Asian-American Students Suspect Discrimination in Ivy League Admissions

Via The Daily Signal

Any day now the U.S. Supreme Court will hand down its decision in Abigail Fisher’s discrimination suit against the University of Texas at Austin. However the justices rule in that case, more lawsuits challenging schools’ discriminatory admissions programs are likely to come.

In May, the Asian American Coalition for Education and 130 other Asian-American groups asked the U.S. Department of Education and the Justice Department to investigate Yale University, Brown University, and Dartmouth College for their use of discriminatory admissions policies, which they claim amount to “race-based quotas” that lock out well-qualified Asian-American applicants.

They point to data from the Department of Education showing that Asian-American enrollment at Brown and Yale has been stagnant since 1995 and at Dartmouth since 2004 despite an increase in highly qualified Asian-American students applying to these schools during that time.

The groups highlight in their complaint that Asian-American applicants with almost perfect SAT scores, GPAs in the top 1 percent, and excellent extracurricular records have been routinely rejected from top schools, while similar candidates of other races are accepted.

In fact, data show that Asian-Americans must score, on average, “approximately 140 point[s] higher than a White student, 270 points higher than a Hispanic student and 450 points higher than a Black student on the SAT, in order to have the same chance of admission.” The groups suspect Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, and other Ivy League schools “impose racial quotas and caps to maintain what they believe are ideal racial balances,” harkening back to the days of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Like many other schools, Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth use a “holistic” approach to evaluate applicants, which allows race and ethnicity to become a large factor in the admission equation. In their complaint, the Asian-American groups assert that these colleges rely on stereotypes and biases to deny Asian-Americans admission. These include that Asian-Americans are not creative or well-rounded, lack critical thinking skills and leadership experience, and focus on studying instead of extracurricular activities.

Admission board reviewers’ notes track these stereotypes: “He’s quiet and, of course, wants to be a doctor” or her “scores and application seem so typical of other Asian applications I’ve read: Extraordinarily gifted in math with the opposite extreme in English….” Since the admissions policies at these schools are “shrouded in secrecy,” they freely discriminate against Asian-American applicants. In fact, Yale’s law school recently began destroying its admissions records, presumably to avoid having to disclose the criteria such as race and other standards they use to determine admissions.

The groups outline the harm these discriminatory policies cause, such as a cynical and negative view of the American higher education system and a lack of trust in the purported American meritocracy. The applicants themselves feel immense pressure to overachieve in order to gain one of the limited “Asian-American spots,” leading to more stress, an increased suicide rate, attempts to hide their racial identity, lower self-esteem, race-related conflict, and resentment.

Though the concept of race-preferential admissions undoubtedly came from a place of good intentions, it’s become increasingly clear that these policies are doing more harm than good. Indeed, there’s overwhelming evidence that giving applicants a significant boost based on race or ethnicity often sets them up for failure because they are “mismatched” with their schools and struggle to keep up with their peers.

How do schools that receive federal funding get away with imposing racial quotas and caps without violating the equal protection guarantees in the Constitution? Starting in 1978, the Supreme Court determined in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke that schools may use racial preferences as long as they are intended to promote the “educational benefits that flow from an ethnically diverse student body.”

It was not until 2003 that the Supreme Court revisited the issue of racial preferences in college admissions. The Supreme Court held in Grutter v. Bollinger that a school’s goal of reaching a “critical mass” to advance diversity on campus was permissible, and in Gratz v. Bollinger that schools must pursue “race-neutral alternatives” to achieve diversity though they are not required to exhaust “every conceivable race-neutral alternative.”

In practice, few schools use race-neutral programs in place of racial preferences, and Abigail Fisher’s case shows how schools have skirted this requirement to try race-neutral measures before putting a thumb on the race scales.

The Asian-American groups have asked the Departments of Education and Justice to intervene but they ultimately may need to bring lawsuits against Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth to see any real changes. Suits are currently pending against the University of North Carolina and Harvard challenging their racially discriminatory admissions programs (the latter brought by Asian-Americans who were denied admission).

Justice Clarence Thomas explained in Grutter:

The Constitution abhors classifications based on race, not only because those classifications can harm favored races or are based on illegitimate motives, but also because every time the government places citizens on racial registers and makes race relevant to the provision of burdens or benefits, it demeans us all.

Let’s hope that someday this view will prevail at the Supreme Court and the justices put this principle in place by banning racial preferences in college admissions.


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June 20, 2016 9:52 am

Do not do business (law, financial services, medical or any other important service) with a black man or woman. Or even a Hispanic. If they get in simply because of their race/ethnicity, how can you trust they are worth a Damn at what they do for a living?

June 20, 2016 10:00 am

I’m shocked – could this possibly be true?

June 20, 2016 10:11 am

I’m stunned that admissions board review notes are “shrouded in secrecy” and yet these notes were readily available to the author: “He’s quiet and, of course, wants to be a doctor” or her “scores and application seem so typical of other Asian applications I’ve read: Extraordinarily gifted in math with the opposite extreme in English….

To the author’s main point, however, racial neutrality is a goal that will necessarily require some racial bias in order to be achieved. If the cereal-bowl is 75% full of of Fruit-Loops, you’ll need to either remove some Fruit Loops or temporarily add an unequal amount of Corn Flakes to balance the mix.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 20, 2016 11:23 am

I suspect that the sky is blue. I also suspect that given the present Leftist government, nothing will be done to reestablish a Meritocracy.

June 20, 2016 11:45 am

Typical admission question for Asians; Calculate pi to the 200th digit.

Typical admission question for Kneegrows; Calculate how old you is.

Seems fair to me.

June 20, 2016 11:48 am

Go fucking back to where u came from if you don’t like it.

June 20, 2016 12:41 pm

No, don’t ban racial discrimination; legalize the discrimination but take away federal funding, including academic grants and student loans, from colleges that discriminate.

June 20, 2016 12:42 pm

Politicization of every aspect of society creates these types of dislocations in the social fabric. Because it is based upon Socialism where everyone is equal and should have an equal chance at achieving the good life despite one’s efforts or abilities, society sinks to level of mediocrity and suffers because of it. Hard work and ability deserve to be rewarded, and when it’s not, we all miss opportunities for a better life.

Humanitarianism, the product of Enlightenment, the soul of Socialism, has gone overboard. It has thrown the baby out with the bath water. It has elevated classes and descriptions above reality and made the Ideal more important than idea.

The ‘ivory tower universities’ have missed the boat in embracing Socialistic Ideals in place of the real world. Like all Socialists, they espoused their highest Ideals as ‘diversity’, not educating the most deserving, the most intellectually and academically successful. Their choices to admit to their institutions the less intellectual and academically successful has led to a diluting of the measure of academic performance, grades. Who can trust the Universities measure of success, grades, if that measure is unreliable? Employers, who face the hard reality of getting the best employee, will seek other measures of the probability a productive employee. That measure is most likely the success of that social group, whether it is ‘white’ or ‘Oriental’. This hurts the ‘black’ and ‘Hispanic’ groups, overall, and makes upward social mobility difficult. In life, you either ‘cut the mustard’ or you’re out. Settling for less gets you less. Life is harsh.

It surprises me how ‘Socialistic thought’ has permeated every aspect of life. In economics, Keynes, in politics, welfare-ism, in law, socially correct idealism, on and on. The Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom, deciding to end discrimination, instead decided to embrace it more thoroughly with ‘reverse discrimination’. Go figure! Welfare for the disadvantaged student.

Universities, as James Howard Kunstler says, are behemoths, like the dinosaurs, awaiting their inevitable destruction. People will create new ways to determine excellence and promote learning leaving the bloated Universities behind. The Universities, when they cease to be useful, like used
toilet paper, will be discarded.

June 20, 2016 12:54 pm

“Asian” kid graduated with my daughter out of an excellent public high school. Ridiculously high GPA, valedictorian, perfect SATs, multiple lettered sports, multiple outside activities volunteering, etc, etc. Overall a decent hardworking kid. Turned down by Harvard. There loss.

June 20, 2016 1:01 pm

Socialists will never get it and will never see their own hypocrisies.
Mention that their favorite movie star, rap artists, hip hop stars, artist, basketball star or pro athlete makes millions and they are fine with it. They seem to understand that a unique or exceptional talent most often translates into higher income and standard of living.
Mention that superior intellect, work ethic, organizational skills or tireless drive to succeed are also talents where people are rewarded with greater income and they turn around and shout about redistribution and unfair inequality.
Sorry leftists, being smarter than 99% of your fellow citizens is as much a gift, if not more so, than being able to dunk a basketball. All men are NOT created equal, we should all be given equal chance to fail/succeed and then we live with the lot we have made of our efforts and talents.

June 20, 2016 1:50 pm

Read this:

Now you can pay $22k per year so you can learn which hole you should pee into. We’re doomed.

June 20, 2016 1:59 pm

NickelthroweR–Socialism nuff said.

June 20, 2016 4:13 pm


I get that but watching what Common Core did to math is frightening. Universities are quickly realizing that incoming freshmen can not do elementary school math.

I did a research paper once for a psychology class. I was looking for a pattern as to when children went from Concrete Thinking to Abstract Thinking. Or, to put it another way, when a child stops thinking like a child and begins thinking like an adult.

The local high school allowed me to “test” a random selection of its students. The test I gave, though written as word problems, was nothing more than very basic Algebra. See, children still thinking like children would be unable to “imagine” the abstract patterns necessary to solve the problems while those with abstract thinking abilities would be able to figure things out.

That we do not push our children to achieve in math stifles imagination and helps to keep them thinking as children – perhaps forever. This is by design.

June 20, 2016 3:24 pm

PC BS…we all know that far fewer people would be
admitted to any “university” if test scores were used to
determine who gets into said university. Blacks? Who
cares how many blacks or Asians are admitted if test
scores are used to guide admission policy? Class of 100?
You do the breakdown. The answer is clear. Is it fair?
Yes of course…study and prepare to ensure the slot.

June 20, 2016 3:57 pm

Maybe, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who claims to have American Indian blood in her, 1/64th Eastern Cherokee, I guess — I can claim that I have African American blood in me, 1/128th, ‘Black’ and get into Havvarrd. Who can prove otherwise without a blood test for genealogy, which would be held as ‘illegal and discriminatory’, of course.

I have bad news for you, Elizabeth. One nose bleed and you’re out of the tribe.

June 20, 2016 5:11 pm

Crackers and chinks need to learn and embrace the frau……uh……reality of “self-identification”.

June 20, 2016 5:18 pm

NickelthroweR–In years past, studying the ‘black art’, psychology, I learned about the psychological stages of development from birth to adulthood. At around 12 years of age, before maturity, the stage is ‘magical thinking’. It seems that much of the American population is stuck in that stage of development. Rational thought has yet to be developed.

People do get stuck and that leads to neurosis. Seeing reality thru a cracked window, so to speak.

I call psychology the ‘black arts’ because, despite Skinners attempt of make psychology a hard science, its practice ignored the spiritual aspect of humanity. It was like a mechanic trying to figure out why a car wasn’t running, all the while refusing to understand that it had an engine.

Math is very logical and rational as is music. Perhaps, you are right, what is happening is very much by design.

June 20, 2016 7:45 pm

I’m not that sympathetic. Look, Dartmouth, Yale, Princeton etc were venerable schools back when Stanford was still a farm! The only real reason Asians ( or anyone else for that matter) would want to study in Hanover, N.H. or New Haven, Ct. is to have some of the luster of these schools rub off on them PRECISELY because they are so hard to be admitted to. Besides they were founded centuries ago as private institutions and, to be honest, could tell the Feds to go pound sand and fund themselves privately and would if their boards were not a bunch of big government liberals.

There is nothing stopping Asians from creating their own elite college. They obviously have the economic wherewithal and academic talent to do so. Same could be said for Jews though Brandeis was a effort in this direction. The real issue is whites must not be allowed to have exclusive use of the institutions they created and built.

June 20, 2016 10:50 pm

‘Hold your horses’, unit472. “The real issue (you say) is whites must not be allowed to have exclusive use of the institutions they created and built.” Say WHAT??? This whole thing is about Asians who are more qualified and other minorities who are less qualified getting into an institution of higher learning. What’s this white thing you got going? So, you must not be allowed to have exclusive use of your car, which you earned and paid for, by that reasoning. You sound like a consummate Socialist, unit472.

I personally think that any university, restaurant, or bakery for that matter should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. The marketplace can handle quite well, without gov interference, an unreasonable denial of service. Contrary to Obama’s proclamation that “you didn’t create your business, that others (primarily gov.) created it for you”, implying, therefore, others have a say in how you run the business that you created.

Of course, when universities accept monies from gov or others, they run the risk of loosing that funding if they incur ‘the others’ ire. Universities tow the line when the gov demands minority admissions or they can expect to kiss that bribery money, goodby.

Ivy League Universities have humongous endowments and the gov threatened to tax those endowment unless the universities spent some on students and that includes minorities. Yale said that they would give incoming students free tuition as I recollect.

Yale, 28 billion-Harvard, 18 billion–Cornell, 12 billion–Stanford, 7 billion. That’s a big hunk of change.

Universities have only so many slots for incoming students. The Ivy League University my daughter attended had more than 24 thousand applicants and only 14 thousand slots. Some of these by court order, gov decree, went to minorities irrespective of their academic qualifications.

You want to fix the system–fix the courts. In fact, fix your government’s Socialist thinking.

June 21, 2016 11:03 am

Homer, this is a perfect time to apply the “self-identify” concept used by transgenders. Asians need to start self-identifying as ‘hispanic’ and problem solved!
Or better yet, whites and asians can go get one of those genetic tests and if they have 1/128th of any minority group in their distant ancestry, they are good as gold and have the science to back up their claim!