I know there are many people out there who don’t watch the daily drivel emanating from their 72 inch HD boob tubes. I don’t blame them. Most of the shows on TV are dumbed down to the level of their audience of government educated zombies. The facebooking, twittering, texting, instagraming generation is too shallow, too self-consumed, and too intellectually lazy to connect the dots, understand symbolism or learn moral lessons from well written thought-provoking TV shows. But there have been a few exceptions over the last few years. Breaking Bad, House of Cards, and Walking Dead are intelligent, brilliantly scripted, morally ambiguous, psychologically stimulating TV shows challenging your understanding of how the world really works.

The Walking Dead is much more than a gory, mindless, teenage zombie flick. Personally, I find myself interpreting the imagery, metaphorical storylines, and morality lessons of Walking Dead within the larger context of cultural, political, and social decay rapidly consuming our society today. I don’t pretend to know the thought process or intent of the writers, but I see plot parallels symbolizing current day issues plaguing our empire of debt. Their mid-season opener was one of the most intense shocking episodes of the entire series. It was titled No Way Out, as the main characters appeared to be trapped in a no win situation with long odds and little hope of surviving.

From my vantage point I see four explicit types of characters inhabiting the world of the Walking Dead. There are the infected mindless zombies roaming the countryside in search of flesh to consume. They are oblivious to the world around them, unable to think, feel, or act human. They can be distracted and led in different directions by loud noises or other diversions. Then there are the still human zombies inhabiting the walled city of Alexandria who are sentient, thinking, frightened men and women, not prepared to face the harsh reality of an unfair brutal world and the consequences of not fighting the forces of evil. They cower behind their walls and hope for the best.

There are bands of nomadic lawless gangs wandering the barren countryside, living off the scraps left behind by civilization and taking what they want through brute force. They abandoned any sense of morality as the world spun out of control. Killing innocent people to achieve their ends is fair game in their survivalist worldview. They see anarchy as an opportunity to loot, steal, murder and disrespect the rights of others.

Anarchy is essentially the absence of institutional coercion. It doesn’t mean chaos, with human beings automatically becoming bandits and murderers. Humans cooperate, trade, exercise personal responsibility and create social order without the dictates of a government ruler. What binds society together are not thousands of overbearing laws and a ruthless police state, it’s basically peer pressure, moral suasion, and social censure. We interact with other humans every day, without some higher authority dictating how it should be done.

The cohort of decent men and women trudging through the southern regions of a fallen America experience horrific scenes, but maintain their humanity despite anarchy. The main characters (Rick, Daryl, Michone, Carol, Carl, Glenn and Maggie) approach every day with their eyes wide open. In a setting where there is no government, no enforceable laws, no police, and no higher authority to provide guidance on how to approach every dangerous situation and ethical dilemma, they choose the honorable path.

As the crumbling remnants of a once mighty nuclear superpower decays, this tight knit group of heavily armed citizens rely upon their guile, intelligence, courage, and moral backbone to try and rebuild a new society. They are honorable, bold and resolute as they fight the ravenous brain dead zombies and the malicious roving mobs swarming over the apocalyptic terrain, while attempting to turn the cowering cowards of Alexandria into courageous patriots who see the world as it is rather than as they wish it to be. In a catastrophic situation where all governmental functions are non-existent it is those who are physically prepared, self-sufficient, mentally strong, heavily armed and able to deal with dire circumstances through the lens of reality, who will survive.

The No Way Out episode opens in the midst of a horrifying crisis within the bigger ongoing crisis. The village of Alexandria had successfully walled off their community from the outside world and had grown soft as they failed to grasp the nature of their perilous circumstances. They passively believed walls would always protect them; weapons were barbaric and unnecessary; and preparing for an adverse turn in conditions was pointless. But misfortune and a threat to their very survival did arrive. They were attacked by a band of murdering thieves and bad luck befell their community when their wall was breached. Their lack of preparation, inability to utilize firearms, and absence of courage to confront the dangerous threats, left them helpless in the face of a life or death situation.

The two types of zombies inhabiting the world of the Walking Dead represent two distinctive types of people populating our country today, as we relentlessly meander towards our own rendezvous with destiny. Our country is already disintegrating, as unpayable debt, endemic corruption, military overreach, civic decay, and moral degeneration coalesce to insure a societal collapse. It’s not a matter of if, but when. The zombies are unaware and apathetic, as their inability to think critically has left them trapped in an “all is well” paradigm peddled by their government keepers and their corporate fascist benefactors.

The American zombies resembling the infected mindless variety from Walking Dead inhabit the urban ghettos, semi-rural trailer parks, and putrefying suburban enclaves across the land. They probably constitute close to 50% of the population and continue to multiply. They are uneducated due to the dreadful government run public education system and the bad life choices of those who brought them into this world. They feed off the public welfare system, incapable or unwilling to work for a living. They are easily distracted by their iGadgets, 600 cable channels, sporting events, the latest fashions and hero worship. They don’t read books, participate in civic affairs, create cohesive communities, or think for themselves. The aimlessly shuffle through their wretched lives taking what they can and being herded by those in control. As society collapses they will panic, burn their dilapidated hovels to the ground and quickly die off, with no government to sustain them.

The next category of zombies populating America today is much like the people of Alexandria in the show. They are educated, employed, middle to upper middle class, living in suburban single family homes and townhouses, afraid of guns, trusting of authority, and are trapped in a web of normalcy bias. They’ve already forgotten the 2008 global financial crisis and believe their politician leaders that adding $70 trillion of global debt since 2008 has actually cured a disease caused by excessive unpayable debt. Since a further disaster has not materialized thus far, they convince themselves it will never occur. Therefore, they take no precautionary measures to prepare for any type of disaster, whether it is financial, societal, or related to their personal safety.

Despite clear warnings of a global conflagration already underway, these humanoid zombies optimistically believe everything will turn out for the best. The more aware among these zombies have an uncomfortable feeling about the state of affairs, as they know in their gut we are headed towards disaster. This cognitive dissonance makes them uneasy, so they purposefully avoid or disregard information that would confirm their worst fears. These zombies drive super-sized SUVs, shuttle their kids to soccer games, live in McMansions, commute to high rise office towers where they push paper, watch mainstream media, believe gun control will make them safer, and still think voting for hand-picked corporate candidates will make a difference.

They lack the intellectual curiosity to question the existing social order. They lack the courage to confront their oppressors, corrupt government, malevolent banking cabal, or corporate media mouthpieces spreading lies for the ruling oligarchy. They are completely unprepared for a world where processed toxic foodstuff isn’t plentiful and easily accessible at their local Wally World; ATM machines don’t spit out $20 bills on command; energy isn’t cheap, plentiful and accessible; and they are no longer protected from bad guys by government thugs. In a societal collapse their lack of self-sufficiency, firearms training and mental toughness to deal with a dreadful reality will result in most losing their lives. A segment of this zombie population can be salvaged if they can be convinced of the jeopardy in which they have been placed. With proper leadership and example to follow, the courage to resist and survive can be regained.

The nomadic lawless gangs committing acts of aggression against the well-intentioned decent survivors of the collapse know they are acting in a criminal manner, don’t care, and rationalize their psychotic disregard for moral standards because there is no institutional authority to stop them from raping, pillaging and murdering. I liken this segment to the criminal sociopathic Wall Street bankers; bought off crooked political class; government apparatchiks and surveillance state thugs; corporate fascists; military industrial complex; shadowy string pulling billionaires; propaganda spewing corporate media; and the leeches who suckle off this evil prototype. This gang of lawless psychopaths has no concern for the greater good or their fellow man. Their only objective is to pillage the remaining wealth of the nation, with no concern for laws, regulations, morality, decency, or the victims of their ravenous sacking of America. They are the real enemy.

Lastly, we have the self-reliant, courageous, disciplined characters that represent the last best hope for humanity in the apocalyptic world of the Walking Dead. Despite the catastrophic circumstances they face on a daily basis, they never lose their integrity or their humanity. Kindness, generosity, intelligence, adaptability, and situational awareness complement their courageousness and willingness to use whatever means necessary to survive. A common thread among the main characters is their ability to utilize weapons, think strategically, act as a team, and approach every situation in a realistic, resolute mode. They choose to not deny reality. Lying to yourself about the desperateness of your situation does you no good. They choose living over despair and death.

The people represented in our society by Rick, Daryl and their motley crew of freedom loving patriots is the gun clingers referred to by Obama in 2008:

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

They are also derogatorily referred to in the corporate media as preppers, gun nuts, survivalists, right wing extremists, and potential domestic terrorists. Ron Paul supporters, Christian conservatives and anyone believing strongly in the 2nd Amendment is considered suspect by those in power. DHS is spying on them, the IRS is harassing them, the liberal media scorns them, and the president wants to disarm them. It is the hard working, self-reliant, morally upstanding, gun owning citizens of this country who have been screwed by the onslaught of illegal immigrants, the Wall Street owned Federal Reserve, and the corporate fascists who have written the laws and trade legislation which has enriched them while destroying the working middle class.

Wall Street/K Street oligarchs have financialized every aspect of our society, gutted the productive industries, indebted our grandchildren to the tune of $200 trillion, and destroyed the jobs needed to sustain our nation. The frantic efforts of the Federal Reserve, their minions in NYC & DC, and the propaganda press to prop up this hollowed out carcass of a country are failing. The debt is too vast; the corruption too entrenched; the vital systems too damaged; populace too apathetic and distracted by bread and circuses; and leaders too feckless to do what it would take to save the country.

When it all falls apart, it will be the small minority of gun clinging men and women who know what needs to be done and will do it. These people only represent a small percentage of society. They will do the heavy lifting during the coming crisis, because they have retained their moral compass, believe in the Constitution, and don’t need Big Brother and thousands of heavy handed laws to do what’s right. There is good and evil in this world. Bad people will need to be dealt with brutally and swiftly. The approximately 40 million households with a gun owner are our last line of defense against a government losing control, zombie hordes that will rampage when the EBT deposits stop, and the unprepared normalcy bias infected multitudes. It will require courage, endurance, and community team work to survive the perils ahead in order to rebuild our once great nation. A coercive overbearing bloated government will not be part of the solution.

In the meantime, there are lessons to be learned from the No Way Out episode. Rick and a group of the main characters needed to disguise themselves as flesh eating zombies in order to secure the weapons they needed to fight off the mindless voracious hordes overrunning their community. Until the SHTF moment descends upon our country, those whose eyes are open to the imminent threats will need to blend in with the iGadget addicted masses, while continuing to prepare, build supplies, accumulate weapons and ammunition, and becoming more proficient in using those weapons. They will need to stay under the radar of the corporate fascist military surveillance state until it crumbles in a heap of diseased debris. When the vast majority have been brought up to believe the only boundaries are those exerted through force by the authorities, and that governmental power disappears, the bad people take whatever they want, by force, unless good people fight back.

When their plan to blend in with the zombies goes awry due to fear and hesitation by some of the Alexandrians, loss of life ensues and Rick’s son Carl is shot in the eye. This event creates a turning point in the battle between the immense throng of zombies and the minority of fanatical freedom lovers. Rick goes rogue and single-handedly begins taking on the thousands of voracious zombies in a display of rage and retribution for his son’s life threatening injuries. Sometimes a single act of defiance can change the course of history.

When Rick dashes outside and begins to fight the zombies he has no concern for his own safety. His act of boldness and bravery leads his clan of fearless troops to enter the fray and kill even more zombies. Even the formerly passive priest Gabriel and the cowardly Eugene take up arms and battle the forces of evil. But, the most uplifting occurrence is seeing the previously weak willed inhabitants of Alexandria become inspired by Rick’s courage and valor to find their nerve and finally fight for their community. They didn’t fight for their country or because they were commanded to, but for their fellow man. They were still vastly outnumbered, but Daryl’s intelligence and understanding of the situation led him to implement an audacious strategy to lure the brain dead zombies to a fiery demise. His astuteness saved the day, proving the majority does not always win and the good people can prevail.

The lesson I deduced from this chapter of the Walking Dead is one of hope. The authorities pulling the strings of our increasingly mentally infected country prefer mindless, non-thinking, easily manipulated zombies so they can retain their power, control, and strip mining wealth operation. We only exist for the benefit of the state. Society does not have to be built for the benefit of an essentially criminal organization – the coercive state. There is nothing in human nature that makes it impossible to create a community of people that respect each other’s natural rights and follow accepted moral standards for working out differences. There will always be a few criminals and sociopaths to deal with, but the community can self-police and rid themselves of these vermin. These are the people who usually gravitate to and flourish within a government police state.

When the ongoing crisis worsens over the next few years, with government collapsing under the weight of debt and corruption, societal implosion results in civil chaos, and economic calamity befalls the nation, the brain dead zombie class will have no hope. It will require a tireless minority to prevail. We will need men and women to step up and lead through example. There is a segment of the sentient zombie class who can be awoken from their self-induced stupor by an irate few who set brushfires of freedom in their hearts and souls. The odds of a few rag tag farmers defeating the greatest military power on earth were virtually impossible in the 1770s . But through noble citizen leadership, fortitude while facing extreme adversity, and courage in the face of death, a minority of good people prevailed.

At the end of the episode, Rick finally sees a way out. As Carl lies unconscious in bed Rick tells him he underestimated the Alexandrians and vows to rebuild the community. They rose to the challenge. Rick adds that for the first time since before waking up in the hospital in King County, he feels truly hopeful for the future. “I want to show you the new world,” he says. Carl’s fingers grip Rick’s hand. The immediate future is bleak, but there is hope. The country and our future will be determined by those who are most prepared and willing to do whatever it takes to reinstitute the principles upon which this country was built. There is a way out. Are you prepared?

“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”Samuel Adams

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February 23, 2016 8:27 pm

Winston – umm, just what have you done? You have “regrouped?”

Bwahahahahaha! Regrouped? Hahahahahaha! that is too fucking funny. Regrouped. Stop it, Winston, you are killing me.

By regrouped, dear old Winston means he has hid down a rabbit hole somewhere, too scared to raise his head.

What have you actually done, Winston? I know you have not actually done anything. But you can hide in your hole pulling your little pecker telling yourself you will be brave when the time actually comes.

What bullshit.

Regrouped. Damn, that is funny.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:28 pm

Ok, let me ask this again. How do you limit government? Education? How do you control education? By putting government in control of it? By voting harder? How do you limit government?

February 23, 2016 8:28 pm

“Are you scared of freedom?”

of freedom, no. of people that are “steeled by the righteous of the truth”, probably. these people look forward to the collapse of government and law, they really really do ….

February 23, 2016 8:30 pm

Slayer – but there are always lines. Otherwise, I just shoot your ass, as I have total freedom, and there are no repercussions. You have no protections at all. The Cosntitution guaranteed the requisite protections.

Winston – for the love of god, do not agree with anything I say. It will ruin the reputation I have built over many years of not being a moron.

February 23, 2016 8:30 pm

“I tend to remember such things.”

is he one of those bad people who must be dealt with brutally and swiftly?

February 23, 2016 8:31 pm

gman – I see that you have figured out the whacko Winston. Nice.

February 23, 2016 8:32 pm


Is that air your breathing right now?

The Constitution did not give free men the right to anything. It just delineated those rights and a government’s purpose is to protect them.

Those right’s are “Natural Rights” of all free men.

It also gave the right for a people to rise up, if that government became tyrannical.

Although, that right has been long forgotten…..

February 23, 2016 8:34 pm

gman – please feel free with to deal with Winston. He is worthy of your scorn and ridicule. Plus, it is fun to kick shit out of that asshole. I suspect he is about to burst an aneurysm.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:34 pm

The government’s job is to protect our rights? That’s some hardcore indoctrination there. Only a goddamn fool would think that was the purpose of government. No, the role of government is to control a mass of people for the benefit of the few. It is a tool. You’re just to blinded to see it, you’ve bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

February 23, 2016 8:39 pm

Winston – you great Contitutional scholar you, just where does the Constitution enumerate the right to “rise up”? Please enlighten us. Inquiring minds want to know.

The Declaration comes close to saying that, but the Constitution? Umm, don’t think so.

I see fuckwits everywhere.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:39 pm

And yes, I’m an anarchist. I recognize that I own myself. Why do you think other people have a claim on your life?

February 23, 2016 8:44 pm

Slayer, now you are being an idiot. An anarchist idiot. Damn, I should have known.

An anarchist cannot make a cogent and logical position, so invariable goes to the “you are blinded and cannot see otherwise you would agree with me” position. How piss-weak.

February 23, 2016 8:45 pm

See? A circular firing squad. A argument with enemies real and imagined. Is there a solution here, or endless fights and insults. Especially with people I have more in common with that TPTB.

Don’t want to fight. Just frustrated . Frustrated at empty promises and things that never change. Frustrated that I see the America I grew up in changed beyond all recognition.

Frustrated that the America I knew is gone and there is nothing I can do to change it.

Frustrated that I realize at 50 that voting does not matter.

Frustrated that I will not leave a better world for my grandkids.

Frustrated that I fight with other frustrated people on the Internet about being Frustrated.

I have no answers. I just know I am frustrated.

February 23, 2016 8:47 pm

Slayer – I do not debate with anarchists, who are imbeciles by definition. So solly. Your points are and will be idiotic. Even the way you phrase questions falls into the category of “how often do you beat your wife”. Your questions themselves are fallacious.

I will content myself with abusing you and ignoring any attempt at debate. Works for me.

February 23, 2016 8:49 pm

Winston – gave you a thumbs up for being frustrated. The line of frustrated TBPers is very long. Your concerns are legitimate.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:49 pm

You claim that government protects our rights yet you don’t even understand how government cannot exist without violating those rights. I’m not the idiot who can’t make a logical argument.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:50 pm

Run away coward, run away.

February 23, 2016 8:51 pm

“I recognize that I own myself. Why do you think other people have a claim on your life?”

it’s not about ownership and claim. it’s that 1) you exist and 2) other people exist and 3) we all want rights and 4) how are those rights to be implemented? that’s all. “that to secure these rights ….”

February 23, 2016 8:57 pm

“An anarchist cannot make a cogent and logical position”

oh it’s very cogent and logical, it’s just not sustainable in the real world.

“I have no answers. I just know I am frustrated.”

perfectly understandable. (sorry to bring up the religion thing again but) ask god what to do. he’ll answer, one way or another. you may not understand immediately, and if you do you may not like the answer, but he’ll answer. just ask.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 8:59 pm

We can live together peacefully by using privatized services to protect us and our property. We don’t need an authoritarian agency reaching into our lives telling us how to live – we can organize in a decentralized manner where property owners make the rules for their property. To be honest though, it doesn’t really matter what we think, we are witnessing the end of the state regardless. With the advent of the internet and bitcoin, governments have lost control. It will get worse before it gets better, but this is the beginning of the end of centralized control.

February 23, 2016 9:04 pm

gman – it is illogical to believe that millions or billions of folks can live in an anarchist society, where there are no structures in place to protect the rights of the weak or few against the strong or many.

February 23, 2016 9:08 pm

“We can live together peacefully by using privatized services to protect us and our property.”

we have thousands of years of experience with such services. history shows these services will answer to their owner, not to anyone else, and will enforce their owners’ will in disregard of everyone else.

“the hell with you, I work for mel brooks!” (pow!)

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
February 23, 2016 9:08 pm


Yer mistaken in yer description of anarchy. Anarchists don’t presuppose there won’t be no social structures, it’s just that they’ll be organizes from the bottom up, rather than top down like in a capitalist socioeconomic system. It ain’t like the old days is it, back when people gave uh shit about yer toothless geezer insults. Yer like watching a mongoloid pick uh fight with a tree.

February 23, 2016 9:10 pm

At this point in chat I would
/me Flicks the lights off and on to settle the children

February 23, 2016 9:12 pm

“it is illogical to believe that millions or billions of folks can live in an anarchist society”

sure they can – around the world throughout history they frequently do – just not happily or successfully.

(yes, most societies are anarchic in the sense that only a few people have power and they do whatever they want, and the rest do whatever they can get away with – the natural law.)

February 23, 2016 9:16 pm

“Anarchists don’t presuppose there won’t be no social structures, it’s just that they’ll be organizes from the bottom up”

of course. the mistake they make is in assuming that these organizations will be beneficial to anyone but, and that they will answer in any way to anything but, their owners. in the (me) (other people) (want rights) (therefore government) sequence, they completely pass over the (other people) aspect, thinking “oh, they’re just like me, we won’t disagree”. unfortunately they’re not and they will. thus government.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 23, 2016 9:33 pm

Monopolies only exist in a controlled economy. In a free market, the economy would self regulate through the nature of competition. All services, including protection services, would improve and cost less than what we’re getting for in equivalent tax. There simply is no service that the government provides (that is actually needed) that cannot be provided by private enterprise. And because it’s a free market, there is competition for your dollar so industries will have incentive to try to earn your dollar. “Evil” corporations can only exist in a state-based society because they can control the competition. My point is that we can have all of our “rights” protected by people who actually have to please you or lose your business.

Dis Nigga
Dis Nigga
February 23, 2016 9:36 pm

BW exhibits the same anger a teenager feels towards the absent father. Llpoh, you got you work cut out for you and theme park bribes or a fancy gift car will not win back BW’s love, she’s hurt and taking drugs obviously. Don’t take her hurtful accusations to heart. We still love you lots. Come back home, dad.

February 23, 2016 9:41 pm

most of you fucks don’t have a clue about what hard times are lol . Peeps at work say I am daryl from the walking dead . why ?

Because no matter how fucked up it gets ,I will do the hard stuff .

The hard stuff is fucked up .
It is not polite or politically correct . Who the fuck thought up that term !!

It is living ,and that aint always nice . Sometimes it is eat or be eaten .

Deal with it .

Or be dealt with . That’s about it , if it crushes your fine sensibilities omg ,get rid of your cognitive dissonance and deal with the reality of life . Or death .

February 23, 2016 10:04 pm

It sure doesn’t take very long for thought provoking insights to denigrate into the lowest common denominator of gutter language. If this is the type of response generated from an ‘alternative
view point’ from people who look to the web for different view points, I must say, we are truly
doomed. I respect what TBP brings to the table, a lot of the editorials resonate with me. There are
only a few people that respond in the comments area that I would truly look forward to meeting and trusting, I think you few commenters know who I am talking about. Keep the faith, whatever that faith may be. I will know who you are when we do meet and I will have your back.

February 23, 2016 10:43 pm


You type things about Llpoh on your keyboard, safely tucked thousands of miles away, that I KNOW you wouldn’t say to his face. That alone makes YOU the most loathsome of all cowards.

Suck your dick?? Do you even have one? Or, are you a flaming faggot?

February 23, 2016 10:54 pm

Stuck – it is frustrating. The caliber of this opposition is just so average.

Did you get one of those dolls? I bet Mrs Freud would be excited to have one on her desk, too. It would remind her of you even when you were afar.

I gotta say, though, you do owe IS a real ass kicking over that. Just because.

Dis Nigga
Dis Nigga
February 23, 2016 11:50 pm

Maybe if Stuck didn’t have so many selfies of himself “infraganti” posted around the house, he would be able to sell that anchor.

February 24, 2016 12:31 am

A good shit-fest!

Can’t imagine who Dis Nigga/Winston could be. The syntax and spelling errors being identical to those of EL dipshit must be mere coincidence.

February 24, 2016 3:44 am

N-49 – what a nice comment.

Now what say you go fuck yourself. The last thing we need is some goody two shoes pussy chastising us on the language we use and what we say.

I doubt many folks want to meet your pansy ass either. And I am indeed talking about you.

February 24, 2016 4:11 am

llpoh, that’s not nice suggesting Stuck owes me an ass kicking. It might just be that I owed him one……..and delivered!

BTW, I’d love to see a transcript of your message to your “former” employees when the times comes. I expect it will contain much more wisdom than many of them will comprehend.

February 24, 2016 5:18 am

IS – in the end, either I sell or close up. I have plans for either eventuality.

If I close, I will be sad for those out of work. It will be because of my own personal circumstance where I do not want the headache. I cannot let their circumstances entirely dictate what I do, but it will be sad.

If I sell – hey, here is the new boss! Good luck!

Having employees sucks. But individually, they are people like everyone else. It is just that as employees they are thorns in my wrinkled fat ass. And I am over it, as they say.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 24, 2016 10:32 am

Slayer says: With the advent of the internet and bitcoin, governments have lost control.
What are you gonna do with those bitcoins when the electricity gets cut off for months or years, either by a solar storm, EMP, or false flag?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 24, 2016 11:13 am

Admin- never watched the shows you listed like Breaking Bad or Walking Dead so I have not commented about the article. Out of curiosity, I asked three people that I am very close friends with that are big fans of said shows if they ever saw a deeper meaning in them about the decline of our society…………..crickets.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 24, 2016 11:16 am

Obviously if there’s no power, bitcoin won’t work, but neither will our existing financial system. If the power goes out for an extended period, we’re completely fucked whether your money is in USD’s or BTC’s. Secondly, you won’t lose your bitcoins, they’ll just be unavailable while the power is out, and considering that it’s beyond unlikely that we’ll have a global outage, your bitcoins will comeback online as soon as power is restored to your area.

February 24, 2016 11:22 am

By now, it should be obvious to the observant that the ‘scoundrels-looting-the-treasury’ phase of our economic arc is about played out, and before the entire rotten financial edifice collapses, there will be a war ignited across Europe and the Middle East which will serve as a distraction for the masses, while the very worst of the scoundrels take to ground to wait for the smoke to clear before they emerge.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 24, 2016 11:39 am

Admin- That was my point. The sheep go into deep alpha wave state while watching tv unable to think. The Nazis like that about tv viewing.

February 24, 2016 12:33 pm

When the SHTF, The fact that society has few morals and values will contribute to how bad things will get.

February 24, 2016 1:30 pm

“The fact that society has few morals and values will contribute to how bad things will get.”

the quantity of arms and ammunition out there, in the hands of those “steeled by the righteous of the truth” and looking to deal with “bad people” “brutally and swiftly”, will play a role, too ….

February 24, 2016 1:33 pm

“bitcoins will comeback online as soon as power is restored to your area.”

maybe you could back up your bitcoins using solar power, and spend them using morse code ….

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 24, 2016 1:37 pm

All you need is your key and at the ability to connect to at least one computer anywhere in the world that has the blockchain on it to have your bitcoins backed up. Bitcoin will survive a power outage better than our current fiat currency will.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 24, 2016 3:15 pm

Until bitcoin gains more credibility, I’m staying away from it:

Published: 29 November 2015 09:03 PM

“Shiny metals, pretty seashells and smelly animal hides have all served as mediums of exchange. Heck, prison inmates use cigarettes as currency.

So I suppose it’s not that farfetched for someone to create a virtual currency. I first wrote about bitcoin, a digital currency, more than two years ago, and at the time I doubted it would evolve into a widely accepted currency. It hasn’t, at least not yet.

But its popularity continues to grow, as evidenced by a recent price spike. The value of one bitcoin, which was in the low-to-mid $200 range through most of this year, recently soared above $400 and has since settled around $350.

Since its inception in 2009, bitcoin has bounced all over the place, topping out near $1,000 in November 2013, then retreating until recently. This mysterious cybercurrency was a dream come true for computer geeks, libertarians and big-government paranoids.

Bitcoin was developed by an anonymous group of computer programmers who apparently had grown skeptical of traditional currencies like the U.S. dollar, yen and other currencies after the 2008 financial crisis. A computer programming genius supposedly named Satoshi Nakamoto wrote 31,000 lines of computer code that created bitcoin.

He set a limit on the amount of bitcoin that would eventually be available in the system. Only 21 million bitcoins will be created in the coming years, with about 14 million currently in virtual circulation, according to the Journal of Economic Perspectives.

It’s also estimated that there are now 109 million bitcoin accounts, with a daily transaction volume of about 200,000 bitcoins, or about $80 million at the current price, according to the Journal.

The compelling thing about all this is that there is no single server or clearinghouse that keeps track of bitcoin. Rather bitcoin transactions are validated in a digital ledger — called a blockchain — that is shared by a network of participating computers around the world.

“Blockchain is a real innovation compared to the way electronic payments have worked in the past,” said Tyler Moore, assistant professor of cybersecurity at the University of Tulsa. “Blockchain created a way to send bitcoin or some other payment without having to go through the traditional financial system, which is run by the big banks.”

In fact, there seems to be more excitement building around blockchain than around the digital currency itself. Earlier this year, the Nasdaq said it would try using bitcoin’s global network — not for trading bitcoin but to keep track of pre-IPO trading among private companies. Nonpublic companies monitor sales of their private shares through an informal system, including records kept at lawyers’ offices.

Nasdaq’s interest in the bitcoin network certainly makes all this more mainstream and probably accounts for the recent price spike in the currency.

“I think there is a chance that bitcoin could penetrate the mainstream, but there are a few problems that have to be overcome first,” Moore said.

First of all, this is complicated stuff. Small investors have to first locate and feel comfortable with one of the dozens of so-called bitcoin exchanges in order to buy some bitcoin.

For example, I checked out the Coinbase Exchange, which is considered one of the more respectable exchanges. I intended to buy bitcoin, but I lost my nerve when I was asked to disclose my bank account number. At present I wouldn’t trust any of the exchanges with my bank account information, so acquiring bitcoin is problem No. 1.

“They need to make it easier for people to get their hands on bitcoin,” Moore said.

Secondly, Moore examined the track record of 40 bitcoin exchanges a couple of years ago and discovered that 18 of them had closed. Nine of the 40 exchanges he looked at had been hacked.

That’s problematic because there is no Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. standing behind these exchanges. It’s difficult to recover your bitcoin when exchanges close, as evidenced by the fact that five of the closed exchanges did not reimburse customers.

Third, owners of bitcoin typically have an encrypted key — basically a string of digits that allows them to spend or transfer bitcoin. Well, guess what happens for those who lose their digital key? They lose their bitcoin.

“If someone was able to steal your bitcoin, meaning the private key associated with your bitcoin, there is no recourse,” Moore said.

And finally there is the currency risk. It is true that even stable currencies like the dollar and yen fluctuate in value, but not to the extremes of bitcoin. A customer might purchase something for 100 bitcoins today that could be worth 50 tomorrow. By the way, there are hundreds of merchants who now accept bitcoin.

So bitcoin is growing in respectability, but Moore offers this cautionary note: “I think bitcoin is very risky right now. I would strongly caution against someone just going out and buying bitcoin, because there are a lot of risks.”

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 24, 2016 3:30 pm

The price of bitcoin has little to do with its adoption rate – its adoption rate has been exponential. And regarding its price, bitcoin was the best performing currency in the world last year. Yes, it’s volatile, but it will settle down over time.

So what if exchanges shut down? A million banks have shut down over time yet that didn’t make the dollar any less valid. Through the nature of competition, the strong exchanges will rise to the top.

You can acquire bitcoin via Circle by only providing them your debit card number.

Your bitcoin key is like your wallet and it’s up to you to keep track of it. If you lose your wallet, you lose your money. It’s called personal responsibility. There are ways to back up and recover your keys though.

Holding your money in USD’s a GUARANTEED loss of wealth as USD’s are an inflationary fiat currency. At best, holding cash will only slowly drain your wealth whereas holding bitcoin has the potential to significantly increase your wealth.

Lastly, when you own bitcoins, they are yours and yours only. Conversely, any money you have in the bank belongs to the bank, not you. Bitcoin is the solution to global debt bubbles and the massive economic fraud being perpetrated against us.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 24, 2016 3:45 pm

Joi Ito: Why I’m Worried About Bitcoin and the Blockchain
Published on February 22, 2016 at 18:14 GMT

Joichi Ito is the Director of the MIT Media Lab and Chairman of the Board of PureTech Health. He is on the board of the Sony Corporation, The New York Times Company and others, and has created Internet companies including PSINet Japan, Digital Garage and Infoseek Japan.

In this opinion piece, Ito looks at the current state of the bitcoin and the blockchain, calling for unity and collaboration amid an uncertain time for the industry.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
February 24, 2016 3:56 pm

Rise Up, that coindesk article is one of the few articles that I’ve read that has honest and legitimate criticisms of bitcoin. The vast majority of articles critical of bitcoin are written by people who either have a pro-establishment agenda or are pathetically ignorant of bitcoin. Thank you.