How Oil is Formed

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

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September 20, 2016 2:28 pm

More of this evolutionary crap .Everything including Stucky was formed a Godzilla years ago according to these idiots. One question for all you scientific wizards .How come these old oil wells always fill back up with oil?How come the Russians are drilling straight down and finding oil at all levels.?How come some reputable scientists say peak oil is foolish nonsense?What say you Administrator?

September 20, 2016 3:07 pm

I agree, BB

The fossil record is discussed and a catastrophic origin is contrasted with the standard paradigm of evolution over long time periods. Alternative models for the apparent order in the fossil record are presented together with evidence for the sudden appearance of all life forms during the so-called “Cambrian explosion.” The origins of dinosaurs and their demise are also discussed, and evidence for the simultaneous appearance of numerous life forms are presented in support of the Biblical model.

September 20, 2016 4:12 pm

Old wells aren’t really fully depleted of oil, they just have the readily available oil removed from them (either from its own trapped pressure or by pump, and leave the less readily available oil in the full formation behind.

Over time, the left over unpumped oil from farther away from the pool that was easily removed seeps slowly back into the formation around the well and becomes readily available again.

This would probably been true for the petroleum farms as well if we hadn’t started drilling for it at lower depths and prevented replenishment by draining it first.

Muck About
Muck About
September 20, 2016 2:37 pm

I sure hope the last comment is the last one.


September 20, 2016 3:04 pm

great chart,
I did not know about the missing 10% that can’t be explained with the Biotic theory. (plankton)

so, does this imply that Abiotic theory (black magic) explains the 10%?

September 20, 2016 3:30 pm

I think it’s more likely that hydrocarbons are formed via a process we don’t yet understand, as solar radiation penetrates deep into the Earth’s core.


1. There seems to be pretty compelling evidence (to me) that the Earth used to be a whole lot smaller. If you reduce the size of the globe, all the continents fit together beautifully. Also, no creature the size of a brachiasaur could live today on Earth. Even Giraffes have astonishing levels of adaptation to allow them to survive, and the largest dinosaurs clearly dwarf giraffes.

2. Hydrocarbons are common across the known solar system. There were never plants on Jupiter.

3. Halton Arp’s attack on the Big Bang theory strongly suggests that we don’t have all the data on matter and energy. It looks like matter is being continuously formed throughout the universe, although we must (if Redshift does not indicate distance, as appears to be the case) admit that we know very little about cosmology or even about our immediate neighborhood.

Our problem isn’t what we don’t know; it’s what we think we know that just ain’t so.

September 20, 2016 4:32 pm

You can get about a barrel of oil, if you squeeze an Arab.

September 20, 2016 4:57 pm

Everybody knows that oil comes from an army of T-Rexs that burrowed their way down through up to 12 km of crust so they could melt into oil for us to find.

September 20, 2016 5:34 pm

Well, it could be that a long time ago the earth just sorta turned itself inside out.

Ph.D. in Geology
Ph.D. in Geology
September 20, 2016 5:51 pm

ABIOTIC OIL, Bitches!!!

It’s about fucking time that cur Admin comes to his senses.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 20, 2016 8:50 pm

There may still be oil but the explorers sure aren’t finding much of it:

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