Trouble Brewing

Guest Post by The Zman

One of things you cannot help but notice is that pretty much everything in America is some sort of scam run by the managerial class to extract money from the rest of us. The most common way to do this is via cost shifting and you see it in the so-called non-profit rackets. Everywhere you look, non-profits are working the tax code so that Cloud People can live self-actualizing lives, while we get to pay for it. It looks like that scam may be reaching its end.

When New Haven Mayor Toni Harp gazes out her office windows, she can see across the street to Yale University’s idyllic buildings and grounds — none of which are on her city’s property tax rolls.

Yale, a nonprofit despite its $25 billion endowment and sprawling property (it owns about half the land in the city, Harp says), doesn’t pay property taxes. And some officials in Connecticut, including Harp, would like to see that change.

They aren’t alone. City and state officials in other parts of the country, including Maine, Massachusetts and New Jersey, also are questioning whether they can continue to allow wealthy schools like Yale, or big nonprofit hospitals, to remain off tax rolls while they scramble for money to pay for police, fire, streets and other infrastructure and services.

In some cases, they are looking for ways of taxing what until now have been tax-exempt sacred cows.

For a long time now, the Federal government has strong armed states into going along with policies they would never implement on their own. They do this by threatening to withhold Federal funds for thing like roads and education. The result is state budgets have swelled as they take on the burden of the the Progressive fantasies, while the Washington politicians strut around like heroes for having cooked up these programs. The states are now running out of money to pay for this crap, so they are look for new taxes.

Of course, these colleges are working the same rackets. Yale could offer free tuition to its undergrads. They could expand their undergrad population and thus reduce tuition costs. Schools like Yale have the same sized student body they had after WWII, when the country was a third of its current population. Instead of doing those things, they have turned Yale into a five star resort whose primary purpose is to be a money laundering operation for the super-rich, looking to avoid taxes.

All of these cost shifting schemes have something in common and that’s leverage. State governments have been able to hide the cost of social programs through debt issuance. Colleges have become luxury resorts by passing those costs onto graduates in the form of student debt. Young people are holding north of $1 Trillion in debt at the moment, with close to 20% of it technically in default. What that is telling us is that this form of cost shifting is reaching its end as well.

There’s a Assembly of Notables vibe to stories like this because what we are seeing is the beneficiaries of the system desperately trying to keep the plates spinning. The people in power, the members of both parties, all know that either government spending at all levels is sharply reduced or that taxes are sharply increased. In all probability, both will be necessary. The trouble is the people with the money to be taxed are rich and powerful. Yale does not want to pay taxes and it does not want its patrons to pay them either.

As was the case in the French Revolution, what we are seeing in America is the use of debt to perpetuate a system that was evolved for a bygone era. Social democracy, which is what we have in America, is a 19th century concept implemented in the 20th century. Big parts of it are no longer useful, but no one knows how to reform it. There are millions still making a nice living doing busy work in the system and they will fight anything that resembles reform. The result is endless haggling over how to make 2 + 2 = 5.

The most likely outcome of this is we first see state governments begin to buckle. California is, for all practical purposes, insolvent. Illinois is probably going to be the first state to face defaulting on its pension obligations. All but a handful of states are facing very serious debt problems that will require doing what they previous assumed was unthinkable, like taxing hospitals and colleges.colleges. Next up will be a push to get rid of the tax breaks for charitable deductions. That’s when the whole non-profit racket collapses.

What will be interesting to watch is what happened when the people on the fringe of the managerial class start to be cut loose to save money. When hospitals need to cut costs, they will not be laying off nurses and doctors. They will go for the diversity coordinator and the patient liaison officer. Colleges are not going to drop the football team, but they will get rid of the Transgendered Studies people. A whole lot of people in self-actualizing careers will find out they are luxury items, not necessities. That’s when things could get fun.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
October 5, 2016 11:53 am

Before robbing hospitals, colleges and Social Security blind, reform the Communist Welfare System wasting about $35,000 per “family”.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  rhs jr
October 5, 2016 12:19 pm

Yeah, don’t rob them blind – they’re supposed to rob us blind.

  rhs jr
October 5, 2016 12:21 pm

Hospitals, colleges and Social Security are robbing us blind.

The FSA doesn’t contribute anything, pays no taxes, performs no work, doesn’t have to show up.

October 5, 2016 2:19 pm

There’s one sure way to start a heated argument with my boomer parents: talk about Social Security.
“I paid into the system all my life, that’s my money!”
No, mom and dad, you paid a tax to support YOUR parents’ and grandparents’ golden years. Now I am paying for yours. But there are not enough of us working to keep the game going, get it?
“But I paid into the system all my life, that’s my money…”

October 5, 2016 12:01 pm

Need to tax churches.

Property taxes for homeowners not allowed to increase more than the rate of inflation.

October 5, 2016 3:36 pm

So, Dutchman

You’re saying that if I give money to my Church to carry on the preaching of the gospel and other related Christian activities necessary to do that I should have some of that money taken away from me and used for government sponsored anti Christian and anti Church activities instead of Christian Church one I want to support?

Explain to me exactly how you reconcile that with the First Amendment that guarantees no laws regarding religion or the free practice of it.

Maybe we should tax the Republican and Democrat (and all other) political parties instead, they take in huge amounts of money that aren’t taxed using the same amendment as the basis for it.

Do you realize how much money the politicians rake in tax free under the guise of campaign donations and such?

October 5, 2016 3:53 pm

@Anonymous: “You’re saying that if I give money to my Church to carry on the preaching of the gospel and other related Christian activities necessary to do that I should have some of that money taken away from me and used for government sponsored anti Christian and anti Church activities instead of Christian Church one I want to support?”

They are welcome to preach whatever they want. It’s the property we’re taxing. They don’t need any ‘fancy’ buildings to preach religion. The taxes will go to supporting the ‘community’.

Besides the fucking Catholics / Lutherans are responsible for importing all these fucking turd worlder’s from Somalia, MENA, SPICS, Congo, etc. Next it will be fucking Martians.

Pay to pray!

October 5, 2016 4:11 pm

Generally speaking, at least in places I’ve lived, property not used directly for worship and preaching purposes is taxed the same as any other property is taxed already.

You may want to check with your own local and/or State property tax people to determine it it is that way where you are, but property taxes are generally on a local (county, etc) level in most places not a State or Federal one.

October 5, 2016 12:21 pm

They don’t need to tax churches. They need live within their means like responsible adults.

October 5, 2016 3:16 pm

The churches tax free and handouts from the government. How do Catholic, Lutherin, Methodist and Jewish chairities get so much money to resettle MENA refugees in places that the people don’t want them settled? Very little from donations-very much from tax payers. Why are Black churches tax exempt and still hot-beds of political action?

October 5, 2016 12:35 pm

There needs to be taxed corporations, and not for profits. If a church wants to be un-taxed, it needs to be a not for profit.

Oh, and not for profits need to have their donation rate be at least whatever their tax rate would be. This 3% crap needs to go by the wayside.

October 5, 2016 5:41 pm

So how do you get around the Constitutional provision prohibiting the government making any laws about religion and its free exercise?

Or is that one of the things you don’t care much about?

FWIW, they need to be taxing planned parenthood instead of giving them tax money taken from others, along with various other leftist and anti Christian de facto for profits masquerading as non profits.

Tax the Unions too, they get lots and lots of money that is tax exempt.

October 5, 2016 2:29 pm

Half of the eligible work force is unemployed. Wages are falling and taxes are rising.
We all know by now, corporate welfare exceeds social welfare by far. Should
the 50% dependents be cut lose by the support systems? See Venezuela, as an example.
The administration has us in a box…and every door is blocked. The NDAA is reaffirmed
yearly, job one being the defense budget. Within the documents are myriad (unconstitutional)
documents that decimate any rights whatsoever for the American citizen. The taxpayers.
“It” is a fluid document, added to and redefined. Recently we have a draft program being
written. As we know, the rule of law has been lost. The police, of all stripes, known by many
names, can haul anyone away, take their stuff and put said anyone, under the jail.
It is my contention the III movements are even created by eg FBI or contractors to corral
and identify resisters.
All of the above to say: We have been looted with more to come. Racial hatred is being
created to provide opportunities for gov. to obfuscate further and protect the master class.
Tax the colleges, tax the churches? The synagogues and mosques? The O care tax (reported
to be) is a big part of the GDP. Anything and everything to protect the beast. We ain’t seen
nothing yet. It will be bad but it can and will grow even worse. We can’t rule out anything.

Anonymous 2
Anonymous 2
October 5, 2016 5:30 pm

To your point, do you think corporate welfare has increased or decreased since we opened up global trade and signed the many free trade agreements?

Trump is an awful litigator of this message, but his overall message of HOW trade has hurt us is spot on. It’s not that we trade, it’s how we are going about it. We basically made it too easy for companies to access cheap labor but still sell in the most lucrative world market. And now we have let much of the world catch up in output quality (while maintaining the low labor cost) and the only way to keep ANY global businesses in this country employing anyone is through the myriad of “loopholes” and corporate welfare.

We are in a dire situation if our goal is to keep the bubble from popping. It will pop as the system is structured. We need to think about radical change to the money system, to trade, and to government organization, whether now to reduce the damage, or in the future to pick up the pieces.

October 5, 2016 3:40 pm

Why bother taxing a college or the local church when Apple & Merk & GM & 30 other multi-billion $$ companies pay nothing at all ? That’d be Stepping over a $100 bill to pick up a penny..
Its Trillions of dollars of revenue avoided for decades, enough to actually matter.

October 5, 2016 11:42 pm

Pete the moron says: “Why bother taxing a college or the local church when Apple & Merk & GM & 30 other multi-billion $$ companies pay nothing at all ?”

First, moron, Apple pays around $10 billion per year in US taxes. They are the single biggest payer of tax in the US, as I understand it. $10 billion a year is hardly nothing. Apple does aggressively use transfer pricing to its advantage, but there is zero hint that they are doing anything illegal. Even the Irish tax debacle was not illegal as such – it was found the tax rate impose by Ireland was contrary to EU law.

Second – GM pays no tax at they moment because as part of the bailout – stupid as it was – it received $45 billion in tax deductions.

Third – Merck (not Merk, dickhead) – paid little in taxes in 2015 due to some accounting losses relating to a merger. The profits they booked were on overseas sales, so no US taxes were owed on the profits. You do not really expect companies to pay US tax on overseas sales, now do you? They paid a lot of US tax in 2014, though.

Seriously, the depth of thinking and research shown by posters these days is pathetic.

The issue is that the US corporate tax rate is one of the highest in the world. So companies will seek to book profits overseas.

Corporate taxes are ridiculous – why would you tax the entities that create jobs.

Eliminate the corporate income tax entirely (it represents only around 10% of US tax take) and replace it with a sales tax. Jobs would boom.

It is NOT a tax issue. It is a fucking expenditure issue.

All you folks focusing on the revenue side are missing the reality – it is an expenditure issue. Slash expenditure, and quit looking for ways to raise taxes. Raising taxes will simply create more expenditure.

October 5, 2016 6:19 pm

Another overlooked source that I would like to see tapped is the “foundation” system (Ford Foundation, etc.), which has TRILLIONS of untaxed funds. Add to that the “endowment funds” that most schools have…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 12:41 am

Anarchyst, before LLPOH kicks your ass or has a brain aneurysm, let’s fix that sentence:

Other overlooked sources that I would like to see tapped are foundations like the Ford Foundation and others which have untold $Gazillions of untaxed funds. In addition, the $Billions in “endowment funds” that some wealthy schools have…

October 5, 2016 6:24 pm

Taxing churches is problematic … several people above have stated the reason.

But, I have no problem with Punishment Fines ….. if any politics is preached. . The fine should be ONE WEEK OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS. I’m talking above the average for the entire year. (That way some slick pastor can’t preach a Vote Democrat sermon … and turn around and tell the people to not contribute that week.)

Many many MANY churches do NOT preach the Gospel. I am NOT talking about splitting theological hairs; whether infants should be baptized, whether speaking in tongues is OK, etc. etc.

I’m talking about liberal churches. I’m talking about Unitarians who “preach” about hugging trees, fucking whales, and social justice. I’m talking about many black churches where preachers pretty much preach The Gospel According To Democrats … and practically command their followers to vote “D”, for demon. And, yes, I am also talking about “normal” churches …. for example, the Baptist church I attended in Fort Wayne, where many sermons lashed out against Democrats … and the implication that Jesus himself would vote only Republican.

FINE THOSE BASTARDS!! One full week of offerings. Rates can increase if they persist in sinning against the true Gospel. One month’s offering. Eventually increasing to the entire year. That WILL stop the false preacher fuckers.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 5, 2016 9:22 pm

Maybe you didn’t know, Stuck, the old churches were in people’s homes. They didn’t need to apply for tax relief.

Today, they build these magnificent structures with tax-free money. That means – to use the new meme – the rest of us are funding that building. Just like we are paying for J’mal and LaQuanda’s kids on welfare.

Hmm, that would mean we paid for Trump tower. Naaahhhh.

At least Hillary got foreigners to pay for her foundation. Maybe she could get the Mexicans to pay for the wall.

October 5, 2016 11:12 pm

But I thought Greenspan said we could just print money in any quantity to meet any need?

During the coming, yet far away Reformation, I’d like to suggest that the citizens of the USA and each of her states implement Constitutional Amendments that require ALL existing tax programs to put on the ballot EVERY 20 YEARS to determine if they should be eliminated or continued and if the latter, whether to increase or decrease them and by how much. Better yet, a 20 year tax sunset clause that automatically ends that tax unless voted on directly by the people being taxed.

We suffer from Institutional Taxation where “once a tax, always an (increasing) tax. Fuck that! Every generation should be allowed to vote on such things on the 20th anniversary of each tax if not sooner.

Better yet………..just end the fucking fed!