Hillary Breaks Silence; Says Whole Pneumonia, ‘Stumble’ Thing “Wasn’t That Big A Deal”, Admits Happened Before

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Hillary Clinton broke her post-9/11 silence tonight with an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Claiming that she felt dizzy but did not lose consciousness (all video evidence aside), the presidential candidate proclaimed that she didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal,” and is now “feeling so much better.” Cooper did press Clinton on the number of times this has happened – more than once – but Clinton took the opportunity to ironically call out her opponent for his lack of transparency.

So judge for yourself. This is what happened…


And this is what she told Anderson Cooper…

As CNN reports, Hillary Clinton said Monday night she’s “met a high standard of transparency” about her health and didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal.”

Clinton said she felt dizzy and lost her balance Sunday, but did not lose consciousness, and is now “feeling so much better.”


“I was supposed to rest five days — that’s what they told me on Friday — and I didn’t follow that very wise advice,” Clinton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a phone interview.


“So I just want to get this over and done with and get back on the trail as soon as possible,” she said.

But during her interview Monday, Clinton sought to turn criticism of her secrecy over her illness into an attack on Republican rival Donald Trump.

“Compare everything you know about me with my opponent. I think it’s time he met the same level of disclosure that I have for years,” Clinton told Cooper.

She said her campaign didn’t publicly reveal her diagnosis because “I just didn’t think it was going to be that big of deal.”

Finally,  Cooper asked about Bill Clinton’s remark in an interview with Charlie Rose that she has occasionally become dehydrated and gone through episodes like Sunday’s, and how many times that has happened before…

“I think really only twice that I can recall,” Clinton said.


“You know, it is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life, and I’m aware of it, and usually can avoid it,” she said.

So a ‘stumble’ that appeared more like a full drag, leaving a shoe behind… has happened before… but “wasn’t a big deal.” Ok.


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September 13, 2016 7:02 am

LOL! That is some epic BULLSHIT right there!

If her shoe fell off her cloven hoof and was left behind, what about the metal object that fell out of her pants? I didn’t see any evidence of Dr Feelgood or the white, bald dude hitting her with an injector pen and if they did I can’t see them leaving it behind. I can’t believe they left her shoe behind actually.

I had a look at some of the body double “evidence” last night. There’s enough there to arouse my suspicions. I’ve wondered for some time now why some images of her show much smoother skin than others taken only days or weeks apart but I put it down to photoshop. Now I’m not so sure.

September 13, 2016 8:08 am

lmao–you had me at “cloven hoof”..good stuff

September 13, 2016 9:59 am

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September 13, 2016 10:12 am

I have no doubt that Clinton has more than one body double, so I checked the evidence. I did not check any of the body double “evidence” posted online, but I did a simple check of my own comparing a couple pictures of her talking to the crowd and getting into the van at Chelsea’s place to several other pictures. I specifically checked the chin and what you can see of the ears (which is just the lower half, given her hairstyles). To me it looks like it was the “real” Clinton leaving Chelsea’s place unless it was a really good body double.

September 13, 2016 8:13 am

The Rodhamster could have had rabies but her illness isn’t the issue. The real issue is, once again, the Rodhamster lied about it. For all we know she is still lying about it. She violated basic procedures created for her security to try and hide the fact she was ill and she still has not been examined by independent medical professionals.

Having a personal physician is all well and good if you can afford it but as Elvis, Michael Jackson and others would testify to it doesn’t mean you are getting proper treatment or diagnosis!

September 13, 2016 8:42 am

I am hoping she gets very similar treatment from her private physician as did Michael Jackson.

September 13, 2016 6:08 pm

Yep, said that yesterday… give her the milk!

September 13, 2016 8:42 am

Everybody knows she is unwell. What really pisses me off is that there’s not one fucking patriot in that cabal of people surrounding her on a daily basis who has even an ounce of courage to come forward and expose the truth. At some point the truth will come out that she’s got serious health problems, and at that point all these people around her who are hiding her secret should be tried for treason to the country.

September 13, 2016 10:32 am

Alex Jones claims to have gotten some information from current Secret Service agents assigned to Clinton, so if that is correct some of the people around her are trying to get the message out. I would think that most of the people around her understand the reduced life expectancy of anyone who spills the beans so I’m not surprised that none of them are coming forward in the open.

September 13, 2016 4:29 pm

whomever would dare “tell the truth” about Hil’s illness would be
deep sixed and the data would be scrubbed. We know 5-6 (it changes)
corps. own “all media.” How much “alt-media” do you imagine they
control? BTW, do not trust the fall “flu” shot. Guillian-Barre’ Syndrome
(GBS) is a nightmare. Gee-on bar-ray/phonetic. At the least, inform yourself.

September 13, 2016 9:14 am

And kept a great sense of humor throughout, the lack of which ability is a hallmark of a leftist.

September 13, 2016 9:13 am

I doubt if Pneumonia is the real problem even if it is real and not just a contrived excuse (would Hillary lie?).

If it is real (IMO and I’m not a medical professional to take it FWIW) it is the or one of the end results of some greater health problem that seriously impairs her.

One of the things a President does is call on foreign powers to represent the United States to them and their people, how is Hillary going to do this with these health episodes starting to predominate her life?

And that’s just one item of her presumed Presidential duties.

The job of President is an extremely physically stressful job in today’s world and I doubt Hillary has the physical ability to handle it, this needs to be pointed out as regularly as possible to those thinking of supporting her or those that can be persuaded to drop support.

It will be of no value to anyone, left right or middle, to elect an invalid to office who will have to be quickly replaced so we can have a functional Presidency.

john coster
john coster
September 13, 2016 10:09 am

Hillary’s record of causing mayhem internationally and, as per Wikileaks, her having certain document classifications altered to justify placing them on a personal server should disqualify her, as far as I’m concerned. However, these videos add a new level of insanity to our current predicament. Some of her bizarre gestures and freezes are so odd that I can imagine only two possible explanations. Either she does have Parkinson’s or some other debilitating physical condition (most likely) OR she has a personality disorder that triggers an abnormal response to stimuli. Check out the mouth agape bug-eyed reaction to the balloons at the Convention. She has a completely unnatural affect, the look of the stereotypical crazy person. This is really alarming to me. When that big black security guy catches her and we hear him say “keep talking”, the whole charade disintegrates. Look, I expect a little corruption, if not on the level of the Clinton Foundation, but this is madness, the collective madness of the Washington establishment and all their assembled cronies. Even if I liked Hillary’s record and agreed with her on every issue, I would be really concerned. If she’s not practicing for a role in the next “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, she’s clearly sick one way or another. Before checking out this post, I never put much credence in the health issue. I sure do now.

DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 13, 2016 10:27 am

Finally a law even Hildabeast must obey…


  DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 13, 2016 4:34 pm

Ha ha ha ha ha
good one Deplorable DaBird

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 13, 2016 9:37 pm

Winner, winner chicken dinner.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 13, 2016 4:48 pm

Michael Savage reported that the blue sunglasses she was wearing on 9/11 are special prescription glasses for sufferers of epilepsy seizures. Made by Zeiss in Germany, not available in the US.


Also reports of her black ‘doctor’ at her side much of the time is carrying a flashlight to help guide her way through crowds and not an Epi-pen. Hmmmm.