Doug Casey on Why You Shouldn’t Take This Election Seriously

Guest Post by Doug Casey

At least on first glance, you’d think things couldn’t get much worse in Canada in general, and Alberta in particular. Commodity prices are all down—some near historic lows in real terms—and Canada is all about commodities.

Then, last year, Canadians elected Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister, who can be counted on to promote absolutely every politically correct Big Government notion that crosses his mind and make the wrong decision at every opportunity. “Bold new programs” are always fun at the beginning. And since the Canadian government is in better shape than that of the U.S., it will be fun squandering whatever is in the piggy bank.

Not to be outdone, the Albertans elected the NDP for their provincial government; Canada’s NDP is best compared to the Bernie Sanders wing of the U.S. Democrats. They’re doing their best to bedevil oil, agriculture, and business in general, even trying to unionize family farms.

Before last year’s election, Alberta had, by far, Canada’s lowest taxes. It was the only province without a sales tax, which averages 7% in the other provinces. It had a flat 10% income tax; in other provinces, it averages 15% and up to 25% in Quebec. Alberta’s per-capita GDP was higher than that of the U.S., and typically 20% higher than the rest of Canada. It had the freest economy, and no provincial debt.

Now, they’re about to get a 7% sales tax, the income tax is graduated up to 15%, the province is taking on debt, and the legislature is active with lots of new regulations. And my read is that their real estate market is about to crash. Way too many people own multiple dwellings suffering negative cash flow.

Still, I suspect the average Canadian, or Albertan, is about a standard deviation better educated than his counterpart south of the border. Of course, that’s not saying much, especially when it comes to politics, which, in any event, is mainly an indicator of psychological aberration. Churchill was right when he said that the best argument against democracy was a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Why did the poor fools vote in Trudeau nationally, and the NDP provincially? The best answers I could get were things like “It seemed like a good idea at the time…” or “I guess it was time for a change.”

Maybe it’s understandable; the ruling party they evicted is called—believe it or not—the Progressive Conservatives. A name like that, which is a contradiction in terms, is proof of how degraded political discussion has become. The Progressive Conservatives should adopt this for a motto: “We’re very confused about what, if anything, we stand for.”

Anyway, I’ll wager the Albertans kick out the NDP in 2019 because the economy will be very bad. But you can be assured the new taxes and regulations will stay in place.

But whatever happens in Canada is a sideshow compared to the main event in the U.S. As you know, I’ve been on record for a year saying that Trump will win. I still think so, despite the fact that every pundit in existence rails against him daily, spewing visceral hate. They call him a racist, which is actually a lie. Racism has become such a hot “no-go” topic that no one even dares discuss what it is—forget about its pros and cons. It will be the subject of a future End Note. They call Trump a sexist, which is another lie. I’ll cover sexism in the same essay. That will also provide an opportunity to discuss immigration (perhaps more accurately called migration) policy today.

The average middle-class, middle-aged American doesn’t give a damn about racism or sexism, however, because they basically only exist in the imaginations of the Politically Correct. But it doesn’t really matter any more what the average white male American thinks; he’s become the laughing stock of the rest of the world. He’s gone from being the King of the World to a bumbling, overweight, uneducated, bigoted, near-bankrupt parody of himself. What we once thought of as the “average guy” in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and even the 80s is on his way out. The PCs and the migrants have pretty well transformed the U.S.

Trump is the desperate “last hurrah” of the old order. An FYI: I don’t support Trump per se, even though, given the alternative, I hope he wins. It’s clear he has all kinds of dangerous authoritarian tendencies. And has all kinds of really silly economic notions. But the good news is that he may—to at least a degree—upset the Deep State’s apple cart, at least until he’s co-opted into the Deep State. No matter who wins, this election is going to be ugly. So try not to take it very seriously. Put the Stone’s “Street Fighting Man” on continuous loop instead of your TV’s regular audio, and enjoy. Before you rush to cancel your subscription, I hasten to add that, like any right-thinking person, I actively despise Hillary.

So what’s going to happen? The Deep State will do everything it can to keep things looking rosy for the next three months. The worse things get, the more likely the capite censi are to vote for Trump; the better things look, the better things are for Hillary. That may make Trumpistas closet Leninists. Lenin said, “The worse things get, the better they get.”

What more can the Deep State do? I used to think it was metaphysically impossible to have sub-zero interest rates, especially after creating trillions of new dollars. But it seems anything is possible in Bizzarro World.

I guess they’ll create trillions more dollars and use them to buy bonds, mortgages, and even stocks. So, despite stocks, bonds, and real estate being way overpriced, the smart money has to bet on things holding together until November. On the other hand, the average guy not just in the U.S., but around the world—as shown by Brexit in the U.K. and the surprise victory of Macri in Argentina—is mad as hell. We’re looking at a worldwide upset, not just one in the U.S.

And there are things out there, like the total and complete bankruptcy of the Italian banking system, where the Deep State is truly between a rock and a hard place. If they don’t bail it out, it could easily set off a deflationary collapse. If they do bail it out, then they’ll need to create hundreds of billions of new currency units just for Italy. Plus, more for banks in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, and who knows where else.

Here’s the bottom line. We’re going into the trailing edge of the gigantic economic storm that broke in 2007. The Greater Depression is going to be nasty and long lasting even as technology moves us toward The Singularity. It makes sense to increase your physical holdings of gold and silver coins.

And hang on to your hat.

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September 3, 2016 8:03 am

I ask this question with all due respect to the author.

How can he begin with “Churchill was right when he said that the best argument against democracy was a five-minute conversation with the average voter” and then argue for the rights of ‘the average guy’ who has “gone from being the King of the World to a bumbling, overweight, uneducated, bigoted, near-bankrupt parody of himself”, lamenting the demise of some form of Democracy?

I think he expressed it best with his statement “We’re very confused about what, if anything, we stand for.”

In any case, the author redeems himself by stating that he does not have the answer to the political questions raised in his essay but fears the economic collapse that is likely to follow such a state of political affairs. He does so in his closing lines.

September 3, 2016 8:10 am

I’m not understanding whatever point the author (Casey) is making, or trying to make.

Or why he is trying to make it.

Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
September 3, 2016 12:38 pm

You morons missed it because you didn’t want to see it: Trump is the desperate “last hurrah” of the old order.

Remember the domino theory? Its premise was that when something happens in one country, the same shit will happen in the neighboring country.

Doug isn’t covering all the bases to prove right whatever happens, he is saying that there is a contagion going around and it will infect all countries.

He concludes by saying that the USA (the walking dead) is already infected and the poultices applied for the last ten years have only disguised the virulence of the infection.

September 3, 2016 9:08 am

I’ll clarify. Casey smart. Casey clairvoyant. Casey covering all bases, so no matter what happens, he predicted it, though he didn’t like it. Casey is probably a good guy, just completely freaked out by the Trump landslide peeking over the horizon. His world is about to get turned upside down, and he’s not quite sure what that means. I have some friends going through exactly the same thing

September 3, 2016 10:34 am

Canada’s enormous residential real estate housing bubble has exploded. Its so fresh that the financial debris blown up, is still on its way back to roost. Along with that the commercial real estate sector is in the process of collapse, with a long fall yet to go. You’ll be able to hear it when it hits bottom! Canada is now in recession, on the way to a “Greater Depression”. The USA won’t be far behind.

Usually when the US economy catches the sniffles, the Canadian economy comes down with the flu! This time because of the election delay, the US economy is standing on a knifes edge, while balancing on the edge of an economic abyss. And the Canadian economy is out in front this time exploring the realm of bankruptcy and beginning to hunker down, getting ready for a long Winter.

September 3, 2016 11:24 am

OutlookingIn – And the best part is Canadians can’t even see it coming!!!

I have to laugh when Doug says Albertans have two or more dwellings –
“Ah Yes Fiatman – you do have come out and enjoy the grand kids to our getaway at Glacier National Park!”

Ah – No thanks.. I’ll take a pass…..

September 3, 2016 12:07 pm

While Trudeau is a twit and the Alberta NDP are clueless the blame for Alberta’s dismal financial state rests entirely with the Alberta ‘Conservative’ Party and their decades of economic incompetence – gifting royalties to the oil companies and then pissing away the revenue they did collect. 40 years of free money from pumping goo out of the ground and no money saved for the rainy days which are here.

In numbers for 2013: Alberta kept a mere $4.38 per barrel of oil in 2013. Alaska managed around $38 while Norway raked in over $80.

Norway, who developed a similar resource base but operated for the maximum benefit of it’s people, and not of the oil companies (goddamned Socialism for ya…) now have over $800 billion in their sovereign wealth fund.

Amazing how guys like Casey are so willfully blind to fairly assigning blame for incompetence.

September 3, 2016 8:07 pm

Jim, this is something i know nothing about, but isn’t Norway’s SWF sort of a rainy day fund for when times get tight? Aren’t they doing with it exactly what it was set up to do, get them through a soft patch with no reduction in services to citizens? If that is incorrect, why does the fund exist? Be gentle, again, i don’t know anything about this, just making what i would consider to be common sense presumptions

September 3, 2016 10:23 pm

OK, but my question is, why would they save money if not to spend it when things get tight? Isn’t that what it’s for? Does it have another purpose? Excuse my ignorance. Like I said I know nothing about this. This is just what common sense would lead me to believe. Doesn’t mean there’s not more to it

September 4, 2016 6:08 am

Cool. Thanks for setting me straight. The ZH article was a little puzzling to me.

September 3, 2016 12:58 pm


Right you are to point out the line , “We’re very confused about what, if anyrhing , we stand for. That is THE problem with America. I can’t get Riser or Maggie to answer the simple question, who is “THEM” t

Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
September 3, 2016 1:11 pm

Bea, Merica was confused back in the 50’s when it didn’t know what it wanted in the midst of plenty.

Mericans now are burned out barflies with no illusions.

They seek out a sex-change, implants, alternate lifestyles and foreign heroes (Putin) to assuage their doubts.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 1:00 pm


Right you are to point out the line , “We’re very confused about what, if anything , we stand for. That is THE problem with America. I can’t get Riser or Maggie to answer the simple question, who is “THEM” that Trump is not one of.

Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
September 3, 2016 1:20 pm

Trump is not one of the go along to get along crowd. He’s not a boot-licking politico who will say anything to get into your wallet. He is not a poor dolt like Nixon who saw politics as a way to the top. He’s not a Hitler or a Churchill.

He is neither here nor there, a besides the point kind of guy who will not address the economic threat to the world. He simply wants to batten down the hatches, throw the Jonahs overboard and hope his crew of Trump kids plus Melania make it through the flood while carrying a load of 330 million wild creatures in Merica.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 10:48 pm


OT but what name did you go by in 2010 on TBP? You have had so many?

El Coyote
El Coyote
September 4, 2016 12:06 am

Bea, I’m embarrassed to say because as a noob, I was a little shy and boring. I got bored re-reading my own stuff that pops up from the past.

I had a GF one time and she refused to let me look at her yearbook pic. I wrestled the book out of her hands and found this pic that looked like the creature from the black lagoon. She started crying. I have the gift of hurting women’s feelings.

Anywhoo, let’s just leave it at Elpidio and Filomeno.

I remember when you came here. I warned you about your wording and you said you’d left yourself wide open like a whore on a Saturday night. Very cool entrance into TBP. Wish I’d been so confident.

September 21, 2016 8:46 am

Arrest the turd, seize all the foundations’ assets and give ’em the bird…