Why Voters Will Stay Angry

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April 24, 2016 10:43 pm

Obama lit a race fire (Blacks, Muslims and whatever) and is throwing gas on it.

April 24, 2016 11:09 pm

And the answer (drum roll, please) is:

Being pissed off but having no viable alternative will likely only make things worse. Please see Arab Spring for Exhibit A. Greece for Exhibit B.

April 25, 2016 6:15 am

It’s not share of the wealth that matters.

It’s share of the babies that counts.

I hope all these new anchor babies enjoy paying for grandmas social security. After all, “It’s what makes America great”. Immigration and diversity and all that.

April 25, 2016 6:30 am

“Democrat Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump in the latest average of polls on a head-to-head comparison* of the parties’ front-runners. Yet that matchup is far from assured, as Republican power brokers are exploring ways to keep Trump from claiming the nomination at the party’s convention in July and pushing his closest rival, Senator Ted Cruz, as the preferred alternative in the remaining state nominating contests.”

Gotta wonder who’s conducting those “polls” being cited so glibly, and how the polled respondents were selected. Hitlery over Trump? In what sewer or mosque were the vermin questioned?

The art of lying with “public opinion polls” is highly refined among the abjectly statist lamestream Kommentariat, who are shitting themselves at the thought of The Donald taking over the White House next January. Likewise with both the National Socialist Democrat American Party and their good “bipartisan” buddies in the Acela Republicn “establishment.”

And a little dead-nuts easy prediction for all and sundry reading here. IF Senator Cruz (for whom “O Canada” should be playing in the background every time he takes the podium) serves as a spoiler to prevent The Donald from getting the Red Faction presidential nomination on the first ballot, then the instant the convention becomes “brokered” by the RNC poobahs, all that “pushing” mentioned above goes bye-bye as the Blue State Republican owners of the brand scramble to shove one of their own “more electable” donor-class favorites into the slot at the top of the ticket.

Ted Cruz: Canadian shoe-scraper for the tea-slurping Republican kakistocracy.

April 25, 2016 8:22 am

RHS Muslims are certainly not a race they are a religion you idiot

April 25, 2016 10:40 am

Water seeks it’s own level.

So do wages.

And it is always at the lowest possible point, not the highest one, running downhill instead of uphill,.

“Free trade” aids and quickens this process by removing impediments to the natural flow.