Clinton Takes the Persuasion Lead

Guest Post by Scott Adams

As amazing as this sounds, I watched a video clip of Dr. Drew explaining to CNN’s Don Lemon that Trump does NOT show signs of insanity or dangerous narcissism. Indeed, as Dr. Drew explained, some healthy narcissism is probably helpful for leaders because they want to be seen as successful. (I have said the same in this blog post, and also this one, which are totally worth another look.)

Is the amazing part of this story that Dr. Drew thinks Trump is probably sane?


The amazing part is that Team Clinton’s persuasion is now so powerful that the question of Trump’s sanity seemed like a legitimate question for the press.

Okay, okay, I know you don’t think the press is legitimate, and CNN is clearly favoring Clinton. But even under those conditions you still need events in the real world to support your pro-Clinton narrative. And apparently CNN thought it had that justification. They had cover from all the pro-Clinton pundits who are saying Trump is mentally unbalanced (with different language).

Keep in mind that Trump has run an empire for decades, raised several great kids, doesn’t drink or do drugs, and has no known history of mental issues. And as I have explained, the craziest stuff Trump does is mostly (but not always) compatible with good persuasion technique as we know it.

The stuff Trump does that isn’t part of persuasion technique, and still looks crazy to you, is something unfamiliar in the political realm: honesty and politically-incorrect humor. For example, when Trump said about McCain’s war record that he preferred someone who didn’t get captured, it was an adaptation of a well-known joke form, and it made me laugh when I heard it, in large part because it was so politically incorrect. The wrongness, along with the clever twist, is what made it a joke. See my six dimensions of humor to understand why.

I support the troops, by the way. But I think most of them know the difference between a bullet and an offensive joke. Only one of them is harmful.

Anyway, my point is that Clinton’s campaign has such strong persuasion going right now that she is successfully equating her actual misdeeds of the past with Trump’s imaginary mental issues and imaginary future misdeeds.

Clinton’s side (which is my side too, for my personal safety) has made you fear the imaginary monster under the bed so you’ll ignore the thief going through your drawers. That’s weapons-grade persuasion.

I still predict a landslide win for Trump because of the Shy Trump Supporter Effect. But he’s losing on persuasion in the past week or so. That could change on any given day.

In related news, Trump’s comment on Mrs. Khan’s silence at the Democratic convention made the country go nuts for a week. On the surface, it looked like a terrible week for Trump, as team Clinton successfully framed his comment about Islam and gender into something about their son, which it wasn’t. In the long run, you’ll forget Trump’s insult. But you will never forget the optics of Mrs. Khan deferring to her husband on stage. Short term, Trump got slaughtered on that issue. Long term, Trump has enough credibility with veterans that it won’t matter any more than the McCain joke did.

But you won’t forget the visual of the Khans on stage, and the husband looking in charge. That will stick with you. It was a gutsy persuasion play from Trump, but we will never know if it worked. My best guess is that the whole situation is just a bump in a long road.

If you support the troops, you might like my book, because both of them have a sense of humor.

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August 3, 2016 5:34 pm

I have enjoyed “Dilbert” as a cartoon for some time. Now, Dilbert’s creator, above, is growing on me as well. Like Trump, this dude is Tricky with a capital T.

August 3, 2016 6:03 pm

Ya, his Clinton “endorsement” what quite masterful, some on here even bought it.

It will be interesting to see how this Khan thing plays out. If there is anything to the story that his primary work at the law firm revolves around refugee resettlement, that could reverse this narrative, big time. The only hang up is that it will see zero coverage by the MSM, which is, sadly, where most people still get their news.

I think the bigger story in all this “clinton takes the lead” talk is a lot more subtle than the obvious headline. The real story, to me, is that even with the entirety of the MSM firmly in her pocket, covering for and ignoring all her many scandals, ignoring the Clinton foundation(can you imagine if trump ran something similar, took money from all over the world and only used 9% of the money for actual charitable work?), ignoring the violent leftist protestors, always giving her favorable coverage while talking about only trumps gaffs, outspending him in every way, AND top republican talking heads coming out in her favor, she STILL can’t get ahead of him by more than a couple of points, and thats according to polls that are worded to fall in her favor.

Can you imagine her running without all this media help? She’d get slaughtered, it wouldn’t even be close.

August 3, 2016 5:35 pm

Clinton is taking two things: jack and shit. When you have to roll out the fucking lame duck oreo to give a press conference, you know you’re in trouble. All this media and establishment pearl clutching is doing is steeling the resolve of the silent majority. Is this the best you’ve got, motherfuckers?

August 3, 2016 5:47 pm

Fuck CNN! They sure as hell have been in Clinton’s pocket the entire primary season. If Clinton was ahead by even 1% when polls closed, they’d call the state for her. On the other hand if Bernie was ahead by 1% it would be “too close to call”. Fucking Wolf Blitzer.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 3, 2016 6:41 pm

I really cant bare to listen to any of what The Rump or The Hellbeast or what The Pundit clown bus has to say about anything.

Combined the Suck they give equals the vacuum of empty space.

Truth is like Poetry.
And most people hate Poetry. ~From “The Big Short” mooovy.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 3, 2016 6:49 pm

Do I believe Trump will be a great president ? Probably not however reasonable doubt must prevail on his behalf ! Do I believe Hillary Rodham Clinton will be an a absolute disaster for our nation as president ? Absolutely ! No doubt ! The Clinton power couple would not understand honor integrity if it slapped them in the groin ! Sadly I believe their daughter has a similar mental disorder . The ability to accept and promote anything as long as they or their chrony supporters profit and fuck everyone and any body that gets in the way . There is a term for people that get in The Clinton machines way “ARKANSIDE” ! Yes look at the trail of bodies that will lead from Hope to DC it’s an impressive series of coincidence and it’s always someone who may “spill the beans or cocaine (Bills bad heart you know)

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
August 3, 2016 7:17 pm

Let me open with this:

Similarities between “Greasers” and the current right

We all remember the “greasers” from the 50’s movies? Here are some similarities that make me think the current right takes their cues from them:

– Greasers look tough.
– Greasers talk tough.
– Greasers “take care” of something (double-punch to the inside of their own open hand.)
– Greasers are the ones you want to side with in a schoolyard brawl, even if they started it.
– Greasers use foul, incorrect language. They claim it’s so they don’t appear “square”.
– Greasers know insiders from outsiders and claim to protect their “turf”.
– Greasers don’t like complicated logic.
– Greasers get glossy-eyed around math.
– Greasers measure themselves by popularity and attention; the only standards they respect.
– If needed, Greasers will obtain that popularity and attention by bullying.
– Greasers actually do get the girls (at first.) Considering the type of girls, they deserve them.
– Greasers respect and condone violence as the “natural condition” of mankind.
– Greasers have short, attainable goals that aren’t difficult to explain (to other Greasers.)

To the current right: Republicanism isn’t about any of these things. If you are any of these things, kindly refer to yourself as a Greaser and leave the actual Grand Ol’ Party alone.

Then I’ll follow with this:

Trump is proving my ‘Greaser’ analogy once more.

A ‘Greaser’ in detention might intentionally drop a ruler on the floor, only to show-off to their friends that they have the ‘courage’ to challenge the detention-monitor. His friends will be impressed, but they’re the only ones who are ‘inside’ on the ‘joke’.

Donald Trump: “You can get the baby out of here”…

Then he mockingly called the Purple Heart “Big stuff” and flippantly said “I’ve always wanted one. This was much easier” after he was given one by a veteran.

Then there were the attacks on the Gold Star family.

These are baseless and random attacks on a more legitimate authority by a group desperate to usurp said authority (exactly the tactics of the Greasers.)

These are insider jokes that meet the ears of only the minions who blindly follow the ‘rebel without a clue’, only to prove that they are ‘tougher’ and ‘cooler’ than their opponents.

We are now witnessing the mechanism of a radical, jealous fringe group attempting to gain power by hijacking and twisting the values of a legitimate, peaceful and powerful nation.

We can no longer claim not to know how vicious, insidious groups take hold.

I’ll leave it to the reader to supply the names.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 3, 2016 7:23 pm

Lately I have been using the following analogy- can you tell the difference between a friendly dog and a dangerous dog? How long does it take to discern that difference?

Now imagine that if you were to mention that there was a difference between a friendly dog and a dangerous dog you’d lose your job, be rejected socially and seen as a bad person with a sick and twisted perspective that should be avoided, because everyone knows there is no such thing as a dangerous dog.

Would that kind of risk change what you think about dogs, or would you just shut your mouth and avoid dangerous dogs without commenting on your aversion?

Inside that voting booth the only question anyone is going to be voting on is do you know the difference between a friendly dog and a dangerous dog.

I guess we’ll see how people feel when no one is there to judge.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 3, 2016 7:42 pm

What a fantastic analogy HF!!

From my small circle of friends and acquaintances — about half who are normally Democrat — I can tell you that that not one of them … except my libtard seester and her tubby hubby … are voting for The Bitch. They would deny this if they ever got a call from a pollster.

Small sample, yes … but if it holds true across this land, there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Clinton Camp this November. Fuck what the MSM controlled polls say.

August 3, 2016 7:32 pm

If they pull the handle and flush clinton into the white house you can kiss MSM goodbye. Nobody, not even the lunatics who drool over her, is going to listen to that voice for 4 years. There won’t be a single person in merika watching the news any more.

August 3, 2016 7:37 pm

Admin / others

Who the fuck is this ass-clown, “Stranger than non-fiction”? Is it DP? I hope this ass-wipe troll sees the door sooner than later.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 4, 2016 1:45 am

Ah… a fagula.

  Iska Waran
August 4, 2016 6:10 am

Actually, the word is fagela, if you meant the Yiddish word.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 3, 2016 7:45 pm

“We are now witnessing the mechanism of a radical, jealous fringe group attempting to gain power by hijacking and twisting the values of a legitimate, peaceful and powerful nation.

We can no longer claim not to know how vicious, insidious groups take hold.”

What nation are you talking about?

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
  hardscrabble farmer
August 3, 2016 10:01 pm

Figure it out, farmer. You’re the genius at analogies.

And Administrator, I notice once more that you attack attributes YOU assign to me, never my arguments.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Stranger than non-fiction
August 4, 2016 1:46 am

I’ll attack your arguments. They are those of a fagula.

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
  Iska Waran
August 4, 2016 6:29 am

I wait with bated breath…

August 3, 2016 7:55 pm

“It will be interesting to see how this Khan thing plays out” —– Gator

The same way an airliner blown out of the sky killing hundreds of innocent people over Ukraine played out …. forgotten after a few weeks. The same way Ebola was going to wipe out thousands of Americans …. forgotten after a few weeks. No one will remember that Kahn mooslimfuk by the end of this week or next. No one.

When Kahn pulled out that [supposed] Constitution from his pocket … does he not look like a CRAZED TERRORIST wanting to lop off an infidel head?

[imgcomment image:small[/img]

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 3, 2016 9:27 pm

So bla bla Muslim lost his life in a battle against terror or so we are told I will never diminish the sacrifice of any one who puts the uniform on and goes to it ! However I still have a great deal of contempt for people who don’t get it ! Our American intervention in the Middle East has been nothing less than a waste of blood and treasure in my 62 years of life ! An old movie line spoken by a father of sons regarding them enlisting to fight in the Civil War , “ANY OF YOU BOYS WANT TO JOIN THIS BAND OF FOOLS” ! We do not need shit from the Middle East nothing that includes oil and a modest section of the people . Should we have a serious need for the oil in the Middle East fine quit attempting to make nice nice . Thomas Jefferson found out what these religious macho assholes understand so quit fucking around with it . Give them a fucking war or bring our people home and starve the fuckers out . Refugee my ass just a 50/50 shot of anothe murdering basturd America does not need !

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
  Boat Guy
August 4, 2016 6:30 am

Your math skills are impressive!

August 3, 2016 11:19 pm

Is it politically incorrect to mention that the Koran grants absolution to those who lie in order to advance the cause of Islam? And which religion does this Khan belong to, again?

This to me is the great disqualifier of Islam, that it allows and sanctions lying and leaves it up to the believers to decide what “advances the cause of Islam” (however you translate that clause from Koranic Arabic to English). You literally cannot depend on a single word spoken by an Islamic, since you cannot know when / if / why they are lying to you.

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
August 3, 2016 11:35 pm

I’ve been in that exact situation myself, jamesthewanderer.

August 4, 2016 7:33 am

James , Judaism also allows lying to us goy. Lying is a bedrock principle of Judaism. Just Google … Judaism justification of lying …