Shoot High Aim Low

Submitted by Robert T.  (Stucky Note: I am not including the full name of “Robert T.” Please include your TBP name when submitting articles on Sunday.  Thank Yeeew.  That being said, I believe the author is Rob In Nova Scotia. )


It was last summer that I was sitting at my Parent’s cottage. Enjoying the day with my extended family. We had gathered to enjoy a nice meal on the shores of Nova Scotia. In the aftermath of the supper we got around to discussing the great issues of the day. Good or bad we ended up on the topic of Donald Trump.

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He was at this point of course just underway in his campaign to offend the scourge of political correctness that has swept this land. Most everyone thought he would crash and burn. But he has defied the odds. Here we are in April and as I type he is still the front runner and only one who can win on first ballot in Cleveland. You would think that GOP establishment would make their mends and build bridges. Yet they have fought him every step of the way doing their best to block the nomination. Those opposed have made no secret that they will use every dirty trick in book. They have walked through the their house pouring gas on floor. Now standing in the kitchen with a lit match waiting to drop it if Donald dares to sit at the table. Even though they will destroy the Republican Party by doing this I, at least, respect their honesty. They have made their stand.

The Mainstream media however, in my opinion, deserves nothing scorn and ridicule. They have not tired in their attacks on Trump. Whoring themselves for ratings and the 24/7 news cycle so that there is something to talk about at 10 o’clock in the evening. The perpetually offended have tried to take issue with what has been said of Muslims, Illegals and the Chinese and a whole host of other things. And still Donald has prevailed.
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Then along comes Michelle Fields. A reporter, now former, for Breitbart News. She claims that she didn’t want to become a story and yet she dove into one feet first. Claiming a vicious assault she went on nationwide offensive to tell of her brutal take down. Doubled down even after video surfaced showing that the wrestle to ground was just a tug on the arm. If it had been a male reporter it would have been a non story. But Ms. Fields is a special snowflake not a man. She can stand in front of the cameras, bat her eyes, show her tits, and all the red blooded folks out there can’t help but feel sorry for her. And it has worked. Donald offends for months and this is now the great story of the campaign.

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Today I read that 16 prominent women have signed a letter asking Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s Campaign Manager, to resign. How sad that this double standard still exists in this age when the sexes are supposed to be equal.
For me I would like some honesty. Michelle Fields should admit that her hit piece wasn’t journalism. It was instead an attack on common sense. I listened to a song for first time in long while this week. Shoot high Aim Low seems like a contradiction in terms but on closer inspection it is a good strategy to take down those you oppose. Excuses at the ready that it was someone else that is responsible. If have any advice for Ms. Fields it would be that if she gets a chance to ask Trump another question she just skip it. Instead she should just walk in front of him and kick him in the balls. At least then, by aiming low, she would be honest in what she was trying to accomplish.
She would again have my respect.


And now sixteen women have joined with Ms. Fields as members of firing squad. All knowing full well that once the execution is done they can walk away blaming someone else for fatal shot.
We have come so far and accomplished so little.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
April 3, 2016 4:34 pm

If it’s a Conservative mole hill, make it into a mountain. If is Liberal dirt, sweep it under the rug.

April 3, 2016 5:05 pm

This is such a non-issue and regarding press coverage of Trump, it’s way over the top at least 50% more than any other candidate, and promoting his brand whether negative or positive.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 5:09 pm

I am the author. This mountain, aptly descibed by rhs jr., shoudn’t even be a molehill. My biggest problem isn’t with left right paradigm and it’s double standards. Rather it is the different ways we still treat women then men. Feminists want to claim equality yet will quickly run to damsel in distress when they need something to help push whatever agenda they have.

The sixteen women who signed the letter should be ashamed of themselves. They have hitched their wagon to a horse with no ethics. Not hard on the eyes true. But not worth the cost of oats to feed.

April 3, 2016 5:17 pm

All of those “journalists” and “commentators” suck anyway. I doubt normal people will pay attention.

April 3, 2016 5:24 pm

Notice to the reporter and whomever-whatever “prominent” women
signed a letter asking Lewandowski to resign:


and just keep saying that or a version of it, over and over.
Cable news isn’t even remotely amusing anymore…
it is absurd. Theater of the absurd.

April 3, 2016 5:36 pm

Excellent summary of last week’s political shenanigans, Rob!.

Personally, I am really enjoying today’s posts. Especially in the light of knowing Admin is getting a much deserved (somewhat / kind-of?) day off.

Perhaps similar to how Rush Limbaugh has “Open Line Fridays”, maybe these ” Stucky Sunday postings” may become a tradition on TBP known as “Open Post Sundays” (or similar)? Just a thought.

Hell, at some point, I might even make a few submissions myself. I have some ideas.

One idea has to do with a recent ruling by the Iowa Utilities board paving the way to impose eminent domain abuse upon Midwestern landowners on behalf of the Rock Island Clean Line project. Still researching this one.

Another idea has to do with this (which is currently not mentioned at all in the MSM and I haven’t seen anyone post about here yet on TBP):

However, that said, if anyone beats me to the punch. I would be thrilled. Self-emplyment is a bitch from a “time-invested” standpoint.

Otherwise, if I do end up submitting to formally post select submissions here at some point, they will be submitted under this moniker: “Onward…”

Rick Caird
Rick Caird
April 3, 2016 5:52 pm

Why would these women decide to release a letter now when it clear Fields was not only inside the the protective area, but was also lying about what actually happened. This is an embarrassment for woman everywhere. If Fields is too delicate to be in a crowd, she is too delicate to be a reporter.

April 3, 2016 5:59 pm

“Self-emplyment is a bitch from a “time-invested” standpoint.”

Also, just to clarify – I’m not making excuses, per se. it’s just that I have partners that manage employees and I am a “hub”. Sometimes 7 days a week. I can write, comment and post, but it is the research that takes time regarding original articles. . Plus, I never went to Journalism School.

This is why I admire Admin and other posters here so much.

April 3, 2016 6:01 pm

Michelle Fields is a subversive bimbo. And, I don’t trust Fox News anymore. The hits just keep on a comin’…

April 3, 2016 6:09 pm

When I saw the email title, I thought it was about Common Crap, er Core.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 6:12 pm


This blog is proof positive that there is no need to go to school to be a journalist.

Admin is an accountant. I am a rebar detailer. Give it a try. My goal is to post every Sunday. Many hands make light work. It does take a while to find a voice but I have realized that what I have to say is just as valid as anything blathered by the Wags and Whores on the Sunday morning talk shows.

April 3, 2016 6:19 pm
April 3, 2016 6:34 pm

Notice how all of these “enemies” of the Trump campaign keep putting themselves on “lists”…..

April 3, 2016 6:35 pm

Thanks Rob. I appreciate the encouragement. Actually, I would consider you now more as a political commenter as opposed to a ‘rebar detailer”. But I suppose that is the magic of this place where farmers write beautiful prose, 2nd generation, seven foot tall, German Americans post the craziest, most thought-provoking topics ever and MBA’s tie in “Hunger Games” to current economics and geopolitics.

I’m going to miss this place when the bad guys take total control of everything. In the meantime, Carpe Diem!

April 3, 2016 6:54 pm

RiNS: good one! Michelle is an average looking little piglet, maybe a 5 on a good day. She disregarded SS orders to leave The Donald alone. She should have been put on her sorry ass and then marched out. The Donald is afraid of no-one. I can’t wait for him to really start busting Hildabeast’s balls!

April 3, 2016 7:04 pm

Welp, someone is pulling their strings… (heh heh..)

See, a presstitute like Michelle Fields isn’t hired for her journalistic acumen or because she has serious mental horsepower. She’s hired because she’s pretty.

Notice who they’re going after?

Not Trump. Teflon Don got no dog in this fight… plus, that’s a pretty big target. Best have your shit wired tight coz if you try and fail, welp.. that’s the end of you, pretty much…

But his campaign manager? Much easier target.

Even Trump’s enemies have got to admit, they’ve played a masterful game so far.

This is more than some Snowflake getting her feelings hurt and making shit up… I’m willing to bet she was put up to doing this for the sole purpose of derailing Trump’s presidential bid via taking out the most effective member of his crew – his campaign manager.

No way Mizz Snowflake thought this up on her own. Or even just accidentally’d in front of Trump and a bunch of harpies jumped on the bandwagon.

This is a political hit. Literally get some sympathetic, pretty little Snowflake of a presstitute to go up in front of Trump and make a stink, then get tossed out. Then invent a bunch of shit they have to refute – get them on the defensive – and at the very least try and take down his campaign manager…

But, they didn’t count on the videotape, did they?


Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 7:04 pm

Average looking yes. I’d rate her a 7 just based on figure that she whores every chance she gets. But that’s just my opinion. Here a video that sums up what I think of Ms. Fields.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 3, 2016 7:23 pm

Somebody has to step up to the plate and bend her over the bathtub.

April 3, 2016 7:45 pm

Rob in Nova Scotia, you don’t fuck the face. Back in my single days, I would just put a pillow over it.

April 3, 2016 9:30 pm

Good job Rob in Nova Scotia! Interesting that a Canadian sees this for what it is. My first thought was, “wonder how much she got paid for this…” The nooz media has found something that sort-of sticks to Teflon Don: he’s a misogynist. I’m pretty much a political junkie, and I’ve seen the narrative EVERY-FREAKIN’-WHERE in the past week..

What remains fascinating to me is that with all the people Trump employs and has employed, if he’s so horrible to women, why hasn’t the nooz media dug up these disgruntled women and put them in front of a camera? They ought to be coming out of the woodwork, right?

April 3, 2016 9:40 pm

“Rob in Nova Scotia, you don’t fuck the face. ”

Ahem….Stubb, think about that. I’m just sayin’….

April 3, 2016 10:09 pm

Ed, good point. You crack me up. Let’s go bowling soon. I have a feeling the ladies in the bowling alleys will find us both irresistible. El Coyote can come too and be our wingman. After all, it was his idea in the first place.

April 3, 2016 10:10 pm

Shoot high. Aim low. We can’t lose.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 3, 2016 10:28 pm

Stubb Touchè

Another double entendre. You made me laugh.

April 3, 2016 10:51 pm

Women’s prison first, and EC has to be there to bust us in the joint. Bowling has to come later. I’m too old to do both in one trip. ahaha

Hes the best u got
Hes the best u got
April 5, 2016 7:26 am