Proud Boys – The Musical

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February 7, 2017 5:05 pm

Bought 2 bandoliers on Amazon last week. Each holds 52 rounds of double ought for a Mossberg 930 tac. 7 in the tube, 1 in the chamber. Watched a guy on you tube empty all 8 in less than 3 seconds.
An old guy like me isn’t as good with a rifle as he was 40 years ago. But I can still be effective.

February 8, 2017 11:34 am

Talk means nothing but action does.

The left both talks and acts, the right talks then talks some more.

February 7, 2017 5:50 pm

Shit will happen, there will be blood, they want blood. I believe the left is biting off more than they can chew. It will be interesting in the urban areas, the sheltered suburbs are in for a big wake up, that is what they so desire. Martial law, etc. and a breakdown of civility is their goal. I am concerned, not so much for my immediate family, but for the lugs that keep thinking that things can keep going on, business as usual. Arm up patriots!

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
February 7, 2017 6:19 pm

That WAS fun!
“Lumbersexual” was meant to be a disparaging description of McInnes, but really kinda funny.

February 7, 2017 11:59 pm


I’m really done talking to these clowns. I’m using any extra resources I happen to have to prepare. I’m now thinking in terms of Force Multipliers and so today I ordered a set of 10 quite fancy 16 mile range walkie talkies. The drone I’m looking to get will be a Force Multiplier as well as I will be able to do recon at night as it will have night vision.

My biggest concern at this point is not to prep as whatever is about to happen must end quickly or we’ll destroy our infrastructure and then it wont matter one damn bit who is pretending to run the country because without basic infrastructure, the United States is ungovernable. Prepping to me always meant I was gonna wait things out and take my food, water and electricity out of harms way while various groups of people I didn’t like were wrecking everything. I didn’t see the need to get involved in any of that.

With this, though, I do see the need to get involved. The Left will not show me any mercy should things go South. None. I represent everything they hate and, worse still, they do not understand how I can have such abhorrent beliefs even though I live in their enlightened presence.

Nope, when the fighting starts, you’ve got to hit them so hard and so furiously that it immediately removes any more will to fight. If that isn’t done then the biggest force multiplier of all may come into play – children. Young adults make the best soldiers as they learn quickly, have a sleep cycle that keeps them up and active at night, are not married or have children themselves and have less fear of death. Given that public education has indoctrinated the youth and turned them into Red Guard Maoists, I have a feeling that a prolonged fight would see us fighting children. Hitler Youth to be exact. In the American Civil War, 70% of the Union Army were boys 17 years of age or younger. You could enlist at 13.

Anyways, that’s the kind of stuff keeping me up at night.

February 8, 2017 2:16 pm

Punching Nazis ..yep, feels good…right up until.

February 8, 2017 2:20 pm