columbia. What am I missing?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 1:37 pm

starffcker, noted, I thought he was mistakenly referencing the Shuttle. I’ve not heard many people refer to the Apollo command module as a “spaceship”.

February 18, 2016 1:39 pm


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 18, 2016 1:52 pm

“What “specific date” did he set? Answer; none.”

No need to equivocate.

February 18, 2016 1:59 pm

At the very least there are clearly fake pictures in the mix. Why fake it if you have real?

Also, there is no rational explanation for loosing the original Apollo data. Hence, it becomes a measurable probability that the data never existed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 2:05 pm

Don’t look now Stucky, upon review of this thread your position is like the stock market. The Dow is down 27.08 and so is your support level. You and the Dow getting the downers today.

February 18, 2016 2:17 pm

Science regularly make even greater fools of stupid people. Stupid people refuse to acknowledge that which they don’t understand when it contradicts their established world-view – rationalized ignorance: life is easier when you do not have to accept that the preconceptions you held as the basis for prior decisions were flawed, based on a better understanding of the information you had available to you AT THE TIME – related to the Dunning Effect (Low IQ people overestimate their IQ, high IQ people underestimate their IQ)

Points on the moon landing:
1.) Production crews involved: NO SHIT this is not even remotely circumstantial evidence – you have a bunch of scientists and engineers who were more interested in taking the AV club cameras apart than shooting something worth watching. A highly politicized event that is to be captured for historical and/or PR reasons – you go to the professionals, who happen to work in TV/movie production. Kubrick learned his craft on a shoestring budget. Gee I wonder why they’d want to use someone who knows how to produce quality shots on the cheap?

2.) It was not a scientific advancement. PERIOD.
What hypothesis was tested?: NONE.
What were they trying to disprove?: NOTHING
It was an achievement in engineering. I’m not doing the following research for you: Has a project ever been done on time? In the history of mankind? When there is an entire national movement behind it? Pretty sure the answer is a resounding: YES (Hoover dam for one – I lied)

3.) Van Allen Belts: Highly energetic particles trapped in the earth’s magnetic field, forced towards the poles. Also known as beta radiation – considering we were working on nukes for decades before hand, we had already figured out how to handle beta radiation – shielding beta radiation, not a huge obstacle to overcome, especially when you flightpath takes you through the belts as quickly as possible (and through the weakest parts).

4.) The evidence that supports the faking of the evidence is thin at best. Mostly comes from people who don’t understand what they’re talking about parroting bullshit from people who don’t understand what they’re talking about – but it sounds like it might, under a limited set of very specific and unlikely circumstances, make someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about think twice (which isn’t hard). Not going to go through and refute every stupid conjecture but as a guideline: if you’re getting your arguments from then you probably don’t know how to breathe from your nose.

5.) ‘The reaction of the political establishment and its agencies in dealing with legitimate inquiry’: WTF?? By what standard do you define ‘legitimate inquiry’? Can you imagine the turnover rate if someone actually had the job of replying to every crackpot with a typewriter?
How about this

“Dear Walmart, I’m a perfectly rational day-laborer, can you explain to me why you’re selling bread made of dried and ground human flesh? I have it on good authority this is true and want a full, public investigation at no cost to me. Please review the boxes of notes I have written on cocktail napkins.
Sincerely, BuddyGuy”

Form letter reply:
“Dear (Idiot name here),
Fuck-off, we’re not wasting our time to answer every idiot question we get that isn’t based in the reality the rest of us occupy.
Regards, Walmart”

BuddyGuy: “See, I knew it – Don’t buy bread from Walmart, you’re eating people! What more evidence do you need?” (Maybe some actual evidence?)

Motivation for wading into this shit storm:

Yes, there is such a thing as a conspiracy. No, just because someone somewhere has come up with an idea for a conspiracy does not mean it is true. Logically you cannot disprove a negative, it amounts to proving a statement which does not happen in science. Conspiracy theories tend to be full of logical fallacies that are carefully worded to make them difficult to find.

Ignorance is not bad – merely not knowing something is the first step in learning/self-betterment.

Willful ignorance is mildly bad – deciding to ignore the facts that don’t support your argument is the beginning of stupidity.

Rationalizing ignorance should be a crime – These are the flat-earthers, the morons who have effectively created a religion based on holding the rest of the world back (much as liberals are regarded on this site). Denouncing the religion makes you a heretic, facts are to be picked and interpreted by the cult-of-ignorance’s priests and disseminated to the masses – none may contradict the position of he-that-wears-the-most-tinfoil. These people are not scientists, not sceptics but their business card says differently, they are in the business of selling a lie – “But why?”: because they crave the attention, they’ve never been particularly smart but now they have a whole mailing list of cretins and fools (ironic since it’s amazing they’ve been able to learn human language) who are begging for more. Parasitic cancers on the earth that should be segregated in a cave to protect the rest of the world – they can live in their bubble, we’ll have the rest.

I’m out not. Ignorance on this level makes my blood boil – lost a friend to the conspiracy lot.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 2:23 pm

Stucky- This should snap HSF out of his confused state:

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 2:26 pm
February 18, 2016 2:39 pm

Even if the astronuts could have survived the Van Allen belts, there is no f’ing way they could have survived the Van Halen belts. Their riffs are too fast and difficult for mortal men. It’s all a lie.

February 18, 2016 2:50 pm

FWIW, I’m personally convinced that the US did land astronauts on the moon, but I do see some odd discrepancies in the photos of the landing. I’m another one wondering if the landings were real but some of the photos were faked. Why that would be, I don’t know.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 2:59 pm

Bea Lever inserts the dagger of truth…………………… 🙂

February 18, 2016 3:03 pm

Yes, it is like 9/11…we are left with 3 basic questions:

1) Would the government fake the Moon Landing to advance it’s interests?

Of course. This is a no-brainer. There is no limit to the amount of evil any government, and particularly the US government, will undertake to advance even it’s most minor interest.

This, however, is logically, legally and in no other way proof of any action. Period.

2) Is it possible that the Moon Landing was faked?

Yes, barely. A thousand things would have to go right and a whole bunch of very intelligent people would have to have remained silent for nearly five decades.

3) Is it likely the moon landing was faked?

Quite simply, no. Granted, it was a politically driven mission to get to the moon before 1970, and yes, NASA barely got it in under the wire. But why not stop there? If you fake the Moon Landing, get away with it, get a big geopolitical win, why go back 5 more times, faking each with more and more eyes on you all the time. All risk for no gain.

Also, yes, space radiation is dangerous and the Van Allen belt protects us here on Earth from a good deal of it…but that doesn’t mean it is fatal to go beyond the Van Allen Belt. In those days NASA was full of big-time risk takers with a whole lot of guts…we are basing the radiation element through our current pussified society lens.

On one other note, My uncle was life-long friends with Neil Armstrong. They flew the X-15 together. They were on the cover of the Science section of the Bakersfield Californian one day in January, 1970…only a couple of months after Armstrong would have gotten out of quarantine. Neil Armstrong was present when my Uncle received his Astronaut Wings in 2005.

In all that time, either Neil Armstrong kept the secret from my Uncle or my Uncle kept it from his entire family for almost 5 decades.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 3:05 pm

Yes Stuck……….NASA admits they cannot get past the radiation belts. Match…point….we WIN !!

February 18, 2016 3:06 pm

Stuck , what didn’t you just copy and past the entire fucking Encyclopedia Britannia?

February 18, 2016 3:20 pm

Stuck, I don’t really mind, I have scroll button…just pointing out what a hypocrite you’re are. How many thumbs down would you like with that C&P eh Herr Doppleganger?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 3:23 pm

DUD the shinning light……….BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

His brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s sister saw Neil Armstrong at 31 FLAVORS and asked him if he really went to the moon………………….BLAH BLAH BLAH

DUD is Stucky’s lap dog, need we say more?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 18, 2016 3:30 pm

Farris Bueller confirmed to DUD that Stucky is always right. Thanks DUD.

February 18, 2016 3:33 pm

Thanks, Stuck…but you may be laying on the man love a little heavy.

Bea…I might be offended if your opinion carried any weight whatsoever…you know, at calling my mom’s brother an obscure acquaintance and by belittling a great man not too long in his grave.

Like I said, if your opinion carried any weight whatsoever.

February 18, 2016 3:40 pm

After all the lies and deception we have endured as a people – with a government that refuses us peace and prosperity – with a MIC / Banking cabal that foments war and conflict for profit all the while harvesting the rest of “our” time and labor – it’s a wonder anyone believes anything the media spews.

But I do have a question.

I’ve never been a SCUBA diver so I’m asking how much oxygen was required to bring along for what – three days – for exploring the surface?

Was there sufficient room on the lunar module for three days’ worth of oxygen for three grown men or was there some sort of oxygen making technology I am unfamiliar with?

February 18, 2016 3:51 pm
February 18, 2016 3:54 pm

Olga, the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen and only about 21% oxygen. We use only a little bit of oxygen from the air in our lungs with each breath. Our need to exhale is not triggered by lack of oxygen but by buildup of CO2.

Spacecraft, submarines, and certain types of diving gear (not SCUBA but rebreathers) work by removing the CO2 and adding just enough oxygen to replace what you used. This amount isn’t that much for one person. I haven’t run the numbers but I don’t find it at all hard to think that the Apollo craft could carry enough oxygen for three men for the duration of the flight.

February 18, 2016 4:01 pm

Stucky said: “Anyone who studies history seriously knows that there is rarely a completely reliable, authoritative version of the facts surrounding any notable occurrence. The tidbits of inconsistency upon which most conspiracy theories rely occur constantly in connection with any activity we undertake. It’s only when important activities are closely scrutinized that these details receive close attention. In other words, it’s natural for people to believe that there should be no inconsistency in legitimate activities. So if we observe an inconsistency, we take that alone as evidence that the intuitive explanation must be flawed and we should search for a more complicated answer.”

This is true, but needs to applied carefully. Any time you are looking at human accounts you have a myriad of subjectivities and should not get too focused on minor differences of memory, etc. However, for the moon landings (and 9/11 and some other things) we have extensive physical evidence, and can focus entirely on that. For Apollo, there is extensive evidence that the USA built enormous rockets that were large enough for the task and did actually work, as seen by millions at the time and available to review on film. My lingering doubts, which again are only about the reality of the photos and not about the reality of the overall mission (which I am certain of), can be analyzed looking at just the physical evidence and known principles. It seems like this would be a pretty easy issue for a smart generalist, like the XKCD guy Randall Munroe, to go through the apparent discrepancies and either disprove the problem or confirm that it doesn’t make sense.

On a more general point, there are lots and lots of conspiracy theories today, and I have to wonder if this isn’t because people are constantly being lied to, and know it, but with that general cognitive principle are in great trouble trying to figure out what claims are lies and what are fact.