Splish splash he was taking a bath…Well his ass was at least.


Yup. Hair dye is exactly what the doctor prescribed. Definitely don’t cut it. Don’t do that at all. Just color that nappy rodent and people will love it!


Oh yeah, we definitely think you’re still 30 years old. Not a wrinkle on you, so you have to be young right? Guess she is going for that all natural look…if she lived in Whoville.


Looking like the third member of Legion of Doom with those shoulder pads buddy!


To be fair, if I told you I was going out wearing only my Duck Dynasty boxers, you’d probably freak out until I told you I was just heading over to Walmart. Then you’d totally understand and accept it.


Maybe when this kid grows up he can use these pictures as his special memories in his graduation yearbook of you mom! So proud. Tears of joy.


Does anything scream “sex-appeal” more than some unenthusiastic tits and ass in the clearance aisle?


So long story short….you f*cked a bear?


Girl, I can tell you put those athletic shoes to work with that bottom biscuit. Do you just let your bum hang out while you work out so you can see the instant progress? I tried that once, but the manager at the gym politely told me I was making everyone else sick.


Pin The Tail On The Jackass. Just an adult and worse version of pin the tail on the donkey.


I wish this was the Medieval Times where the Kings had to fight to the death for supremacy. Which side would you choose? Elvis or Big Pun?


Purple People Eater over here!!! Holy moly Batman. It’s never a good thing when your bright yellow hair is like the 4th thing I notice about you!


The other brother from ZZ Top that wanted to join the band as a backup dancer…


BAM! It’s like a 3-D movie full of nipples coming right through your screen! #OneBoobOut


Fall is upon us. Which means lots of Uggs and pumpkin lattes from white girls, but it also means lots of onesies in public for weirdos that need attention when it’s cold outside too. So, do you like milking the cow or playing doctor?


Listen lady, one’s ability to wear some bottom biscuit booty shorts is limited to a select few and even then, their window to do so is short. Lets just say you don’t fall into that spectrum.


Listen folks, this isn’t your regular run-of-the-mill bullshit yard sale. This is the most epic mother-effin yard sale in the history of yard sales. Hell, this bad mama-jama spans 2 whole days! So get your green 1991 minivan or your 1989 pickup truck, park it right in the middle of their neighbors driveways so they can’t get out and rummage around some junk so you can offer 10% of what their asking.


The only way that would be cool is if life was like the cartoons and you look like a sprinkler when you drink a bunch of water.


Looking like the bubble gum I left under my desk in the 7th grade.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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