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June 17, 2016 7:41 am

Gore and his followers wouldn’t understand that.

June 17, 2016 10:05 am

Very clever method to get a point across.

June 17, 2016 10:34 am

Anyone who STILL believes in anthropomorphic global warming must surely also believe in the Easter Bunny, Father Xmas (non Islamic of course) and Hillary Clinton’s integrity.
’tis a sad day when the supposedly most advanced and evolved species on this speck of dust has zero capacity to critically evaluate the rantings of self serving imbecilic pseudo-scientists and bought and paid for politicians.
Clutch your zombiephones oh idiots…oh, and go buy a tent too.. you’ll need it real soon…
You’d better hope global warming is real. After all, sleeping on alleyway concrete steps in winter is pretty damn cold ain’t it.

June 17, 2016 11:24 am

This is an interesting piece of data which is good news for polar bears.
Of course it in no way proves or disproves the theory of AGW, but that wont stop any idiots from making of it what they will.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 17, 2016 11:40 am

May a diseased polar bear bend Al Gore over and drive him to the North Pole with his pole.

June 17, 2016 12:06 pm

Does that include Grizzlies that self identify as polar?

June 17, 2016 1:00 pm

Cdumbass, what exactly is wrong with each person, or idiot as you put it, concluding whatever they want about it? Apparently YOU have the freedom to choose which evidence to believe. Are you the only one entitled to that freedom?

It isn’t so much that people disagree with you as it that you and your ilk are totalitarian assholes about demanding that everyone believe what you do. When idiots like you attain any amount of power or influence you immediately become no different that Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Harry Reid or even Mussolini and Hitler. Even if the scientists that you believe and support came out tomorrow and announced that they had made a mistake and were wrong, totalitarian fascist fucks like you would still cling to your dogma like dingleberries cling to assholes!

June 17, 2016 1:19 pm


Fuck off and die.

Please don’t take that as an insult. Rather, it’s the best piece of advice you’ll ever get for free over the internet.

You’re bullshit is old and tired. (That was an insult.)

June 17, 2016 3:41 pm

Hi IS, thank-you for your polite and insightful comment embracing a diversity of opinion.
My point (you appear to have missed) was that scientifically-speakng, the polar bear population increase does not mean that AGW is false, as was implied by the caption.

IMHO history has proven that democracy is an unworkable system in the long term – wealth and power inevitably concentrate in fewer and fewer hands as voters are willingly bought off by the best liar (which is why AGW proponents dont get elected – the public rarely wants to hear the truth when it requires that they make limiting lifestyle changes).
Perhaps a benign oligarchy would be better and yes, I am willing to become a member of the ruing oligarchy if asked, and yes, the willfully ignorant unwashed plebes like yourself will no longer have to endure participation in a farcical democracy.
Trust me, you will be better off.

June 17, 2016 3:46 pm

Thank-you for the suggestion – I fuck off whenever I can. As for death, I’m pretty sure that’s a given.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 17, 2016 4:37 pm

Prove or disprove. The point of that caption is Al Gore and his minions used Polar Bears to sell the scare. Everyone here knows it’s a Strawman except Cfukwad.

CW you should do everyone a favour and stick you head in a blender. It should only take a couple of minutes to dice up the woody bits. While it would be tragic it would have benefit of boosting mean IQ of regressive left from retarded or borderline sentient.

A win win for everyone….

June 17, 2016 4:50 pm

CW, a “diversity of opinion” does NOT mean that they all (or even most of them) are correct, factual or allow the owner to benefit from coherent thought.

You can get “diversity of opinion” in an ASYLUM (If we still have any operating). Some inhabitants will think they are Napoleon, some will think they are Obama, some will think they are Einstein, and so forth. NONE are correct, and ALL are convinced they know something that isn’t true – come to think of it, a lot like the AGW crowd.

Unless you want to think of AGW as an Environmental religion, with its high priest (Gore), dogma, adherents, fanatics, and so forth….

June 17, 2016 6:44 pm

the glaciers all over the world are receding, must some meaning. i don’t know why we have to label it something, just so people can throw monkey shit at it.

June 17, 2016 8:55 pm

See there Cdub, you almost made a comment that was worth a shit. No I didn’t miss your point regarding the correlation between polar bears and AGW. A big part of the reason that people do not trust the AGW crowd is because you use bullshit stats on decimated polar bear populations to support what *might* otherwise be a supportable position. When you start that shit, anybody with half a brain immediately starts rejecting everything else you put forth as evidence.

Neither you or I can say with absolute 100% certainty that AGW is true or false. We can certainly hold our opinions but there is a scientific method that must be followed. Part of that method is to vet every piece of data for accuracy. When data is found to be inaccurate it must be rejected and the model re-evaluated without that data. THAT has not been done by the (so-called*) scientists and I know that for a fact because I personally evaluated one of the weather/temp data monitoring stations myself and the data gathered by it is flawed. Over the years that station started out in a large grass field and is now surrounded by brick buildings, concrete sidewalks and paved all around and UNDER by black asphalt. Temp data from that station is skewed high over the years simply because the of that. That data point is flawed and as long as it is included in the model I will reject any conclusion the model makes. No one wants to forced to change their lifestyle when they know your data and the conclusions drawn from it are bullshit. Telling people that the science (theory really) is settled is a giant red flag because very few scientific theories are ever settled. They are simply supported for a time until better data and methods come along.

**I say so-called scientist because a true scientist does not need to be told about the scientific method.

Regarding democracy, I absolutely agree. I lean libertarian myself which means I prefer to govern myself in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others simply because that is how I want to be treated. We aren’t terribly interested in ruling over other either as we tend to believe that people should govern themselves. Unfortunately, the vast majority of human detritus on this planet is incapable of properly taking care of a lawn or a pet let alone their own lives. They can be identified when they utter the phrase “The government should __________ .” You leftists prey on people like that and even create them, exacerbating the problems. Personally I don’t believe that those people would be better off under the rule of assclowns like yourself. They would be better off being euthanized than having to live under totalitarian leftist rulers before dying horrible, painful, miserable deaths which is what usually happens to plebes under leftist rule.

The fucked up part that scum like you never seem to realize is that you always think you’re special because you faithfully toe the party line and help bring about the changes leftists rulers want to impose. You’re what is known as a Useful Idiot. Once the leftist rulers substantially begin achieving there goals they begin exterminating the Useful Idiots. You’ll NEVER be asked to be part of the ruling party because the true rulers with the power view you exactly the way you view me. It happens every time. You’ll see. It doesn’t matter one bit how great a blowjob you give either.

Fortunately, somewhere along the line, someone outsmarted a ruler and codified our natural right to self defense here in ‘Murica with the 2nd Amendement. ‘Muricans are armed to the teeth and we are going to find out before too long how useful or not that 2nd Amendment turns out to be. The bonus is that the leftist rulers you so adore will use Useful Idiots like you (because they are above placing themselves in danger) to come and collect our guns and I really look forward to that day because before I’ll give up my guns I’ll feel compelled to surrender each round of ammunition I have first and Useful Idiots like you will be dropping like flies. Even if I’m killed in the process it will be worth it because I will not live under tyranny.

June 17, 2016 9:12 pm

IS wins by a knockout.

June 18, 2016 4:12 am

IS +1000000

June 18, 2016 3:23 pm

IS I am honoured you would devote five whole paragraphs to little old me, even if it is the usual nonsense and bile. It is sad that your mind is limited to operating by pigeon-holing people as ‘left or right’, ignoring the fact that most people have a range of views depending on the topic. I dont think you lack intelligence so I guess it’s simple laziness.

I dont get too worked up about AGW deniers anymore – ‘western civilization’ will fall under the onslaught of multiple stressors long before serious climate disruption affects what survives. Earth needs and will soon perform a serious cull on human population.

I agree that hundreds of millions of guns in the hands of millions of American fools who have limited capacity to constructively cope with a crisis is a recipe for a blood bath. The good news it will be a lot of dumbasses shooting other dumbasses. It’ll be the best thing since watching the twin towers come down. Hopefully my remote location will be sufficiently distant to avoid the worst.