Guest Post by ‘Ol Remus

The Maryland Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’s decision ordering the lower court to apply strict scrutiny to an “assault weapons” ban has heartened Second Amendment defenders. They see it as the first light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. I see it differently.

It’s generally accepted that people care less about how things are than whether things are getting better or worse. Politicians also know the appearance of improvement and actual improvement need not be the same thing. Successful gun control relies on appearances, facts do not support it. Looked at unencumbered by particulars, this court decision reveals itself for what it is, an appearance of improvement and nothing more.

The right to keep and bear arms isn’t reviewable by any authority or subject to any decision by any court. This decision, welcome as it appears to be, is merely part of a continuing transgression on that right. The right to be armed is not a legitimate concern of the judiciary, or the legislature or the executive. There are no valid arguments for or against it, it’s neither diminished by opposition nor improved by support. Like all natural rights, the right to be armed is free-standing, there’s no second party. Nor is it pendant to any other right or purpose. Natural rights are not subject to popular approval or exceptions or statistical analysis or notions of a greater good or veto or repeal, nor do they incurr any unique obligations or consequences. A natural right just “is”.

The right to keep and bear arms is neither granted by nor guaranteed by the Constitution. The Second Amendment merely names and acknowledges the right and confirms government pledges not to infringe on that right. Just as we don’t gain the right to be armed by any document, nor do we keep it or lose it by any document, nor does any document confer validity or any other particular quality to it, nor can any document expand or reduce it. A document is an incidental artifact, it may be reinterpreted or altered or even withdrawn, but the right it attempts to describe remains.

Natural rights are not dispensed by men. One man can’t give another man permission to be armed, it’s not his to give. Permission schemes are worse than invalid, worse than fraud, worse than “pre-crime” star chambers, although they are all of these. Permission schemes are a denial of personhood itself. The right to be armed does not rest on its acceptability to others. No legislative or judicial body can claim authority to dispense the right to keep and bear arms and also claim legitimacy, and no person can apply for permission and see himself as, or be seen as, or be, a free man.

Illegitimacy has brought down governments all by itself, and where it hasn’t, it’s been the one indispensible ingredient in doing so. Suppressing the right to keep and bear arms demonstrates illegitimacy in a particularly stupid way, it “makes trouble where there wasn’t any.” It harasses and enrages the citizenry for no practical gain and leads them to conclude there is no purpose to it other than preparing the ground for further subjugation. Opposition commonly focuses on intent, presumed to be equally illegitimate, which ripples through society’s larger equations, reinforcing related fears and existing suspicion. Nations and empires have fallen in just this way.

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February 17, 2016 4:08 pm

Where in History has Natural Rights ever been followed. Man is too flawed to follow this idea.

Now don’t me wrong I AGREE with this Idea but humanity just fucks up everything it touches.

More luck finding a Unicorn or worn work boots in the 30 blocks…….

February 17, 2016 4:09 pm

Good description of natural rights, but one has to wonder why he is limiting it to the right to be armed. One has to wonder if there are also natural rights

— to acquire and own property, including land and moveable goods;
— to trade one’s labor for the property of others;
— to retain ownership of one’s justly acquired property;
— to use one’s own property in whatever peaceful way the owner sees fit, including ingesting whatever one chooses.

February 17, 2016 5:42 pm

“Nature Rights” are horse shit. They last long enough for someone stronger and better armed to come along and make them vanish.

There are no such thing as “Natural Rights”. “Rights” of any sort are created by humans and if sufficient numbers of humans agree, then “natural rights” becomes the law of the land.

That’s why there is a constant battle being fought between people of different countries, upbringing and beliefs to define “natural rights”.

The only natural rights that exist in this world is how you stand up to those who want to take what’s your’s for their own. If you win, you have the “natural right” to maintain your wealth and land.If your opponent wins, then he has the “natural right” to rip you off and take it away from you.” or so he believes.

We’re not talking morals here – moral judgements rest between one person and another. Right and wrong are a couple of words that are determined between two people. True and broader right and wrong are usually a consensus between many people and has deeper meaning that one on one.

If two people decide one is right and the other wrong, it would be wise of both to consult a neutral party to see what’s what.


February 17, 2016 5:57 pm

‘A natural right just “is”.’

Right. And so is the Great Pumpkin. Because I say so.

What bullshit.

February 17, 2016 6:23 pm

MA is correct – every human has the absolute right to defend oneself (except if you are in the EU)

February 17, 2016 6:31 pm

Free men have the right to bear arms.

Subjects, slaves and the indentured classes do not unless they have special permission to do so.

You can determine which class you are in by simply asking yourself: “Do I need to ask anyone’s permission to own and bear the arms of my choice?”.

February 17, 2016 9:19 pm

Kurt Russell, fuck yeah!!!!

February 18, 2016 2:42 am

Muck ,I would have to agree. You can read the Bible from cover to cover and you will find no God given rights at all .None .God says I own everything including you ass and soul. God gives us no rights.

Rights are subjective. Given by man ( based on biblical principles in our case ).

February 18, 2016 5:02 am

One man with a gun can control 100 without-Obama or Lenin?

February 18, 2016 8:37 am

Without God , there is no guidance and without guidance the path becomes obscured and all lost..

Saturday, February 14, 2015
No God, no rights
Every now and then, the mask accidentally slips from the ghoulish face of the Left:

During a heated discussion over gay marriage, CNN morning Anchor Chris Cuomo opined that the unalienable rights endowed to all Americans do not come from God. Cuomo was debating Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. Near the end of the back-and-forth and after Moore argued that rights cannot be handed down by men, Cuomo blurted out:

“Our rights do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man… That’s your faith, that’s my faith, but that’s not our country. Our laws come from collective agreement and compromise.”

This is why the Left is so willing to abrogate and alienate what the Declaration of Independence declared to be self-evident and unalienable rights, among them being Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. They simply don’t accept that God-given rights are not laws, or that laws that do not respect those rights are illegitimate.

Worst of all, the Left fails to grasp the obvious consequences of their ill-considered actions. If the law can legitimately permit a homosexual man to force a Christian man to bake him a cake, then it can legitimately permit a white man to force a black man to pick his cotton. If the law can legitimately deem a man to be a woman, or two men to be married, it can just as legitimately deem a Jew to be subhuman or an African to be a monkey.

But the Right can certainly play the game by the new rules that have been established. Indeed, across Europe, it is beginning to do so. In America, it is beginning to recognize the need to do so. And the Right will have no mercy on the Left once it begins playing by the Left’s rules; they will cry out in appeal to the very rights they denied and alienated in vain.

February 18, 2016 6:42 pm

Obama to skip Scalia’s funeral
The president’s decision is being played up by some as a snub at a politically fraught time.

Read more: