Intervention Fail: Back to Libya

Guest Post by Ron Paul


The use of the US military overseas seems to have become so commonplace that the Obama Administration can bomb a country with no Congressional input and very little media interest at all. Such was the case on Friday, when the US military killed some 49 people in a bombing run near Tripoli, Libya.

We had to bomb Libya, we are told, because Libya has become a hotbed of ISIS activity. The group has been moving training facilities into the country, taking advantage of the chaos. Ironically, it was five years ago this week that the “Arab Spring” uprising began in Libya — an uprising that was supported by US military force and led to the overthrow of the Libyan government and the murder of its leader, Gaddafi.

We were told that the US had to intervene to overthrow Gaddafi so that democracy and human rights could flourish, yet five years after the US-led intervention no one would argue that the country is better off. Instead of bringing Libya democracy, US intervention brought Libya ISIS. So now the US has to go back and bomb Libya some more to take care of ISIS.

Will this work? No. Logic tells us you cannot do more of what caused a problem and expect it to fix the problem.

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Stucky Intervention #1: HF

Hardscrabble Farmer says — “We did not land on the moon.”

This is amazing, and I gave him some shit for it. Kinda like this …..

However, that’s not helpful.

If you like and admire HF, and it seems that most here do, then help him out via this “intervention”.  He seems worth saving. Show him the error of his ways.

Note:  — Ignore any attempts by HF to halt this intervention. He  might say “I don’t need it!“,  or “I don’t care!”, or sundry other excuses.  This is what these people do.  The Road To Denial leads to destruction. So, help him out, regardless. Lead him to The Road Of Sanity.

As a side benefit, you’ll probably be helping out Bea Lever also — as he loves every and all conspiracies.

Several others here need interventions as well.  I’ll get to you in due time.

If you don’t like the idea of an “intervention”, then think of it as a Question Of The Day —- “Did we land on the fucken’ moon, or not?”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Intervention

Yesterday, my dad crossed into Free Shitter territory.

He’s done this just ONCE before in his entire life.  He was unemployed once, many decades ago, and collected unemployment (but, not food stamps) for, at most, two months.  I’m also not including Social Security … something he did not start collecting until he turned 80 … after working for 50+ years.

But, he’s so embarrassed always asking me for rides … even though I don’t mind one little bit.  (My libtard seester rarely helps with rides.) So, he asked me to take him to the Senior Center in town to see what they have to offer.  Well …. it turns out that they have all kinds of  FREE transportation; twice a week scheduled trips to the grocery store, aaaaand if you give then 48 hours notice they’ll drive you anywhere — the bank, getting a haircut, even going to the movies!!  And, there is zero notification required if he needs to go to the pharmacy or a doctor’s appointment.  He was sooooooo HAPPY!

This is the vehicle they have;


But, then something truly turrible happened. Just, turrible!  Brace yourselves folks, or just look away and stop reading right this very second.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  He then asked — “What else do you have that’s free?”  Aaaaarrghhh!  My daddy, he crossed the Rubicon!  Death is knocking at the door. MY death. Oh daddy-o, daddy-o, what hast thou done??  But, I kept silent.

So, I have two questions. Answer one, or both, please.

1)– Should I perform an Intervention?  Bitch slap him back into his life-long reality of not taking Free Shit? Or, should I resign myself to the New Reality, and buy him this shirt for Christmas?


2)— Do you have an intervention story … of any kind?



The American people are coming to the realization that everything Ron Paul has stood for in the last 40 years is true. He has been proven right regarding the Federal Reserve, the Military Industrial Complex, and the Warfare/Welfare Surveillance State. The American people have grown weary of inflation, wars of choice and being spied upon. Ron Paul’s consistently right message is finally making headway. He is a true American patriot.

We Are All Non-Interventionists Now!

We are witnessing the triumph of Ron Paulism in the United States. The corporate media will avoid reporting it. They try their best to ignore Ron Paul’s 30 plus year intellectual march through our institutions.

But the facts in Pew Research’s 50 year survey of US views of “America’s place in the world” do not lie: This year the highest percentage of Americans ever — 53 percent — agree with the statement that “the US should mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own.” (See illustration below)

This means that despite the Mephistophelian temptations of the neoconservatives, offering war, interventionism, “responsibility to protect,” and humanitarian bombs, Americans are behind Ron Paul and the peacemakers — more than ever.

There is no major political figure in the United States who has more clearly identified himself with the cause of non-interventionism both at home and abroad.

When the Georgia/Russia war broke out in 2008, arch-neocon Senator John McCain incomprehensibly said that “we are all Georgians now.” He meant that we should go to war with Russia to back up a Georgian provocation. His slogan is laughable now, particularly as the facts have come out about the war.

But we can say this with all the facts to back us up: “We are (mostly) non-interventionists now!” We are in the growing majority, but still we have to fight the powers-that-be to get our message heard. The censorship and propaganda against our message is strong. The war machine does not give up easily.

Please continue to support the Ron Paul Institute’s efforts to advance Ron Paul’s important work. Read our website, share the articles, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and if you can please financially support our efforts. Ron Paul is winning. Let’s help him!


Thanks to RPI contributor Chris Rossini for his original post on this.