Creating Alpha – Why The Right Will Win the Culture War


By Francis Marion

Our political battle is one between a glut-exploiting r-reproductive strategy of rabbits designed to produce raw numbers and a shortage-surviving K-reproductive strategy of wolves designed to produce quality. The swings between conservatism and liberalism at the societal level are not the result of logical argument or reasoned debate. They are the result of psychological shifts produced by perceptions of K-stimuli in the environment such as conflict, danger, and shortage, or r-stimuli, such as safety, pleasure, and abundance. These perceptions trigger ancient mechanisms in the brain that adapt psychology to environment. All of politics and much of history are r vs K. – Anonymous Conservative

When my son was five years old I bought him his first pair of hockey skates. In the winter, behind our house and across the back alley, there was an outdoor long track speed skating oval. The local speed skating club usually laid the track in late November or early December and maintained it weekly for as long as mother nature would allow. In the evenings after dinner we’d grab our skates, our hockey sticks and a puck and scoot across the alley where I’d spend an hour or so teaching him how to skate and handle a stick. It’s a stereotypically Canadian thing to do but it is what it is. When all you have is nine months of winter and three months of poor skating you go with what God gives you.

About half the time we and a few other hockey dads would have the ice to ourselves. The other half of the time we had to share the oval with the long trackers. If it was an official practice sometimes we’d sit in the bleachers and watch them skate. If we’d been especially good mum would bring us hot cocoa while we sat and observed.

My son would watch the speed skaters with interest. Their skates were remarkably different than his. The boots were shorter, the blades longer and unlike his hockey skates, they had no rocker to them. Additionally, in long track the back of the blade “claps” or disconnects for a brief moment from the boot to give the skater more contact between the blade and the surface of the oval and to prevent the toe from digging into the ice. The clapping sound the skaters made as they pushed their way around the track fascinated my five year old boy.

One evening after we’d given up the track to the club we were sitting in the bleachers sipping our cocoa when suddenly my son looks at me and says: “I want to do that.”

I was stumped. This was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to play hockey like his old man did. I looked him in the eyes as he sipped from his melamine cup and asked “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” was all he said.

I blew the steam coming off the surface of my mug, took a sip and shrugged my shoulders. So much for the Marion hockey dynasty.

The next year, when he turned six, we took him into registration for the speed skating club. He is fifteen now and ranks in the top ten for his age group in the province. It is interesting to watch kids grow in this sport. Aside from the competitive aspect of it the development end of it is fascinating. When the kids first get into the sport most coaches will tell you that the name of the game is patience. While the club is technically a team of sorts with the exception of relay events, all of the kids compete against one another. There are no trophies for participation. From the time they are about seven or eight years old they begin to learn that they are responsible for their own development, successes and failures. At this stage failure can be a difficult pill to swallow because it is so personal and so public. The kids are skating in front of rinks full of friends, family and media and they come to realize early on that with the exception of a foul on behalf of a competitor, that winning or losing is their own responsibility.

Kids that stick with the sport beyond the age of about thirteen or fourteen are faced with hard choices as they progress. As they get older the field of competition becomes narrower and much more difficult. This means greater dedication to training both on and off the ice just to stay competitive. The difference between first in the province and tenth in the province is a gap so wide that to close it requires time and dedication that few will attempt.


My son sits somewhere in the middle. At the age of fifteen he is coming to the realization, on his own, that the Olympics (amongst other things) are not likely to happen. Yet he trains anyways. As he grows and begins to fill out he looks, acts and makes choices more like a man.

As such, a few weeks ago we had ‘the discussion’. What next? He told me that he would continue to train and to compete and when he was finished, some time in the next two to three years, that he would coach. He doesn’t know it yet but he is blossoming into an alpha. Accepting responsibility for failure and limitations, pushing forward in the face of them and planning for the future are the hallmarks of an independent thinker and leader.

But why does it matter?

Because. It is one of the primary characteristics that distinguishes us from our marxist counterparts and it is what gives us the advantage.

In the broader sense when I think of the purpose of Alpha in a healthy society I think of it as I do the roots in a grove of Aspens. To the naked eye the aspen grove appears as a forest of separate trees but underneath a different story is revealed. On the surface the Aspens appear solitary but in reality they share a system of roots that makes them a single organism. The unity of the root system gives the grove both strength and longevity. A single tree may die but the root system ensures that that the grove lives on. Alpha is the root system of a strong civilization. It is what allows smaller numbers to overcome or withstand much larger numbers. It ensures that if one member is felled that another will rise in its place.


On pondering this idea, that alpha is like a seed that we plant that grows and matures into an interconnected, sturdy and healthy forest I began to wonder at what the formula is for nourishing such an organism.

How do we create it?

Ultimately, the answer lies within the life cycle of the grove itself.

JC Collins of POM fame writes:

But what if the point of death was not to avoid it? What if the purpose of life was to prepare for the event we call death?

Herein lies the key. The secret to generating alpha on a broad scale is understanding our place within the cycles and rhythms of the natural world. The basis of it all is simply acceptance of our own mortality. From there the seed is planted and the grove can mature.

This is why the left cannot win this conflict; because it clings to life without living it. Its fear of death paralyzes it and neuters its existence in this world. It becomes a sterilized observer instead of a participant, dependent on others for its survival. The result is that it follows instead of leads, parrots instead of thinks and lives in fear of being separated from the herd.

Conversely, the alpha understands his or her place within the life cycle of the grove and can look not only backwards but forwards as well. They understand the significance of their duty and can clearly see their place within the grove stretching out from the beginning to the end and beyond. While they may not embrace death they do not fear it and look upon it as a natural part of their existence. Those who do not fear their nature are not easily misled or used.

The left cannot win this war because it is disorganized spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. It cannot see its place in the world, fears its own nature and requires charlatans posing as kings or queens to give it direction. The right requires none of this. Each of us is a king or queen in our own right. A horde of hundreds of thousands of mindless followers versus a single legion of kings will not be victorious. As we have recently witnessed, followers are easily routed. The stragglers easily brought to heal.

When I look at my son, now almost grown, I see a young prince set upon the path of the grand man. With his father’s help he will be a king among kings. And soon, the disconnected, marxist left will be little more than a foot note in a brief but turbulent period of our history.

For love, brotherhood and unity.


For duty, selflessness and sacrifice.

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November 19, 2016 7:36 am

Rabbits never have to say they’re sorry, therefore they feel no shame, the end justifies the means. Wolves know there is no shame in their survival instincts, they wish to thrive and pass on their genetic makeup. I have been reading the Anonymous Conservative for a while and the book “The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics”. I look at politics very differently now!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
November 19, 2016 7:47 am


An interesting way of looking at this. I may co-opt the premise. If that is okay. Death as you point out is something that is a natural part of one’s existence. The problem I have had, in past, is with the randomness and injustice in how it was meted out. I think the mistake of the masses is waiting for the state to sanction the lyrics to the Symphony. It is how I veered off the path.

The left will lose when more conclude that it is best to sing their own song’s instead.

  RiNS the deplorable
November 19, 2016 12:31 pm


I’m thinking that after death, we discover that there is absolutely no randomness nor injustice at all.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
November 19, 2016 1:53 pm

I’d like to think that is true.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 19, 2016 7:55 am

I think that you and I are raising our children in a very similar fashion. My instincts were to create the kind of environment where my sons and daughters would love life. Liberty, risk, accomplishment, sacrifice, pride, civility, honor, truth, physical fitness- all of these skills and rewards make the trip through time worthwhile and return greater benefits than the cost of exercising them.

I just can’t believe that we were ever meant to coast through life. There are moments when security and safety are crucial, like sleep, but they are not the goal of life. To really experience what the world has to offer and to live up to the potential born in each of us requires the expectation that your own efforts, gifts, skill sets and inner voice will guide you through life successfully regardless of what may occur.

And nothing brings greater pride and sense of accomplishment than to see your adult children go off into the world confident and without fear.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 19, 2016 9:26 am


  Francis Marion
November 19, 2016 11:27 am

Francis Marion, in 27 seconds.

  Francis Marion
November 19, 2016 11:50 am

“Civility and honour” are sadly lacking today. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the warm reception such a post will receive.

November 19, 2016 9:19 am

Speed skating not so bad, Francis. Could have been worse, there are three sports on ice skates. Count your blessings.

November 19, 2016 10:01 am

The left and Leftist ideologies( Marxism-Leninism , Fascism, Nazism ) have been the most murderous ideologies of the last 150 years .They may not win but they will cause total destruction of Western civilization if given the chance.Never underestimate their desires for blood and some wealthy people will gladly put up the money for their operations.This war has been ongoing since the days of Karl Marx .

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
November 19, 2016 10:54 am

The Nazis came to power in a conservative coalition.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
  Gay Veteran
November 19, 2016 8:02 pm

I would argue that the Nazis came to power thanks to an utter breakdown of that country’s economic, and more importantly, social fabric. When people are afraid they will grasp at whatever appears to be promising them some stability and especially a bulwark against further erosion of their traditional societies (yes, I am aware of this problem in the here and now). The Nazis did a very good job of playing upon these fears like a fiddle, all the while concealing that they themselves were also destroyers of traditional society and ultimately stability as well (yes, I am aware that this is something that needs to be watched out for, very closely, in the here and now — our ailments are multifarious, but chief among them is the collapse of faith indeed rejection of in our ethics and morals imhao.
A quick glance at personal accounts from Weimar Germany will point to this issue. Did you know that with the economic collapse there that it sent an entire generation of women into fear of spinsterhood, which ultimately resulted in rejecting the old, traditional values of chastity before marriage and on to a rejection of marital fidelity after that became the norm? (pre-Weimar Germany could be a rather staid place…Germans were, overall, at one time a very staid people; things like this likely threw them for a complete loop psychologically; now look at them) This may not seem like much, but once the family unit is endangered it’s amazing how the whole fabric of a society quickly becomes unraveled…and look where that led to…

November 20, 2016 12:13 am

Do you know who was also pro-White and pro-Christian? Hitler!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 19, 2016 11:12 am

When contemplating the R verses K and preparing for death or avoiding it as long as possible , fear is always there but not in control Alpha’s come in many forms like the man bringing up the rear in combat when your on point you know he is not just a follower , he has your back as you for him ! Honor Duty Comitment all are Alpha traits. When coaching youth I would not stress winning as much as each member of the team doing what they do best , it worked well because they supported each other and won quite a few and learned from their losses . No snowflakes in my group , once you learn to motivate like a DI great things happen and as they get older you get tougher but always tempered with love for your fellow comrades

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 11:51 am

Hmm, never thought of individual sports in this light — although my children have always preferred track and field/cross country (we don’t do speed skating down here) over the team sports offered. I’ve always just considered it a personal reflection on one’s tastes in physical activity.

The rabbit/wolf thing is rather unknown to me…links to this theory?

In my family it has been traditional that children engage in: martial arts (any kind), outdoorsmanship (all facets), dog training, and above all else, horsemanship (that’s where our hearts and souls lie — I suppose we’re being a bit demanding of family tradition here, but everybody learns how to manage a horse at the least at a basic level; there is no opting out, even for the handicapped).
I have found that such an arrangement to work quite well in the nurturing of children to adulthood. In fact, I’d love to see some of this become part of a PE curriculum.
Although it tends to make the females a bit more aggressive, and the boys a bit perhaps untraditional as to the sorts of women they like, than a lot of modern men and women can handle…but that’s the fault of how young men and women are raised anymore if you ask me.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
  Francis Marion
November 19, 2016 2:03 pm

True enough! And I would encourage everyone to let their children at least try some route to self-mastery and success — far better than some of the poor hothouse flowers I see now, who aren’t even allowed to do what was once considered normal childhood things for fear they might get hurt, both emotionally and physically.
Although being allowed to run (or ride) around in the woods with a firearm or bow, and a fishing pole for an entire summer’s day (and evening) with no parental supervision whatsoever by the time one was 8 was a thrill I would wish for any child…so was playing around with the wooden swords and bayonets…

As a person with long acquaintance with horses, the broken bones and whatnot (perhaps even death of a potentially very painful kind) are part of the trade off — although of all the hundreds of horses I’ve dealt with only one could be labelled as truly a bad egg, and even that one I’m not so sure he wouldn’t have been a better, if difficult, egg had he been handled correctly as a youngster (getting hurt by them is usually our fault — which is a good lesson to learn in regards to consequences and taking responsibility) — in order to get the freedom and power they provide, you have to be willing to divorce yourself from the quest for it. Also, it does teach you to accept that your own mortality can come in the flicker of an eye, as well as how to drive on even when under great duress (aka. pain, fear, resentment, frustration, and anger).
They really do confront you with the issue of mastering yourself first and foremost. I would never want to see my children kept from such an opportunity, just like my parents, grandparents…all prior generations have done within our family. I quite recommend them (good working dogs are a substitute, but there is less danger with them — although there is some; a hard driving, working line shepherd, terrier, or mastiff can get fed up with poor/clumsy handling with some tragic results).
Sure you don’t want to try it again? It’s addicting.
And ironically, this comes from an animal that could be considered I suppose most rabbit like (although their social structures are in many ways rather akin to the predatory wolf’s; horses are capable of cultivating and maintaining quite strongly bonded relationships that last their entire lives, even after great periods of absence…their memories are quite strong).

  Francis Marion
November 19, 2016 3:28 pm

NeVeR TRuST @ HoRSe.
It makes me wonder, what are the roots of that saying.
Me thinks it also applies to the LeFT, facists, socialists, communists, MSM, etc.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 8:22 pm

You should not trust boats, rifles, or your bathroom floor either.
Yet you probably use at the very least the last one without even thinking of the dangers it has because you are in close, daily acquaintance with it, and thus it holds little fear for you, no?
Now, the same sort of analogy can be made of the left, fascists, socialists, etc. — we have all certainly had daily acquaintance with them, we should know what they are about (and we should also know that one of their primary tactics is to try and manipulate people through fear, some of which is well founded by the people thus being worked on, but in order to turn the tables, really turn them, one has to be willing to let go and live a life of steady superiority over it…then you can be the one doing the herding 😉 ).

November 19, 2016 12:36 pm


Great essay. It will give me something to think about all day while I clean house and do the laundry.

November 19, 2016 1:41 pm

Good , clean house and wash clothes.About time you did something productive.?

November 19, 2016 2:15 pm

FM and HSF,
I love family stories and you men shine. My favorite thought
today is, “I think that you and I are raising our children in a very similar fashion. My instincts were to create the kind of environment where my sons and daughters would love life.”

My husband was often absent working, so the boy’s education fell to me.
They had innumerable plans and schemes which they presented to me.
(city kids) I had so much fun with them! One tactic I used before I consented
was to ask them to persuade me that they were “up to it.” Another tactic was
to take them with me whenever possible. I wanted them comfortable in all
situations and to learn how to negotiate. The younger boy once had the stewardess’
phone to call a company and complain a toy (still in the box) was broken
and he was sick about it. What could be done? The boy was six.
What a sweetie. I adore that child. The other one too. He makes himself
available to visit, shop with, go out for lunch, etc. with his 91 yo grandmother.
I adore that child. They both text their Dad many times a week to check in
and just say hello. I am a happy Mom.

You two men are great fathers and I admire you.

November 19, 2016 2:16 pm

I don’t know. Canadians are excellent at everything where the skates are involved, but white birthrate is already at the Japanese level, the country is importing black and brown bodies at the world-beating pace in order to compensate for the lack of native births, and the “alphas” don’t do squat about the real prospect of losing their own country within a life of a single generation. This doesn’t compute for me.
It’s a Canadian governmental consensus to have 100 million-strong country by 2100 (liberals love matching numbers). Which means that whites will be around 10-15 percent of population by that time. No “root system” will save them.
In the meantime, there are no signs of any significant protest. Probably because “alphas” are too busy skating.

November 19, 2016 3:38 pm

The problem with birth rates worldwide imho, having had the unpleasant experience, men do not trust women in a long term relationship to not go for the money at some point. Meaning divorce, child support, alimony, lawyers. The result destroyed relationships and financial ruin.
Better get a prenup signed I wish I would have had a prenup.

November 19, 2016 5:00 pm

You are right. “Liberation of women” (aka male bashing) and demographic disaster go hand in hand.

  Francis Marion
November 19, 2016 5:08 pm

You think that Canada will be a “strong civilization” when it looks like “Brazil with a lousy weather”?

November 19, 2016 5:18 pm

Very good of you to let and help your son follow the path he choose,and even cooler still he will help others in the future through coaching,good job.

November 19, 2016 7:20 pm

Demographics and numbers win the culture war. Sorry. Unless this country takes some serious steps right here, right now, there is simply no way to halt this demographic shift. Even if Trump deports 10 million illegals and halts ALL immigration from leftist third world hellpits, the left is going to be bringing 6 million more voters to the polls in 2020. Even a 5% annual GDP growth explosion for the next 4 years probably wont stop them from voting in a leftist. The only way to win the culture war at this point is secession. Secession combined with the economic collapse of the leftist states. The red part of the country needs to cut the blue portions out like the tumors that they are.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 20, 2016 8:26 am

“…the left is going to be bringing 6 million more voters to the polls in 2020…”

Not according to the data-

[imgcomment image[/img]

Democratic voter numbers are in collapse on the national level.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 19, 2016 7:51 pm

Trump may export some illegals. More may choose to leave. Still more may choose to assimilate, and become brown Americans / Canadians.
Those who do not assimilate will lose their EBT (government benefits) when the Crunch comes. Just how long will they survive without active support from government programs? They will turn on each other for scraps of food, then fuel, then water (or pick: water, food, fuel). Then the scraps will be gone, and open warfare will break out in the cities. Once everything available is finally exhausted, then the survivors will last about three weeks or so.
Trump may not have to deport many. They will eat each other, starting with the weakest (ill. old, crippled and slow). The strong will eat each other, then starve.
White will take care of each other (to some extent) and carry on coping. Blacks will turn on each other, the whites and the browns. The browns will probably get overrun, for while they have better family values, when there’s no bread and you can’t grow grain you starve.
Demographics are destiny in the long run. If the short run is a 90% die-off from thirst, starvation and disease, demographics can change in a month. We shall see: what have YOU done to see to it that you and yours survive? If your job DISAPPEARED tomorrow how long could you live without a paycheck? Make preparations now, in the middle of a riot it’s too late!

November 20, 2016 12:12 am

What’s the moral of the story? Keep America White and Christian?

mark branham
mark branham
November 20, 2016 7:21 am

This comment should more appropriately be placed on the POM site… but as you used it, here is my short reply – the purpose of death is to grant eternal life to those who’ve earned it.

November 20, 2016 7:57 am

Seems like the right-left back and forth discussion above discussing Hitler and Nazis and such, really comes down to not a right vs. left argument, but rather an Authoritarian vs. Libertarian argument. Certainly we can all agree that Marxism-Leninism, fascism, nazism that bb first mentioned above all were authoritarian in nature. That is the true enemy and not the left. Leftist authoritarians may scare us more than right-authoritarians, but it is authoritarianism that we should be against.

I first learned of the R vs. k idea from a post here on TBP. It is one of those concepts that is intuitive at some level. Watch a video or read an article explaining it and it is hard not to immediately think not only is it true, but that deep down inside you already knew it. You were only missing the terms to describe the two groups.

November 20, 2016 7:54 pm

Best comment this month. I was beginning to think TBP readers had lost their bearing with the Trump victory. Authoritarians, including Trump, are the enemy of freedom loving people. Thanks TJF.