The West – A Crumbling Tower of Babel

By Francis Marion


I first came to The Burning Platform a few years ago as part of a routine that I have. I own a business that is international in nature and, as a result, watching social and political trends and understanding how they affect my business became an important part of simply getting up in the morning and planning my days, weeks and months. Political stability is a key component to moving goods through borders so in my mind if you are not paying attention to said social/political trends then you do so at your own peril.

Watching and understanding these trends has gone from an activity born of necessity to a sort of hobby of late and, when combined with an interest in human history and psychology, it eventually evolves into a desire to understand models of human interaction and an attempt to predict social and political trends.

So before I go any further I’d like to thank Yojimbo for introducing me to the Alt-Right – a movement which I would likely have glossed over had I not ended up here. The web is a big place and TBP is a sort of nexus for information about what is happening in the world sociopolitically. It is a good barometer of mood and provides the reader with a view into the undercurrents that eventually create huge social tsunami’s during times of flux and change such as Fourth Turnings.

Yojimbo’s daily postings brought me to the Atlantic Centurion. I don’t consider myself a white nationalist (and I am not sure if AC considers himself one either but that is a different topic) but I am a cultural realist and I’m not afraid to read or consider the points of anyone if they are presented in a mature and coherent format. AC does this with regards to a social trend that appears to be gathering steam globally. For lack of a better term I am going to call it European tribalism. More on that shortly.

Recently I had the chance to sit with my old university roommate for a drink. This happens about twice a year for us. He is a university professor now so it is part social call, part mining expedition on my part. He is a conservative, untenured professor so he is accustomed to having to keep his mouth shut and his head down in a liberal environment dominated by females. Our ritual meetings are thus an opportunity for him to speak his mind without fear of reprisal. And that he did. As he went on about the level of political correctness present in his working environment I asked him how long he thought it could go on for. His response was telling: It’s not sustainable because it is all based in ‘unreality’.

The opening was there and I began to discuss the issues we post and discuss here on politics, economics and culture with him – specifically social trends as related to the dissolution of large nation states.

As a professor with a concentration in history and education he confirmed what I already believed – that nation states are an artificial and very fragile concept. That in the West in this day and age they are not based on ethnic or cultural realities and therefore exist outside of nature. Moreover, like any empire of the past, the large ones are dependent on perpetual economic (and political) growth in order to maintain their integrity. As a result all large nation states and all empires eventually end up being comprised of competing tribes. And the only way to keep said tribes marching to the beat of the same drum is to buy them off and to keep them under the yoke of the state’s strength.

This means constant growth in almost every aspect of the state. In the past the treasury was replenished through the spoils of war. War kept things moving along and if the war machine wasn’t stretched too thin the integrity of the state remained secure. Today we are bought off with fiat. The war machine expands less in order to obtain new resources to maintain the states integrity and more because it simply can (because there is an endless supply of debt money to do so). In our time and especially in the West debt money has allowed an artificial social construct to expand and survive. War, nation and social trend in the 21st century are a result of debt. We have effectively purchased a myth by simply borrowing more and more ‘money’ into existence.

Indeed, the natural state of man is not one of multicultural nation states. Nation states, multicultural ones especially,  are man’s Tower of Babel and they are not sustainable over long periods of time. In building massive, multicultural nation states we have turned man’s natural state of social and political interaction on its head. Socially and politically it is like the natural world is suddenly turned upside down.


Man’s natural social and political state more closely resembles this:

1st Priority is the clan. The clan is comprised of immediate and more distant blood relatives and close friends of said family that are adopted into the clan unit.

2nd Priority is the tribe. The tribe is a political unit not necessarily related by blood but bound by common language, traditions (socially and politically), contracts and need a for a common defense.

3rd Priority is the nation. The nation is a fluid idea and often encompasses more than one tribe with a similar overall culture and purpose. Some of the more common purposes of those different tribes are defense, contract and law. Tribes whose traditions vary too widely in the area of law and contract cannot coexist within the same nation state for any length of time as the underlying premise and foundation behind these principles is the use of force to establish them as the rule. In a situation where there is a wide gap in belief in this area one tribe will ultimately push another out physically. See Islam and most of Europe as a prime example.

But this is not how we have structured our nation states. As I have already stated we have built a sort of ‘Tower of Babel’ in place of the natural order of the world where the state is at the top of the pyramid, the tribe is in the middle but by and large ignored (and in some cases either yoked or spurred to violence depending on their relationship with the state) and the clan – well, the clan has been absolutely smashed to pieces.

This is not the natural order of mankind in general and I believe what the alt -right represents is the beginning of a socio/political correction in human relationships and behavior in the West. The Alt-Right is realigning the western nation state to mirror the natural order that nation states in much of the rest of world already represent.


From the Atlantic Centurion

I pulled this map from the Atlantic Centurion not because I believe this is what North America should or will look like but because it speaks to a creeping reality: the fall of the Tower.

Nationalism in a multi ethnic society is a long term impossibility. If we were all libertarian it would work but we are not. By and large people identify politically with people of their own cultural backgrounds. The most accurate and telling piece of this map is the little yellow dot in the middle of what is labeled ‘Cascadia’. The city state of Vancouver.

For those of us who live in this region this reality is already more or less here. It lacks official political boundaries but the lines have been drawn from a cultural perspective. The elite can see it happening and are already trying to front run it by explaining things away with techno talk and multiculti mumbo jumbo. But I doubt they will be able to contain the trend which is less techno/regional and more culturally based than they realize. The entire area is settling into boroughs of racial and cultural identity and it is being done in spite or relentless government propaganda designed to have us believe and act otherwise.

Cascadia is a growing reality and I believe when the dust settles that the entire Vancouver to Seattle corridor will be one massive city state owned and operated primarily be Asian interests. Vancouver is already a sort of Asian/cosmopolitan city of international trade and will remain that way through the coming political and social shifts that happen through fourth turnings. Chinese and to a lesser extent, Indian culture is so prevalent in the area (and has been so for so long) that to try and change it would be a crime of epic proportions. That being said, the outlying areas are European by and large and will remain that way as well. When change comes borders will be drawn, immigration will be controlled on a more tribal level and trade will resume. Whites will not wipe out the Asian populations in Vancouver because of political collapse or vice versa. The relationship in terms of trade is mutually beneficial. But make no mistake, borders will be drawn and they will be based on the tribal model. The tower will not stand.

The rest of the continent and the Western world in general may not fair so well as the relationship between various ethnic groups is based less on mutual self interest and more on competition for limited resources – primarily those of the coercive state. Everyone wants to carry the mallet of government to either get something for nothing or to squash competing tribes. Thus Europe will end either with a whimper or a very large bang. The competing interests of MENA Islamic tribes and European liberal, democratic tribes are coming to a head and I am skeptical as to whether or not the globalists can contain it. Moreover, with the flow of information that the web provides I believe it will be increasingly difficult for the Globalists, who have turned the model of human relationships and the planet on its head, to remain in the shadows. As nation states unwind and new lines are drawn the tribes will begin looking for someone to blame for the mess. It won’t be hard for them to figure out who is responsible.

If I had any piece of advice to give to the people who read and post here it is simply this: Let go of your need or desire to save whatever nation it is that you dwell within. In the long run they are already finished. Patriotism felt towards an artificial construct that has no basis in reality is a waste of energy. Embrace your tribe, move if you have to and prepare to be both soldier and diplomat. In terms of North America the Asians and the Latino’s are not leaving. They have their niches, their city states and their new nations already. And as Europeans we will have ours – I believe this is what the Alt-Right is coming to represent in a very organic type manner.

Realistically, by and large we can live together peacefully but separately as we already do here in the Pacific Northwest. But in order to do so we must abandon notions that multiculturalism and the mega-state are viable political options and start again. Abandon patriotism and nationalism. Embrace tribalism and new, more peaceful, less powerful and more sensible nations will arise. The Globalists have ensured, whether by intent or by accident, that this will be the fate of the Western world.





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October 6, 2016 8:41 pm

Nick and I have been discussing how very much we liked Iceland and how Alaska might be a fine alternative.

Good post.

October 6, 2016 9:09 pm

Iceland’s got elf problems.

Best to look elsewhere, those little guys can be pretty nasty if they don’t like you.

October 7, 2016 4:43 pm

Elves don’t bother me. It’s the damned coyotes that get my goat.

October 8, 2016 8:10 am

I did a term paper in college on Iceland in my “Politics of Western Europe” class. The country is the oldest known Democracy, forming an elected body called the “Althingy” (I’m not positive of spelling, but I think they still call their representative body that) that would meet once a year on the plains to determine issues of import to the entire populace, which, by the way, was probably not more than a few thousand people. Since there weren’t many people trying to invade, there wasn’t a lot to discuss.

However, at one point, the King of Norway sent a missive letting the Icelanders know that they should become Christian. The Althingy met, discussed it and agreed that they would be baptised as suggested. However, they refused to become Christian until they could meet em masse at the hot springs on the southern side of the island nation and not freeze in the process.

A very pragmatic people, the Icelanders.

October 7, 2016 6:45 am

Shhhh…Do not let the cat out of the bag about Iceland.

October 8, 2016 4:37 am


Traveled all over Iceland 3 times and while the people are nice enough, they are committed socialists. Like Feel The Bern Committed. IOW, fanatical.

Plus if you like long, dark days, drinking and lots of farmed salmon, I guess this is your place.

October 8, 2016 8:12 am

It is the Ysa (haddock) that is unbelievably good.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 7, 2016 12:41 pm

Maggie, et al: James Wesley Rawles website had a good post (and letters in response) regarding moving to Alaska.

October 8, 2016 1:22 pm

Maggie, ya, a good place to raise sheep if you can find them under the snow.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 6, 2016 8:49 pm

Wow. I couldn’t agree less. Close, I think, in a lot of ways. Francis, you nail two things that are huge. The artificial constructs of political correctness and multiculturism are toast. They are way past their sell by date, and i believe will fold up under their own weight. Without a cohersive government/media/big biz enforcer, the sheep that went along with that nonsense will just change lanes and adapt to what’s next. It’s what they do, and that crap isn’t in anybody’s DNA. I don’t think we’re going to get nearly as tribal as jimbo does. Nothing is going to split up. The price for inclusion will be adapting to our culture. The nation will be fine. There is no alt-right, in any meaningful sense. Patriotic americans have found a flying wedge in Donald Trump. The alt-right has a cartoon frog. Jimbo is exited right now, but if he were face to face with people, his jets would calm quite a bit. How about Llpoh and EC? Are they “good” darkies in his book? Gator’s wife? I grew up in a total stew of different types of people. I had cubans and mexicans and blacks and jews in my class since first grade. What kept social cohesion was culture, not tribe. That’s not hard to get back. A culture that rewards positive behavior and punishes assholes is the bedrock of any civilization. That’s where we are headed. And it is a natural state. Liberalism morphed into crony corporatism under bill clinton and george bush, and the desicion to keep it alive for eight years under obongo by counterfeiting money has run it’s course. It’s going to be very hard for weasels and losers to attain power in a Trump administration. A lethal DOJ, which I’m sure is number one on Trump’s to do list, is going to be a busy place. The alt-right stuff will come and go. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of where we are, and where we’re headed. Everything will start becoming more clear next year. Keep thinking, and stay tuned.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Francis Marion
October 6, 2016 11:10 pm

Francis, i never believe one is smarter than the other. Making predictions is a dicey game at best, so much we can’t control, you know? My opinions carry only about equal weight to yours, or jimbo’s, or anyone else who thinks. The only people i like to blast are the ones that don’t explore and don’t think. We will see how it plays out. That’s what makes it interesting. But trading obongo for Trump is about as good of a deal as you will ever get. We may avoid bloodshed. Europe is a different can of worms. Islam is a cancer. Liberalism is a cancer. There may not be a peaceful way to root them out. Cross your fingers.

  starfcker the deplorable
October 8, 2016 2:20 pm

Boy! What a great comments.

Marion, I kinda put off reading your post. Reading all the other first. It was kinda like eating dinner and then saving the dessert for last. You write very well and with a cognizant understanding. It was an easy read.

The problem with multiculturalism is that it’s sometimes like mixing water with oil. It’s just immiscible. You have to add a third ingredient like an emulsifier. For differing cultures to get along, we need an emulsifier.

I believe that emulsifier is available. Edgar Cayce said that all men may not have the same ideas, but they can all have the same Ideal. It is the common Ideal that is the emulsifier bringing different cultures into co-operation, one with another, bringing the individual into co-operation with another person.

War is not the natural state of man, co-operation is. It is in co-operation that man has made the most progress, has satisfied his needs. I don’t think that Tribalism is going to be the answer let alone the future. I think that co-operation on an individual level, not relying on artificial structures like governments to satisfy man’s needs, is the future. Governments as a whole have been a hindrance in man’s progress, physically and spiritually. Governments have moved man outside his natural awareness, his inner life. Man, today, looks outside himself, rarely inside himself. I think that will change.

The Techno-industrial world we have today is not the solution to man’s ills. We may be worse off for it. We are on the edge of a cliff looking into the abyss of nuclear annihilation. Of capturing, thru snooping, every telephone call, every e-mail, every purchase you make, everything about you, your life, hopes, and your dreams. How is that making your life better? It has left man empty and wanting for spiritual substance in his life. You are spiritual being occupying a physical body. The Ego has ignored the most important part of life. That I think is about to change. There will be a change of consciousness and we will really realize the spiritual nature of man and that we all hold that in common then we can come to a common Ideal.

The second great commandment to Love your neighbor as yourself will take on a real meaning.

Progress is not the latest I-phone, but, truly, regaining the spiritual heritage that all mankind has in common.

October 6, 2016 8:53 pm

That map might be realistic 500 years from now, but what about 20,000 years in the future? I’ll bet the land we stand on will be under 2 miles of water! Mother Earth will have cleansed herself with her “oceans are now deserts & vice versa” trick.

October 6, 2016 8:55 pm

Very thought provoking, FM.

What is ironic is that, according to legend (or history – depending upon your theological perspective), the original Tower of Babylon represented mankind’s desire for unity. Except now, instead of manifesting upon the plains of Shinar, it is taking place in the public arena in the form of political correctness: In government, public areas, the workplace, in churches and on college campuses all throughout the northern hemisphere.

Unlike Star’s perspective above, I tend to believe that, at some point, the nations of Islam will either assimilate along with the northern nations in the form of a new, blended economic, political and religious system – or – the northern nations will be assimilated into the house of Islam.

I don’t think the globalists really care.

Either way, it seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. Trump and Brexit do stand in their way though currently. We will see.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 9:32 pm

Unululating, you are tempting the furies or maybe just Stucky who wrote a long tract on the very subject of the tower of Babel.

My take was that humans intended to reach heaven by their own efforts and were overcome by the rarefied air. It is included in the bible as an allegory; man cannot reach heaven by his works, that is made possible only by God’s mercy. But what do I know? Maybe Stucky can clear the air.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
October 6, 2016 9:40 pm

I was going to attach this to the foregoing like I did a double comment yesterday. But I figured I should address FM’s article separately.

Francis, Doc Pangloss once asked if there was an alternative economic system to capitalism besides communism. Nobody suggested anything, they were afraid to even offer a suggestion if it would make them look anti-American. I offer this to say that we may be blinding ourselves with the conviction, the current pro-military atmosphere, that anything that contradicts the pro-white sentiment could be construed as a cuck.

However, the Byzantine empire lasted many hundreds of years while tolerating the various cultures it conquered and only came to a finality when the intolerant Muzzies attacked. The fault was not due to diversity but, as you point out, military weakness due to insolvency.

  Francis Marion
October 8, 2016 3:05 pm

Marion, you say, “As insolvency reaches it peak multiculturalism will fail because the state will no longer be able to keep the glue together.” What makes you think that it is the State that keeps the glue together? Me thinkith that you give too much credit to the State. If it were the State that keeps it together, then why all the propaganda spewing forth from the State’s MSM to convince you that they are necessary and everything good comes from the State.

The Truth is it is the people and the beliefs that the people hold that is the glue that holds society in one piece. Those beliefs are changing and are in conflict with one another and in conflict with the State’s propaganda. There is a paradigm change coming. Call it “The Fourth Turning” if you wish.

  EL Coyote
October 7, 2016 12:30 am

@ El Crypto: You are correct. But unity is how they conspired to construct the stairway to heaven. The same goal is being attempted via the PC religion today.

“Come let US build a city with a tower that reaches the heavens” has become “Come Let US Build a New World Together”.

That was my whole point, El Correcto…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 7, 2016 1:25 am

Unscattered, they were supposed to spread out and dominate the earth. They chose instead to unite under one flag and a common language with a mind towards making a name for themselves, in other words – to make their country great again. God confused their language. They became confused and no longer understood one another. This seems to be happening here. The PC revolt has muddled the rules of polite conversation. It has laid mines in the verbal landscape. People no longer understand each other because of their own filters. Suddenly every utterance is fraught with micro-aggressions and sexist, racist, ageist or xenophobic nuances. In this manner, the tower is crumbling apart as a population breaks down into tribal components.

I know I make it sound orderly but in reality, it is a violent breaking down with tribal screaming at opposing tribes. Respect seems to be the coin of the realm. When that respect is not given freely, tribes tear apart like a chimpout jamboree.

  EL Coyote
October 9, 2016 10:01 am

Your first paragraph is excellent!
The second? It appears to be happening.

“As far as an alternative economic system is concerned if you are looking for perfection, like in politics, you will not find it. That being said economics are actually fairly simple. People need shelter, food and the basics then hopefully something extra. They can provide these things in one of two ways: they can create them for themselves and others free of coercion or they can steal them. You can call either system whatever you please if it helps.”/FM

The stealing can be active or passive. On the ground there are entitlements,
for families to get a free lunch, while across the street, another family may
struggle to pay the taxes to contribute to the lunch $. This can create resentment
and envy, again the Ten Commandments show up.

At the national level, we see various nations colluding/joining forces (covertly if
possible) to literally massacre people and destroy property and create ruin in
epic proportions. Whatever excuse is used, the purpose is to destroy a people,
make them helpless to resist, and loot their natural resources and steal existing
wealth. Murder and mayhem for profit surely represents pure raw evil.

Once we can make the effort, somehow-someway, to put a stop to murder
incorporated, then we can begin to rebuild our towns and cities, regions if
you will. We can not make every culture/race/religion fit into a construct
that makes all equal and the SAME. We can hope for respect of others and
a gentle overlap of cultures, which adds variety and spice to life.
We certainly can not rely on Trump to fix the mess. At most, he can begin
to unwind the culture of corruption, communicate internationally for peace,
and reward people for making changes on the ground level.
Big job that…think if all the myriad “regulations” were scrapped, just that,
people could begin to develop small businesses of all kinds, and thereby begin
to provide for their own needs. {End big GOV}

Thanks EC…you inspire. (big kiss)

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 8, 2016 6:28 pm

Islam is not going to assimilate.
It hasn’t for hundreds of years—why should it now, when it maintains an advantage by dint of being unyielding?

Not sure if anyone has linked to this Nassim Nicholas Taleb piece here yet:

Persnickety the inscrutable
Persnickety the inscrutable
October 6, 2016 9:15 pm

Excellent essay, and I see the future in similar terms. I would also point anyone to the novels by Neal Stephenson, particularly Snow Crash and The Diamond Age, which foresee a future that essentially comprises city-states at one level but tribal towns within them. I think this already exists in fact on much of the west coast, and is creeping to the rest of North America.

I reached similar conclusions and have moved to an area that is 99% my tribe. They aren’t all geniuses or what not, but they aren’t going to attack me on racial or ethnic lines, since I am one of them. This is likely to become a fundamental security measure for anyone in the not too distant future, I think.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 6, 2016 10:00 pm

I think that people band together in times of crisis because of necessity and people live together in times of peace because of conformity.

Many commenters on this forum believe, as I do, that the One Worlders/TPTB/Bankers are creating chaos around the globe so that they can eventually step in and take control in some form of corporate feudalism where they rule all. I believe that they are failing now and will ultimately fail, but not before the West (especially America) is plunged into uncontrollable violence. They planted the seeds and we all will reap the harvest.

I cannot speculate on what the aftermath will look like without considering what Europe and the Middle East looked like after the fall the the Roman Empire. Will it go down exactly like that? Nope. Will the Dark Age last as long this time? I don’t know, but that would depend on how much information and technology is lost. But it will hostile and Darwinian. That much history teaches me.

But what I don’t see is a breakup of North America into local groups peacefully trading with each other and maybe getting together once in a while to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. There will be co-existence eventually, but not after a river of blood is spilled and many years pass.

America is dead right now and it will never come back. The idea of being an American still exists in our minds and from that will come something different to various people living in their part of the remnants of the FUSA.

  Lysander The Deplorable
October 8, 2016 9:16 pm

Lysander The Deplorable–You say, “…that the One Worlders/TPTB/Bankers are creating chaos around the globe so that they can eventually step in and take control in some form of corporate feudalism where they rule all.” I have a different take on it. The One Worlders had control and for a lot of years and what I see is that they are losing their grip on the world. Their world is coming apart and they are desperate to maintain control. They are finding themselves powerless to stop it, tho.

Soon they will be swept aside and a new order based upon man’s spiritual awareness will carry on trade one with another. The old way of top down rule will be considered anachronistic and a more democratic rule with emphasis on the individual will become the norm.

Persnickety the inscrutable
Persnickety the inscrutable
October 6, 2016 10:32 pm

“without considering what Europe and the Middle East looked like after the fall the the Roman Empire.”

The “fall” of the Roman Empire is mostly an interest to modern historians, particularly those of the 19th Century. From a Roman perspective borders were frequently shifting, and the nominal fall took place after centuries of shrinkage, plus the division between eastern and western empires, with the eastern empire lasting another 1000 years (subject to its own shrinkage).

From a non-Roman’s perspective the decline was simply breathing room from a violent and dangerous warmongering state. Much as most people outside the US would view the US today. And it wasn’t at all sudden either.

Civilization within the Italian Peninsula declined during and after Rome’s fall, but outside of that locale it generally did not decline, and in some cases even thrived.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 6, 2016 10:40 pm


Must be synchronicity. I was thinking about what the future holds for the Country I live in. Today I was pressed into service to make a delivery to customer where I work. Usually stuck in an office I made a trek to Cape Breton with my wife and saw why Nova Scotia is such a great place.

The government of Canada has tried unsucessfully over the years to tell me I am a Canadian. They have failed in their project. I am forever doomed to be a Nova Scotian first, foremost and to the last. I will be driving to Ontario on Saturday and although I enjoy visiting I always feel like a foreigner when I am there. It also isn’t long before I want to turn and burn for the right coast.

If I can figure out how to do a slideshow in html I have an idea for a post that I think puts to pictures and sounds what you are trying to get across in your article. Some will say that it is about a racist attitude of separatism. But it isn’t for me. There is a Zen I feel here that I can’t find anywhere else.

The clan lives and my forefathers speak.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 12:04 am
the gapper
the gapper
  RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 12:26 am

and people on the west coast wonder why we have equalization payments every year..
i am glad your proud to be from Nova Scotia. i hope you do not freeze in your beds when Alberta folds under the carbon tax.
or the liberal lash
i am a transplant to British Columbia just glad to survive in the madness of political correctness and the worship of useless eaters.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  the gapper
October 7, 2016 6:38 am


Nova Scotia did just fine before there was an Alberta.
It will do fine once again when Alberta ceases to matter.

If you are running away to BC to escape political correctness and useless eaters then you should keep running. Your province is the only one so far that has that stupid fucking carbon tax.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 7:43 pm

I was born in Ontario, and feel like a foreigner. On my walks around my neighbourhood, I see many women with covered hair and I don’t mean the veil catholic women wear to church. At the grocery store you can tell long time residents because they’ll take a moment to speak to you, unlike all the newcomers who don’t dress like the rest of us, or speak English or French when out in public. I still feel Canadian, but I’m being surrounded by people who obviously don’t want to be Canadian. I want to move to away from here, up north, maybe west, or the east coast where I’ve encountered many more people who hold the same values I do, speak my language, and might actually stop to say hello instead of shoving past you, and blocking the aisles with their carts and unruly children. What keeps me here is what keeps most people here, it’s where the jobs and aging parents are.

I put my old cat in the ground last week. She would have been feral if we hadn’t brought her home all those years ago. The way the world’s going, I feel the feral humans are getting closer and maybe it’s time to move away from places where the feral humans are congregating. Feral cats I can deal with. Feral humans I prefer to avoid dealing with.

DaBirds (Living and dying in 3/4 time)
DaBirds (Living and dying in 3/4 time)
October 6, 2016 11:14 pm

Kudos to the posters and commentators here at TPD. The depth of thought, knowledge and humor is often enlightening, sometimes frustrating, but never boring.

October 7, 2016 6:47 am

Excellent essay.

In all of history, no government became more honest, less corrupt, or respected its citizen’s rights more as it grew in size. E.L. 2016

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2016 7:58 am

Human societies are the equivalent of forests- they grown organically in their own place and time- they are vigorous in the early stages and spread to the confines of their habitat, then the growth slows but what exists transforms to a hardier, longer lasting stock able to withstand the vagaries of external forces. It then enters a period of slow decline and in the end all it takes is a spark-*

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2016 2:13 pm

HF keeps it real and in conformance with prophesy. The heathens may rage but in the final wash and rinse all will be fulfilled. I say heathens, not infidels, heathens includes me back then – a person with scales over the eyes.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be dissolved in the fire, and the earth and its works will not be found.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 8:31 am

Took this picture last week on a trip..

The gas pump and the weeds standing guard in front of a store established in year when everything changed.

I think it sums up the inevitability of the reset that is going to happen whether folks like it or not.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Leaving aside the fact that the gapper hopes that I freeze in the dark I just want to thank you Francis for writing this. It is funny I often get that visceral reaction when I tell people that I count myself Nova Scotian first. Canada was created and protected for the amusement of Canada. It never had Nova Scotia’s best interests at heart.

Protectionism and tariffs cut off this province and entire region from the Natural trade patterns that had established over the course of 300 years. In it’s place manufacturers and entrepreneurs were forced to compete with Upper and Lower Canada for the protected markets being created in West under MacDonald’s National Policy. It didn’t take long for the financiers and industrialists to move to Montreal and then to Ontario to pursue their ambitions.

Equalization has made things worse.

And then some kind soul sends best wishes that I should be someday soon freezing in the dark.
A damn fine piece of sentiment or sediment…. Take your pick gappy. It is after all a beach theme!

How nice and neighbourly. Proof in words that this country doesn’t work.

I never thought a video from a sandy beach in North Aspy Cape Breton would end up being considered trolling by someone out there. I can’t win for losing. Even when I am not trying to be a Shit Throwing Monkey it seems I can’t fucking help myself.

So Gappy, I’ll end by saying, like most here, I work every day. Keep your fucking money. Government policy created the problem. Someday soon it will be seen that the conclusion of the problem will end up being the solution.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Francis Marion
October 7, 2016 2:18 pm

Mending is a good way of putting it. Families have been scattered to the winds in part I think because they are a threat to government control.

I have trip on agenda. To Ontario. Maybe when I get back I will parse my observations into something that might add to what you are saying.

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Those are the hills looking away from that beach.

I look around and see so much potential. Plenty of food on the land and plenty of fish in the sea.

And yet when I turn on TV all I hear is, we can’t do this and we can’t do that. How can a country pull in one direction when policy codifies and enshrines our differences. Liberal trade policy and Globalization has made us all slaves to JIT. Everything we need seems to be from somewhere else.

Why is that anyways?

It is to keep folks compliant. Even the most unaware know that if there is a storm they need to get to store first before the shelves are bare to survive. It is hardly surprising that when Paulson was threatening “tanks in the streets” he got not only the cheque but a back rub as well.

And the only solution the Globalists have is to further degrade the local production of the stuff we need. I am not against trade but, and I know this is going to sound Trumpian, there seems to be so much unfair trade thru subsidies and currency manipulation. And the only solution governments can come up with is a doubling down on stupid cooking another pot of alphabet soup. What is it now TPP. I have lost track.

Government is the problem and yet once again liberals are trying to convince the public that what we need is more government. They are taking square root of a negative and trying to explain imaginary numbers.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Problem is most folks either don’t care or don’t get the joke.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Francis Marion
October 7, 2016 2:59 pm

I agree FM. Your old Man is wise. Anyways hope I was able to add something to what you wrote.

The weather is nice again today while I am stuck in an office. I suspect most are getting a head start on long Thanksgiving weekend in Canuckistan. So wishing all the other ____-Canadians on TBP, including gapper, a wonderful weekend. Lots of beer and lots of Turkey!

I will raise a glass later and pray for deliverance for the Jays in Texmex!



Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Francis Marion
October 8, 2016 1:53 pm

@Francis Marion: Long, LONG time lurker here on Quinn’s badass site. I love this article you penned and often look forward to your and Jim’s posts. My daughter is named after the man represented by your pen name, and is my relative. I knew immediately seeing it that your posts would at the least pique my interest.

That being said, yesterday I got to the point where I’m ready to just Shrug. Fuck it all, fuck the system, and fuck the average, unthinking, retarded douchebag in this country. After this nonsensical bullshit being thrown at Trump from both political operations, I think I’m going to give the country EXACTLY what it deserves: A vote for the Shemale. There’s ZERO doubt in my mind that she’ll have us in a nuclear war within the next 4 years. Well fuck it, let the chips fall where they may. It would suck horrifically and some of the depopulation would likely be people who don’t deserve it. But there’s way too much buffoonery in America.

This country needs a Trump. This country deserves a Hillary. I weep for my three young children.

  Francis Marion
October 9, 2016 10:49 am


AofC, please do not say we deserve Hil and the nuke option!
Do your children deserve that? We have enough radiation to last us forever
without some more nuke bombs.

Yes, our society has devolved. Yes gov has grown irreparably corrupt.
Yes, there is a culture of violence being stoked and imported hither
and yon. Yes, people have been corrupted with I-shit and petty
social climbing, and the god-awful TV.

Your family and your community are your domain. Life is short,
but you have a part to play. Raise great children. And,….you will feel better
tomorrow. Everyone wants this nightmare to end. Take small bites.

October 7, 2016 8:45 am

“Let go of your need or desire to save whatever nation it is that you dwell within.”

I’m way ahead of you! I believe it was a federal judge who said something to the effect of “The only reason we owe government our allegiance is to protect our rights.”

That pretty much sums it up for me. I tend to think ‘Murica will survive but only if the govt gets back to recognizing that it is the citizens that make the nation great. The rat bastards that have been running the show for the past century are in it for themselves. They don’t give a shit about you and I OR the nation. They only care about enriching themselves in the name of the state.

If we have the good sense to end central banking and restore sound, value based money, their plundering days are over. The USA will, become the most attractive location on Earth for anyone with intellect and/or a little wealth to invest. The reality is that our military is used by the bankers to offensively to keep the world in central banking bondage. Our military is the enforcement arm of global, private, for profit banking system. End the fed and the entire western world will flourish as a result. The foreign free shitters will self deport. Everyone else will pull their weight or perish.

I don’t see it on the street yet but a sense of nationalism is building. I’m hoping that steers us away from anarchy so that the nation can be taken back by constitutional means. I’m not hopeful though because too many worship at the feet of hollywood, Wall Street and Da Govment.

I’m 50 years old with no chirrens or blood relatives beyond my two brothers so it’s easy for me to be cynical about the the whole thing and be fresh out of shits to give. If nothing else I want to get my pound of flesh as revenge. We might just get our country back at the same time.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 7, 2016 10:27 am

That’s a great post, IS. Do I detect a faint ray of optomism?

  starfcker the deplorable
October 7, 2016 3:49 pm

No. I WANT to be optimistic but all it takes is a quick look around this formerly great land to see the reality.

October 9, 2016 10:59 am

“If we have the good sense to end central banking and restore sound, value based money, their plundering days are over. The USA will, become the most attractive location on Earth for anyone with intellect and/or a little wealth to invest. The reality is that our military is used by the bankers to offensively to keep the world in central banking bondage. Our military is the enforcement arm of global, private, for profit banking system. End the fed and the entire western world will flourish as a result. The foreign free shitters will self deport. Everyone else will pull their weight or perish.”

Gosh IS, how brilliant is that? Wow and double wow. Thank you!

Some people do not know what central banking represents and don’t care.
Those of us that have figured it out (it was a public secret) step back and
see the perfect vehicle for endless profit for zero work/production. What
a racket!! So many have died for the central bankers keeping their gig up
and running, and that is bad. CB is bad. We need to forever eliminate that
system of “creating money.”

Maggie's phone
Maggie's phone
October 7, 2016 10:47 am

I decided to revisit while waiting for appointments and read all the comments. Am so glad I did since the value of the comments from TBP readers adds so much to a wonderful thought provoking article like this one. I still like Iceland in spite of some of the odd superstitions. After surveying the surreal landscape there, a dwarf or elf would not seem out of place.

The breaking up of the basic family unit by promoting no-fault divorce followed by the normalization of illegitimate children without fathers signalled the beginning of the end of a society where moral behavior matters. If you can bring a child into the world and make everyone accountable for the welfare of that child, but not be held to any level of responsibility yourself as a babydaddy/ babymomma, why would a tribe develop the kind of skills that are necessary for tribal survival.

I suspect the ‘tribes’ are aligning in ways that will not be of most people’s choosing. I agree that Trump is probably not going to salvage anything, but the delay would be welcome.

I am phone typing so will edit the nonsensical out. Or try.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
October 8, 2016 2:07 am

Be of good cheer, FM. Trump is the messiah of the hour. He will save the Alt-Right from multicultural perdition. The beaners will be deported, the blacks sent back to Africa, gays, trannies and lezzies will be sent to re-education camps.

Trump will put America back to work in sweatshops where capos will monitor them to prevent shirking.

Anybody with an opinion will be shot. (TBPers will long since have been rounded up and dispensed with, even their families. But, but I’m a cocksucking liberal…All the more reason, besides, your married to Stucky’s sister.) Any body who starts a sentence with: Why can’t they, I wish, Things ought to, They can’t, etc. will be shot.

Work, you worthless varmints, we must make America great again for our beloved Trump. Ivanka wants a new mansion. Melania needs a new diamond.

October 7, 2016 11:07 am

“The tower of Babel title is intended as a metaphor. I see the western nation state as an attempt by man to create a tower to reach God somehow or at least as an attempt to emulate what we think He or nature wants for us.” —– Francis Marion

“Reach” God … perhaps. More likely it’s to “replace” God. BTW, loved the essay.

As far as the “natural state” of mankind vs. nation states, the ToB (Tower of Babel) is both useful and confusing. (I don’t mean to turn this into a theological discussion, and will try to avoid the finer nuances, but you did bring it up! lol). For my purposes I will assume the story is literal, not allegorical …. cuz with allegory any damned interpretation is as good … and crazy … as any other.)

— Before the ToB was built. There were no nation states, mankind spoke one language, and so it is reasonable to assume there was but one culture. (Again, all of that was written from the perspective of the writer of Genesis.) One must assume (again) that this was God’s will. If so, then is NOT having nation states the natural state of mankind?

— After the ToB was built. Well, it appears God interrupted the construction before it was completed. Now it appears that God does NOT like all this one-language / one-culture thingy … and disperses the people into various new language groups, and then they leave presumably to form their own nations. In other words, the end result of attempting to build the ToB was nation states … and this ordained by God himself!! More nation states, not less. And , one can not say that was a direct result of man’s fall from grace — because mankind was already in a fallen state when they started construction of the ToB. So, the question becomes, is THIS now the natural state of mankind according to God’s will? It appears the answers is yes.

It seems to me the general trend is moving towards MORE nations, not fewer. In 1986 there were 159 countries in the United Nations, today there are 191. And. worldwide there are more than 200 unrecognized regions and people which carry the seed of separation from their current nation and all of them are more or less possible candidates for becoming a new nation-state. In this sense, Babel isn’t crumbling, it’s getting stronger.

[imgcomment image[/img]

What about … Heaven? It sure seems like there are nations, even in heaven. From the book of Revelation, at the very end of the book, after Armageddon and all the bad shit ….

“And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the NATIONS walk, and the kings of the earth [Stucky: If there are kings … there are nations.] will bring their glory into it, and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the NATIONS.

I can only conclude that even God hates multiculturalism, and loves nation states, even in heaven! :mrgreen:

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 11:37 am


It has to be true it’s in the book. Too funny.
That’s it well I guess the cat is out of the bag. Separate clouds it is. I just ordered mine.

It’s big and fluffy and has big screen TV and fridge full of beer!

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 7, 2016 2:34 pm

I don’t think God was hoping for multiculturalism when he fucked up everybody’s program at Babel. Just being an Old Testament dick and punishing his creations for being clever. Same kind of asshole that would turn a bitch to salt just for looking in the wrong direction. Lucky for us he became the only father in universal history to listen to his son and lighten up a bit.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 2:39 pm


…listen to his son and lighten up a bit….

that has the be the funniest religious commentary I have read for quite some time.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 8, 2016 1:36 am

Meso, Why you wants to put it all on God? They were ordered to escape and not look back. Bitches from the time of Eve have been disobeying orders. Bitches always try to bend the rules because they have a natural curiosity. Curiosity is what led Eve to disobedience. Have you not read that bitches are the only creature that wants to know a thing before it can be known?

This is a reason I got sick of I Love Lucy, I didn’t know why until Clammy explained that all bitches are like Lucy; lying, cheating, curious and sneaky.

If more bitches got turned into pillars of salt for cheating, we’d have less EBT kids to raise and cops could give they trigger finger a rest.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 8, 2016 12:35 am

Stuck, you Judaizer, if you pull a Clinton and define the terms of the debate to your advantage, of course we will not be able to refute any of your statements. But we have no less an authority than St. Paul who said that the bible is allegory and all the things that happened to the Jews were for an example. Only kids take things literally because they can’t understand nuance and comparison. When Jesus tries to convey an image of heaven, which is indescribable, he offers a couple of comparisons that go over the listeners’ head. I suspect you took this thing about being ‘like a child’ too literally and now you can’t understand the ToB allegory.

Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman. But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh, while the son of the free woman was born through promise. Now this may be interpreted allegorically: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar. Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 8, 2016 1:21 am

You read in Genesis that Cain founded several cities. This was a man who had killed his brother out of jealousy. His brother was a shepherd who slept out in the open under starry skies, not under a roof.

The stories of Ruth and Moses contain this common theme: they are people who leave the comforts of a city to follow the people of God.

I’ve read that God hates divorce, he hates Esau, he hates disobedience. I haven’t seen the verse that says he hates multiculturalism. I suspect that is a current issue based on social preference. At one time, folks might have claimed that God hates gays or Jews or Indians or blacks. Claiming that God hates a particular group might just be an excuse for persecuting that group. Perhaps Cain convinced himself that God hated shepherds.

Peter was ordered to eat of all kinds of animals but he resisted. He preferred to keep the Jewish dietary laws. Paul recognized this error, he was chosen to preach to the multicultural world abroad. If we look at Paul, he too, fits the template of Moses – he left his world to follow the chosen people of God. Before you insist that the Jews are the chosen people; who are my brothers? asked Jesus. They are those who do the will of God.

John Coster
John Coster
October 7, 2016 11:32 am

I am clearly a citizen of the United States of the Atlantic. Many of my ancestors came from New York and Pennsylvania and were prominent in the American Revolution. I am presently working on a book based on family letters from the late 18th and early 19th century. I now feel most at home in New England and the maritime provinces of Canada (even if that’s where all the tories fled). Much of the music I play and write is clearly tribal, based as it is on Scotch-Irish musical forms and traditions of lyric writing that run far back. What am I to do with my disgust at the wholesale abandonment by our national government of the principles on which it is supposedly based? I’m not sure, but this is a thought provoking article that explains much of what I have been feeling. The connection between fiat money and war is so important and so totally ignored by most of those who fancy themselves crusaders for peace. Maybe talking about the Federalist papers to a bunch of Pakistani immigrants is sheer folly. Globalism IS a threat to everyone, a process of destruction both to cultures and the environment, all controlled by the abstracting demands of international finance. To a shareholder, it may be more efficient to raise a salmon off the coast of Scotland, process it in China and sell it in New York, but it cannot be efficient in terms of energy and resources. Maybe this is why Martin Luther said money turns everything to shit… or bullshit if we think about the present state of political discourse. The Irish poet, Yeats, who relied on native myth and landscapes, said that symbols needed a time and place in which to evolve and that without symbols, humans could find little meaning or even communicate effectively beyond the most superficial level. Maybe the trick is to protect regional integrity and independence while still protecting the commons, the shared environment. How? If the big collapse comes and Hillary provokes Russia or all the nukes melt down when the supply lines break down, my growing woodpile in Vermont and the friendly neighbors down the road won’t do me much good. Enough. I ramble on. As Dylan said, “The man sitting next to me, his head was exploding/I was praying the pieces wouldn’t fall on me.” Great article and many great comments. Thank you, all. I apologize for my exploding head.

  John Coster
October 9, 2016 11:23 am

Brilliant Mr. JC,
To sum it up, buy local. Save energy. Get cleaner food.
Everyone has an exploding head these days. No apologies
are necessary. God bless creative people.


RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 11:47 am


So true. Not sure if you knew but a great song-writer died from this part of the world recently. I was going to include this in a post later today but sometimes it is better just to follow in a thread. I don’t then feel the need to respond to each and every barb even though most days I do anyways. I linked a song. You have likely heard it in your travels but for those that haven’t then take a minute in listen. This song is a great one, written by a Newfoundlander, but I suppose seeing as I am barely a Mainlander I can claim him for myself. One of the very best as far as I am concerned.

The great thing about where I live is we don’t need to try and be Canadians to differentiate ourselves from you Yanks. We already we have our songs.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  RiNS the deplorable
October 7, 2016 1:13 pm

Nice tune, Rob…for some reason this song came to mind after hearing yours. It’s one of the saddest songs by Tom Rush and brings to mind the downfall of America and a melancholia that won’t go away.

John Coster
John Coster
  RiNS the deplorable
October 8, 2016 9:38 am

Thanks Rob, A straight forward beautiful song. Really got to me. Sorry he’s someone I missed before now, but I will definitely check him out.

October 7, 2016 1:07 pm

Stucky , I can’t seem to get my mind around your beliefs or non beliefs. You are spot on with your biblical interpretations but you
constantly mock God and people like me who believe the Bible .
Francis Marion , nice thought provoking article .I believe this nation will burn like no other in history. Only Satan has committed a more heinous sin then America. You are right ,America in its current form is irredeemable.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 8, 2016 6:43 pm

It’s been shown that atheists know the bible better than christians. That’s why they’re atheists.

Atheists Know More about Religion than Christians

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 8, 2016 12:42 pm

Who’s being subtle? Not I. I pick on both candidates. I pick on groups that don’t include me and sometimes groups that do. I’m not a joiner. I’m a thorn in everybody’s side. I’m against prideful attitudes and selfish dreams. I’m against popularity contests and anything there is to be against.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
October 9, 2016 2:22 am

I never got picked for any games. Not exactly the kind of treatment that’s conducive to being a team player.

I always liked the movie ‘Ben’ and ‘Christine’ – I don’t know why but I kinda understand how they felt, you know?

Jim F
Jim F
October 9, 2016 11:23 am

You crushed it Francis. You crystallized a thought process that had been knocking around Iin the back of my pea brain for quite some time. After the 2008 warning tremor I began to look at my clan and my tribe as my future and found myself unenthusiastic and indifferent about the fate of our empire. I felt guilty and tried to resurrect my dying patriotism but I always circled back to my family and my like minded neighbors, my tribe. I have abandoned my guilt along with my allegiance to a ruined republic. When things get sporty I will rally with my clan and my tribe. Excellent article. Thank you so much.

October 9, 2016 12:05 pm

It is never too late to do the right thing. Join something,
be for stuff, rather than against stuff. Many of our (USA)
cultures are inflamed right now. And everybody (70%) is
stone broke. The country is over-leveraged and people are
looking for the culprits. The culprits are among the too-big-
to be jailed…but they aren’t at hand. So we are picking on each
other, and that isn’t smart or effective. On the other hand, turning
20-30-40% illiterate immigrants into welfare recipients that do not
pay taxes is a losing proposition/multiculturalism aside.
The more cultures the better…especially when they pay their own way.
Apart from the colors and flavors (good to go) there needs to be common
law. And, in many, not all, cases people like to be surrounded by people
of a common heritage. Culture = what makes us a bit different. We love
that!! Open borders for anyone and everyone (that require full subsidies no
less) not so much. I was born in a different culture/country/language…
and it was quite a while B4 I got picked for any team/so to speak.
We are all immigrants. Don’t be crabby…that wears out your adrenal glands…
those mushrooms on top of your kidneys. Cultivate your pineal gland. Take
someone out for supper and plan for laughter.