“The Center Didn’t Hold”

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com,

The Purpose of Decadence and the Pleasures of Coercion

I guess you’ve noticed by now that the center didn’t hold. Instead of a secure platform for political premises like tradition, precedent, rationality, and cultural norms, you see a fiery maw of sheer emotion between the camps of the so-called Left and the so-called Right.

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I say so-called because the campus Left and the Trump Right have escaped the categorical corrals they formerly occupied. And they may have left their customary official parties stranded and dying too. It may be fatuous to say whether that is a good or bad thing; it just is, for the moment. They are two halves of a polity so broken and so far apart that it is also hard to see how they might ever come back together into a consensus about how a society might operate successfully.

Not having a consensus — some substantial overlap between circles of perspective — it’s not surprising that America can’t construct a coherent view of what is happening, or make a plan for what to do about it. Mainly what’s happening is the running down of fossil fuel based techno-industrial economies, and the main symptom is falling standards of living, with fading prospects for future happiness and security.

As I’ve said before, our economic picture is basically untenable due to the falling energy-return-on-investment of the crucial oil supply (shout-out to Steve St. Angelo). At the high point of 1920s oil production the ratio was around 100-1. The shale oil “miracle” is good for about 5-1. The aggregate of all oil these days is under 30-1. Below that number, you’ve got to shed some activities in our complex economy (or they just get too expensive to support) — things like high-paying labor jobs, medical care, tourism, college, commuting, heating 2500 square foot homes…). Oddly the way it’s actually working out is that America is simply shedding its whole middle class and all its accustomed habits and luxuries. At least that’s how it adds up in effect. Naturally, that produces a lot of bad feeling.

President Trump is unlikely to be able to fix that essential problem, unless he can pilot the whole political-economy into a glide-path leading toward neo-medievalism — what I call the World Made By Hand. Trump’s call for restoring the factory economy of 1962 is a low-percentage prospect. Instead, he’ll be saddled with the collateral damage caused by the dishonest effort of his recent predecessors to borrow from the future to pay for the way we live now — that is, racking up debt. This mighty debt-load, never before seen in history, and the accounting fraud that enables it, has helped produce all kinds of distortions, perversities, and fragilities in our money system (finance and banking) which can easily slip into collapse if a crucial prop fails here or there, and that is exactly what I think will happen under Trump. It will not be his fault, but he’ll get blamed for it. And when it happens, he won’t be able to give his attention to anything but that.

In the meantime, society shows all the symptoms of this literal economic disease in the political and cultural fissures of the day. The political Right failed in its role as prudent conservator of values, resources, and practical custom; the political Left has taken refuge in sentimental fantasy, using the semantic ploys of the graduate school seminars to pretend that reality is whatever they wish it to be. Uncomfortable with the age-old tensions of sexuality? Then pretend that you can opt out of the dynamics of biology by declaring yourself “non-binary,” a term with a pleasing science-y flavor. Tensions gone? Not really. You’ve only made them worse as, for instance, expressed in “non-binary” suicide rates. The perversities of transsexual triumphalism are related directly to the falsehoods of Federal Reserve trans-monetarist triumphalism, and all parties are subject to the matrix of racketeering that has taken the place of plain dealing in goods, money, and ideas in this society — especially ideas grounded in reality.

Societies may not exactly be organisms with intentions, but they move in a particular direction because they are emergent phenomena. That is, they are self-organizing according to the circumstances and forces they are subject to at a certain time and place in history. Decadence is specifically the decay of social and cultural boundaries, a process that is manifestly accelerating now. Both sides of the political spectrum are acting out this dynamic, with the vacuum in the middle sucking vitality out of each side. The Left has become a kind of pagan religion of sacred victims and victimhood, collecting sacred injuries and martyrs. Its dark secret, though, is that these sacred things are only straw-dogs and wicker-men. The real animating motive for the Left these days is simply the pleasure of coercion, of exercising the power to punish their adversaries and watch them suffer.

The Trump Right also enjoys the writhings and sufferings of its adversaries, squashed bug style, as it goes forth in the quixotic battle to bring back 1962 at all costs. Both the Left and the right show not a little sadism in their methods. In the background of these histrionics, the great groaning machine of Modernity lurches toward collapse — not the end-of-the-world as many foolishly imagine, but the end of a phase of history when things that used to work, don’t. At a certain point, we’ll have to try other ways of being with each other on this planet, and then for a while things will come together again.


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February 4, 2017 8:54 am

Maybe I’m not the universal expert Kunstler is, but I see his whole position here as about as wrong as it can get.

I don’t find a single statement in this article that couldn’t be easily taken apart by even a minor intellect, much less anyone with real expertise on the subject(s) he is addressing.

February 4, 2017 9:16 am

The single greatest problem facing the West–not just the USA–is the debt money financial system, a financial system that on its face is absurd: payment of interest by an entire society to thimble-riggers who create said “debt” out of thin air while having no genuine tangible collateral to back it, no productive activity that created the so-called “capital” that they “lend”.

I disagree with JHK that there will be a devolution to the degree that he predicts and has been predicting since Hector was a pup.

February 4, 2017 12:07 pm

Wrong ! The single greatest threat facing the West is the the great replacement of traditional European Christan culture with cultural Marxism . There’s a price for everything.
#MandatoryMudsharking #EmbraceTheDoom

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February 4, 2017 1:18 pm

Cultural Marxism is certainly a great threat, but its dissemination and implementation depended, depends and will continue to depend upon the funding provided by the masters of the debt money system. Remove the funding that fuels the juggernaut, it will slowly but surely lose momentum, given that what it actually advocates is cultural and therefore societal suicide.

The old saw “follow the money” is the way to find the root of all that ails us.

February 4, 2017 9:35 pm

More bullshit. Open borders requires no central (boogeyman) bank funding. Just stand back and let the golden horde flow in. History is fucking replete examples of barbarian invaders pouring across borders and destroying entire nations and centuries of established tradition, religion and culture. So enough of that shit already. Everything can’t be blamed on bankers.

The greatest threat to Western socialization is immigration and invaders need to central bank to foment, fund or implement it.

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February 4, 2017 9:38 pm

Immigration is war.

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Never, ever, accept refugees

February 5, 2017 6:35 am

That’s a good link, flash. And I agree, Monte, if we allow ourselves to be invaded, it matters not a whit what kind of monetary system we have.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
February 4, 2017 9:29 am

Well, Anonymous, I think Kunstler has a bad habit of trying to see both sides of a situation. Personally, I find this juvenile but like many semi-leftists he always has a good analysis. Why don’t you take this article apart since it would be so easy?

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
February 4, 2017 9:44 am

Not enough room for the whole article, but here’s one item:

“Mainly what’s happening is the running down of fossil fuel based techno-industrial economies, and the main symptom is falling standards of living, with fading prospects for future happiness and security.”

In reality what’s happening is the result of Free Trade giving unfair competitive advantages to foreign nations whose workers are paid a fraction of our minimum wage.

On top of that, they are also “fossil fuel based techno-industrial economies” and their workers are actually seeing an increase in their overall lifestyle and standard of living not “falling standards of living, with fading prospects for future happiness and security”.

What is happening has nothing to do with being fossil fuel based, it has to do with competition conditions and is not broadly applicable across all developed nations, particularly not those that are kicking our ass because of unfair competition from wages, lack of regulation, and almost non existent worker benefits and protections.

February 4, 2017 11:46 am

Aodh mor. He kind of just kicked your ass, and he didn’t even break a sweat

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
February 4, 2017 4:06 pm

Can’t really say he ‘kicked my ass’ but he did do what I wanted him to do.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
February 4, 2017 7:08 pm

Fair enough. Thumbs up

February 4, 2017 9:40 am

Oil bad. World Made by Hand Good.

February 4, 2017 9:59 am

Kunstler shapes it as left/right, dem/rep binary socio-politics is the issue, along with a side of dwindling energy supplies.
Montefrio, above, sees the most estimable cause of our ills. we should all read his comment twice.

February 4, 2017 10:17 am

Our energy supplies aren’t dwindling, we have more than we can use and the prices of petroleum have dropped dramatically, virtually collapsed at one point, because of the worldwide glut in it.

And that is liquid petroleum only, not including coal and natural gas of which there is a truly abundant supply as well.

On top of that, we could easily and inexpensively power our nations -all Western nations, not just America- with nuclear energy by replacing old unsafe reactors with new safe ones and building more of them on top of it.

Anyone talking about dwindling energy supplies is being misinformed, you actually have to dig to find the facts out since it isn’t going to be discussed in the leftist controlled public forum.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 4, 2017 10:40 am

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

February 4, 2017 11:26 am

Its not Kunstler’s argument but I suspect its quite true that we have an energy problem and that it is manifesting itself as a decline in GDP growth and lower standards of living. The debt load doesn’t help but there are no more super giant oil fields that produce oil for a few dollars per barrel.

Kunstler notes the issue but then doesn’t follow up as to why both debt and high energy costs will devastate the left far more. Who depends on government spending more than government employees? Refugees? Immigrants? Who but public sector employees and Quangoes profits from them? A Somali family of six is worth $14, 400 just in resettlement cash to the ‘religious non profit’ who brings them in. Think about it.

You are a homosexual graduate from some divinity school. Not a lot of work out there for your kind. Congregations that want a queer as their minister are in short supply so you have to find someother way to do ‘God’s Work’ and make a living so why not get into the Muslim import field. You only need a couple of dozen per year to get by on and if one of them goes all Allahu Akhbar you won’t be the target. They like you because you brought them to the US and got them welfare. Trump is a real threat to your way of life. You may have to actually get a job and outside of government financed SJW work there aren’t a lot of paid positions for homosexual divinity school grads.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
February 4, 2017 3:34 pm

The Unitarian Universalist church I used to go to has a gay associate minister, who is coming to the end of his two-year funded stint. The congregation is still short on the regular budget by tens of thousands of dollars this year, so he’s not going to be renewed. I’m not sure from the newsletter if he has somewhere to go yet.
The left is going to see funding diminish radically, as the madness is not profitable and the profitable no longer want to subsidize the madness. Eventually, things will return to a less-manic normal; but it’s doubtful that the process will be even, orderly or even survivable, for those who do not / cannot work.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
February 4, 2017 4:39 pm

now why did you drag Teh Gays into this???

February 4, 2017 12:00 pm

I love people who use crystal balls to see the future but cannot repair their own cars nor fix a flat. What a dunce. 150 years ago the muck coming up on a farmer’s land in Pennsylvania was a waste. Today it runs our industry. Who knows what will be a natural resource in 150 years hence.

February 4, 2017 12:45 pm

The article is a repeat of obfuscation. The world has a growing population
and much of it “third world” and growing. The rich corporations are busy
harvesting every resource available including the very people themselves.

The “energy” oil provides may be becoming more difficult to obtain, and
common people will suffer as a result. Power struggles will ensue but the
poor will suffer even more degradation and the rich will get richer. There
is all the “score keeping” going on, and there is the depopulation program
going full force.

USA had plenty of enemies and threats. They are full on in our face. MSM
colludes with owners to inflame and disrupt the plain people. Look for a repeat
of the 70’s violence…same actors. Blacks & communists are becoming increasingly
violent, and getting away with it. Of course they are teaming up. And getting paid
for it to boot…the agitators are anyway.

Fifty shades of genocide going on. One can’t really avoid them because they are
ubiquitous. Try to protect your immune systems. Do not get immunizations.
Avoid big Pharma and unnecessary medical “treatment.” Avoid obvious GMO.
Get out of debt. Whatever…you do, create your own world by hand. Disengage.
Or keep playing the game/freedom of choice in the USA. Life is too short, but
at least it is not boring. For my part, I’d prefer boring.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 4, 2017 1:20 pm

I think the Center and Right are doing great: we just elected Trump. I believe there will be another Great Revival and God will Make America Great Again. As for the liberals, they smoked Dope, absorbed Cultural Communism and are slip-sliding away in the mental excrement of Urban Jungle Open Air Asylums like San Francisco and Detroit.