Kind of a shocking announcement from the Trump campaign this morning. The Donald and I now have something in common. In my early blogging years I seemed to attract the attention of some mainstream media outlets. Glenn Beck and Neil Cavuto both asked me to be on their shows. I declined. Then I started getting emails from someone named Steve Bannon.

It was late 2009. He said he was a documentary film director and he was making a movie about the financial crisis. He had been reading my articles prior to and after the crisis and he wanted me to be in his documentary. I politely declined. But he was persistent. He was going to be in NYC interviewing other people for the documentary and convinced me to participate. I worked all day. Jumped on an Amtrak train at 5:30. Went to the hotel where they were recording. They put makeup on me and put me in front of the camera and told me to start talking. I was as nervous as hell, but I did it. I took the train back and was in bed by 12:30 am.

Months later in 2010, the documentary Generation Zero came out. I brought my wife and kids to NYC for the world premier. I was in the movie for a total of about 30 seconds, but I was in it. I kept in touch with Steve for a couple years, but after he took over Breitbart we haven’t connected. He seemed like a decent guy. I hope he can help Trump.

In case you’re interested, here’s the documentary. He also believes in the Fourth Turning theory and used it in the movie. Neil Howe is the star of the film.

Trump Hires Breitbart Chairman As Campaign CEO In Latest Shake Up To “Boost Sagging Polls”

Tyler Durden's picture

In the latest surprise move involving his key political advisors, overnight Donald Trump revealed the latest shake up to his presidential campaign, the second in two months, hiring a top executive from Breitbart News and promoting a senior adviser in an effort to “right his faltering campaign” according to the NYT.


Shoot High Aim Low

Submitted by Robert T.  (Stucky Note: I am not including the full name of “Robert T.” Please include your TBP name when submitting articles on Sunday.  Thank Yeeew.  That being said, I believe the author is Rob In Nova Scotia. )


It was last summer that I was sitting at my Parent’s cottage. Enjoying the day with my extended family. We had gathered to enjoy a nice meal on the shores of Nova Scotia. In the aftermath of the supper we got around to discussing the great issues of the day. Good or bad we ended up on the topic of Donald Trump.

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He was at this point of course just underway in his campaign to offend the scourge of political correctness that has swept this land. Most everyone thought he would crash and burn. But he has defied the odds. Here we are in April and as I type he is still the front runner and only one who can win on first ballot in Cleveland. You would think that GOP establishment would make their mends and build bridges. Yet they have fought him every step of the way doing their best to block the nomination. Those opposed have made no secret that they will use every dirty trick in book. They have walked through the their house pouring gas on floor. Now standing in the kitchen with a lit match waiting to drop it if Donald dares to sit at the table. Even though they will destroy the Republican Party by doing this I, at least, respect their honesty. They have made their stand.

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