The Last Act Of Alexander Prokhorenko; Duty, Honor, Country.

This isn’t only about a Russian young man … it could just as easily be about an American soldier, or German soldier (from days long gone by) … because despite the bullshit about wars, it is young men who are sent to fight them …. and truly, some of them perform truly heroic acts.  (So, take your peace-nik idealistic comments and stick them where the sun don’t shine.)

First, this is actual footage from Alexander’s wedding. It’s just a little over three minutes.  Watch it please, or at least part of it. Get to know the man, a little.

Alexander Prokhorenko, 25, was a special forces soldier, on a secret mission in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. Trapped behind enemy lines, surrounded by jihadists and with no possible means of escape, he took the decision to end his own life by calling in Russian warplanes to obliterate his location. His wife Ekaterina, who is pregnant with their first child, revealed she had no idea he was fighting in Syria. This is how it went down;

Officer: — They are outside, conduct the airstrike now please hurry, this is the end, tell my family I love them and I died fighting for my motherland.

Command:Negative return to green line

Officer: — I can’t command, I am surrounded, they are outside, I don’t want them to take me and parade me, conduct the airstrike, they will make a mockery of me and this uniform. I want to die with dignity and take all these bastards with me. please my last wish, conduct the airstrike, they will kill me either way.

Command:please confirm your request

Officer: — They are outside, this is the end commander, thank you, tell my family and my country I love them. Tell them I was brave and I fought until I could no longer. Please take care of my family, avenge my death, good bye commander, tell my family I love them

Command:No response, orders the airstrike.

actual footage



Rest in peace, Russian Spetznaz Officer Alexander Prokhorenko.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 10, 2016 8:23 am

A true hero

April 10, 2016 11:34 am

Wow, from a beautiful wedding video to an unthinkable tragedy. Heartbreaking!

Good that he died for what he thought was a noble cause I guess, but really, wtf was he really fighting for? Wtf are American troops fighting for other than to line bankster pockets?

I live in a military town where it’s all USAUSAUSA all the time, and blasphemous to even question these perpetual wars. But I can’t ignore reading about the dead and the suicides, seeing the physically disfigured, and meeting many whose minds have been broken and wonder if anyone thinks it’s worth it. I surely don’t! Recently, I’ve gotten to know one of my daughter’s classmates, a survivor of an ambush in Iraq. Really great guy, but all messed up with PTSD. So sad.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 10, 2016 12:41 pm

He’s everything our politicians aren’t. Brave, loyal and tough as nails. If I voted I’d write this kids name in for president. He’s certainly more qualified than the shit stains offered up by the PTB.

April 10, 2016 2:33 pm

But Stucky, isn’t he a Commie, or at least a Socialist? And aren’t all people of such political persuasion branded by you as being tainted, or somehow one brick shy of a full load? Aren’t you being a hypocrite? (See “Special training for Westcoaster” post).

April 10, 2016 3:34 pm

Ah! So that’s how one gets one’s panties unbunched! Nice! I think I will watch just a little longer to make sure I’m not missing anything. Also this will help to store in my long term memory for later. Like tonight before I go to sleep.

April 10, 2016 4:41 pm

Now, if we could just redirect that level of patriotism against our true enemy the world may never need another Alexander Prokhorenko.

I hope the bastards are taking care of his family.

April 10, 2016 6:58 pm

Extremely humbling.

And in truth, I am not a little jealous. He was offered the chance to get closed out on his own terms. Having a say in the matter. And also able to take his enemy with him.

Few are given such an opportunity or such an honor.

A good death, if there is such a thing.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
April 11, 2016 12:15 am

Russia loses one of its finest sons. I salute this man – and those here who are/were military will have a sense of respect for him that those of us who have not ever been in the military can never understand.

Don Laird
Don Laird
April 22, 2016 6:55 am



England and Europe….harvest time is here……. reap your crop.

In Britain you are reaping the sorry crop you have sown, will you now ask us to, once again, cross oceans and spill our blood doing what you refuse to. Have you no shame?

As Britons, as men, you stand idle and indifferent as your heritage, your culture, your history and your country are destroyed. You turn away as social engineers and sneering academia fill your children’s heads with poisonous propaganda, turning them into haters of their own people and lovers, nay, worshippers of the black hearted, murderous cancer of islam. The hands of welcome and generosity you extended to muslims have been spat on and bitten. Your sacred traditions, customs and observances including your places of worship have been attacked, mocked and defiled by your muslim guests and you turn away, indifferent. Even your very monarchy suffers threat and derision and you hang your heads and look away.

Is there no humiliation to great for you to suffer, no smear on the historical and cultural fabric of your nation too injurious? Many of you served your country in the military, do you not recall when you raised your right hand and swore an oath of allegiance? Do you think that oath to be no more than a casual utterance to be cast aside at a moment’s convenience? Many of you are fathers and family men; do you not feel shame as you look into the eyes of your women and children knowing the depths of your ignorance and cowardice? Not even the agony and tortured screams of the most defenseless amongst you pricks your conscience. Those tender souls you stood with at the alter, ‘neath the gaze of God himself, tender souls you swore to protect with your very lives, now, suffering muslim threat, you shuffle away as your women, “uncovered meat” in muslim eyes, are raped and butchered .

You allow yourselves to be herded as cattle at the whim and fancy of your muslim immigrant guests. The very soul of your once great nation is sold to the lowest bidder, to the lowest common denominator, to criminals and malcontents from third world countries around the world. You allow your entire lives to be destroyed at the hands of a corrupt bureaucracy, a treacherous clergy, a seditious academia, a corrupt judiciary, terrorists and human garbage. I watch you from across the Atlantic…you sicken me.

Now, as whimpering cowards, you Britons, trembling and whining, hiding behind the skirts of your women, shuffle quietly down the streets of your towns and cities ignoring the repeated assaults on the very foundation of your country and in so doing you squander our gift to you. The extent of your “revolt”, your outrage at the injurious actions of your muslim guests, is to crowd into pubs, miserable bloody drunken slobbering fools, slapping each other on the back and mumbling, slurring “Rule Britannia”. The extent of your fight against the cancer of islam are shaken fists and a couple of thrown rocks. Even your war dead; brave, honourable and noble men, who, in their death gave you freedom and whose sacrifice, whose sacred memory and priceless gift is spit upon and insulted by muslims, even this searing outrage fails to raise even the slightest indignation, even the slightest rebuke………still you stand, mute and motionless. Truly, you are beyond contempt.

My name is Donald Laird and I am of Scottish descent. My ancestors can be traced back in North America to the landing at Plymouth Rock. My family has, through the past four centuries, poured sweat and spilled blood in the forging of a great nation, Canada. My family is closely tied to the United States of America. As the slogan says on the Peace Arch at Blaine, Washington State, the border crossing between Canada and the United States of America…we truly are “Children of a Common Mother”.

Our nations, Canada and the United States of America, have a rich history of greatness, progress, sacrifice and service to others. I recall our nations, our fathers and grandfathers, crossed oceans to confront a murderous Austrian tyrant, a madman who had set fire to the world. They did not waver, they did not flinch, they stood with clenched fists and grit teeth and, suffering much, gave Europe and Britain her freedom. Even my family knows of that sufferance and sacrifice as the bones of my grandfather, a soldier with the Calgary Highlanders and the 82nd Airborne Regiment, lay at rest on your soil in the Henri-Chapelle American Military Cemetery and Memorial in Belgium.

How then, can the children of the men and women who suffered so greatly under the boot heel of National Socialism, squander the gift we and their forefathers gave them? The gift that is not theirs to squander but to keep sacred, to be passed from generation to generation, to be treated with breathless reverence and to be jealously guarded. How can they turn a blind eye to the cancerous and corrosive political ideology of islam that threatens to, and has to a large degree, destroy our gift to them and make them slaves once again?

Will you ask, once again, for the assistance of the children of North America? Will you petition my children, my sons and daughters, for their lives, for their blood, to wrest the British people from ‘neath the boot heel of islam? Will we answer the call from the children of Saxons, Anglos, Vikings, and the Norse? Will we remember our commonality and rush to your defense? Will we once again set sail and cross oceans to confront a scourge and a plague?………..or will we turn away, indifferent to your enslavement and your suffering?….will we resign you to your deserved fate as wretched miserable cowards??…..will we turn our collars up and walk away, the dying screams of the once proud nation of Britain ringing in our ears?

Freedom is precious. Freedom is a gift. England, must you lose your freedom to understand its rarity and worth?

These are difficult times we live in and to quote a song “There’s something lurking in the room with me I cannot see but I smell its stinking breath” The times ahead will be more difficult than you can imagine; blood will be shed, lives will be lost, funeral pyres lit and tears wept….such is the cost of freedom and its preservation. To do anything less is suicide as history does not speak kindly of those who ignore danger and threat and turn their backs on that which birthed and nourished them. I suppose you and you alone must decide where you stand and where you draw the line in the sand. You and you alone must decide the course of action, the extent of your resolve once that line is crossed.

I am reminded of a line from the movie “Kingdom of Heaven”…it renders useless the arguments offered by those who, weak of will, follow the murderous direction of others and refuse to act on behalf of those in need. The King of Jerusalem, counseling a young knight on matters of conscience and courage of conviction, responds to one of his questions, he says, ” Even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say that I was told by others to do thus or that virtue was not convenient, this will not suffice”.

So England my friend…..what is your convenience?…..what is the depth of your character?…..what is the breadth of your conviction?….. what does Britain and your ancestors mean to you?….What will be your legacy?…..What will your grandchildren say when they speak of you?…….During November’s winter whisper, on parade squares when silvered haired patriots and regiments assemble, when politicians with hand on heart speak…….will they speak of those who held the line or will they mumble, eyes cast aside, of those for whom courage failed, those who, when their country needed them, turned and ran? Will you honour the dying words of Lt Col. John McRae as he urged; “Take up our quarrel with the foe, to you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders Fields”.

England, are you so faint of heart, so timid that you would sell out your very country for a moment or two of peace? I myself think not……death comes to us all, each and every one….it makes no distinction. The grade is marked on your life and how you lived it. For many, they would say it is better to die on your feet than to live a life of compromise and quiet desperation on your knees and I, for one, am inclined to agree with them.

In closing, I am reminded of the final paragraph from a Scottish legend, “The Devils Advocate”. I trust these few lines will not be the requiem mass, the epitaph of Western civilization. I trust these will not be the words that ring in your children’s ears as, with the tyrannical jackboot of islam on their necks, they suffer the murderous brutality of muslims and islam. The choice is yours.

“Evil is among us because we have invited that evil. We suffered much but we brought upon our own sufferings. The Devil would have had no power over us but we gave him that power. We became bondsman because we willed it; we are in despair because we brought despair to our neighbours. We died because we acquiesced in death. We were silent when we should have spoken in behalf of our brothers. For a moments security we looked away when our neighbour was robbed. In behalf of a false peace we postponed a war with evil when we should have not been moved from our places. At every step we compromised, when we knew there is no compromise with hell. If the Devil is guilty we are not guiltless. In his condemnation we are included. In a judgment against him we are also judged. May God have mercy on our souls.”

So what say you England, what say you?

Just a couple of thoughts…..


Don Laird.
Royal Canadian Dragoons, 8th Canadian Hussars, 1985 – 1988
Alberta, Canada