Incest Embraced by Liberals as “Sexual Diversity” – “Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs

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Rise Up
Rise Up
December 5, 2016 12:37 pm

Students favor “sanctuary campus” for illegal immigrant students at George Washington University (Washington, D.C.).

December 5, 2016 12:41 pm

Funny how these dooshflakes don’t judge anyone that is sick and demented, yet they are all over judging those that do have an opinion.

Fuckin losers, glad I’m all grown up already.

December 5, 2016 1:27 pm

Incest keeps families together. Nothing wrong with that.

Plus, it was quite the thing back in Old Testament days. God didn’t have that big a problem with it, so why should I?

I think I’ll go see my seester tonight …………

December 5, 2016 2:16 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 5, 2016 3:04 pm

Anon, we don’t need a link to know that people were marrying close relatives back then. If mankind springs from one couple, be it algae or neanderthal, then somewhere along the line, there was intermarriage going on.

Back in Adam’s day, folks had to marry their sisters. Later, Abraham married his cousin. Today, marrying that closely is illegal or frowned upon and now the accepted practice is to marry inter-racially (Kim and Kanye). Someday we shall find it acceptable to find love like in the Planet of the Apes.

  EL Coyote
December 5, 2016 3:16 pm

Except that incest in the Bible occurred waaaaaaay past the Adam and Eve days. Way way way past mankind’s early beginnings.

I’m pretty sure you know that. Question is, will you accept it? Or, will you continue to defend abhorrent practices in the Bible … even when the abhorrence is as clear as the nose on your face?

Wait until I get to Numbers!!!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
December 7, 2016 12:46 am

4 people here are either boinking their sister or they are morans. Here’s a clue for the idiots: I was joking. If you don’t like my jokes, fuck off. Did you really think I was recommending hooking up with apes?

And if you don’t approve of inter-racial couples, your 40 or 50 years too late. Your obsession with keeping the genetic pool pure is a futile effort but I can understand now why your with your sister.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 5, 2016 2:54 pm

Uh, those days are over, Stuck. Leave your sister to your best friend, it’s the right thing to do.

My step-son was fighting with his sister so I told him he ought to be thankful she’s his sister.
How so? he wondered.
You can never marry her.

Miles Long
Miles Long
December 5, 2016 2:01 pm

Daddy always pulls out before he cums…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Miles Long
December 7, 2016 12:51 am

Miles Long, your a fuck head. You are a latent child molester and a sick fuck. You probably have kiddie porn in your nightstand drawer. You are a disgusting sicko.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 5, 2016 4:02 pm

Incest is forbidden due to the concentration of recessive genes. I’m sure there was no law against incest originally because there were no laws originally. Over time, it was observed that families that started from un-related people were able to avoid certain pathologies: marrying close relatives led to retardation, physical defects and mental illness that ran in such families, as demonstrated by the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt. Eventually, laws were instituted to prevent what took generations to observe in action. It was probably many centuries before such prohibitions took place in organized societies, because it took many centuries to evolve organized societies.
Nowadays, civilized people take this for granted only because it IS institutionalized in laws, customs and family groups that this is a REALLY bad idea and it WILL eventually catch up to you. Keeping the riches concentrated within the family is stupid if it turns out a family of imbeciles!

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 5, 2016 8:06 pm

The issue of incest is covered in Leviticus 18:6-18. God says NO.
God knew what was wrong with it long before man figured it out. It took a while for death’s affects to corrupt man’s genetics. Not only with incest producing idiots, but also with the shortening of man’s lifespan and disease.

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 7, 2016 2:26 am

“The Royal House of Habsburg, one of the most powerful dynasties of Medieval and Renaissance Europe, reigned over much of Europe for centuries. Beginning in the early 12th century they quickly expanded their realm through a series of strategically executed marriages, from the mountains of Switzerland to a territory that included swaths of Austria, Hungary, Italy, France and Spain. The Spanish branch of the Habsburg dynasty helped create an empire that reached its apex in the 16th and 17th centuries, controlling land from the Phillippines to the Americas.

Yet the Habsburgs are known not only for controlling huge tracts of Europe, but also for maintaining control by rarely marrying outside the dynasty. By the end of the 17th century, the results of their marital practices had become apparent in the form of a distinctive protruding lip, a high rate of infant mortality and a host of other health problems. Could the same marital practices that helped bring the Habsburg dynasty to power also have led to its demise?”


December 5, 2016 4:34 pm

Went to high school with a dude whose parents were brother and sister. The result is not pretty.

Our elites like to “keep it in the family” as well. That explains a lot!

December 5, 2016 6:46 pm

I really wish I hadn’t watched this Dice video. He trolls the brain-dead walking the beaches of SoCal. The state where Hildebeast won by 3.5 million votes. Truly scary how many of them are out there.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
December 6, 2016 9:12 am

At the risk of being seen as a troublemaker, allow me to point out what I think is an important principle. Humans need to have at least two sets of rules. One set, the legal rules, forbids people from doing things that actively harm other people. “No, murder is illegal! You can’t steal that car! Don’t commit fraud!” On the other hand, there are a lot of things (like incest) that should not be done, but which do not actively harm others. Societal, religious or cultural rules should control those acts. “You are boinking your sister?! I don’t want you coming over to my house again!” or “You joined the Communist Party? We cannot remain friends.”

Legal rules are the ones that say, “No, we as a community won’t allow that, period. We are coming with guns to put you in a cage.” Societal rules are the ones that say, “No, I do not approve of that and I will not interact with people like you.”

Obviously, there are some gray areas. If someone is driving recklessly by a grade school crossing but has not YET run over a child, is that a legal matter or a societal matter? That sort of issue is beyond any quick discussion.

One of the most dangerous ideas to take root in this country was the shift from “mind your own business” to “there ought to be a law!”

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
  Jason Calley
December 6, 2016 12:52 pm

Jason Calley,

YOU are a fucking moron. Or you can clarify the quote below and I’ll withdraw my epithet.

“On the other hand, there are a lot of things (like incest) that should not be done, but which do not actively harm others.”

WHAT of any children (even accidents?!) and their vast increase in risk for low intelligence or a dozen other birth defects resulting from consanguinity?

WHAT of people around them, who will be FORCED TO PAY FOR AND SUPPORT said defective children?

Active harm, indeed.

If the incestuous couple is utterly and absolutely sterile, then perhaps….perhaps….you are not entirely off-base. Otherwise, please go back to biology class in high school, or talk to a farmer who raises livestock. You’re proven to be too far removed from common sense to survive without help.

I put incest in the same category as homosex adoption. I sincerely hope that those who are harmed downstream literally eviscerate those who brought on their suffering.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
  Jason Calley
December 6, 2016 11:46 pm

Incest could be viewed as unnecessarily harming a child produced by such a union (the odds of gross genetic anomalies goes up quite a bit) and as such of harming society, which would have to deal with the outcome of such things should it become ok legally.

Also, when people engage in things of such a nature, they are often then more inclined to break other social taboos, which could be very harmful to their neighbors.

December 7, 2016 12:00 am


On a light hearted note, may I suggest that you watch the 1964 Elvis classic Kissin’ Cousins. It is an entire hillbilly musical about getting with your cousin. My favorite is when they go at it “Mountain Style”.

Just watched it a few days ago.

December 7, 2016 9:18 am

“Incest Embraced by Liberals as “Sexual Diversity” – “Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs”

I believe some of you have missed the point of this story, I don’t think this is about a brother having sex with his sister.

It’s natural for men and women to fall in love and have children, then raise those children and teach them about the dangers in life, so they can have a better chance of survival.

Like all humans, liberals are looking for love, but they want love without responsibility. In the twisted mind of the liberal, love is sex, instead of love being God.

I believe this story is about liberals trying to convince everyone that the age of consent should be done away with, and promote the idea that it would be natural for parents and children to have sexual relations, which of course has nothing to do with love.

The words on the back of the dollar bill say, “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which means “New Order Secularism” or New Secular Order.

Secular means worldly, not spiritual, so a New Secular Order is a New Worldly Order. An Order where the natural laws of nature, and natures natural God are ignored, and Secularism, or worldly beliefs are the new normal.

Where anyone can have sex with anyone, or anything, and no one cares. Pagans have been wanting this for the world for a long time, and the Freemasons are working to make it happen right in front of our eyes.

Many years ago when this type of Evil would begin to take over, the natural thinking humans would rise up and slay them.

It’s been happening for thousands of years, and it’s about to happen again, and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it.

It’s the God within that tells us these things are wrong, and it’s mans natural way of protecting his species, so he can insure his own survival.

When the time comes, you will know what you have to do…