Last Chance for the ‘Deplorables’

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Speaking to 1,000 of the overprivileged at an LGBT fundraiser, where the chairs ponied up $250,000 each and Barbra Streisand sang, Hillary Clinton gave New York’s social liberals what they came to hear.

“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” smirked Clinton to cheers and laughter. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” They are “irredeemable,” but they are “not America.”

This was no verbal slip. Clinton had invited the press in to cover the LGBT gala at Cipriani Wall Street where the cheap seats went for $1,200. And she had tried out her new lines earlier on Israeli TV:

“You can take Trump supporters and put them in two baskets.” First there are “the deplorables, the racists, and the haters, and the people who … think somehow he’s going to restore an America that no longer exists. So, just eliminate them from your thinking…”

And who might be in the other basket backing Donald Trump?

They are people, said Clinton, “who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them. … These are people we have to understand and empathize with.”

In short, Trump’s support consists of one-half xenophobes, bigots and racists, and one-half losers we should pity.

And she is running on the slogan “Stronger Together.”

Her remarks echo those of Barack Obama in 2008 to San Francisco fat cats puzzled about those strange Pennsylvanians.

They are “bitter,” said Obama, they “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustration.”

In short, Pennsylvania is a backwater of alienated Bible-banging gun nuts and bigots suspicious of outsiders and foreigners.

But who really are these folks our new class detests, sneers at and pities? As African-Americans are 90 percent behind Clinton, it is not black folks. Nor is it Hispanics, who are solidly in the Clinton camp.

Nor would Clinton tolerate such slurs directed at Third World immigrants who are making America better by making us more diverse than that old “America that no longer exists.”

No, the folks Obama and Clinton detest, disparage, and pity are the white working- and middle-class folks Richard Nixon celebrated as Middle Americans and the Silent Majority.

They are the folks who brought America through the Depression, won World War II, and carried us through the Cold War from Truman in 1945 to victory with Ronald Reagan in 1989.

These are the Trump supporters. They reside mostly in red states like West Virginia, Kentucky and Middle Pennsylvania, and Southern, Plains and Mountain states that have provided a disproportionate share of the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who fought and died to guarantee the freedom of plutocratic LGBT lovers to laugh at and mock them at $2,400-a-plate dinners.

Yet, there is truth in what Clinton said about eliminating “from your thinking” people who believe Trump can “restore an America that no longer exists.”

For the last chance to restore America, as Trump himself told Christian Broadcasting’s “Brody File” on Friday, Sept. 9, is slipping away:

“I think this will be the last election if I don’t win … because you’re going to have people flowing across the border, you’re going to have illegal immigrants coming in and they’re going to be legalized and they’re going to be able to vote, and once that all happens, you can forget it.”

Politically and demographically, America is at a tipping point.

Minorities are now 40 percent of the population and will be 30 percent of the electorate in November. If past trends hold, 4 of 5 will vote for Clinton.

Meanwhile, white folks, who normally vote 60 percent Republican, will fall to 70 percent of the electorate, the lowest ever, and will decline in every subsequent presidential year.

The passing of the greatest generation and silent generation, and, soon, the baby-boom generation, is turning former red states like Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada purple, and putting crucial states like Florida and Ohio in peril.

What has happened to America is astonishing. A country 90 percent Christian after World War II has been secularized by a dictatorial Supreme Court with only feeble protest and resistance.

A nation, 90 percent of whose population traced their roots to Europe, will have been changed by mass immigration and an invasion across its Southern border into a predominantly Third World country by 2042.

What will then be left of the old America to conserve?

No wonder Clinton was so giddy at the LGBT bash. They are taking America away from the “haters,” as they look down in moral supremacy on the pitiable Middle Americans who are passing away.

But a question arises for 2017.

Why should Middle America, given what she thinks of us, render a President Hillary Clinton and her regime any more allegiance or loyalty than Colin Kaepernick renders to the America he so abhors?

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September 13, 2016 7:20 am

I avoided being labeled “deplorable” by that lying, ignorant, harpy cunt because I am not a tRumpeteer and remain pure as driven snow! 🙂

The middle class are the milk cows propping this out of control govt up. It just staggers my mind that we cannot see the collective power we have to halt this shit in its tracks.

September 13, 2016 7:26 am

Oh yeah, if I paid $250,000 to get into a political event there is no fucking way I’d allow that twatwaffle Barbara Streisand to sing.

September 13, 2016 8:38 am

I would rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard for 10 hours straight than listen to Streisand for 30 minutes. The same could be said for Hillary as well.

September 13, 2016 5:47 pm

“twatwaffle”… haha that’s a good one. Too many of these holywood (sic) types think they are better then the rest of us and that we even give a flying crap about anything they have to say. News flash… we don’t care one iota ! They can all crawl back into a hole somewhere; maybe even up into h’illary’s big bum hole.

September 13, 2016 7:45 am

I can’t believe half the white population doesn’t care enough to vote.America is literally being turned into another third world shit hole right before our eyes. I guess after we face financial ruin the comfortable lifestyle many whites enjoy will no longer exist. Maybe then whites will be forced to organize and save some parts of America.

September 13, 2016 8:41 am

That is what the idiots on the left don’t get. The money to fund their vote buying is all borrowed now. Borrowed money must be paid back with interest. Do the math. Even with 10 year bonds yielding just 1.6%, $20 trillion in Federal debt requires $320 billion each and every year to pay the interest.

If interest rates rise, as they inevitably must, run the numbers again. 2.5% means $500 billion in interest payments per year even if we don’t borrow another dollar. Tell Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer they have to make $180 billion in spending cuts over the next year and watch them look sicker than Hillary!

Think the greasy Third Worlders they pander too or the gun toting thugs in our inner cities will accept having their EBT allotments trimmed? Grandma’s flop house rent raised? Ambulance rides to the ER being paid in advance?

September 13, 2016 11:32 am

This is lame thinking. Pay back the borrowed trillions with a few bags of coins marked ‘$10 billion’.
In an instant the value of the property and savings and stock markets of all those Red voters goes to nil. Mass poverty, but with a very effective police state owning it.
More like 1960s Moscow than 2015 Rhodesia.

September 13, 2016 9:00 am

“It doesn’t make any difference who wins so I won’t vote” seems to be a rather popular theme around here.

Which is why the leftists, who know better, have taken control of almost everything by getting their people elected without any real resistance.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
September 13, 2016 2:40 pm

Most Republicans don’t like to hear it, but the reason why so many people feel like voting does not matter is because they have been stabbed in the back by RINOs too many times to count. The Republican party has claimed for decades that they are the party of conservatives. In fact, so many people were so sick of Bill Clinton that the voters gave the Republican “conservatives” control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Executive Branch for four solid years from 2001 to 2005. The result? The Department of Education was not dissolved, unConstitutional spying on US citizens was stepped up, torture was renamed “harsh interrogation”, the IRS was not reigned in, the EPA thrived, the budget deficit grew like Topsy, and the Second Amendment continued to be used like a piece of toilet paper.

Yes, the Democrats are taking advantage of the “why vote” crowd — but we can all thank the Republican Party for why so many people are in that crowd.

September 13, 2016 10:47 pm

Anyone with their eyes open does see what’s happening. The problem is half or more of the population only sees crap like the Kardashians, “real” housewives, football, Pokemon Go, Igadgets, etc and doesn’t have a clue. Unfortunately, we all go down on the ship together.

September 13, 2016 8:39 am

Almost seems like it was our elected congressmen and congresswomen who sold us down the river? They could insist that the US Constitution be upheld, they could insist on verifiable voting, but it seems they are not. Seems like either they have been threatened, or they are stupid & without a clue as to what is really going on. They might remember that throughout ALL of history: Dictators don’t need a parliament or a congress and quickly do away with them.

September 13, 2016 8:59 am

Well, I am having a third child, so I’m doing my part on the demographic front…

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 13, 2016 9:44 am

Gator, congratulations. Anon, I don’t think not voting is popular around here. It says something about the collective intellect of the place that for the most part, one by one, and for many different reasons, people have figured it out. And they’re going to vote. We’re going to be fine. The madness is about to find itself under attack like it can’t even imagine. And it is defenseless.

September 13, 2016 9:05 am

What is US citizenship worth? Apparently quite a bit given the effort and money expended by Third Worlders to get here. I can see no legal or constitutional barrier to charging people for the privilege of becoming an American citizen nor a probationary period where such citizenship can be revoked and its holder deported.

If a state university can charge a native born citizen $10,000 per year to use its taxpayer funded facilities why cannot the Federal Government charge at least that much to apply for US citizenship. The immigrant is allowed to use our paid for highways, sewers, airports and so much else. It would still be a bargain. Give the immigrant 5 years to pay his fee or kick him and his family out. Anyone who cannot save $10,000 in 5 years is no bargain.

larry morris
larry morris
September 13, 2016 11:14 am

Well I was going to say a lot, then why.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 13, 2016 4:17 pm

Clnton cannot be a legitimate president. White Americans should not recognize as legitimate the invasion of this country by unwanted foreigners. If it comes to violence, there will be ethnic cleansing the likes of which the world has never seen. God damn all Demnocrats and RINO´s. They have brought this upon us.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
September 13, 2016 8:53 pm

The latest round of the DNCLeaks has dropped tonight. Journalist Matt Forney is covering them on his Twitter page.

A long sleepness night for Democrat operatives and their accomplices in the media as they formulate how to spin whatever ills are in this latest batch.

September 14, 2016 12:50 am

If additional progressive liberals are packed onto the Supreme Court, our children’s future is lost from that point. Voting or not is your choice. But allowing yourself to be convinced your opinion doesn’t matter amounts to a surrender of sorts. I’ve been in my share of fights, haven’t come close to winning them all, but I’ll keep fighting when necessary.