He’s dumber than a sack of hammers and has made over $120 million being a mediocre quarterback. His story of oppression is heartbreaking.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
August 28, 2016 1:09 pm

Screw the NBA and NFL!

August 28, 2016 2:13 pm

I didn’t know he was oppressed! 120 mil you say–Boy, I sure would like to be oppressed like that.

August 28, 2016 2:26 pm

Fuck that worthless piece of shit .This is one of the reasons I Hate sports and half breed niggers.

August 28, 2016 2:31 pm

From what I’ve heard he’s also a Muslim, a Nation of Islam style one.

(Can’t personally vouch for the validity of that since I haven’t personally verified it, so you may want to look it up yourself to be sure.)

August 28, 2016 2:33 pm

I support his right to say whatever he wants to say. Want to be a dumb motherfucker and make some stupid political statement? By all means, be my guest.

I also support the right of the fans to say “Go fuck yourself” by refusing to pay a single nickel into that team’s coffers (via ticket sales, apparel, concessions, etc.) until that lousy shithead is kicked to the curb. The fans need to punch that team in the wallet, and hard.

August 28, 2016 5:37 pm

Compare his behavior to Usain Bolt, a Jamaican.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 28, 2016 2:33 pm

I was born a poor black child , give me a fucking break ! When 13.3% of the population require 50% of taxpayer funded welfare services and 50% of the prison spending and consider the billions spent on education and job training programs and still it’s just not enough now we have to find pity for some black guy that pulls down $120 mill . As homey would say ” I don’t think so”

  Boat Guy
August 28, 2016 5:01 pm

Not only that, but the rate at which blacks are shot/beaten/arrested by cops is actually low when you consider the amount of crimes they commit. They may be shot at something like 2.5 times their % of the population, but they commit far more than 2.5x of crimes. That “young black men” group that is supposedly suffering so much at the hands of cops commit something like 50% of all violent crimes in this country despite only being about 4% of the population.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 2:48 pm

If what Anon says is true, is this ass clown really worth us wasting our time on the keyboard? Really, who has a shit to give?

August 28, 2016 2:59 pm

I saw on TV that he didn’t stand when the National Anthem was played. The reason he gave as I understand it was the oppression by the US.

I, also, don’t stand when the National Anthem is played, unless I’m standing. The reasons I give are some what different. I refuse to engage in a slavish ritual that others do out of fear of embarrassment and being ostracized if they don’t do the expected thing. Kinda like the loyalty oath or McCarthyism and Hollywood black list. I’m reminded of Senator Dole standing with hand over his heart all the while screwing the American people. What Chutzpah! I’m contrarian, sorry, I was born that way. I don’t get caught up in the fervor of the times.

The National Anthem is a symbol of the government in the same way that the cross is a symbol of Christianity. I choose the symbols that have meaning for me very carefully because they are a powerful motivator, and I hate being manipulated. The association is that the symbol (National Anthem) is good, therefore, the government is good. That may not be the case, especially so in all things. Like people, the government is a network of like minded people, they can do good or they can do evil and the government has done both and in many cases to extremes.

To be critical of government is to accept the limitations of government. It is what a thinking person does when confronted with a glaring inconsistency. Unthinking individuals parrot the mantra regardless of the truth suggesting a different reality. I think of the Democrats and their supporters on MSM saying the same thing on different channels, often in the same words, pushing the Progressive agenda. I mean how dumb do you have to be not to see the blatant manipulation and, you say, you’re still a Democrat spouting the same inane ideas. Go figure!

Concerning, Kaepernick, sometimes we do the right thing for the wrong reason.

Please, don’t tell me, “I fought in the 1st-2nd world war. I’m a PATRIOT with capital “P”.” Oh! So were the 60 million Nazi Germans, patriotic with a capital “P”. I know what you’re going to say, “Ya! But we had God on our side.” God doesn’t take sides and if He did it would be for those that follow His law. SORRY! Reality is harsh!

August 28, 2016 3:16 pm

Thanks for that missive. Well said, expresses much of my own thinking.

August 28, 2016 4:44 pm

Double down on that Homer.

August 28, 2016 3:33 pm

I wonder how many who complain about this and other issues with pro sports will be tuning in to the next game? How many pay extra for dozens of cable channels to watch it?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 4:02 pm

I realize that I am old AND old school but why in the world have the fans not booed this disrespectful, ungrateful panty waste SOS off the field at every game? How dare someone take 120 million then spit in our face. Fuck him……turn him into a poor person.

  Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 6:39 pm

Bea, he didn’t spit in your face. The fact that you were offended says more about you than about him. He didn’t disrespect your cherished beliefs. You took it that way. Maybe you should review your cherished beliefs. This isn’t feudal Japan with the code of the Bushido.

To me, it sounds like the Muslems and their cherished beliefs that get offended. He didn’t do what you wanted him to do, too bad, take an aspirin and go to bed.

P.S. He’s one of the quarterbacks I like watching.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 29, 2016 6:26 am

When you frame it that way I have to agree with you Homer. No harm no foul. It does bother me to see fans not stand but it is a free country not North Korea.

August 28, 2016 4:13 pm

Strong arm and legs, weak mind, bit of a limit.

August 28, 2016 4:45 pm

I believe this transcends race. It is deeper than the color of one’s skin. It is primitive and primal. For where there is smoke, there is fire. And behind such blatant hypocrisy, infernos rage. Oh, the stupidity! It burns.

August 28, 2016 6:22 pm

White people should not watch negroes do anything.

August 28, 2016 6:48 pm

I enjoy excellence no matter what race.

August 28, 2016 7:01 pm

“The National Anthem is a symbol of the government in the same way that the cross is a symbol of Christianity. I choose the symbols that have meaning for me very carefully because they are a powerful motivator, and I hate being manipulated. The association is that the symbol (National Anthem) is good, therefore, the government is good.”

P.S. Your comment about Bob Dole was just plain fucking baseless and stupid.

I’m about to throw the bullshit flag. Out of my back pocket it comes, and whoosh!!!!, there it goes.

The National Anthem is a song, written Francis Scott Key to honor the SIGHT of the American flag still flying at Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812. Both are symbols and used by our fellow citizens to honor our COUNTRY, not the fucking government.

You can’t find a website more critical of the assholes in the federal government, elected or unelected. That’s probably why you’re here. You’ve found like-minded people. But most of us likely honor and show respect to our flag, which is the #1 symbol of our country. Get it, Homer?

August 28, 2016 7:27 pm

Reign up your horses, SSS. I remember Bob Dole, hand over heart, being a good American doing what the audience expected of him, being politically correct. If I was in his position, I would most likely have done the same. But being a moral person, I would never have allowed myself to be in that position. Bob Dole was a republican hack, which why he was the Republican nominee for president in 1996. The good ole boy taking care of the good ole boys.

Francis Scott Key you say. Tell me something that I don’t already know. Ya, it was inspiring to listen to, but why is everything inspiring symbol wise have to do with war?

Here is something you don’t know SSS. Your COUNTRY is the GOVERNMENT if you haven’t noticed. If there ever was a country aside of the government, tell me when. They’re synonymous.

I honor those that do things above the cut and do it honorably, but some how you think that everyone should be compelled to do as you do. If you want to stand with your hand over your heart and sing the National Anthem, do it to your hearts content, but leave others that don’t share you particular beliefs about honor, alone. You’re a belief Fascist. Get it, SSS!

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 28, 2016 7:36 pm

Kaepernick had one really good year and he was fun to watch at that time. But disrespecting the country that gave him so much by allowing his talent to be recognized and rewarded is stupid.

He’ll likely fall like a rock from this, and deservedly so.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 7:39 pm

Homer- Are you native born, if so you need a ass whoopin.

  Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 7:52 pm

Born and bred in the briar patch! I’m conflicted about America. America is schizophrenic and conflicted. I can’t think of America except in those terms. To do otherwise is to deny reality.

My allegiance is to God not the State which makes me unpatriotic and disrespectful, I guess.

Anyway why is it, Bea, when things don’t go the way you think they should, you resort to violence?
Ass whoopin! Who made you the arbiter of politically correct thinking. Ass whoopin–sheesh!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 7:42 pm

I may be old Homer but I can still whip the shit out of you.

  Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 7:56 pm

I’m older than you and I say you couldn’t whip your way out of a wet paper bag. You’re acting delusional, you don’t even know me. Take your heart medicine and simmer down.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 8:03 pm

They used to take canaries into coal mines because they would show signs of carbon monoxide toxicity long before the miners would feel it. No one is ever reported to have gotten angry with the canary for laying there, feet up in it’s cage.

That a well paid athlete who has enjoyed more of the privileges and benefits of the society he derides than the vast majority of the people he blames for his good fortune is a symptom of the poison flowing through his veins. He’s the canary, Amerikwa is the coal mine and anyone with any bit of good sense should be heading for the exits.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 8:26 pm

I’m renting a room from Llpoh!

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 28, 2016 8:23 pm
August 28, 2016 8:27 pm

Hardscrabble: with all due respect, anyone with a lick of sense should stop spending their Fall afternoons(best time of da yr) sitting in front of the tv watching this shit!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 8:51 pm

I don’t follow sports. Don’t understand the fascination people have for it if it isn’t their kid playing.

August 28, 2016 8:29 pm

Ah yes, but is there anywhere left to exit to ?

I went to a church service down here in Lynchburg VA this morning as I am down here dropping off my eldest son to college and he asked us to drive him and 3 friends from the dorm to the church. The pastor stated in his sermon “God only gives one as much money as they can handle”. I sat there and thought, “how absurd”. This Colin story reminded me the statement he made is more than absurd.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 8:52 pm

God gives people money? I never thought to ask Him before.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 9:11 pm

As I said, absurd. But if He does, the gubbermint takes half first.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 9:47 pm

See what you’re missing! Next time ask!

August 28, 2016 8:44 pm

Ha, ha! Homer’s gettin’ all like…

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 28, 2016 8:57 pm


August 28, 2016 8:50 pm

“I honor those that do things above the cut and do it honorably (rare in American politics – I choose Ron Paul as an honorable citizen), but some how you think that everyone should be compelled to do as you do (not so). If you want to stand with your hand over your heart and sing the National Anthem (I do), do it to your hearts content, but leave others that don’t share you particular beliefs about honor alone (I will as long as it’s done peacefully). You’re a belief Fascist (oops, you just stepped over a red line). Get it, SSS! (see below)”
—-Homer@SSS, with a few of my comments in parens

You’re an ignorant slut, Homer, who has just demonstrated the last refuge of an intellectually bankrupt fool who accuses those who disagree with your views of being a Fascist, Nazi, racist, bigot, or pick your pejorative. Fuck you, asshole.

August 28, 2016 9:24 pm

Here we go. Is this the beginning of a classic TBP shitfest?
SSS, here’s one from your favorite band:

Don’t want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It’s going out to idiot America

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay

August 28, 2016 9:39 pm

SSS, you can call me anything you want. Just don’t call me “late for dinner”!
Idiomatically speaking of the word Fascist, I know what it means and it was proper usage.

I might add that unjustified spurious name calling is “…the last refuge of an intellectually bankrupt fool…”! Where’d I read that before? Hmmmm!

I, also, think that Ron Paul was a cut above the rest. Wish we had more like him. Hey! Wait! We got HiLlARY! Nice try Homer, but you missed that by a mile or maybe a 1000 light years.

August 28, 2016 9:03 pm

Cuntpernik is in uniform and being paid. He is bringing his employer into controversy.

He can protest all he wants on his own time.

If he worked for me he would be gone. He would have to sue me to get paid.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 9:15 pm

If I was his employer, I’d make him the ball warmer or Gatorade fetcher of whatever would humiliate him the most and NEVER let him out of the contract. Cheerleader? Big headed mascot? Sell peanuts?

  hardscrabble farmer
August 29, 2016 12:18 am

HSF – $18 million a year to carry water – not on my watch. But I like your attitude.

August 28, 2016 9:43 pm

I agree. It was ill founded. He should have taken a pee and excused himself. You do have some obligation to the employer that’s handing you a paycheck. The employer deserves respect until it is shown otherwise.

August 28, 2016 9:46 pm

This dumb ass doing his part… to make blacks hated even more. Right in there with flash mobs, looters, welfare queens, knock out artists, etc. etc. …. Good job Asshole.

August 28, 2016 10:53 pm

He probably envisions himself as a leader of some sort.

August 28, 2016 11:29 pm

Certainly the National Anthem trancends the current politcal pig sty we find ourselves in, including all the accumulated layers of shit. Further, it could be used as a lighthouse, providing a source of illumination for the future,an enduring reminder that shit has always been fucked up and shit. Yet Americans have always managed to hang together promoting Liberty and Freedom. At each 4th turning in our history, individual liberty has advanced in some demonstrable fashion.
The band is setting up, whats it going be this time?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 12:14 am

Homer has shown himself to be disrespectful and arrogant. NOT a good look Homer….but then you have no shame.

What kind of American stands behind a musloidfuk half nigger over his country, one who does not have my respect. Don’t let the door hit you in the arse leaving for a place that better suits you Homer.

  Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 8:34 am

Bea–WTF are you talking about??? There are things that I have done that have hurt other people, where I haven’t acted as Godly as I should have and for that I am ashamed. But in my own defense I was young and inexperienced and am sorry for my actions.

But I take issue with you on being disrespectful and arrogant. I have rarely if ever resorted to name calling on this site. I have tried to be respectful of the commentators, but not necessarily their ideas. People have differing beliefs and their ideas are aligned with the beliefs that they hold regardless of the appropriateness of those ideas or beliefs. As far as arrogant goes, I’m neither overbearing or insolently proud. You use these words as a means of ridicule and condemnation as they are deficient in fact. Bea, you ostracize those that don’t think the way you do. That’s the very definition of arrogant and you name call which is the very definition of disrespect.

Perhaps, you should take a good look at yourself and examine your beliefs and ideas. I’m not holding my breath on that.

I was born here. What give you the unmitigated effrontery to suggest that one should leave if one doesn’t think as you do, to meet your beliefs. That is the very definition of Chutzpah!

Remember, when pointing a finger at another, three are pointing back at you.

P.S. If I used big words that you don’t understand that’s what they have dictionaries for.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 12:02 pm

Homer – I take back that you are disrespectful and arrogant, you are just a garden variety moran. NEVER take sides against we who are still true to our country in favor of a dipshit half nig musloid, it’s that simple. What is wrong with you and the other idiots like you?

  Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 1:10 pm

Bea, it’s better to be a moran than a moron.

I hope you are just as true to your Country when you are eating out of dumpsters and wonder why your Social Security check won’t buy you a one way ride on the Staten Island ferry.

You can put your trust in the State as you choose. I mean it’s worked so far. Tomorrow will be just like today!

What’s wrong with us, you ask? We have brains in which to think. It’s not a vestige organ like in some people.

Bea, I have another big word for you. Incorrigible!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 1:32 pm

Homer- We are a occupied nation by forces that are intent to bring us down. Here are some words for you, perfidious, recreant, apostate….which is what you become when you align yourself with the occupiers. They put these nation of Islam fuks out front for a reason, get a clue.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
August 29, 2016 1:44 pm

Oh yeh Homer …………..From the looks of the downers, I’m not the only one here who thinks you are full of shit.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Bea Lever
August 30, 2016 10:17 am



August 29, 2016 1:01 am

@ ILuvCO2
If you post one more link to a

August 29, 2016 1:05 am

@ ILuvCO2
If you post one more link to a Green Day song, you’re on my permanent shit list.

I’m the coolest old man on this site re songs. I like fun tunes with a beat. Here’s my latest fav.

Sia – Cheap Thrills (Lyric Video) ft. Sean Paul – YouTube

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 29, 2016 8:03 am

Blood will ALWAYS tell. Look at the picture. In the center is this showboating thug, a weird-looking mongrel freak. Next to him are his “parents”, his adoptive parents of course. I know these people. You all know these people. Nice, kind, caring, generous, color-blind. They are exactly what is wrong with our country in this moment of peril. Yes, they are all those good things America used to be, but they are also naïve, foolish, goofy and useless. Kaepernick is the product of the coupling of some white slut and a black, almost certainly a minor or major criminal. He is genetically doomed and should never have been born. His whine about oppression is gut-churning. This bastard should be hog-tied and shipped to Angola. I just read about the beautiful young girl from New York who was kidnaped, tortured, gang-raped, murdered and fed to the alligators in 2009 by Kaepernick’s “brothers”. This kind of story is becoming all too common across the country. Only the sordid details change. As I have said before, I feel for the many good black people out there. For God’s sake, they have to live with these monsters and thugs. But enough is enough. If you are a professional sports fan, kick the habit. Take up reading or some useful pursuit. Don’t give one cent to these ungrateful assholes.

August 29, 2016 8:42 am

Colon Kapernick is a nigger and 120,000,000 won’t change that. The real problem is sports fans continue to support NFL, NBA and MLB when they condone anti white activity. Screw them. I will not be spending any money on them or even watching their pet chimps on TV. I will not participate in my own destruction.

August 29, 2016 9:12 am

Best part will come in a few years when he files for bankruptcy.
Can’t fix stupid

August 29, 2016 9:39 am

True, “you can’t fix stupid”…

But you can capitalize on it to distract the sheep.
“Look… something shiny… never mind the private server behind the bathroom curtain!”

August 29, 2016 9:21 am

Did it ever occur to you people that all this media attention paid to Colin Kaepernick is just a media ploy to draw your attention away from HiLlARy’s problems with the Clinton Foundation, moving it to page 21 behind the obits.

Out of sight out of mind as the saying goes.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 30, 2016 10:18 am

“Did it ever occur to you people….”

well they would have to think first

August 31, 2016 12:29 am

The stars and stripes of our flag has special meaning to me. My dad stood before the first one atop Mt. Suribachi during the battle for Iwo Jima when it was planted. It was the true flag representing the American people and country. The armed forces today wear the flag on their uniforms with a gold border around it. That and the flag with the gold trim represent the corporation of the United States of America. Notice it next time you visit a courtroom or government office.

Questioning your thought process
Questioning your thought process
August 31, 2016 12:50 am

He never said he was opressed. Should he not be allowed to voice an opinion because he has done well?

Ron Paul has done well in this world, should he not worry about the state of this nation?

Edmund Burke stated “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Kaepernick has no criminal record, why should he have to keep his mouth shut just because he has made money playing a sport?

Ron Paul and Colin Kaepernick cannot be compared in stature, but does making money and/or being successful mean you cannot have a say in the affairs of the nation?

In this military state the first target are blacks, an easy target, but next will be a new group.

I am surprised that this site has a hard time seeing it this way. Just remember:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.