Our Society Is Sick, Our Economy Exploitive and our Politics Corrupt

Guest Post by Charles Hugh Smith

Any society that tolerates this systemic exploitation and corruption as “business as usual” is not just sick–it’s hopeless.

In noting that our society is sick, our economy exploitive and our politics corrupt, I’m not saying anything you didn’t already know. Everyone who isn’t being paid to deny the obvious in public (while fuming helplessly about the phony cheerleading in private) knows that our society is a layer-cake of pathologies, our economy little more than institutionalized racketeering and our politics a corrupt auction-house of pay-for-play, influence-peddling, money-grubbing and brazen pandering for votes.

The fantasy promoted by do-gooders and PR hacks alike is that this corrupt system can be reformed with a few minor policy tweaks. If you want a brief but thorough explanation of Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform, please take a look at my book (link above).

If you want an example of how the status quo has failed and is beyond reform, it’s instructive to examine the pharmaceutical industry, which includes biotech corporations, specialty pharmaceutical firms and the global corporate giants known as Big Pharma.

I hope it won’t come as too great a surprise that the pharmaceutical industry isn’t about cures or helping needy people–it’s about profits. As a Big Pharma CEO reported in a brief moment of truthfulness, We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping the Sick

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“Already this year, Valeant has increased the price of 56 of the drugs in its portfolio an average of 66 percent, highlighted by their recent acquisition, Zegerid, which they promptly raised 550 percent. Not only does this have the unfortunate side effect of placing the price of life-saving drugs out of reach for even moderately-insured people, but it has now begun to call into question the sustainability of this rapidly-spreading business model.

Since being named CEO in 2008, Valeant has acquired more than 100 drugs and seen their stock price rise more than 1,000 percent with Pearson at the helm.”

Longtime correspondent John F., M.D. has been sending me a steady stream of media accounts of pharma companies jacking up prices by 400% and 500%, even though the medications are off-patent and have been around for years or even decades.

Mylan’s EpiPen price increases are Valeant-like in size, Shkreli-like in approach

John F. explains the context:

“The Epi-Pen (or the generic equivalent) is the only thing that people with severe allergies – including many children – can carry that will save their lives if used at the start of a severe allergic reaction. There is no substitute. The maker, Mylan, has increased the price six-fold over the past few years. Epinephrine is a very old generic drug. It is the packaging that makes it patentable. There is absolutely no reason for the cost to make Epi-Pens to have increased.

People who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to food or insect stings need these – they are absolutely essential to save their lives. Epinephrine has been generic since I was in medical school in the ’70s, yet the FDA have allowed the manufacturer to increase the price 600% in the last few years.

There is a generic substitute for the Epi Pen now, but they jacked the price of it up to around $400 (it’s near the end of the article). These kits are cardboard boxes with two plastic syringes with one needle each, with a little medicine in them. I can’t imagine they cost more than $10 to make, and they have been around since I was in medical school in the ’70s, so it’s not like they must recoup extensive research costs.”

40+ Drugs to Be Dropped By Insurance (via John F.)

“I wrote to you about the huge increase in price of colchicine, an excellent drug for people with gout, and sometimes the only drug they can use, which is generic, but the FDA allowed a manufacturer to jack the price to the sky in the past 12 months. Now, the two major pharmacy benefit companies are dropping it from coverage. I can’t emphasize this enough – this is the only drug some patients can take for a disease that sometimes is life-threatening (can cause kidney failure), and by all rights should be ten cents a pill or less.”

Unsurprisingly, pharma sales have been soaring. Take cheap generic drugs and jack up the price by 400%, and it’s no surprise that sales have risen from $550 billion annually in 2004 to over $1 trillion in 2014.

Global pharma sales to reach $1.3 trillion by 2018 (from $1 trillion in 2014)

All of the exploitation, deception and corruption has been well documented in dozens of reports and books. Here is a small sampling of recent titles on the sickness of our pharmaceutical/”healthcare” systems, the political system that funds and enforces these pathological systems and the tragic consequences of these pathologies.

The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It (Dr. Marcia Angell, The New England Journal of Medicine)

How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America (Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical and scientific officer of The American Cancer Society)

Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients (Dr. Ben Goldacre)

Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health (Dr. H. Gilbert Welch)

Less Medicine, More Health (Dr. H. Gilbert Welch)

Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine (John Abramson, M.D)

Here is a sampling of the reviews posted by readers on Amazon re: Overdosed America:

I have been a physician for 10 years. I have seen my profession gradually being taken over by the pharmaceutical industry. I have seen countless patients harmed – alas even killed – by drug reactions and polypharmacy.

I have sat and listened to countless drug representative presentations that were outright falsehoods and misrepresentations. It has been months – maybe even years that I have had available to me a medical education conference that was not somehow tainted by drug company money and therefore propaganda.

I have repeatedly had patients in my office begging me for medication that they do not need. They want it simply because it was on TV News last night – and came with a promise of metaphysical salvation. I spend much time every day dissuading patients from taking medication they simply do not need – indeed may even cause real medical problems.

The issues that are discussed in this book are very very real – and the scary part is I do not see my fellow physicians doing a single thing to address these huge problems.

*     *     *     *     *    

Abramson gives specific examples where published drug studies focus on recipients non-representative of typical (target) users – eg. younger, and less prone to adverse reactions. Sometimes the reported data show (if one has the time to read carefully) that the true targets do WORSE with the medication, and this finding is obscured by positive results with the more numerous (atypical) younger selected test patients.

Other medical research reporting ploys utilized by drug companies include: 1)reporting initially positive results, while omitting adverse subsequent outcomes, 2)combining serious (when increased) and minor (when decreased) adverse event numbers to cover up problems, 3)comparing a strong dose of a new medicine with an inappropriate weak dose, comparing a new drug with a placebo, instead of existing efficacious drugs, 4)not reporting negative drug trials, 5)failing to point out that lifestyle changes often provide much better results than drugs, and 6)pulling advertising from medical journals running unfavorable articles.

*     *     *     *     *    

As a consumer who believed until recently was an “informed consumer,” I was shocked to discover that the information I was getting on the National Institute for Health’s website “pubmed.org” was less than definitive when it came to clinical trials. With Dr. Abramson’s book, I now understand that those clinical trials, which most doctors depend on in helping them treat their patients are wildly distorted.

I applaud Dr. Abramson for writing this book. Just as Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” served as a catalyst for supporting changes in how we respect our environment, physicians, consumers and politicians should read this book and take action to protect our nation’s health.

The political corruption that enables and enforces this sick, exploitive system society is equally obvious and well-documented. Sir Angus Deaton, recipient of the 2015 Nobel Prize in economics, recently summarized the innate corruption of the American status quo in a Scientific American article (Sept. 2016 issue): How Inequality Threatens Civil Society: A spiral of slow growth and rent-seeking by powerful interests pose a danger to democracy (subscription required; or try to find a print copy at a library)

“In the U.S., we spend enormous sums on health care, much of which has little or no effect. This system is fiercely defended by those whose incomes and power come directly or indirectly from the nearly one-fifth of American GDP that health care absorbs.

The very size of the health care and financial sectors gives them political power that makes them very difficult to control. These sectors then become engines of inequality, generating huge rewards for some while slowing growth and undermining innovation.”

Any society that tolerates this systemic exploitation and corruption as “business as usual” is not just sick–it’s hopeless. No, you can’t fix this layer-cake of pathological deception, exploitation, corruption and racketeering with the usual pathetic “reforms” offered by lobbyists, insiders and think-tank lackeys: the status quo is itself the source of the sickness and the rot.

My new book is #18 on Kindle short reads -> politics and social science: Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform ($3.95 Kindle ebook, $8.95 print edition) For more, please visit the book’s website.

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 3:02 pm

This is a really great article. Of course, no one ever mentions the perps in all this criminality.
The pharma industry is all owned by jews, as are all 6 major news media. The paper fiat currency central bank scam created and owned by jews. The medical,legal scam, Hollywood. All owned by jews. There are 31 jew CONgress critters are jews. 12 SINators jews. Only a 600% overrepresentation.
5 jews on the (not so supreme Ct.) Lets not forget the most vile, evil 2 leged POS on the planet,old sorry soros. On and on it goes.
Now, we must pray that they do not assassinate Mr. Putin.

  Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 3:03 pm

So maybe cream rises to the top.

And maybe you’re jealous of that.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 3:10 pm

And perhaps you are a gov agent, or a jew?

  Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 3:37 pm

While I am no sympathizer for Judaism at all, the truth is that Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elana Kagan and Samuel Breyer are the only three Jews on the Supreme Court. The remaining five justices – Roberts, Kennedy, Sotomayor, Thomas and Alito are all Roman Catholic. Scalia was also a Roman Catholic.

Whether Ginsburg, Kagan and Breyer are evull joos or regyoulah joos, I can not say….

  Jack Lovett
August 22, 2016 12:42 am

Jack! look out behind you! It’s TH’ EEVULL JOOS!

Ahaha…just kiddin. You shoulda seen your face.

  Jack Lovett
August 22, 2016 8:03 am

No, you’re just a moronic asshole that is ashamed to acknowledge his own shortcomings and failures and, like all leftists and irresponsible”, has to blame it on someone else rather than himself.

Fuck off you worm.

Start taking some personal responsibility for your life, moron.

August 21, 2016 4:46 pm

Go fuck yourself, anonymous coward.

August 22, 2016 8:06 am

So you hate Jews and blame the world’s problems on them.

Not surprising from a leftist, they all stand against Jews and have for thousands of years, but the Jews are still here and those who hated and tried to exterminate them are gone.

Ever wonder if there is a reason for that?

Probably not, far beyond your intellectual capacity to ponder such things.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 4:43 pm

OK, once you got on the ‘it’s the Jews’ train, I began to roll up my pants legs.
Then you end with a little prayer for Putin?
You want to fuck him too?
Am I missing something?

The following are why I don’t tell people I read this alt-right site:

TBPers for Putin.
TBPers for Satan.
TBPers for Trump.
TBPers for Genocide.

  Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 4:48 pm

Yeah, Jack. It’s th’ eevull joos. They fucked your horse, too, I’ll bet.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 21, 2016 4:56 pm

There are unwritten rules of TBP. That’s because Stucky hasn’t written them down.
One of them concerns – how to recognize a shithead commenter:
If he or she starts blaming an entire demographic, race, nationality or gender you can begin to discount the comment as coming from a shithead cocksucking inbred moran who is married to his sister.

  Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 8:24 pm

Jack Lovett–Thanks for explaining why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. It’s them dang Jews. Those Jews are taking over. What is a Goy to do? Get circumcised I guess and pass as a Jew.

Hey! Isn’t Lovett a Jewish name? I think it is! I bet you’re circumcised too!

August 21, 2016 3:02 pm

Of all those drugs out there, I wonder how many of them are to treat diseases that weren’t considered diseases before the drug to treat them was developed?

“Restless legs syndrome” is one of my favorite examples of this.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 21, 2016 3:08 pm

That is a sign of magnesium deficiency of course.

August 21, 2016 10:07 pm

You’ve apparently never laid awake for hours as your leg went into spasms every time you almost got to sleep. Restless leg syndrome is absolutely real regardless of whether there is any prescription medication for it or not. Yes I take extra magnesium and potassium and it doesn’t help. No, I do not and will not take any prescription medication for restless leg syndrome or anything else for that matter unless it is proven to my satisfaction that it is absolutely necessary.

August 21, 2016 10:44 pm

Annie, maybe restless leg syndrome is a sign from Jeebuz that you need to get up and kick somebody’s ass!

August 22, 2016 9:42 am

My husband’s restless leg is/was so bad before he started taking medication for it that he literally kicked me so hard one time I got mad and kicked him back.

Requip seems to be helping a LOT.

Joseph Constable
Joseph Constable
August 21, 2016 10:27 pm

I have RLS. Thank g_d for the drug companies that help me keep it under control and live a normal life. My main drug is one that is used to treat Parkinson’s. It is still fairly expensive. The other drug, just as important really, is a reapplication of a drug that was nearly extinct because better ones were found for its original purpose. This drug is really inexpensive. And, it has replace my use of codeine which I appreciate.

Drug companies create chemical and biological miracles with which to increase shareholder value. The incentive is a good one. Government funding would never ever provide anything for RLS.

  Joseph Constable
August 22, 2016 9:44 am

My husband took the Parkinson’s med for his RLS for more than a decade. It was getting ineffective.

ReQuip has worked like a miracle for the last few months. (Knock on wood because the other worked great for the first year or so)

August 21, 2016 4:26 pm

It’s trickle down immorality. Once a few hogs at the top set the example, all the other little piggy’s try to follow it. This results from a total absence of honest leadership at any level.

August 21, 2016 5:04 pm

Even in the corrupt world we live in it’s possible to be successful. You can spend your days crying and whining or you can get to work to live and breath freedom.
1) Get the fuck out of debt.
2) Work your ass off every day to put yourself in a position to succeed.
3) STOP worrying about the corrupt lying mother-fuckers that want to rule over you.

I have been broke and I mean BROKE twice. It took going broke the 2nd time to realize how I had bought into the debt-slave system. I started the business I now own when I was absolutely BROKE. In two years of a sucking economy I have managed to go from $1.2 million in sales in year one to 4 million sales in year two.

You know how I did it in an economy that sucks and in a state that seems to hate small business owners? I have WORKED my ass off. I am sick and tired of everyone fucking whining about how fucked up everything is and yet don’t do jack to get out of debt or push through the crap in spite of how hard it is.

I had a friend of my son’s call and ask for a job. I tried to talk him out of working for me, but he was determined to work in construction. The dumb shit is married, 22 years old and living in Mom and dad’s garage. I thought maybe he wants to get out of the garage and make a life for himself…….NOPE….. The little shit (6′-4/230lbs) quit after three days…….. Too much time away from home and the drive was tooooo far. He never should have told me that……..

DUUUUDE LIFE IS FUCKING HARD!! I work 80 hours per week to take care of my family. Go fucking work in Starbucks and live in a garage your whole life.

Fuck the millennial generation!!! And everyone else who is sitting around complaining about all the bullshit going on. GET the fuck to work. Want to see the world change? Stop whining and GET to WORK.

The biggest problem is the parents!!! Yes, That’s you and me. Another friends son has quit college and is living at home. No RENT; a part time job. THAT is BULLSHIT. I offered to put him to work and get him SCARED straight…..

The mom to me: “Can he try it for a few days “part-time” to see if he likes it?” With an attitude like that the KID is doomed!! NO he can’t work part-time at a full-time job. Tell him to get the fuck out of the house and work. If he wants to quit after 3-days kick him out of the house and tell him to get to work.

My point. LIFE is always, always, always fucking difficult. And if a dumb-shit like me can figure out how to make a buck after being totally broke (Twice) anyone can do it.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 5:09 pm

Evvull joos do exist and they do control 90% of all that is in your world do they not?

Why shoot a messenger? FR….who do you blame for all the ills in the world? Or do you spread it around through all of humanity…because if you do you are missing the BIG picture.

  Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 8:11 am

Evil Whites do exist, and they control virtually everything and keep anyone else from being able to get anything.

Ask Farrakhan to explain this to you if you don’t understand, every problem in the world is your White fault and he can tell you why without hesitation. He can explain why the world will be perfect once Whites are exterminated.

My two sense
My two sense
August 21, 2016 7:47 pm

Do you remember how you felt when a cherished belief was first challenged?

For many of us, the first reaction was anger.

“How can there be no Santa Claus?”

When our older brother or sister first told us ‘the truth’ we probably first got mad at them. But we didn’t stay mad for long.

After the anger, we probably held that person to be some kind of confidante, maybe even our protector.

America right now is suffering from a similar crisis.

The front runner of the GOP is a man who has us convinced that our system is irreparably broken.

The other candidate is exactly the character that fits nicely into the first character’s play.

America is suffering a crisis of confidence in the very system of beliefs they cherish: Democracy and Capitalism has failed, and we (the people) weren’t ready to fix it yet.

What better time for a despot to come calling? A man so full of himself that all he can point to as his strengths are the weaknesses of others?

Who else would say both that ‘Your lives don’t matter’ and ‘I hope I get your vote because you couldn’t possibly do any worse.’

And the alternative is simply doing more of the same.

We are told by the so-called Democrats that it is justified to give fat-cat executives bonuses while laying-off factory workers, because the company is just “Too big to fail.”

If it is true that Capitalism and Democracy have failed, then what is the alternative?

Whom do we choose? A despicable, diabolical tyrant who has confidence only in his own vision and sees himself as the only savior, or a somewhat ‘friendlier’ despot who plies the very system so well we know we’ll get nothing more than a slower death by ‘more of the same?’

This is a failure not of Democracy nor of actual Capitalism but a failure to provide the environment in which both could grow with the symbiotics needed for the true expression of each.

I can only begin to name the numerous institutions that have failed so far, IMO: The education system, the social unit, the arts, the uses and purpose of scientific endeavor…

I’m usually not so gloomy though. This election has been long!

  My two sense
August 21, 2016 9:07 pm

My two sense sez, “…Democracy and Capitalism has failed,…”and in a fit of redemption, he sez, “…This is a failure not of Democracy nor of actual Capitalism but a failure to provide the environment in which both could grow…”

I ran it thru my ‘Truth Checker’ and what it said is that (1). Democracy is always short lived as system of government and leads to Facism and Socialism. (2). Capitalism, idiomatically speaking, hasn’t been practiced in America for the last 100 yrs. Don’t confuse what is called ‘Crony Capitalism’ for Capitalism. ‘Crony Capitalism’ is Capitalism with taint of Fascism. Capitalism with a Fargo touch, so to speak.

“This is a failure not of Democracy nor of actual Capitalism but a failure to provide the environment…” Say what??? You don’t need an Environment for your idea of Democracy or Capitalism. Capitalism is the ENVIRONMENT. Duh!

Democracy is a terrible form of governance as even the ancient Greeks realized. Ever hear of the ‘tyranny of the Majority’? That’s Democracy. Mob rule!

When I was a kid it was a Republic, then it was a Democracy within a Republic, now it is a Democracy. That’s how the Republic was taken away from you, you ignorant dumb smucks!

Look! A Republic may not be the best form of government, but it is miles ahead of anything else that you can think of to replace it.

My two sense
My two sense
August 21, 2016 9:33 pm

A democratic republic based on a free and even playing field. Missed by you, Homer, probably because of the lack of an education-system that would allow you to see such things.

What I added was “the true expression of each” which anticipated and ‘Trumped’ your counter-argument.

If not the failure of the current ‘system’ and the environment that failure produced, what then caused such anger? (And anger is the food on which TBP feeds itself…)

August 21, 2016 10:09 pm


August 22, 2016 10:17 am

Assigned reading in the PoliSci Master’s program… a class called “Politics and Power of Equality”


  My two sense
August 22, 2016 8:20 am

America IS irreparably broken, no one can fix it.

Best to be hoped for is to mitigate the results of an impending social, cultural and economic crash to be sure something worthwhile remains after it is over.

Trump maybe can do this but no one, even Trump, will be able to prevent it or reunify America as the nation it has been in the past.

Hillary will hasten it, make it worse, cost un told lives in the process and probably make sure America never recovers as a single unified, independent and sovereign nation again.

Your choice, vote for one outcome or the other or, like so many here that don’t care, just don’t vote and let someone else decide for you.

  My two sense
August 22, 2016 10:13 am

My two sense says: August 21, 2016 at 7:47 pm
“How can there be no Santa Claus?”

My son refused to believe me. He said “Right… I suppose you are going to try to tell me you and Dad bought me all that stuff?”

I think part of the problem “we” face as we witness the end of the baseball game, the consumption of apple-flavored pie and the lagging sales of overpriced Chevrolets is that what we believed to be true was always just propaganda. The principles we based our faith in our country upon were carefully crafted promotions to encourage us to get jobs, pay our taxes and shut the fuck up.

August 21, 2016 8:17 pm

@My two sense you wrote:
“This is a failure not of Democracy nor of actual Capitalism but a failure to provide the environment in which both could grow with the symbiotics needed for the true expression of each.”

Are you sure you want democracy?

“Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams


“Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.” Aristotle

BTW, WTF is a “social unit”, is that like a prostitute?

August 21, 2016 9:12 pm

Grog–good thinking. Keep up the good work!

My two sense
My two sense
August 21, 2016 9:29 pm

No, actually it’s the family.

You don’t even recognize that anymore, do you Grog?

August 21, 2016 10:12 pm

HA HA HA…”social unit”?
Does it mean nuclear family?

My two sense
My two sense
August 21, 2016 11:29 pm


It means the foundation unit necessary to allow all other cohesive units to follow. If that’s a ‘nuclear family’ to you, so be it.

  My two sense
August 22, 2016 12:44 am

2sense, I thought social unit was that thing that you get a social disease in. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

My two sense
My two sense
August 22, 2016 3:22 am

I wouldn’t know anything about where one gets a social disease.

Enlighten me, Ed.

Is it a special unit like at the hospital?

Joseph Constable
Joseph Constable
August 21, 2016 10:37 pm

This article is just CHS’s communism coming back out. In his early days of writing he advocated for roving truth councils.

The problem of high medical costs is lack of competition. The entire medical industry cartel, a label once used if not coined by CHS, has monopolistic protections from top to bottom, from Federal, state, and local governments. Some of the worst comes from local government. It is at the local level that MRI’s are controlled. If there was competition there would be $400 midnight specials but you don’t see them do you.

The American public will tolerate this and a lot worse.

August 22, 2016 12:27 am

Not playing into the jew baiting or Catholic or any other religion , any group that claims to have the one way to God , nirvana what ever I run like hell generally they are full of shit . Remember most evil people motivated by greed to have to hold stick together and are typically slicker than a shit house rat and have the moral attitude that makes a whore blush at least a whore offers a service unlike most CEO’s or Congress people yep the evil money grubbing basturds are in control an one is about to take the whitehouse no not RICHIE RICH but Hillary oh hear her roar and never answer to a fucking thing that other Americans are wearing orange jumpsuits over