UK Somali Rapist Successfully Uses the “Clinton Defence” and Rapes Again

Going back to Stucky’s Question of the Day regarding the Fourth Turning and keeping in line with the theme regarding the death of the rule of law in the West, I believe the following story puts lawyers and judges somewhere near the top of the list of folks who need their asses severely beaten for the demise of our civilization. They that do these sorts of things have no shame.

Via The Rebel


Ibrahim attacked his second and third victims within six weeks of each other in 2014 – threatening one with a Stanley knife and the other with pliers and a screwdriver. He is pictured fleeing the scene of his second attack – Pic From The Daily Mail

A convicted Somali rapist was allowed to stay in the UK after raping a woman because his lawyer successfully argued he “did not know it was unacceptable behaviour” in Britain. Now he’s raped twice again.

31-year-old Dahir Ibrahim assaulted his second and third victims within six weeks of each other in 2014. According to the Daily Mail, one with a Stanley knife and the other with pliers and a screwdriver.

In 2005 he attacked a prostitute in Edgbaston, Birmingham. When he was released, a deportation order was made.

Somehow, a judge overturned the deportation. His lawyer argued that Ibrahim came from a country where he witnessed atrocities and didn’t know what was acceptable in the UK.

“It was more opportunistic then pre-planned,” Jabeen Akhtar said. “No long-term physical injury was sustained by the victims.”

Allowed back on the streets, he raped two more women. His second victim was lured down an alleyway. The third endured ‘abuse and humiliation’ as she was threatened with a pair of pliers and a screwdriver before being raped.

A few days before going to stand trial, he plead guilty and is expected to finally be deported.

The expectation of low expectations allowed for two women to be brutally raped. Once again, political correctness is to blame.


Convicted Somalian rapist Dahir Ibrahim, 31, was allowed to stay in Britain after overturning a deportation order only to brutally rape two more ‘vulnerable’ women, it has been revealed. Pic from the Daily Mail

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July 6, 2016 1:58 pm

At least the British Authorities aren’t racist. In the future when the last of the Whites in Britain are enslaved or muzzie, they can proudly state that at least they weren’t racists.

July 6, 2016 2:28 pm

Rape in England can result in a sentence of life imprisonment, at least for a British subject, that is. If one is a Somali Islamic barbarian and a serial rapist, he simply gets an all expense paid trip back to his homeland. Once there, the savage will probably set out again for another European country, perhaps Germany, where groping and such is not frowned on….as much.

Feed him to the pigs, Errol