This Is Not The America My Parents Immigrated To In 1957

Not that I remember what America was like in 1957, as I was not yet five years old. Years later, when I was old enough to understand, they told me their story. Briefly, it goes like this.

Dad was born in Romania (Czernowitz in Northern Bulovina), but he identified (haha) as German because, well, his dad was German, his mom was German, they spoke German and kept German customs, and lived in a German community so, applying the “quacking duck” theory, that’s what he was. Mom was born in Yugoslavia (now, Slovenia), but she identified as German for the same reasons as dad did. The Nazi regime would refer to folks such as my parents as “Volksdeutsche” —- being German as a people or race, regardless of citizenship. More on that  here.

When dad was about seventeen the Deutsche Wehrmacht (army) made a pit stop in his neck of the woods, and forcibly yanked his ass off the farm, and within a few weeks turned him into a bonafide Mortarman (dudes who launch grenades). He might have destroyed or damaged a Russkie tank or two, but was eventually captured by the Russians, and spent the rest of the war, and some time thereafter, in one of their luxurious prison camps. When mom was a pre-teen the Russian army made a pit stop in her neck of the woods, killed most of her family, but spared her life and put her to work as a slave laborer and sex-toy (cuz she was very pretty), in one of their gulags.

Obviously they both survived this ordeal (otherwise I probably wouldn’t be writing this). However, after the war ended, neither parent was allowed back to their ancestral homes. In order to keep Germans from becoming a “problem” again, Eastern Europe (with approval of all the Western powers) decided to enact a program of ethnic cleansing by expelling as many as 14 million Germans. This German Diaspora comprised the largest migration of any European people in modern history. More here. Many died, estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000. My parents survived that as well, obviously.

They arrived as Flüchtlinge (refugees) in an Austrian camp for such people … two Germans as refugees in a German country, how weird is that … found each other, did the nasty posthaste, and produced me, at the time a bastard child mostly unwelcome anywhere. (I’m just glad my dad wasn’t some anonymous Russian soldier!). They gave it their best shot living this way. But, even as late as 1957, there wasn’t enough work in Austria. They felt their future would be better elsewhere. So, they came to America … for work.


You do understand the meaning of that last sentence? It means my parents came to America for a selfish reason, as all immigrants do. Sure, the stated reason for most immigrants may be for economic betterment, to escape political repression, or flee religious persecution, and such. But, the ultimate motivating factor is always for the betterment of one’s self, and/or family. In other words, no immigrant has ever arrived at these shores in order to make America great. On the contrary, they came because they believed America was already great, and a land of opportunity.

This quest for “opportunity” is one of the key distinguishing characteristics of the “old world” immigrants. Not all, but a great many of the current horde invading this country come not because America is great and offers opportunities, but because America has become the Land Of Entitlements — a concept unknown to old world immigrants. In fact, my dad needed a “sponsor” to guarantee that my father would have a job the moment he arrived. No job? No skills? Stay home! And don’t even think of gaining entry if you, or your loved ones, have some kind of disease. There were zero social backstops. No food-stamps. No free medical visits. No free transportation. No free-housing via Section 8, or some other thieving giveaway.

And to be honest, those folks back then wouldn’t accept free shit if you handed it to them on a silver platter. For the first couple months in this country my parents lived in an abandoned apartment building in NYC without even running water. Jack, my dad’s employer, offered to let us live in a spare room in his house until dad could get on his feet. Dad refused, saying he came to this country to work, and not to receive charity. Compare that mentality to the current free-loaders who demand “their rights” the moment they set foot here … for example, people who get social-security (and loads of other freebies) without ever having paid even a thin dime into the system. This is criminal in the sense that it is literally theft from the people who are forced to pay for all this ”free” stuff. These people should be ashamed, but they know no shame. Rather, they will shout you down as a racist and bigot for even suggesting the hideous Biblical concept of ‘he who does not work, shall not eat’. It can be argued that immigrants helped build America, or that immigrants are what made us great. But, that was a long time ago, in a different era, under totally different circumstances. Try to remember this; not all immigrants are equal, or beneficial to this country.

Part of Trump’s plan to make America great again is to build a yuuge wall. That’s a really dumb idea when compared to other alternatives. The best idea is so simple; immediately end all entitlements to people here illegally! I’m fairly certain that act alone will stop the flow almost overnight. Why hasn’t Trump (apparently) not even considered that option? Perhaps because he know that free shit, once given, can never be rescinded? Perhaps because he realizes that those who get free shit are forever beholden to the shit-giver, and therefore they are easily controlled and manipulated …. not to mention a permanent guaranteed voting class? If so, Mr. Trump doesn’t have much chance of making America great again no matter how high he builds his wall.

Or, how about this? A tit-for-tat immigration policy; enact immigration laws identical to that of Mexico.


What is the meaning of “Make America Great Again!” except that it is both an admission of America in decline, and a boast that only Trump can restore us to our former glory?

On the one hand, many (such as myself) find that to be a refreshing change of pace from the braggadocio propaganda we’ve heard for about the past twenty years … culminating with the biggest (and least successful) braggart of them all, Obama, informing us almost daily that America is an “exceptional” nation, the “indispensable” country, the “sole” superpower of Planet Earth, …. nay, the greatest power ever in human history, to which every other nation on earth aspires to imitate.

“Obama has talked more about American exceptionalism than Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush combined: a search on UC Santa Barbara’s exhaustive presidential records library finds that no president from 1981 to today uttered the phrase ‘American exceptionalism’ except Obama.” ——— John Gans Jr., The Atlantic, 2011

“‘American exceptionalism’ is not a traditional part of presidential vocabulary. According to Schlesinger’s search of public records, Obama is the only president in 82 years to use the term.” ———- Robert Schlesinger, U.S. News and World Report

On the other hand, Trump is the first candidate (at least in modern times) to run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline. Let’s take a quick look at how one President talked about America shortly after we arrived here.

Take a look (or, recall, if you have a good memory) at JFK’s speeches. You simply won’t find them littered with exceptionals, indispensables, and other superlatives … as those words simply weren’t part of the political lexicon back then. American wealth and military might were basically a given, and indisputable. Big dogs simply and quietly go about their business. It’s the small and insignificant Chihuahuas of the world who yap endlessly about their superiority.

In his inaugural address JFK reflected the character of old world immigrants when he urged all of us to not ask what this country can do for us, but what can we do for our country. His only use of “great” was to invoke the USA / Soviet Union blocs as “two great and powerful groups of nations”. In another speech he spoke of America as “a great power” — but not “the greatest power.” In that same speech he said; — “we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient … that we are only six percent of the world’s population … that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind … that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity … and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.” Don’t confuse that “negative” statement with Trump’s assessment of America. JFK’s commentary is one of quiet strength and tremendous wisdom rooted in a deep and abiding confidence of America’s unstated power …. a confidence so unshakeable that there was no need to speak of it.

While Trump speaks openly about America’s decline, Obama and Hillary acknowledge the same sentiment, albeit unknowingly. Decline is evident when one has to say endlessly and openly what once was too obvious to say. In other words, if you have to brag about it, you no longer have it.

For a cultural equivalent, call it the Rambo-ization of America. I absolutely loved “westerns” as a kid. The post WWII movie “heroes” of my youth were folks like John Wayne, Burt Lancaster, Chuck Conners, and then as a teen, Lee Van Cleef and Clint Eastwood. Other than their acting abilities, what was remarkable about them? Well …. nothing, really. They were remarkably ordinary looking, like the guy in your office or next-door neighbor, not overly muscled, not possessing other-worldly fighting skills, and their weapons were basically identical to that of their enemies. But, then came America’s defeat (or, was it a “draw”?) in Vietnam to a bunch of guys dressed in pajamas, with rusty rifles, and living in tunnels. Hollywood helped us cope with our malaise and depression by now giving us outrageousness; outrageous muscles, outrageous weapons, and outrageous killing skills whereby now an Army is no longer needed but, rather, just One Guy defeats the gooks. We like our lies, but we really really love outrageous lies. Eventually, mere humans, no matter how muscled, no longer provided enough titillation to dull our senses. Whereby we once were satisfied that Conan enjoyed crushing his enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women, by 1984 we demanded and cheered a virtually undefeatable cyborg from the future with a German accent uttering amazing philosophical pandering such as, “Fuck you, asshole.” And, what heroes do we have today? Spiderman, Thor, Hulk, Superman, X-Men, Iron Man, Ant Man, Captain America, Batman, ad infinitum. How ironic that in an Age of Science and Technology that we find solace and amusement in heroes who defy all known laws of physics … and, sensible dialogue. It seems that the deeper America sinks into chaos, that the more ridiculously obscene our heroes (and, leaders) become.

[Side Note; Surprisingly (probably to most folks), it is Ronald Reagan who started the ball rolling in terms of being defensive regarding America’s greatness. I do acknowledge that he said this – “Let’s reject the nonsense that America is doomed to decline”. However, Reagan used “again” — long before The Donald did — in his iconic 1984 commercial titled ‘Prouder, Stronger, Better’ where the voiceover says — “It’s morning again in America.” — and later asks, “Why would we ever want to return to where we were less than four short years ago?” — a very Trump-ish admission of America’s decline. Nevertheless, Reagan is hard to pigeonhole as he didn’t lack for superlatives flowing from both sides of his mouth ranging from his “shining city upon a hill” (probably stolen from JFK’s inaugural address) to his unwavering, almost Obama-esque belief in America’s greatness — “ … here in the heartland of America lives the hope of the world … in a world wracked by hatred, economic crisis, and political tension, America remains mankind’s best hope.”.]

When it’s all said and done, remember to tell your grandchildren about The Year 2016. It’s the official year when the USA!USA!USA! went on record as being a Nation In Decline. Thank you, Donald!


The biggest change since our arrival in 1957 is that America has somehow morphed from being a democracy to at best being an oligarchy, at worst, a dictatorship.

Now, some of you are getting ready to educate me on the error of my ways by pointing out that the United States is a republic. Let’s not quibble over semantics. The key question is whether this country is controlled by an elite aristocracy, or the public. In a democracy/republic the government represents the people, while an aristocracy represents itself. An elite aristocracy is a dictatorship no matter how it is flavored; Nazis in Germany, Commies in Soviet Union, Fascists in Italy, or oligarchs in the United States.


— A massive Health bill affecting about 20% of the US economy is passed despite the overwhelming majority of people against it, and none of the legislators actually aware of what the bill contained until after it was passed. Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

— A town in Vermont, and across America, is forced to accept Muslim refugees (and then forced to pay for all their freebies) without the citizens even being allowed to question the town leaders because that would me “messy” and people would come “out of the woodwork” with all kinds of differing opinions. Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

The Military Commissions Act, signed by Bush in 2006, abandoned the Geneva Convention, legalized the torture of U.S. citizens, suspended all civil rights for prisoners and allows the President to declare virtually anyone to be an “enemy combatant“. Furthermore, it retroactively granted blanket immunity to all U.S. military personnel who have committed war crimes under the Geneva Convention. Furthermore, the immunity would extend to present and future war crimes as well. Furthermore, it utterly nullifies the courts and makes it illegal for the judicial branch of government to interfere with the imprisonment and torture of anyone. In other words, the United States declared itself immune from any international law, and that it will officially harbor and support war criminals. Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

— Obama is pushing for several international trade deals (TTIP, TPP, and/or TISA). Only a handful of people know the full scope of these deals. Most legislators working on these deals are only allowed to see small parts of the deal. What we do know is that these deals will transfer national sovereignty to an international corporate dictatorship. We, the people, aren’t allowed to see any of the details …. until after it is passed. Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

— It is a parade of lies which has led to the death of thousands of young Americans – and tens of thousands physically and psychologically wounded — in Iraq and Afghanistan … not to mention hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dead and wounded citizens throughout the Middle East. According to the Constitution only Congress can declare wars. But, through the use of Executive Orders, the president can unilaterally declare wars at will. Our sons and daughters used as cannon fodder, our debt piling up, an economy in ruins … and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. If you dare protest about such things, you will be targeted as a potential terrorist. Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

— The Supreme Court in their 2010 Citizens United decision enabled unlimited secret money — including foreign money — to pour into U.S. political and judicial campaigns. Let’s see if former President Jimmy Carter thinks this is part of representative democracy;

“It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell.”

 — This country is ruled by force, not law. Governmental assassinations of US citizens. A highly militarized police with almost unlimited powers to harass, intimidate, and brutalize with impunity. TSA groping whereby in any other setting would be considered sexual harassment. Overseas detention, torture and assassinations carried out against anyone, including American citizens, without due process … and without recourse if later cleared. Warrantless GPS tracking by the FBI. The IRS targeting religious groups. Some people now actually be charged with pre-crimes. Checkpoints up to one hundred miles inland from all our borders (including the two oceans and Gulf of Mexico) in an area stunningly known as a “Constitution Free Zone”. No Ride / No Fly lists which are extrajudicial, secret, and form a guilty-until-proven innocent framework that subverts freedom instead of protecting it. A See Something/Say Something program which goes beyond the already high-tech surveillance apparatus of the NSA and turns each of us into an unpaid employee of the police state similar to what the East German Stasi did to their citizens. Web cameras and surveillance proliferating like a wildfire, data mining, recording all your phone conversations, all your web searches, all your emails, and all without your consent. An FDA, which has near-total food control and usually renders anything healthy as toxic, and all that is toxic as healthy, and does insane shit like jailing folks who buy raw milk. Literally tens of thousands of regulations which literally invade every facet of society, whereby it has been said that almost all of us commit three felonies per day, and every violation of these laws will be met with the full force and fury of the State which promises fines, penalties, forfeiture of properties, or imprisonment.   Does any of this even remotely resemble a representative democracy, or does it sound more like a dictatorship?

I’ll stop now, even though I could easily go on for another ten thousand words. Besides, some of you will say this is all anecdotal. Some will attempt to refute each and every point. And others – the especially ignorant – will chime in with a “Well, you have nothing to worry about if you don’t break the laws”. The most retarded of all will opine, “Hey! Shaddup! This is all for our safety and security! And, the children.” OK, you doubters, let’s end this article with some ….. science.

 “Testing Theories of American Politics”

A single empirical study titled “Testing Theories of American Politics” was published in 2014 in the journal Perspectives on Politics, issued by the American Political Science Association.

This study investigated answers to 1,779 survey questions asked between 1981 and 2002 on public policy issues. The responses were broken down by income level. Then they researched actual enacted policies and whether or not those policies reflected public preferences … or, conversely, whether the relevant corporate-lobbied positions had instead become public policy. Let’s get to the good stuff, their conclusions. None of the below should be a surprise to you. But, at least there’s now some empirical data to validate your hunches.

 “In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule—at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcome. …………… When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. …………… even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it …………… Our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts …………… , the opinions of lower-income groups, and the interest groups that represent them, appear to have little or no independent impact on policy …………… however, the preferences of rich people had a much bigger impact on subsequent policy decisions (40% of preferences enacted) ) than the views of middle-income and poor Americans (18% of preferences enacted) …………… [when] policy making is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.”

Let me summarize all that for you, and please excuse my profanity; —- your elected representatives don’t give a rat’s ass shit about you and what you want for this country (except at election time). So, stop kidding yourselves by thinking your vote matters.


This is NOT an article about the pros and cons of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, the question must be asked; “what changes if Trump becomes President?” Near as I can tell Trump’s platform is as follows; 1) all our politicians are stupid, but he’s not, 2) nobody knows how to make good deals, but he does, 3) he’s gonna build a yuuge wall, 4) he’s going to create jobs, somehow, 5) we’re gonna have the biggest badass military in the world (isn’t that the case already?), 6) cops are just gr-r-r-reat, and he’s going to take care of them, believe you me. Did I miss anything?

(BTW, I have even less hopes for the Democrat side of the same coin. Hillary will clearly continue with the status quo … except, as an added bonus, she might start a nuke war with Russia. And Bernie’s socialism will most clearly add to our many undemocratic woes.)

This article is about the huge issues facing Amerika, and our decline into a dictatorship. What will The Donald do about the issues I raised above, and the ten thousand words I didn’t include? Is he even aware of the issues? Will he bring back the America of my youth? Can he change the regret my aged parents (and, myself) have for coming to this country, and can he restore hope to the weary? I think I know the answers. Except for a few changes (maybe) … it’ll just be more of the same. No one man, at this point in American history, can stop the Coming Shitstorm headed our way. Trust me, it won’t be long before you hear these words from your local servant in blue — “Ihre Papiere bitte” — and the hellish circle will be complete.


“Hoffnung”, the German word for ‘hope’, is my dad’s favorite word because it has carried him through many tribulations. I might insist on having “He never lost hope” engraved on his gravestone. Hope sustained him when the Nazis ripped him from his home. Hope lifted his spirits as a prisoner of war. Hope kept him alive when the Russians released him to the British, and he worked in a coal mine under terrible conditions near Scotland for a few years to pay off his “debt”. Hope kept him from falling apart when mom fell down the stairs not so long ago. Hope kept him from depression when he crashed his beloved classic Mercedes last year. Hope is what brought him and his family to America for a better life. I just wonder if he would have left Austria if he knew that 57 years later his very own son would have no hope whatsoever for the America he was about to call home. So sorry, that’s just the way I feel right now, and for the past six months or so. Hoffnung ist tot.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 30, 2016 2:48 am

WTF says: The problem lies in who is orchestrating the change and for what purpose, And it is for their purpose ,not the common man/woman’s purpose.

I was talking with my mom, (northern Mexicans drop the first letter from Mama’ and say Ama’ – it’s ranch talk, frowned upon by polite Mexicans) she says there’s a bus that arrives daily at the border in Juarez, lots of Cubans and Haitians and maybe Indians from India, she isn’t sure of that one, come across. Without papers? I ask. Yes, they just let them in.

How about Mexicans, do they let them in? No, they throw those out, and they will throw a lot more out once Trump comes in, she opines.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 30, 2016 3:02 am

Macon Richardson says: “But he has no experience!” No experience? He’s gone from nowhere to become the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and the most likely winner of the 2016 general election.

Macon, That is why I said Trump is the anti-Reagan. Uncle Ronnie was in movies, Trump was on TV. RR honed his negotiating skills in the SAG, DT in construction. Trump is cribbing from the Reagan playbook, RR treated Carter like a bungler, TD did the same to all the republican candidates. RR confronted the PATCO, the Donald will probably take the unions down a few notches, this is a guy who prefers non-union labor. RR was all for beefing up the military, the Donald wants to do the same.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 30, 2016 3:30 am

Despite the similarities, there are some significant differences. One is from California, the other from NYC. One was pro-immigration, one is against immigration.

In a period of 8 years, the Donald would be deporting 5,000 people per day, almost 2 million per year.

I doubt the Donald wants to shrink government. He wants to build a big wall. He wants to assemble a huge federal police force to capture illegals in a humane manner and deport them.

I’m not taking sides here. If you read my comments, you can see that I’m just looking on at the developing situation.

Dr. Ed Leonard said the role of government is to keep the ship of state between the ditches, making minor adjustments as needed.

My father-in-law said a driver should push the gas pedal and apply the brakes smoothly enough so that the passengers don’t feel it.

Dr Pangloss said that a good employer, like a good leader, does not make the worker worry about his future.

I say the passengers do need to know where they are going. Otherwise, they are victims of a kidnapping.

May 30, 2016 4:56 am

Well Stucky

There is an old German proverb which says “Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt” “Hope is the last to die”.

Can’t be true cos I aint got no hope, but I am still alive (unfortunately). I am hard working with my own business, but lost a tax war with the Germany authorities, but at least I’m not paying the additional tax by the stress of having children who are state property in a dreadfully managed farm. Besides women here don’t need men ‘cos they either get their money from the state or in the few cases that they are pretty, from prostitution which is legal.The first letter a kid gets 3 days after birth is a slave number, sorry I mean tax number. It aint the Europe I grew up in either, and to put my offspring into this shite world would be like casting pearls to swine, in fact the best, most industrious seed corn is being fed to swine, millions of immigrants who have several wives and scores of kids, or similar lazy natives. No way out – I tried to fight for my freedom – but had to turn myself in otherwise might have ended up in jail. So what now – hey Stucky if your parents stayed in Austria it wouldn’t have made the slightest difference. If I had no fear of God I would have topped myself by now. Yeah Satan is the Prince of this World – he controls the state … nothing to live for … oh doch für den Tod .What a release death will be.

May 30, 2016 6:50 am

Huge red herring in the middle of your article, stucky. You use a single study by the american political science association to come to the conclusion that poor people have no impact on policy. WTF? In the same piece you cry about the welfare state? Looks to me like the poor have way too much impact on policy. You do realize the american political science association is headed by a radical latino activist named Rodney Hero, who cashes his checks from UC Berkeley. I could give a fuck about his opinions and conclusions. Save the doom and gloom dude. Sun’s going to shine again today. Austria ain’t shit. They just elected a pro muslim immigration green party guy a couple of days ago. Good luck with that.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
May 30, 2016 7:58 am

132 comments on zerohedge. Not bad Stuckmeister!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2016 8:25 am

I salute your tenacity, that was one hell of a writing project. My condolences to your folks for what they’ve endured.

I don’t get the impression that you were actually looking for any answers with that piece. Not that anything would suffice.

Last week I was feeding hogs near the old sugarhouse ruins and I saw that one of the oldest maples had split down the middle and fallen on the path. I’d tapped it this year and never had a clue that the entire inside had rotted out, maybe a quarter of a century of decay to do that kind of damage. The head had leafed out completely and the remaining half of the tree was still green, but the tree was done. 200 hundred years or more, rooted in massive granite boulders at the foot of a lovely little vernal pool and all it took was a gust of wind to bring it down. I’ll go in and buck it up, drop the rest of the butt and then split the firewood for sale. The root ball isn’t going anywhere for at least another hundred years, the remains of what was once a majestic source of so much oxygen, sap, shade reduced to a stump.

Civilizations like forests or reefs, are made up of the living organisms and like them they have a lifespan and no more.

That’s where we are now, waiting for that gust. No election, no new law or means of enforcement are going to alter that future.

May 30, 2016 8:51 am

IS, what are you talking about? Who do you think is our true enemy? I don’t think you have a clue.

May 30, 2016 9:14 am

Survivalblog picked it up also.

May 30, 2016 9:42 am

My wonderful, talented, dearest Stuck, this was amazing. Thank you.

From my lurking here, I know you have been fighting to keep it all together, my heart hurts for you dear one.

I wish I could figure out some magical combination of words that could bring you from this funk and restore your hope.

It feels like you are in the mental space I occupied up until last fall, it sucks.

I stumbled upon so much information that blew my mind, then opened it, then it restored hope, and love, to my heart.

Peace and love to you Stuck, you deserve it.

May 30, 2016 10:10 am


I sent the link to all my main websites. I knew it would get picked up far and wide. So far, Zero Hedge (with a 4.8 rating), Survival Blog, Steve Quayle (I guess he doesn’t hate you anymore), and even David Stockman’s site.

May 30, 2016 11:02 am

@starfcker- “smart guy with lots of stones” Trump certainly is that. “loves America”? not so sure. I’m still going to vote for him. Hillary is a smart woman with bigger balls than almost anybody but I know she doesn’t love America even a little.

May 30, 2016 12:24 pm

starfcker says:
“IS, what are you talking about? Who do you think is our true enemy? I don’t think you have a clue.”

The central bankers…….you know, the ones who finance both sides of every war, the ones who profit from every single dollar printed out of thin air and bankrupt your unborn grandchildren before your own children are born. The ones who select your political leaders and allow you to think you elect them. The ones who finance ALL of the nefarious wealth transfer systems like social security, Medicare, welfare and endless wars of choice which slowly bankrupt the nation while enriching themselves. The ones who steal the purchasing power of your money 24/7. The plantation owners for which we all toil in slavery for. The ones who own all of the politicians and make all the decisions that your (s)elected leaders impose upon us.

The same verminous scum who prompted Andrew Jackson to say:
” Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
From the original minutes of the Philadelphia committee of citizens sent to meet with President Jackson (February 1834), according to Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (1928) by Stan V. Henkels – online PDF

From their own Federal Reserve website:
” The Federal Reserve System, often referred to as the Federal Reserve or simply “the Fed,” is the central bank of the United States. It was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. The Federal Reserve was created on December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. Today, the Federal Reserve’s responsibilities fall into four general areas.

Conducting the nation’s monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices.

Supervising and regulating banks and other important financial institutions to ensure the safety and soundness of the nation’s banking and financial system and to protect the credit rights of consumers.

Maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets.

Providing certain financial services to the U.S. government, U.S. financial institutions, and foreign official institutions, and playing a major role in operating and overseeing the nation’s payments systems.”

I should add that we have as much hope of ending the fed as we do of tRump becoming our personal lord and savior or of your vision of the future coming true. I do love your enthusiasm though. It’s what originally made this country so great but the plantation owners have no interest or need for that kind of thing today. You’re about 100 years too late. Get rid of the Fed and your ideas and enthusiasm will do it again but not until they are routed out because they are the true enablers and profiteers of everything wrong with this country.

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Robert Gore
Robert Gore
May 30, 2016 1:15 pm

Sorry I didn’t get to your article until today. Magnificent, and I will post it to Straight Line Logic this afternoon.

May 30, 2016 3:15 pm

Austria ain’t shit. Inartfully put. Let me rephrase. Austrians seem detached from the reality that confronts them. I’m sure it’s a lovely place full of fine people. But that looks to be quite temporary. Stucky, you mention the vermont resettlement fiasco. Tiny. What’s happening in Europe isn’t scary just because of the scope of it, but the lack of political resistance to it. And they don’t have guns. And they just elected an immigration enthusiast. We’re heavily armed. We have oceans between us and the muslim hordes. And come election time, we’re not going to make the same mistake.

Beano McReano
Beano McReano
May 30, 2016 4:19 pm

He’s just a negro. Democrap racism is what is destroying this country. Allowing a negro to control you is UNHEARD of in the West and the East of non-negro countries.

No turd world country will ever put a negro in control. They know more about them then we do and we made a (in your words) yuuge mistake!

May 30, 2016 4:43 pm

Most illegal aliens come for work and a chance to live a decent life. The debt will bring an economic collapse. I do think new Americans are different,Not wanting to speak English and demanding the U.S. to change for them.

May 30, 2016 5:55 pm

Want to add…..Dad was in WWII….fighting with Rommel div….
Captured by Americans…..transferred to Missouri. As a Pow in that era, he spoke about how he was well treated by the Americans, enough so to make him want to come to America someday. After his release he moved to Argentina like many Italians did during those post war years.
In 1963 his dream came true and he emigrated to the States.
Then mom and I joined him later. They both were hard workers…free loading just wasn’t in them, both toooo proud for handouts. They both led a good life and wanted to die in the country of their roots- Italy. But heaven help anyone who blasted the US. Dad was genetically an Italian but til the end remained proud to have been an American.
Aaaahhhhh the good ol’ days.

May 30, 2016 7:49 pm

After years of America despising leadership, it is refreshing to hear ‘Make America Great’ again. Even if Trump is a blowhard, insulting, fraudulent asshole, I appreciate this message, additionally I am thankful for his abuse of those in the race that clearly deserve it, traitors.

Congrat’s on the success of the article, keep em coming, always well done.

May 30, 2016 8:37 pm

Damn it Admin!!! I always thought Stucky was a doppelganger. I read this in Stockman’s contra corner.

Why is it Jim you always write these things? Why is it you always make me think? Why are you persecuting me with the TRUTH. I want the Kardashians and TWD.. I want Soma. I’m old and have a limited time left. I want peace. Do I get peace on The Burning Platform, NO!

How can an old guy even make a difference? I guess I can only make it individually and let the dice roll to where it may. I raised my kids right and I’m still raising them. I didn’t know how important being a parent was if I did I might have said “No’.

The problem is we try to avoid truth at every opportunity and that’s what get us into trouble, eventually.

ARRRGGG! Jim keep up the good work as there are a lot of beliefs structures that people hold that need to be changed. I’m not one of them. That was a long column and a lot of work, thank you.

May 30, 2016 8:44 pm


That was a mistake by Stockman. I told him it was from a contributor, but he put my name anyway.

May 30, 2016 8:42 pm

definitely agree that the nation we entered no longer exists, the cities we entered no longer exist, the nations we departed no longer exist and many entered legally in the 70s will agree 100%.
there were no handouts and no green card no job no welfare so NO REASON TO BE AN ILLEGAL IN THE USA
you so much had a fight in a bar you were deported.
NOW regarding this wall, you must become familiar with THEIR RIGHTS ONCE THEY STEP FOOT ON USA ground.
THEY HAVE all Constitutional rights.,,and then some as in never having to PROVE A THING regarding ID etc.
EVEN THEM USING another’s ID and social security number IS NOT A CRIME.
all they have to have said via their tax payer PAID LEGAL AID atty and translator IS they didn’t know it was against the law and didn’t have bad intentions.
google it.
this is how the libs intentionally perverted laws and wrote new ones their favorite way by connecting the dots of the shadows of penumbras on and on. the illegal aliens have RIGHTS guaranteed by the Constitution simply by being here.
Does anyone even know how long it takes to GET LAWS AND STATUTES REPEALED ?
and that’s if there are enough votes to start the procedure ?
There needs to be a PHYSICAL BORDER, a protected border and a return to the enforcement of all the EXISTING federal laws on entry.
they were never repealed and those in charge refuse to enforce them as in catch and release and sanctuary cities which is another joke-as if no one HAS THE RIGHT TO MOBILITY ?

as for making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ? what’s your personal problem ?


May 30, 2016 9:23 pm

Admin are you saying that Stucky wrote this and was the contributor? If so I’m impressed and have to treat Stucky with more respect.

May 30, 2016 9:44 pm

Stuck is the author and deserves all the accolades.

May 30, 2016 9:32 pm

A side note on freebees. If there is one thing that corrupts people is perpetually getting stuff for free and it corrupts them perpetually.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 30, 2016 9:46 pm

Well excuuuuuuse me Trumpeteers for hurting your wittle feewings by telling the truth about The Donald giving the joos a blow job and saying he will take good care of Israel. My first comment is the truth and some times the truth hurts your feewings. Good Lord.

May 30, 2016 10:10 pm

So… move back to romania????

Stukfuk thinks because it’s the good ol days, it was…

not so, but that’s stukfuk think for ye, meh

May 30, 2016 10:15 pm


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 30, 2016 10:42 pm

Bea, I think Stucky planted a major diss on the Don. My impression is we’ve been through this before, 8 years ago, when the Magic Negro was all the rage, he was going to change things and save America. Even before he was officially elected, he was throwing money at the problems.

Now we have a Magic Cracker that is supposed to be the answer to Obama’s unfulfilled promises.

Eight years from now, we might have a Magic Vajajay fresh out of prison, (bulldyke resort) like Mandela to give us hope.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 31, 2016 12:15 am

Attention crackers, since I used the term Negro, I had to use equivalent terms like cracker and vajajay. Had I said Nigger, I would have balanced out with Honky and Cunt.

Some people would still complain even if you hanged them with a new rope.

May 31, 2016 10:57 am

Were people to recall the enthusiasm with which they welcomed the
magic negro, trusted and voted, only to see it all turn to ashes and tears?
People would be more open to the bigger picture.

Here we go again, with untenable front runners, and a guy “telling truth,”
and we are so miserable and even frightened, we are ready to “make
America great again.” America can’t be the “greatest” ever again, or in
our lifetimes, because we have earned a reputation for massive fraud and

Then again, all the bad guys are fighting and threatening and plotting to
ruin Trump. People are identifying with Trump because they are hating his
enemies. Obviously the default, “collapse” is inevitable. Those that will
be hurt the most will be the ones most dependent on gov for their livelihoods.
We would have been so much better off now had the bankrupt banks been
allowed to fail. We are being looted. We so wish we could move in the other
direction. It will be painful. Please everyone, prepare.

May 31, 2016 11:58 am

How would Andrew Jackson perform as a President? Lincoln was universally despised just a few months after he began his first term — how would he perform?
We are hiring a person hopefully based on his character. Trump is a nationalistic Alpha Male who knows how to get things done. He has the heart of a Viking warrior chieftain and the brilliance of a Caesar. I think he will be a GREAT president, especially for the shit storm headed our way.

May 31, 2016 1:38 pm

Stucky, I believe that fascinating history of how you came to be is what the left would call “white privilege”. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!

May 31, 2016 6:05 pm

What BS. The tribe has OWNED this country for 200+ years. 1957 is irrelevant. You could have written an article about 1997 or 2007. Your understanding of WWII really demonstrates your ignorance on matters of historical importance.

Quadruple-dipped American
Quadruple-dipped American
May 31, 2016 10:50 pm

I was here in 1957 when your ragged, poverty-stricken, war refugee foreign-language speaking parents dragged their little anchor baby into my country to enjoy our freedoms. I was natural-born here in 1953.

By the way my dad fought for those freedoms in WWII Europe. It was your little foreign butt in the school desk next to mine that helped my class size grow to a gigantic student-teacher ratio. Our town had to build bigger schools and pay a lot of taxes to educate kids like you. Thanks, pal. What makes you think you’re such a big catch for my country?

My native land, America, welcomed you here and gave your crappy family a chance here because we have a naturally kind, welcoming natural character. We don’t care what you look like or where you come from, if you want to be part of our story, that’s good enough. We even let the likes of you in, we’re so nice.

Now that we were so nice to you, all of a sudden you want us to change our natural generous, welcoming character into something mean and discriminatory against other people you don’t seem to like very much. Why should you get to take advantage of America’s goodness and then tell us not to be good anymore, that enough is enough?

And before you claim that it’s different, because you weren’t an illegal alien,” don’t forget that there was a time when America’s rules wouldn’t have let you in, either. The rules of the past were changed to let your family in.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 1, 2016 12:50 am

Queer Dick, do not listen to Stucky, he gets butt hurt easily when you question his military service and patriotism.

If you don’t take a stand against the invaders of this, your native land, who will? My God, if only the Indians had taken a stand like your brave soul!

I’m so glad I was born here in the double nickle year. Let us join hands in solidarity against these people fleeing dictators, wars and whatnot.

This land is my land, this land is Queer Dick’s land, this land is not for old Stuckee…

June 1, 2016 1:21 am

@Stuck, just caught your rejoinder, yeah, you aren’t as down as I was about a year/two ago!

June 1, 2016 6:23 am

Quadrupledick just wants to get in the phone booth witchoo, Stickey.. He’s got his barbed wired ready.

June 1, 2016 1:33 pm

Stucky– “That means one of two things; 1) you didn’t really read the article or, 2) you’re a fucking moron. I’m going with Door #2.”

That’s funny.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
June 1, 2016 1:51 pm

Copied and pasted for posterity.

The genius of the American system includes many enviable traits. One is a spirit of fair play – not that everybody plays fairly, but rather, that there is an element of honor and reaping what one sows. This is why the Germans, Englishmen, Scots, Irish of yesteryear who became farmers, bankers, doctors, industrialists, etc. and the Koreans and Chinese of the past 50 years who have become business owners (even if delis or fruit stores or small take-out restaurants) have made good livings and established themselves in America (albeit to varying extents).

I’ve known immigrants (not all whites) who arrived here with $30 in their pockets who today own their homes and have their jobs. I’ve known immigrants (again, not all whites) who arrived nearly broke, living in tiny, cold, dirty, and uncomfortable studios or 1-bedroom apartments who many years later sported cars, businesses, and beautiful, well-kept homes in lovely and desirable suburban towns.

There are other countries outside Europe which like America were/are “European-offshoot countries” like Canada, Brazil, and Argentina to which Europeans and later, non-Europeans immigrants in hopes of a better life, and many have succeeded to levels similar to the standards of living enjoyed by established Americans and successful recent immigrants. But America is especially coveted precisely because it is a land of vast opportunity, generosity to newcomers, and a culture of reward for one’s honest and hard work. To this day, judges who swear in newly naturalized citizens say that it is still possible to succeed in America through “hard work” (this is what a number of immigrants turned citizens told me).

Sadly, it may be that America’s goodwill and charity may be playing a part in its undoing. This is all the more ironic as many elements in the political and ideological sphere blast “western civilization” (read: white European societies/European-offshoot societies) for cruelty, injustice, maltreatment of nonwhites, etc. And while there’s truth that the historical record shows injustice, it’s likewise true that the traditional societies from which the more recent immigrants come (and some of which have as the dominant faith a monotheistic religion which has at times generated terrorists) would never, have never, and do not offer a fraction of the freedoms, opportunities, and rights that America (the ostensible evil western society) has always given to all.

The corruption of the oligarchy and other points made by Stucky are all correct and valid. The erosion of our Constitutional liberties were likewise succintly and accurately described by Stucky. It is a sobering read. But, I choose to stay in and stand by America – however problematic things nowadays, there is still much to be salvaged, defended, preserved, protected, and passed on to posterity.

I am proud to be an American.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
June 1, 2016 1:57 pm

I’m involved with a business in NJ. You pick up my tab and I’ll see you there.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
June 1, 2016 2:01 pm

Something else about immigrants…

If I were to immigrate to Spain (or to Italy, Luxembourg, Thailand, Egypt, etc), I would deliberately do everything I could to learn the language, the local customs, to attain legal documentation as required by law to live and to work in that country, and I would simply… fit in (as best as I could).

If there were holidays or traditions that I personally didn’t like or didn’t agree with, I would simply ignore them or not partake of them. But I wouldn’t do anything to prevent Spaniards/Italians/Luxembourgians/Thais/Egyptians/etc from observing and preserving them. After all, I would reason: “it’s their country; I moved from abroad; they had these holidays and traditions much before I arrived, probably far before I was even born. What right do I have to tell them how to maintain their culture in their country?”

Furthermore, even if I failed to assimilate regardless of trying 100%, I would nonetheless quietly go about my business, work, pay taxes, obey the law, and bother nobody.

Nowadays, however, many immigrants to America appear not to want to respect American customs and traditions. They’re imposing their own. And this is what has upset many Americans (including more than a few Donald Trump supporters, I speculate).

Quadruple-dipped American
Quadruple-dipped American
June 1, 2016 2:05 pm

LOL, I guess we shoulda build the wall in ’56. I can always tell the exact moment people’s arguments are falling apart, it’s when they start making comments about my dick.

Seems to me you-all voted Republican because abortion and gays and beating up the welfare queens, and then they, the party of Big Business, turned around and shafted you in the back by opening up the labor market to the forces of free market capitalism you are always blithering on about.

Then a bunch of new people came in and out-worked you, out-maneuvered you, out-bid your jobs, and generally out-competed you dullards in every respect, and came prepared to learn and work their asses off and accept levels of survival you can only barely comprehend. Hell even the guy with the leaf blower in the Home Depot parking lot speaks 2 languages.

Now that you’ve experienced all the fun benefits of the unregulated free market you voted for, you are balling up your tiny fists and crying and stamping your feet like little sissy poopypants crybabies and claiming “it ain’t fair!” Well no shit sherlock, it’s not so much fun when other people are eating the bologna out of your sandwich instead of the other way around.

As a natural-born American, just sayin.’

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
June 1, 2016 2:05 pm

I’ll be on the lookout for that check, and looking forward to the brew. My good friends call me Bob.