Burnt Toast

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

At a most troubled moment in history, both major political parties appear set to nominate time-bomb candidates for president with a fair percentage chance of blowing up their own campaigns and the parties themselves.

We’ve been living in the era of anything goes and nothing matters — that is, the era of no consequences — but at some point between now and November 8 someone surely will press FBI chief James Comey as to why his agency issued neither a criminal referral nor an explanatory memorandum in the matter of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and its role in the money-gathering activities of the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.

Hapless Bernie Sanders blew his chance to call her on that months ago — “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!” — but it’s absolutely certain that Trump will jump up and down and shout woo-woo-woo about it during the general election campaign, if he manages to not get dumped at the GOP convention. Or his as-yet-hypothetical replacement will.

The email issue won’t go away because it entails serious issues of racketeering in public office, not just niceties of security procedure. One of the Secretary of State’s duties is to approve weapons sales to foreign countries. During her three years at State, Hillary signed off on $165 billion worth of sales by private commercial arms contractors to Clinton Foundation foreign donors. On top of that was an additional $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that gave to the Clinton Foundation. It also happened that the weapons contractors themselves and companies connected financially to them made substantial donations to the Clinton foundation — and paid whopping speaking fees to Hillary’s husband ex-president Bill, during her years at State.

Salon Magazine has also reported that in contradiction of a 1995 directive signed by then-president Bill against arms sales to nations violating human rights, Hillary approved such weapons sales. Salon’s David Sirota writes:

As just one of many examples, in its 2011 Human Rights Report, Clinton’s State Department slammed Algeria’s government for imposing “restrictions on freedom of assembly and association,” tolerating “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption” and a “lack of judicial independence.

That year, the Algerian government donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation and the next year Clinton’s State Department approved a one-year 70 percent increase in military export authorizations to the country. The jump included authorizations for almost 50,000 items classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment.” The State Department had not authorized the export of any of such items to Algeria the year before.

There’s no way that the shady doings of the Clinton Foundation will not become a campaign issue whether Trump emerges as the eventual GOP nominee or not, and of course the other noisome matter of exactly what Hillary told Too-Big-To-Fail banks in exchange for many quarter-million dollar “speaking fees” still lurks behind all that. Hillary’s partisans at the The New York Times and The WashPo have ignored these stories for months, but the telltale stench remains, like a dead body under the floorboards.. In contrast to her beaming victory lap after the California primary, all this stuff promises some serious frowny-face for Mz. It’s-My-Turn in the months ahead.

As for Trump, the hand-wringing and Maalox-gulping among GOP nabobs got a lot more intense since the Orlando Club massacre, and the (as usual) disjointed utterances by the presumptive Republican Party nominee. This guy is not just a loose artillery shell rolling around on the deck — he’s a dirty bomb wrapped in a smallpox blanket threatening to turn the Grand Old Party into a political Flying Dutchman. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan underscored his extremely conditional endorsement of Trump on the Sunday TV chat forums, hinting that even if Trump got where he is playing by the rules, the rules can be changed at the convention.

That would set the stage for a melee both inside and outside the GOP convention in Cleveland a month from now. The tragedy of a legitimately irate populace vested in such an obviously inept champion will lead to a political explosion when the party poobahs try to maneuver him off-stage. The only worse alternative is if they actually go ahead and nominate the ham-headed sonofabitch. Either way, the Republican Party comes out as burnt toast.

Remember, too, the Black Lives Matter movement and its affiliates promised months ago to bring a disruptive presence to both conventions. Imagine how they will get on with thousands of outraged Trumpsters moiling in the streets. Add a dash of Mexican hot sauce to this farrago and you’ve got a perfect recipe for mayhem.

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June 20, 2016 9:59 am

Well Jim, you have your opinions and I have mine, and mine are more reasoned and intelligent than yours. One presumptive candidate is known to be a criminal even as far as treason with the email fiasco and also associated with racketeering via the Clinton Foundation. Burn the witch at the stake.

The other presumptive candidate doesn’t have any obvious criminal activity but does receive derogatory name-calling by special interests. Your next president Jim – hope the Crow tastes good.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 20, 2016 10:32 am

“We’ve been living in the era of anything goes and nothing matters — that is, the era of no consequences — but at some point between now and November 8 someone surely will press FBI chief James Comey as to why his agency issued neither a criminal referral nor an explanatory memorandum in the matter of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and its role in the money-gathering activities of the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.”

He doesn’t even read what he writes. “…anything goes and nothing matters- that is, the era of no consequences…”

No one will “press FBI chief James Comey” on anything. No one will be held accountable for their crimes until such time as the present edifice of State Corruption is either overthrown or we are conquered from by another, hungrier and even more ruthless opponent. Clearly this is the reality. Accept/don’t accept, those are the only two options available.

June 20, 2016 10:56 am

” you’ve got a perfect recipe for mayhem.”

mayhem is ongoing presently mr understatement.

and they’re getting us ready for it with movies like The Purge, the re-visited Mad Max, The Road, the Independence Day re-hash, etc. trending the last decade are the TV series plots that imitate real life events. the strategy seems to be “scare ’em on the news, scare ’em at the movies, scare ’em at school, scare ’em at the mall, harem-scarem.”

June 20, 2016 11:40 am

Cuntsler voted for Obammy …. twice. So, he can fuck off and die.

’nuff said.

June 20, 2016 11:45 am

The lies are endless, ongoing and increasing (if that’s possible). The MSM is apoplectic that a non-PC candidate not only has a chance, but is becoming MORE popular. The Hag of the Hamptons is a walking indictment target, but her zombie followers still stand by her. The Vermont Socialist Relic is giving her heartBern, but the fix is in and he won’t be nominated unless she melts – which she might, so stay tuned. And poor Kuntsler is betrayed by all he holds dear – and the DNC is corrupt and in cahoots with the Hag.
Enough corruption collapsed Venezuela, which we are resembling more by the minute. Enough socialism collapsed both Venezuela and the Soviet Union – which our “betters” want us to emulate. It’s gonna be a rough summer.

June 20, 2016 1:05 pm

I generally avoid personal comments but I hope no one but the DNC is paying for this drivel. The fix is in and Kunstle’s praisey oh Hitlery with

faint criticism tells everyone where his efforts will be concentrated. His lionizing of Paul Ryan is amazing. It wasn’t Trump who made the commercial about the 2012 VP candidte pushing Granny over a cliff in a wheel chair. It was Ryan not Trump who was made a fool of by Slow Joe in a debate. For all his warts and blemishes Trump fights back. Maybe if Bernie had displayed Alpha balls instead of Beta snark he might be facing off against the Republican that the insiders select after stabbing voters in the back and stealing the nomination from Trump.

Chris P
Chris P
June 20, 2016 12:13 pm

All of the lies can get a bit old with this world. Try some truth and it will refresh your soul.

June 20, 2016 12:24 pm

And the powers that own both parties are laughing their collective asses off because no one is focused on the economic Hydrogen Bomb that is about to be dropped .

June 20, 2016 3:37 pm


June 20, 2016 4:55 pm

Doesn’t anyone GET IT? When the ex-USA defaults on its’ debt (and it WILL!), the PTB goes broke along with everyone else (except those members of the elite and PTB that have followed good sense and set aside PM’s and funds that are unreachable by the Gubbermint).

EVERYONE LOSES.. Empty homes on L.I. and burned out hulks of mansions in CT.. Caddy wrecks on turnpikes. Electricity for 8 hours a day if you’re lucky. I repeat – EVERYBODY LOSES – including the PTB and the elite unless they flee the country. The PM’s will go through the roof (Check the old quotes on Homestake Mining back in 1929-32) and you will not be able to buy PM’s at any price. Only those who hold them have them and since bad money drives out good, PM’s stay hidden except to swap for necessities of life and then only in very small and anonymous quantities.

The seriousness of the economic debt collapse that is coming is not understood by 2% of the drones who inhabit this country. They can be counted on to react badly when it happens.


June 20, 2016 12:53 pm

I don’t care if Trump regularly chokes on the foot in his mouth. We’ve been screwed over by smooth-talking politicians since day one.

Rob J
Rob J
June 20, 2016 1:17 pm

Don’t you get it. The nation has over $19T in debt! Interest alone is costing over $500B annually. We can all get ginned up for Trump or Hillary but there is no way on this green earth that either one can save the USA. Do the math. When we hit around $28T in debt (2025-2026), the interest will exceed the amount collected by the US Treasury. Bye Bye US Dollar as the world reserve currency. Bye Bye Food Stamps, Obama Phones, and research projects that test the acidity of monkey piss.

  Rob J
June 20, 2016 1:49 pm


This is why you will never see a rise in interest rates. The only way to keep this going another 5-10 years is by allowing government and those at the top to borrow money as close to interest free as possible.

As a side note, I’d find it interesting if someone hacked the EBT System while the two political parties are having their conventions. Wouldn’t that make for an interesting summer? You betcha!

June 20, 2016 4:19 pm

Hillary’s a low down, thievin’, back stabbin’, dog! Yes…says the Democrats, but she’s our dog!

June 20, 2016 4:41 pm

Rob J–I got it. I got it 40yrs ago. Why didn’t everyone else get it??? I’ll tell you–


To catch wild pigs, you go out in a field and pour a bucket of corn in a pile and the wild pigs come and eat the free corn. You do this for a while.

Then, you put up one side of a fence and pour more free corn for the pigs to eat and they come and eat the free corn.

Then, you put up another side of the fence, 90 degrees to the other side and pour more free corn in a pile and the pigs come and eat the free corn, rejoicing in their good fortune.

Then, you put up another side of the fence, 90 degrees to the other sides and yet pour more free corn for the pigs to eat. The pigs get fat on this easy livin’, never questioning where the corn is coming from or why.

Then, you slam the gate shut and the pigs wander around, wondering what’s going on and what happened to the free corn.

Then the guillotine falls.

The reason–the people were too busy eating the free corn!

June 20, 2016 7:26 pm

Since this seems a rather quiet thread, I will permit myself. This is long and multi-faceted, but the conclusion is contained within the last three paragraphs.

Hillary Clinton is (the former) Secretary of State.
A Secretary of State oversees arms deals around the globe.
Overseeing arms deals is the crux of the issue in the email scandal.
The emails aren’t being released prior to the election.
The emails probably contain information linking the Secretary of State to arms deals with ‘terrorist’ (anti-American) nations.
These deals are probably a Federal conspiracy to allow a one-world social order.
This world domination would defeat the American People’s dream of becoming an independent sovereign nation.

Wait! The independent sovereign nation was materialized through the forming of a Constitution by the people and for the people?

The Billary’s of this world have perfected the art of “It’s there, It’s not there” double-speak, exemplified by Bill Clinton’s defense in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
The Federalists of this world are perfecting a social order which denies the will of the people, favoring ‘favored’ classes over unfavored in case after case.
This is marked by polished politicians perfecting their ties to other polished politicians and through ties with foreign nations.

There is no need of a central bank confiscating our money, no need of a Federal policy confiscating our guns.

There is certainly no need of a duplicity of laws that remove each state’s right to govern itself on matters which don’t affect the Nation in its entirety!

There is no need of a centralized armed force that would hold down the rights of any single state (not to mention even a collection of states.)

Such rights would always call this an “insurrection”, but what about the promises of ‘freedom’ that we were fighting for whilst we were under the tyranny of the Kings?

We want independence if it were to be done in the manner of the British but by God, but if it needs to be done à la French we will go through a more bloody revolution!

Originally a battle between Centrism and State Powers, the language has been manipulated over time. What would now be called the ‘Liberals’ or the ‘Left’ are those remnants of the Centrists, but because Left and Right have come to new meanings, the term ‘Centrist’ will never be uttered by right-leaning Republicans, who prefer the alternate connotation residing in the equation between Socialism and Centrism through the Left. These are variously called the Federalists, the Centrists, the Socialists or the Liberals. All are the same, with variances in nuance only.

The above all seem like fairly convincing arguments until they are analyzed. The connections that appear so strong lose their bond to each other when inspected individually, however.

Yes, there is something inherently nefarious about the appearance of secrecy, absolutely. But does that prove that anything nefarious occurred? The principle adopted since then, and which has left its imprint on all of our concept of justice (both Left and Right) is that a person remains innocent until proven guilty by an assembly of all the facts, not just the ones convenient to your argument.
The use of emotive terms like “independence”, “sovereignty” and “tyranny” (especially when juxtaposed) raises the hairs on the neck more than it excites the neurotransmitters in the brain. “Facts” arranged loosely will support an argument that was predisposed to that arrangement, and appear preposterous to one who’s inclinations are elsewhere.

Finally, the pitting of class against class is the only outcome of such rhetoric, rather than the unanimously preferred option of letting the facts examine themselves.
“The State Department doesn’t award arms deals without any input. Arms deals are governed by the Foreign Military Sales Act and the Arms Exports Control Act which is implemented by way of Executive Order 11958 which delegates authority to Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, requiring explicitly that they “shall consult with each other and with the heads of other departments and agencies, including the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the United States International Development Cooperation Agency, and the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, on matters pertaining to their responsibilities.” Finally, the act establishes a Congressional review process to monitor the arms deals.”

So what does ‘consult’ mean? Does it mean inform, such as when one goes to the doctor for a consultation? Or does it mean negotiation between two equally authoritative bodies, such as international consultations should be? Who is this ‘executive’ that issued the ‘executive order’, thus delegating authorities which must have lied within their jurisdiction? Does it emanate from the will of the people or emanate from a divinely established liege of some sort (which both factions are opposed to!) Finally, Congress itself has and always will face a formidable challenge in having no established loyalties to one side or the other of the house, and let’s throw in the usual patsy, the Supreme Court whose rulings have been suspect by both sides since the beginning of its existence. Is it truly independent?

This, say the Republicans, is an arrangement with no teeth anyway. It cannot be enforced (since there is no sanction) and therefore is merely a suggestion of what should be done in a more polite society. So while we take the good advice, only the American People shall ultimately decide such matters.

For which we would require an education about all of the matters examined as a whole.

I think it important to review some of the facts as borne-out by the evidence of occurrence. If statistically it is probable that as Secretary of State Hillary (as a centralist an supporter of world domination by one-world practices), she would have used that influence to favor nations hostile to the American spirit of Independence, or, what we call ‘free’ nations.

Under Clinton, donors to the hated Clinton Global Initiative foundation would receive massive favoritism in the sales of arms. To avoid confirmation bias one needs to look at where that did happen yet at the same time look at where the opposite occurred:

While Bahrain got a 187% increase in the value of their arms deal, Jamaica (which donated the same amount) saw their arms deals drop by 39%. Jamaica can’t be evaluated alongside Bahrain though?!?
Ireland and Kuwait both donated 100 times the amount donated by Bahrain and Jamaica. Kuwait got an 11% increase in their military contracts and Ireland got stiffed; they lost 26%. Either these ‘donations’ aren’t bribes or Clinton doesn’t know how bribes work, but if she doesn’t she’s immune to bribery (a proposition I seriously doubt.)

All of these are the exact same arguments as were being entertained between 1765 and 1783. ‘Loyalists’ were being opposed by ‘Statists’ and the loyalists finally lost in 1776. The “big government” party of Hamilton was removed in 1816 after holding power since the inception of the independence charter, a wound that would not heal easily.

It morphed into the victorious party of Jefferson. This younger party was, however, deeply influenced by and contained remnants of the older Hamiltonian party but at least there was finally a two-party system!

Jefferson himself hated the secretly-published “Federalist Papers” as the influence that big media could have on a non-reading public which (he felt) had no counter-voice. It was only by maintaining a loose confederation of independent, armed states that this Centrist government could be held in check.

However, this ‘Centrist’ party was removed from American politics, and it is unfair in fact to say that they ‘became’ the Democrats. The ‘Centrists’ which were ousted with Hamilton, but in reality the party merely were absorbed into the Republican Party.

I dare say that what passes today as a ‘Liberal’ in American Politics are still licking their wounds over the defeat of their party in 1816.

When scant evidence is examined more closely, the loose ties that are made lose their strength, their persuasiveness. So as not to commit to the double-fallacy of saying this automatically exonerates the accused is folly though, it merely obliges one to look for stronger ties in the evidence.

There is something more important at stake though.

The construction of the Constitution is much like a marriage. It is a partnership of equals founded on trust and the spirit of concession.

When those equals disagree on fundamental issues, there is the possibility of divorce. The children are mostly thought of as congress, but in reality they can (through the educational system and the mass media) be thought of as the people. A well informed public is the only tonic for purely partisan politics.

Much like a family the two heads should not ‘dumb-down’ the issues when they come to an impasse, and never should they attempt through mere rhetoric to tilt the children to one side like pawns in a chess-game. This is the gamble of the ‘great experiment’: the temptation will always be there.

June 21, 2016 12:56 am

the current problem is that there are no statesmen present presently; Ron Paul is about as close as we come these days. the rest, with a few possible powerless exceptions, are thieves, con-men and shallow-draft longboats caught out at sea, like Hank Johnson (who thought Guam might tip over from the weight of US military folks posted there: seriously, folks, he said that!) and in any case, those who aren’t liars, fools and frauds are trying to retire rich, by turning their offices to profit like Hillary did.
we are screwed if we can’t break their hold on D.C., but then, the Crunch will break them if we don’t. find a position you can hold against assault by the hungry F.S.A., and allow no one to talk you away from it. build your own, new civilization to replace the faulty failure they have made of the US, and keep your powder dry, you’re going to need it.
how that poor admiral kept from bursting into uncontrolled laughter at Johnson has got to be one of the most amazing displays of self-control in modern history. Johnson should have been laughed out of Congress as an incompetent idiot after that performance.

June 21, 2016 1:30 pm

WOW, the website turned a simple link into an embedded YouTube video! I am truly impressed, TMWNN!