Why Trump Is Routing the Free Traders

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Why Trump Is Routing the Free Traders

In Tuesday’s indictment of free trade as virtual economic treason, The Donald has really set the cat down among the pigeons.

For, in denouncing NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, all backed by Bush I and II, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Trump is all but calling his own party leaders dunderheads and losers.

And he seems to be winning the argument.

As he calls for the repudiation of “globalism” and a return to “Americanism,” a Republican Congress renders itself mute on whether it will even vote on the TPP this year.

On trade, Bernie Sanders is closer to Trump. Even Hillary Clinton has begun to renounce a TPP she once called the “gold standard” of trade deals.

Where have all the troubadours of free trade gone? Why do economic patriots seem ascendant? Is this like the Cold War, where the other side gets up and goes home?

Answer. As Trump pointed out in Monessen in the Mon Valley of Pennsylvania, the returns from free trade are in, and the results are rotten.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, $4 trillion with China. Once a Maoist dump, China has become the greatest manufacturing power on earth. Meanwhile, the U.S. has lost 50,000 factories and a third of its manufacturing jobs.

Trump is going to start a “trade war,” wail the critics.

But the damage wreaked upon U.S. industry by free traders already rivals what Arthur “Bomber” Harris did for German industry in the Ruhr.

In recent decades, every major U.S. trade partner — China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, EU — has run annual trade surpluses at our expense. How do 40 years of trade deficits in goods, run by a nation that rarely ran one for a century before, make us stronger or wealthier?

Or is what is best for the world now more important than what is best for America?

And here we come to the heart of the argument.

Washington, Hamilton, and Henry Clay, father of the “American System,” and Lincoln and every Republican president up to Eisenhower, crafted trade policies to promote manufacturing to grow the wealth of the USA.

They were patriots not globalists.

They knew that America’s political independence required economic independence of all other nations. They wanted to build an economy where Americans would cut their bonds to foreign lands and come to rely upon one another for the needs and necessities of their national life. They sought to make us independent, so that we could not be dragged by economic ties into the inevitable wars of the Old World.

And they succeeded magnificently.

Britain, which embraced free trade in the 1840s, became so reliant on imports that a few dozen German submarines almost knocked her out of World War I. Protectionist America had to come pull her chestnuts out of the fire.

Free trade ideology is not America-made. It is an alien faith, a cargo cult, smuggled in from the old continent, the work of men Edmund Burke called “sophisters, economists, and calculators.”

David Ricardo, James and John Stuart Mill, Richard Cobden, all chatterers and scribblers, none of whom ever built a great nation, declared free trade to be the new New Testament, the salvation of mankind.

These men in whose souls the old faith was dying seized on a utopian belief that world government and free trade would be the salvation of mankind. The Economist magazine was founded to preach the heresy.

Before the modern era, Americans never bought into it. But now, our elites have. And, undeniably, there are beneficiaries to free trade.

There are first the owners, operators and shareholders of companies who, to be rid of high-wage American labor, moved production to China or Mexico or where the costs are lower and regulations near nonexistent.

Transnational companies, their K Street lobbyists, and media that survive on their advertising dollars, are the biggest boosters of free trade, as they are the biggest beneficiaries.

Consumers, too, at least initially, see more products down at the mall, selling at lower prices. Cheap consumer goods are the bribes free traders proffer to patriots to sell out their country and countrymen to capitalists who have no country.

But we are not simply consumers. We are Americans. We are fellow citizens. We are neighbors. We have duties to one another.

When a factory shuts down and a town begins to die, workers are laid off. The local tax base shrinks, education and social services are cut. Folks go on unemployment and food stamps. We all pay for that.

Wives go to work and kids come home from school to empty houses, and families break up, and move away. Social disintegration follows.

“Creative destruction” is the antiseptic term free traders use to describe what they have done and are doing to the America we grew up in.

Southeast of the old Steel City, in the Mon Valley of Pennsylvania, where my mother and her six brothers and her sister grew up, folks describe what happened more poignantly and graphically.

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July 1, 2016 9:56 am

‘But we are not simply consumers.’ How true. Most importantly, we are human resources. Well, most of us, anyway. Horse before the cart and all that.

July 1, 2016 10:10 am

Washington, Hamilton, and Henry Clay, father of the “American System,” and Lincoln and every Republican president up to Eisenhower, crafted trade policies to promote manufacturing to grow the wealth of the USA.

They were patriots not globalists.”

Jesus, help us. Is Pat really that fucking stupid? He’s a republican Southerner, so that kind of answers my question. Listing 4 people, three of whom were demon possessed traitors, and calling them ‘patriots’ is about as retarded as it’s possible for someone who presents himself as an author of historical books to be.

Pat is what the old folks where I grew up called a scalawag. In those days a scalawag was any descendant of Confederate soldiers who joined the republicans. That’s still the definition I use.

July 1, 2016 10:48 am

Has to be the most idiotic comment I have seen in a long time. Can’t help but wonder who of the four you do not consider to be a traitor?

July 1, 2016 10:56 am

Obviously Washington.

Lincoln was the most unconstitutional president we’ve ever had and should be reviled not worshiped. The over reaching federal government we have today is exactly what Hamilton dreamed about. Not sure about Henry Clay, but who can describe Washington as a traitor?

July 2, 2016 7:44 am

Moron, if you have to ask…..

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 7:19 pm


Notice these tRump supporters don’t care that you have properly called out Pat. Pat is as untouchable around here as Donnie. Time will cure their brainfog.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 9:56 pm

Bea, remember that scene in Young Frankenstein where they lure the monster back home with violin music? Trumpeteers are that way, just hum a few notes from the Donald Trump Club song and they mellow out.

Whose the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
Donald Trump!

  Bea Lever
July 2, 2016 7:45 am

“Time will cure their brainfog.”

Bea, we live in hope.

July 1, 2016 10:12 am

FREE TRADE between two consenting parties (I’ll trade you a bushel of apples for a bushel of oranges) is a benefit to both parties. CONSTRAINED TRADE (Due to regulations, fruit must be sprayed with THIS insecticide at THIS rate in THIS concentration, while your oranges must be similarly treated, both fruits inspected by a government agent, transported on electric scooters with speed controls, emission controls and a certified scooter driver and an interstate trade tax of X% paid by each party) is a bane on the world.

Constrained trade is about all we have now, above the neighborhood level (psst … I gave my neighbor some carrots from my garden yesterday, don’t tell anyone or we’ll be arrested).

July 1, 2016 11:10 am

Free Trade is an obvious misnomer. Everything issued by our government with a nice-sounding name is an albatross. It is social justice from the UN to de-develop the U.S.

Global Warming is another lie to de-develop the U.S. (proven by statements by Edenhofer and Figueres and Holdren) and is directly linked to the UN via IPCC/UNFCCC.

July 1, 2016 11:23 am

But is is Christian to put the welfare of America, our own country, first ahead of other nations?

1Ti 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” -KJV

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 12:06 pm

I guess my fact-filled post was too semitic for admin tastes. It’s gone.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 1:15 pm

Thank you for your post. I apologize, I was wrong and I found it.

Great site, BTW.

July 1, 2016 12:29 pm

No such thing as free trade. Somebody wins…. somebody loses.

The losers are the ones that HAD well paying jobs in manufacturing, in exchange for lower priced goods; the towns that HAD a stable tax base to provide a higher standard of living for it’s local citizens.

The winner’s of course, are the corporations that don’t have to pay out reasonable taxes or DECENT wages anymore, and have their raw materials and goods shipped across the borders seamlessly, without tariffs.
So there you have it…. you gave up a portion of your standard of living so that someone in China or Mexico, who didn’t have a job before, could have a better standard of living (albeit much smaller) than what you had.

Enjoy your cheaper “(insert whatever foreign widget here)” IF you can afford it…. now that your the “Wally World greeter” at more than half the wage you were previously earning.

At least Trump (in the above article) has got that one right….

Dump the free trade agreements. Corporations who moved off our soil, to enhance their bottom line at the behest of our citizens are the real traitors to our country. (OK maybe a little too harsh…..Watching too much Nigel Farage)

Happy Birthday Canada!!

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 1:28 pm

“No such thing as free trade. Somebody wins…. somebody loses.”

In genuine free trade – mano e mano, everybody wins.

You don’t understand free trade because Americans alive today have seen only crony capitalism. If we had free trade, the USG wouldn’t be forcing GMOs on the world, paying other countries to accept that poison, but that is only one example. No trade today is free, everything is manipulated. The PTB always get their cut, though they have never produced a fucking thing except misery and death.

July 1, 2016 1:53 pm

I trade my excess production of things that you need and I have for your excess production of things you have that I need, we both win.

July 1, 2016 2:01 pm

Not true….. when we both have dollars of unequal value, and enormous trade deficits between us.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 1:14 pm

What you MUST come to grips with, is that this has all been arranged and is following a plan.

SEE: The Protocols – http://www.whitenations.com/showthread.php?t=16559
SEE: AGENDA – The Jewish Destruction of America from Within – http://www.whitenations.com/showthread.php?t=8965
SEE: All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars – http://www.whitenations.com/showthread.php?t=29794
SEE: Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars (Emphasis on WWIII) – http://libertyforlife.com/nwo/albert_pike.htm

How they think: The Interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal – http://www.whitenations.com/showthread.php?t=876

July 1, 2016 2:06 pm

I like reading Patrick J. Buchanan. His books and posts show a lot of wisdom. However, I must keep in mind that he’s a member of Knights of Malta and thus owes his true allegiance to Rome.

Wherever there are polar differences you will find cheerleaders on both sides from Rome, ultimately directed by the Jesuits. In the short clip below “where is the enemy” we read between the lines of Carroll Quigley in his revealing (1966) Tragedy and Hope.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 1, 2016 2:17 pm

Swamp Thing, just summarize the shit and post it. Nobody is going to click on your links. Old flash used to cut and paste the stuff but then it comes across dry as toast. Instead, put it in your own words.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
  Full Retard
July 1, 2016 3:00 pm

The information at those links is solid, but far too deep to explain with a blip. Further, if one opens the links, you can see offhand that they were written by those with first hand knowledge to impart, not by someone blowing smoke up your ass. The links demonstrate credibility.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 7:02 pm

Swampy, I’m sure your right. I only suggested you give some narrative because folks here are notoriously loath to click on links, that’s all.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Full Retard
July 1, 2016 8:43 pm

Full Retard

The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion and the letter from Pike to Mazzini is worth reading, seriously.

July 1, 2016 2:18 pm

What Trump said on Tuesday;

“Our original Constitution did not even have an income tax. Instead, it had tariffs — emphasizing taxation of foreign, not domestic, production. Yet today, 240 years after the revolution, we have turned things completely upside-down.”

Trump has proposed a tariff of up to 45% on Chinese-made goods and penalties for U.S. companies that outsource factory work to Mexico that include a 35% penalty on Ford vehicles produced in Mexico.


Yikes!!! This is a good thing?

You ready to pay 45% more for Chinese shit … you know, like … clothes, TVs, appliances, and about 75% of the other consumer shit they make for us?

Also, I think we’re still the No 1 manufacturer in the world, or at worst, No 2. So, you seriously don’t think that those countries won’t slap tariffs on our shit?

How can this not escalate into a Tariff War where EVERYBODY loses?

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 3:05 pm

Stucky, how can you force the hand of a sovereign trading partner without tariffs? We are getting supremely screwed in all the current trade deals, we must redo them or just croak.

If there is a better way, spell it out. After the trade war, your well loved Chinese crap will be far cheaper than today, and you’ll have more money to buy it with. Reform isn’t always painless.

  Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 6:57 pm

Cheaper?? Really? Using common core math?

It’s like saying raising the min wage to $15/hr won’t raise the cost of products. Crazy.

If raising the tariff to 45% will have so many wonderful benefits for us … why not raise it to 145% … we’d all be better off.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 7:22 pm

Stucky, it doesn’t last long. Maybe a couple months, until they begin to see the results, then they cave and do the math.

July 1, 2016 6:37 pm

That extra you would pay -which wouldn’t really be that much- will remain here in our economy circulating within it and employing our people while building our overall wealth instead of going there and employing their people while building their wealth and depleting ours.

I don’t see that as a bad thing.

July 2, 2016 3:22 am

Stucky, i was going to explain some of this, but reread Pat. He explains all the downsides perfectly. Read it until it sinks in. That cheap chinese shit is the most expensive stuff america could ever buy. Free trade is like multiculturalism, a shit sandwich sold to you under the pretense that if you object, you are an uneducated rube. Anyone with any education and polish couldn’t think any other way. Right?

July 2, 2016 7:51 am

“reread Pat. He explains all the downsides perfectly. Read it until it sinks in.”

See, reading Pat’s explanations will cause you to fall into a deep sleep, fall and bonk your head hard enough that when you wake up, you’ve become a fuckin Trumpeteer.

No thanks, star, ol’ honeyboy. I’ll just keep doin what I do, OK?

July 1, 2016 7:12 pm

“That extra you would pay -which wouldn’t really be that much….”

So if I pay $100 for shoes today made in China, and Trump slaps a 45% tariff on it ….. you’re saying the new pair will not cost me $145? Or, that a $45 increase isn’t much money? wtf?

Maybe Llpoh is correct, I really don’t know shit about business.

Here’s what little I do know. A tariff is nothing but a tax at the border. Taxes enrich some, and hurt most others … just as some MIGHT benefit from the tariff, but most will not. Study after study, as well as a myriad of real life actual examples, have shown/proven that tariffs cause reduced economic growth to the country imposing them.

In the ‘The Wealth of Nations’ Adam Smith proved that international trade increases the wealth of an economy. Any mechanism designed to slow such international trade will have the effect of reducing economic growth. Isn’t this COMMON SENSE?? Yet, Trump-eteers and others think that tariffs — fuck yeah, fuck them Chinks!!! — are now wonderful. God help us.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 7:28 pm

Chrissake man…trade wars are over quickly, they aren’t permanent. It’s like the two boys that cussed all the time.

The mom couldn’t stop her boys from cussing, so she asked her priest what to do. The priest said have you tried just hauling off and knocking the hell out of them? She said no, but I’ll try anything.

The next morning the boys were coming down the stairs and mom asked Johnny “What’ll you have for breakfast?” He said “gimme some fucking eggs.” Mom hit him so hard he near went through the wall. Then mom said “Timmy, what will you have?” Timmy said “I don’t want none of them fucking eggs.?

July 2, 2016 3:29 am

Adam smith has been dead for 200 years. Is that the best you got? Fuck adam smith. And WTF are you talking about, real life examples have proven that tariffs degrade economic growth. Total bullshit, don’t turn into a parrot on us. Look around your state. Tariffs didn’t cause that devastation, LACK of tariffs did.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 1, 2016 9:47 pm

Swampy, did you hear of the priest that caught the boy masturbating?
He told the boy, son, you should save that for when you’re married.
A month later, (he was Austrian) he asks the priest, I have a bucket full already, what shall I do with it?

  Full Retard
July 1, 2016 10:06 pm

Good one. This one may have been told here before: A young priest is listening to his first confession. The girl in the confession booth is confessing anal sex. Not knowing what penance to give for this, the young priest yells out to the nearby altar boy: “hey, what does the head priest give for anal sex?”. The altar boy replies: “2 Snickers bars & a Diet Coke.”

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 10:37 pm

Then there’s the class asshole, little Johnny. Teacher was in a particularly intense lecture about classroom decorum, when Johnny dropped some licorice jaw breakers and they rolled to the front of the room. Teacher yelled “Who has black balls!” Johnny said “Ray Charles.”

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 2, 2016 2:02 am

Swampy, I was going to follow up with another Maggie level crude joke but the neo-Nazi clashes and anti-immigrant riots in the news spoiled my sense of humor. In one news video, it’s a lone neo-Nazi getting his ass kicked by a mixed mob with several blacks. In another video, a Hispanic dude was lying on the ground, obviously stabbed in the abdomen.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 2, 2016 3:56 am

Stuck, I think starfuck means that at some point it may be good to apply the brakes on manufacturing. We are buying so much shit and eating so much shit that we are bloated and our garages are full of crap we don’t use. A drink once is a while may be good but a bender will not end well.

Trump may be an asshole, I don’t care, but when you have the squirts, diarrhea can kill you. That’s when you wish your asshole would do its job.

July 2, 2016 9:04 am

Most American jobs don’t produce anything of value. You put in your hours and get your paycheck denominated in FRN dollars. You may then exchange these debt based notes for real goods produced by our slaves in the productive countries like Germany and China. Our entitlement in printing the world reserve currency has made us far and away the richest nation that ever existed if riches are measured in big boy toys and shit. So long as this scam of being able to print money continues, why would we won’t to screw it up with tariffs. WTF.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 2, 2016 9:18 am

That is utterly false. Everyone who works contributes to the whole. Some workers are just lazy scumbags that are just stealing a paycheck, but every productive act contributes to our greater good.

The problems start when socialist policies remove all incentive to excel and reap the rewards that come from it. When critical socialist mass is reached, mass deprivation and death are not far behind.

July 2, 2016 9:43 am

A tariff is just another tax. New taxes just enable more growth of government. This can only further diminish America. In order to make America great we need burn only one book. I believe it is the largest book ever created. The Federal Register. It tells the story of our enslavement. Burn it down and the American Phoenix will rise from the ashes. Tariffs? How stupid can you get!

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 2, 2016 10:13 am

“Tariffs? How stupid can you get!”

Spoken by one who truly doesn’t get it.

Tariffs are a weapon against trade cheaters, NOT against the American consumer. They are placed only so long as the cheaters cheat. Once fair trade is reached, tariffs are dropped.

Do you think cheaters don’t understand they are cheating? Without tariffs, how can we force trading partners to comply with fair trading practices? Get back to me if you can figure it out.

July 2, 2016 10:30 am

Free trade is simply voluntary exchange where both parties consider themselves to be beneficiaries of the exchange. Fair trade is an imaginary concept cooked up by politicians who demand a cut of the action. That’s what tariffs are. Statists love tariffs. When someone offers you a gift do you get angry. That’s the epitome of selling below fair market value. How insidious. We obviously need a gift tax.