Latest Victim in Clinton Body Count? True or False?


What has been running around for some time is the “Clinton Body Count” naming a comprehensive list of 53 mysterious deaths connected to the Clintons. While some of these are questionable, others are real concerns like Vince Foster. The new story circulating is that Hillary Clinton has long been known to have serious health issues ever since she collapsed in December, 2012. That incident led to her first operation to remove a blood clot from her brain, which Bill Clinton said took her 6 months to recover from.

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Hillary Breaks Silence; Says Whole Pneumonia, ‘Stumble’ Thing “Wasn’t That Big A Deal”, Admits Happened Before

Tyler Durden's picture

Hillary Clinton broke her post-9/11 silence tonight with an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Claiming that she felt dizzy but did not lose consciousness (all video evidence aside), the presidential candidate proclaimed that she didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal,” and is now “feeling so much better.” Cooper did press Clinton on the number of times this has happened – more than once – but Clinton took the opportunity to ironically call out her opponent for his lack of transparency.

So judge for yourself. This is what happened…


And this is what she told Anderson Cooper…

As CNN reports, Hillary Clinton said Monday night she’s “met a high standard of transparency” about her health and didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal.”

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Hillary Clinton has ‘medical episode’ at 9/11 ceremony, source says

Via Fox News

Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early, a law enforcement source who witnessed the event told Fox News.

The Democratic presidential nominee appeared to faint on her way into her van and had to be helped by her security, the source said. She was “clearly having some type of medical episode.”

Clinton’s stumbled off the curb, her “knees buckled” and she lost a shoe as she was helped into a van during her “unexpected early departure,” a witness told Fox News.

A separate law enforcement source told Fox News that Clinton left the event because she wasn’t feeling well.

Clinton’s campaign did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment.

MORE ON per witness: “unexpected early departure”; she stumbled off curb, “knees buckled”, lost a shoe as she was helped into van


Clinton was in New York for Sunday’s ceremony commemorating 15 years since the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Clinton campaign would not confirm Clinton’s location to an NBC pool producer. After Clinton left the ceremony, the reporters following her on the campaign trail were prevented from leaving the media area for a period of time.