A Long, Hot Summer is Coming

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Whatever happens, it’s going to get ugly.long hot summer

If Trump is nominated, there will be riots – the Perpetually (and professionally) Aggrieved will take to the streets.

If Trump is denied the nomination, there will be riots – as the people come face to face with the true nature of the system they were taught to respect since childhood.

Not since 1861 has America been so clearly divided. These divisions transcend mere political differences of opinion over this or that policy. There is a fundamental schism. Irreconcilable differences. The two sides detest each other, have almost nothing in common. And so can no longer live together.

Trump has been likened to Hitler – which is unfair. He is no Hitler. He is a crony capitalist and some other things, too. Mussolini, maybe.

But he isn’t Hitler.Kasich

However, he is riding a wave – make that a tsunami – similar to the one that led to the chancellorship of the German Reich (as it was styled in those days) falling into the hands of the former gefreiter. The people of Germany had been driven to a state of desperation and frenzy by decades of economic evisceration of their country and thus, of themselves. Their country had been ruled over by a revolving, insular cabal of greedheads and frauds, some nothing more than puppets of financial interests, who milked the cow for their and their masters’ benefit.

Sound familiar?

People lacked jobs – and those who did have them felt insecure in them. Depraved elements seemed to be having a field day. Things appeared to be falling apart all around them.

The people had had enough … genug.

And in their desperation, elected Der Fuhrer.

People forget this – or never learned this.

Hitler did not seize power, He was freely elected by a majority in an election whose results are not and never were disputed insofar as whether ballots were stuffed or otherwise rigged. They weren’t. The people turned to Hitler because there was – as they saw it – no one else to turn to.GOP Establishment

When one is drowning, one tends not to be picky about the life preserver one grabs.

Today, the life preserver – as he is seen by his supporters – is Trump.

People have had enough of Beltway Conservative greedheads and frauds. The Mitt Romneys and Jebs! and other Bushes (which includes Ted Cruz and his wife, both Bushes in every way except DNA). They have flashed on to the reality that electing any of these people will mean More of The Same. More “free trade” deals that are as free as China. More Wall Street pilfering of their livelihoods to benefit “shareholder value.” More work for less pay. More wars, endlessly. Less and less freedom – all the while prattling about it and waving the flag ever more furiously.

They have had genug.

Trump may not be a Libertarian savior – any more than he is a revenant Hitler. But he is not one of them. And the people revere him for this. He is their weapon – the first one they’ve actually got their hands on since at least 1964 – with which they hope to at least stab out an eye, if only for hate’s sake.sellouts

It’s that bad – or that good, depending on your perspective.

The rictus of choreographed outrage directed Trump’s way by the House Organs of DC-New York GOP, Inc., speaks volumes about the mortal danger the establishment is in for the first time in literally living memory.

It’s interesting to recall the motto emblazoned on the standards of the NSDAP. It was Deutschland Erwache!

Germany Awake!

America is awakening.

And the greedheads and frauds who’ve been milking the country for years are absolutely petrified. Because no matter what happens now, they are done.

A Trump nomination – and likely victory in November over the obvious fraud Hillary (despite her core support among embittered lesbians and such, she is as “liberal” as The Chimp was a “conservative”… and the people (including people on the political left) know this… she’s a tool, another greedhead… it is why Sanders, an honest socialist, has been embarrassing her for months) will be the ruin of the DC-New York GOP, Inc. They will be turned out like cur dogs, lucky to find work as Starbucks barristas and Wal Mart “associates” – which would be orgiastic to see. Imagine, for instance, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity with aprons around their waists, asking whether you’d like them to leave room for cream… .

Deny Trump what he has earned – what the people obviously want – and the GOP will find itself as delegitimized as the Ceausescu regime circa fall, 1989.

And just might experience the same fate.

It could not happen to a more deserving crowd.

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Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
March 20, 2016 7:52 am

The statement “Hitler did not seize power, He was freely elected by a majority in an election” is not correct.


The Nazis registered a large increase in votes in 1933. Despite waging a campaign of terror against their opponents, the Nazis only tallied 43.9 percent of the vote, well short of a majority. They needed the votes of their coalition partner, the German National People’s Party (DNVP), for a bare working majority in the Reichstag.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 20, 2016 8:52 am

This could get very ugly very fast but it is much needed. A great cleansing is coming!

March 20, 2016 9:08 am

Love the term “Conservative Greedheads” Love it.

Almost thought he was going to call Jeb Bush Jebzebell! He didn’t, but hope I get the chance soon.

March 20, 2016 9:12 am

4th Turning Crisis? Maybe, it is due.

March 20, 2016 10:00 am

Kevin MacDonald provides a scholarly analysis of the Trump movement, who is behind it and why, and perhaps more importantly who is behind the vicious attacks against this movement. The protests in Arizona, Chicago and elsewhere did not happen spontaneously but were well planned and funded by George Soros and other gangsters. The inescapable fact is that the US and just about all western countries are led by traitors, thieves, liars and criminals who are waging a war against the European peoples and the civilization they have built – Western Civilization. And it must be said that Jews are playing a prominent role in the subversion of our Civilization and the destruction of America. There are several tools used in this destruction, including central and fractional-reserve banking, buying of politicians, perpetual wars, propaganda MSM and Hollywood films, but the most effective tool is the dispossession of the European peoples through mass immigration from the third-world. Donald Trump is no Hitler but a product of a people who wants to preserve its Civilization by taking back their country from the gangsters who now control it. Should they fail, European Americans can look forward to minority status where the social and economic conditions continue to deteriorate leading ultimately to collapse and civil war. Although most Americans refuse to acknowledge this truth, they are in a war for their very survival as a people.

Could It Happen Here?
March 19, 2016 — Leave a Comment
Kevin MacDonald
This essay is based on a speech given at NPI’s 2016 winter conference, Identity Politics; first posted at Radix.
The Donald Trump phenomenon is amazing. I’ve never seen such enthusiasm for a politician—ever. His rallies are overflowing with emotion. This scares a lot of people because it conjures up images of populism, and even fascism. There’s something about crowds of cheering White people that terrifies America’s elites, especially when the speaker is criticizing their long-standing immigration policies.

We have become inured to an arrangement in which major party candidates are vetted by the media and the donor class before being put up for election. It’s a top-down system that more resembles an oligarchy than a democracy. Donald Trump has not been vetted.

Trump has said some incredible things—things I never thought I would hear from a politician with a real chance to win it all: birthright citizenship, Mexican criminality, a moratorium on admitting Muslims, an immigration policy that meets the needs of Americans, to name but a few. Without Trump in the GOP field, we’d be choosing between candidates’ methods of balancing the budget.
For years, the system has been stacked against our movement, to put it mildly. We have been doing our best to figure out how to get our issues before the public—issues like immigration and the demographic transformation of the United States. We ask: How could it happen? How could a political movement arise that would ignite the imaginations of White America, depose the corrupt donor class in the Republican Party and the corrupt politicians in Congress, and generate a populist uprising among those Peter Brimelow calls the “historic American nation”?

Among the forces stacked against us, most prominent have been the mainstream media, which reflect academic culture and political culture generally. The media, academia, and the bureaucracy have been engaged in a top-down revolution, in which the moral and intellectual high ground has been seized by people hostile to the traditional peoples and cultures of the West.

The top-down nature of this revolution cannot be overemphasized. There was never a demand by a majority, or even something close to a majority, from any Western country for a complete transformation, to the point that White people will soon be minorities in societies they had dominated for hundreds and, in the case of Europe, many thousands of years.

The mainstream media environment is closed off to our message that Whites have interests, just like everybody else; that identifying as a White person who wants to advance these interests is normal and natural; that race is real; that there are real racial differences in traits important for success in a modern society and that there is no magic wand to change these traits; and finally and most importantly, that immigration and multiculturalism carry huge costs in terms of social cohesion, social conflict, trust, and willingness to contribute to public goods, like healthcare, welfare, and public infrastructure.

The only type of person who could get through this elite consensus is someone who is, first of all, a celebrity, but also wealthy and willing and able to fund his own campaign—in other words, someone like Donald Trump.

Political celebrities have an enormous ability to shape public debate because the media cannot ignore them. Trump is not going to speak about racial issues in the way we would. He would be foolish to do so, and it is strategically wise for him to repudiate our support. But his statements on immigration, his violations of the pious platitudes of political correctness, his advocacy on behalf of American workers, and his condemnation of Angela Merkel’s policies and the ongoing refugee disaster in Europe have been energizing to say the least.

For our part, we have to keep on doing what we are doing. There are many signs we are getting stronger and that our message is being heard, and it is gratifying to say the least to see so many young, smart, and educated Whites gravitating to our cause—like so many of you here this evening. We must understand that our message is based on science and the realities of human behavior—and, more important, it is morally righteous. We have every reason to look forward to the future. Indeed, we should project the image of confident, optimistic warriors—exactly the image that Donald Trump projects. We know that the transformations that are occurring are evil, and that they were engineered, not out of love for humanity, but out of a narrow self-interest of certain groups, groups that are possessed by a hatred toward the traditional peoples and cultures of the West. And we know that these transformations are supported by so many of our own people, possessed by a misguided, suicidal idealism.

Read the entire article here:


Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 20, 2016 10:43 am

Eric you have been overcome by the CO from all those cars you hang around.

DeepS will never allow Ceausescuization of whom we all know pulls the levers.

The way that I know the fix is in with Trump is that no one as wily as he would ever utter one-hundredth of what he says without an agreement in place. And the lady doth protest too much.

I hope to be presently surprised and proven wrong.

March 20, 2016 10:44 am

A divided nation at war with itself.

Obama’s legacy.

In the end, this will most likely be decided on the streets by the people themselves, all the governmental and other authorities finding themselves pushed aside as they simply cannot control it.

I doubt it will be something many will find pleasant as it unfolds, in the end one side will be left and the others gone.

March 20, 2016 10:51 am

good morning Admin.,

And thank you for the powerful points of view your blog

is airing, and for the chance to comment on them.

I was born in Germany at the end of the war but was too

young to take in any facts. But there are memories, and I

pestered my parents together and separately (over many years)

trying to make sense and get real data on what happened there.

Now Trump is creating a popular movement of “anti-establishment”

excitement and rebellion. Is he the “new” Hitler? Or may, the

Mussolini of Italy? What he is doing is allowing people some breathing

room from the increasing oppression we face. We will see if there is anything

more to it. Someone said yesterday, that Trump invited Hil to sit in the place

of honor (where his parents would have been seated) in church, at his

wedding. That doesn’t bode well does it? One thing, this cycle isn’t quite

as boring as it usually is….the pols “pissing on us, and the media calling it

rain.” Not as abjectly insulting either. Whatever this is, I am grateful for any

positives (wakings) that may ensue.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 20, 2016 11:29 am

Why is it that congresscritter scum such as McCain, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, etc., have remained in office if this “revolt” has been underway for a while now? It shouldn’t take so long to figure out these asshats are a big part of the problem. Or is it simply a result of political cronyism during elections?

@Suzzana – don’t be too concerned with the Trumpster putting Hitlery in special seats at his wedding. He knows how and who to kow-tow to in order to get favors at a later date–it was most likely a business ploy at the time to gain influence when he needed it.

Of course now it will be arrows in her back instead of any quid-pro quo.

silent majority
silent majority
March 20, 2016 11:35 am

Why must every article written in regards to Trump have such a negative slant on Adolph Hitler? These supposedly enlightened individuals who are able to “see through” the veneer of decades worth of brainwashing are still unable to comprehend the truth about WWII and Hitler.

Hitler was the last person who fought for the White race and the betterment of humanity. The US fought on the wrong side in World War II and we are suffering the consequences to this very day. Jewish subversion has utterly destroyed the West and yet as a collective people, we continue to lament the “horrors” of the Holohoax and evil Hitler. The jew rat utilizes the Holohoax in order to kill with impunity and shake the world down for shekels.

Wake up America. The problem is not someone resembling Hitler, which Trump is not even the same league (his family is thoroughly infected with the Jew parasites), rather our failure as a country to recognize the insidious influence of the nation wrecking Jew.

March 20, 2016 11:37 am

“Or is it simply a result of political cronyism during elections? ”

Maybe it’s simply a result of vote counting fraud during selections.

March 20, 2016 11:38 am

“Hitler was the last person who fought for the White race and the betterment of humanity.”

Seek help before you snap and kill us all.

March 20, 2016 11:47 am

To be forever known as –

The Summer of Our Discontent.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 20, 2016 12:08 pm

Nothing to do with Trump or politics.

All summers are long and hot on account of anthropogenic global warming.

March 20, 2016 12:16 pm

‘The Emperor has no clothes’, the establishment fits the description, each press release symbolically removing and article of clothing. Soon, many will be standing naked before us telling how fine the fabric of their attire is, not realizing themselves, that their corpulent, soft, ‘pork-fed’, stripped visage is clearly apparent for all too see, even their sycophants.

March 20, 2016 12:50 pm

So, anyone capable of navigating to TBP is aware that Soros and his evil hench-its are working hard to generate conflict, ostensibly to harm Trump’s chances. People with triple digit IQs are able to see that the tactics so far actually seem to be helping Trump, not hurting him.

Stop and consider – regardless of the stupidity of the Soro hench-its, what if Soros himself and his inner circle aren’t specifically focused on trying to block Trump, but instead on generating maximum internal conflict for other reasons? Those other reasons might include:
1) fomenting a civil war allowing a radical change in our nominal system of government;
2) fomenting a really, really big civil war to depopulate the US;
3) harming the US image on the international stage to wreck the US dollar and set the stage for a new reserve currency – it’s not like Soros has never wrecked a currency before;
4) elevating a leader who can be portrayed as Hitler-like in order to get the rest of the world to militarily attack the US and permanently dethrone it, so some other new puppet of the bankster elites can take its place;
5) etc., you add your own ideas.

March 20, 2016 2:20 pm

I’m what Gerald Celente would call a political atheist.

I’m liberal on most social issues, but I’m very conservative when it comes to the idea of personal responsibility and accepting the consequences of one’s choices, good or bad.

I also support gun rights. An important point that my hard core leftist friends have never been able to grasp is that there has never been a mass shooting at a gun show. They just can’t seem to explain away that simple truth.

When it comes to the two major parties, the Republicans have been betraying their ideals for so long that they don’t even know what they stand for. The Democrats on the other hand have been taking ‘campaign contributions’ from the Wall Street criminal syndicate for so long that they’ve forgotten what the Democratic Party used to stand for (working people).

So I’ve come to one conclusion as to the upcoming campaign. It’s very simple. Even though I often vote Democratic, I will NEVER vote for Hillary Clinton. She is without question the most dishonest presidential candidate I’ve witnessed in my lifetime, even more dishonest than Tricky Dick Nixon.

I have never heard anyone claim that Richard Nixon profited from public service. Yet profiting from public service is Hillary Clinton’s only solid accomplishment. Hillary’s record of accomplishment outside the area of self-enrichment is undistinguished at best and disastrous at worst (Ukraine and Libya immediately come to mind).

If you trust Hillary Clinton, consider this. Most of Hillary’s political positions contain equivocations – loopholes big enough to drive a Mack truck through. Of all of her campaign lies, my personal favorite is “I don’t support the Trans Pacific Partnership as it is presently written.” Yet Hillary supported this economic abortion at least 44 times as Secretary of State, according to CNN. Let me re-write her alleged ‘opposition’ to TPP in honest English – “I will support TPP if we change a few paragraphs and big business makes sufficient donations to the Clinton Foundation. And as President, with help from the free-trade Republicans, I’ll cram it down your throat.”

I don’t think there’s much more than a tiny chance that Donald Trump can do very much to turn this country around. He is unquestionably abrasive, egotistical, arrogant, and often offensive and unpleasant. Still, I do believe that a tiny chance for a turnaround is better than no chance. So I am planning to cast my vote for Donald Trump for President.

And I won’t have to hold my nose to do it.

mike in ga
mike in ga
March 20, 2016 3:26 pm
March 20, 2016 3:30 pm

Silent , be careful people Will accuse you of Jew bashing like they do me occasionally. I always tell them to do their own Damn research. Most of the information regarding the lies of the holocaust are just a Google search away. Fake photos , fake documents and fake ( untrue ) so called historical accounts.It is sickening . This holocaust narrative got starting in the 70 s when Zionist Jews , with the counterfeiting help of the federal reserve , bought controlling interest in the big 3 tv networks. Then publishing houses. Of course Hollywood was next. Damn shame.I guess it I could counterfeit my own money I would own a few networks.

March 20, 2016 3:32 pm

Penn Head. , you are right about George Soros. Now guess what ethnic group he belongs to.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
March 20, 2016 3:34 pm

Everybody is entitled to his opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. 5 down vote on a reference to a Wikipedia article? What is this supposed to mean?

Silent majority
Silent majority
March 20, 2016 3:46 pm

@BB- “I always tell them to do their own Damn research. Most of the information regarding the lies of the holocaust are just a Google search away. Fake photos , fake documents and fake ( untrue ) so called historical accounts.It is sickening.”

It is absolutely stunning how people refuse to see what is right before their eyes. Cognitive dissonance to a degree that is unseen in any other realm of historical analysis. I become infuriated when such intelligent people, who are willing to question anything, abruptly stop questioning the narrative when it has to do with the holohoax and our jew overlords.

For you pro Zionist pricks, research the transfer agreement & also the analysis of the notorious “gas chambers”.

I visited Auschwitz when I was in Poland and I noticed that the chimney to the crematorium was not even attached to the building. Pretty difficult for it to operate properly when it was not even a functioning gas chamber.

March 20, 2016 4:01 pm

@Pb, we all know Soros is “a Jew” in ancestry and personal claims. Most of us also know that one of his earliest near-adult actions was selling out other Jews. What exactly do you make of him? We should hate him because he’s “a Jew” who sells out other Jews? If I were biased against Jews I’m not even sure if that should make me hate or love him.

March 20, 2016 4:09 pm

@Arschloch, it means that some people don’t want reality to intrude on their tidy little rage bank.

History is presented as black and white, but little of it actually was. People want to think that Hitler was somehow a unique, one-time, German-only thing, when in fact he’s simply the most famous poster child for the worldwide government theme of the 20th and late 19th centuries – genocide. Maybe he’s an example of how an awesome publicist worked against him in history.

Some more facts that most people don’t want to hear:
-Japan was effectively forced into a war by the western oil embargo. (However, Japan had also done enormous amounts of nasty things in China before this occurred.)
-Germany probably thought no one would care if they invaded Poland, much as Saddam Hussein was lead to believe that no one would care if he took Kuwait.
-Although the Nazis were always fascists, when they gained popular support they were far milder, and their domestic opponents quite real and dangerous, compared to when they initiated WW2.
-The allied treatment of the conquered Germans in the 2-3 years after the war, both POWs and civilians, should be viewed as a crime against humanity in the same range of evil as the concentration camps.
-The highest bodycount in the war and its lead-up goes to the USSR, with China second, and Stalin and the Japanese military, respectively, most directly responsible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties)

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 20, 2016 4:27 pm

I agree that Trump frequently has a rude crude NYC manner but totally disagree that he is a Hitler wannabe (rather he is the Spearhead of a Counter Revolution). The Tower of Babel was doing fine until Multicultural Diversity was imposed and it became a House Divided Upon Itself; but this is no simple ethnic problem: the Muslims that the Black Mahdi is bringing in illegally at night (be damned any and all of Obama’s Executive Orders) are the Incorrigible Barbarians that Nostradamus warned us about; our Constitution and no True Religion can coexist with Islam. Trump should evoke the memories of Charles Martel “The Hammer” and El Cid who stopped and expelled them. I pray that We The People who have the True American Spirit can assist Trump with dismantling the Fifth Columns of the FSA and the RINOs who constantly harass him (and us too); that we find the courage to stop this NWO Insanity. And the Iron Will of Andrew Jackson to gut the Federal Reserve Bank (and its’ IRS Mafia) which is The Beast funding Western Corruption of the World.

March 20, 2016 4:34 pm

Judaism’s Strange gods by Michael A Hoffman on YouTube explains where a lot of the lies and deception comes from especially with regards the Christian Churches . Only 42 minutes long. A one time Jew explaining what Judaism really is.Well worth your 42 minutes.

March 20, 2016 5:49 pm

I hate to tell you guys, but what Trump is attempting to do, is an extremely brave and selfless action, against overwhelming odds. Nobody has his back. It’s him against a machine, thousands of times larger than he is. If he can’t shake things up, with his money, knowledge and experience, who ever could? We are lucky to have him. I saw his plane today, parked on southern blvd. It’s a big plane, but at a big commercial airport like PBI, it looks like a toy. It’s just one guy, against big odds. It’s a fragile thing. Spare us the hitler talk. If something were to happen to Mr. Trump, there is no second option.

March 20, 2016 6:21 pm

Silent, welcome aboard the “anti-Semite” train, a short caboose here to be sure. Do not concern yourself with ADL trolls or down votes. Just tell the truth as you have found it out to be. I have done so here after studying the jewish question for almost two years now. On the whole my entries have been received with reluctant enthusiasm. If you just present names, places, facts, there can be no meaningful resistance. Just state the facts. People here are for the most part non ideological (aside from libertarianism) and open minded.

I could not agree with you more, that we were on the wrong side of the war, that Europe, white people, and the world would have been better off if hitler had won, and that if the Jews were quarantined in Madagascar, or in some region in Russia, as planned, all would have been better. No doubt about it.

But try convincing people of this. Not easy. But keep doing so friend! Cheers!

March 20, 2016 7:22 pm

“Whatever happens, it’s going to get ugly.”

Hopefully Mr Soros runs out of dough…

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 20, 2016 8:20 pm

Das Arschloch says: 5 down vote on a reference to a Wikipedia article? What is this supposed to mean?
Wikipedia is not infallible nor 100% correct. It’s controlled as is much of the ‘net. (Disclaimer: I’ve been guilty of using it on occasion.)

March 20, 2016 8:53 pm

Admin ,I love that quote about piss and rain. It says so much so succinctly.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
March 20, 2016 9:00 pm

Mike in GA – a VERY interesting (though brief) read, and of course entirely plausible. We have already seen significant polarisation of “supporters”, along with (albeit isolated so far) instances of real rather than pretend / “Facebook” violence; seeing as the stakes are so very high, it would not be unreasonable to expect more.

As the author notes, it would take a TINY number of people to pull this off – “Fake” bombs – they could even be (non-harmful) smoke bombs – such as orange distress smoke cartridges available from ANY boating store, no “background checks” needed. Fake “bomb threats”- by e.mail these could be sent from any Internet Café, WORLDWIDE, and overseas security may not be so stellar in this respect (“who did it”? No-one knows!). On election day, “everyone” will be on edge, and the sense of hyper-vigilance may easily start the ball rolling with such impetus, that local systems would be unable to stop such disruptions cascading – welcome to the downside of Social Media – instantaneous dissemination of information (real, or “created”).

March 20, 2016 9:48 pm

“Hitler was the last person who fought for the White race and the betterment of humanity.”
———– silent majority

The 13 of you (13 !!!) that gave this asshole of assholes your thumbs-up approval are a total EMBARRASSMENT to this website.

Yeah, yeah, I suffer from cog-dis and I hate truth. You assholes need to stop practicing pop psychology.

Back to watching b-ball. I know it’s nothing but bullshit distraction …. but, at least it’s bullshit I understand. Many of you? Not so much,

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 20, 2016 9:52 pm

Admin, Dan Bongino supports Ted Cruz. I support many of the things Dan supports, but not that one.

Just sayin’…

March 20, 2016 9:53 pm

Stucky, what part of bombing Britain for the white race don’t you understand?

March 20, 2016 10:04 pm

der Juden are a fascinating, if difficult subject. Kevin McDonald’s books, essays, and website are an excellent place to begin, although much of his work is annoying because of it’s ‘academic’ prose and impenetrable ‘in-speak’ of his academic area. The “holohoax” related to WWII goes back to the immediate aftermath of the war- they were jamming it down our throats in school in the 50s; but the ‘six million’ figure goes back to the Roman “genocide” of the Jewish uprising two thousand years ago. It is frankly amazing that the term “anti-semite” is applied to those who question anything related to Jewish control of media, finances, etc. (which they do), because: the jewish zionists who are doing this to us (white europeans) are NOT semitic. LOOK at the pictures. They are caucasian, descendants of a tribe known as Ashkenazi (love the nazi part of their name), from far eastern europe- Ukraine today! The Palestinian semites in the middle east (arabs) are being oppressed by the zionist aryan jews! Everything we learned in school and hear in the media is inside out and upside down… also known as “gaslighting”- a reference to an old movie where the villian did his damndest to make the heroine think she was insane. Oh well, enough rant for today.

Silent majority
Silent majority
March 20, 2016 10:05 pm

@star fucker- are you referring to how Hitler offered Great Britain a peace treaty on nine different occasions? He was adamantly against fighting the British, however that jew Winston Churchhill and his Talmudic brethren could not have a country rebel against the Jewish financial system.

silent majority
silent majority
March 20, 2016 10:30 pm

@Stucky-Once again you are unable to properly express yourself without throwing a little temper tantrum. I thought you were going to quit this site when Flash rigged the voting? Why are you still here? I’m sure you will calm down later and begin working on your next picture “article”.

Maybe you do a picture “article” on the colors of rainbow or something, since you love to elevate the level of discourse on this site. Instead of watching a bunch of negros playing basketball on tv, maybe you should focus on selling that little shit box you reside in. How is that process going?

Enclosing, you are an ignorant degenerate that is incapable of free though, a mindless drone essentially. Now be a good little boy and cheer on your team of negros versus someone else’s team of negros. If it was not for sports they would be robbing you or raping your wife. Funny how older White men worship negro athletes. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

March 20, 2016 10:35 pm

“Oh well, enough rant for today.”

Yeah. Use paragraph breaks and you might get a few more readers.

Silent majority
Silent majority
March 21, 2016 12:07 am

@t4c- you are correct. I typed my last response on my iPhone and unfortunately did not proofread it. Thanks so much for adding such a valuable reply to the comment thread. Humanity is now far better off that you have done so.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
March 21, 2016 12:45 am

I really don’t like the overuse of the saying “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” but it certainly seems to be true in this case. Trump was ignored from his announcement all the way until the first debate in August. Then they laughed at him up until around the Holidays. Then they started fighting him, first through media ostracization, then through nefariously funded Super PACs. They tried talking heads, negative ads, racism charges, late night comedians, viral videos, the Ghost of Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck’s magic tears, and none of it has worked. So now they are bring out the street gangs.

Yes, I agree with the article. What started as a joke candidacy turned into a serious threat to the establishment but has now transcended even the larger than life persona of Trump. It is simply turning out the be the final battle for the heart and soul of America, and who is going to run it. On one side you have the remnants of the normal, European or European valued working, middle, and upper middle classes. People who generally want to be left alone, to slowly improve their lot in life and pass on more wealth to their descendents than they had. They basically go to their work in their small amounts of spare time watch TV, drink beer and occasionally have a wild night at Applebees. Opposite them you have freaks, ugly people, lazy people, the uneducated, people who are basically want to lounge around, do drugs and engage in all kinds of sexual perversions. The two groups are about equal in number now, with the former normals declining and the perverts on the rise. The election is a referendum on what the definition of normal is.

March 21, 2016 12:54 am

@Rise Up,

I actually do live in Arizona nowadays, and with any luck we are going to vote out John McCain in the Republican Primary in August.

McCain’s polling is currently around 63% unfavorable, and offhand, I can’t think of any politician that has won an election with such a dismal unfavorable rating.

March 21, 2016 1:42 am

@silent majority

Your future here portends that of violent, painful, unlubricated anal rape via the comment thread. Quit now, dumbass. You’ve been warned.

March 21, 2016 2:31 am

John McCain you mean to tell me that old mentally challenged warmonger is actually running again He should just hang it up already We are sick and tired of that character

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
March 21, 2016 7:40 am

Rise up: The fact that Wikipedia is sometimes unreliable does not matter in this case. The outcome of the 1933 Reichstag election is undisputet. The National Socialists never received the majority of vote from the German people.

Silent majority
Silent majority
March 21, 2016 9:18 am

@mahtomedhi- go fuck yourself. Maybe you should concern yourself with the Somalians that are invading Minnesota.

Bring it on buddy, I will own you like a slave in the 1820s.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 21, 2016 10:12 am

@T4C, love the Judge Jeanine Pirro videos, that one was spot-on. Thanks.