Does Congress Have the Courage to Break up the Banks?

Miller On The MoneyIt’s time to go back to the trust-busting days of yesteryear and break up the big banks. Does congress represent the people or special interests?

Consumers lost when the Glass-Steagall act was repealed in 1999. It created banks, “Too Big to Fail”, with billions in taxpayer bailouts and mind-boggling fraudulent activity.

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner in economics sums it up well:

“Glass-Steagall had long separated commercial banks (which lend money) and investment banks (which organize the sale of bonds and equities)….

Commercial banks are not supposed to be high-risk ventures; they are supposed to manage other people’s money very conservatively. (That’s why) … the government agrees to pick up the tab should they fail.

Investment banks … have traditionally managed rich people’s money-people who can take bigger risks in order to get bigger returns.

When repeal of Glass-Steagall brought investment and commercial banks together, the investment-bank culture came out on top. There was a demand for the kind of high returns that could be obtained only through high leverage and big risk taking.”

The repeal created a small number of huge investment banks. CNBC tells us 5 biggest banks now own almost half the industry.

The $7 trillion in assets of the 5 biggest banks (JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and U.S. Bancorp) were almost 45% of the industry total at the end of 2014. 6,504 banks divvy up the remainder.

Despite the 2010 “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act”, regulators warn the 5 top banks are “Still too Big To Fail.” In a letter to JP Morgan regulators warn, “The current arrangement could pose serious adverse effects to the financial stability of the United States.”

It does not warn of dire consequences for the bank and stockholders, but rather the “financial stability of the United States”.

Criminal activity is the norm

The big banks have resorted to a wide array of criminal activity to boost their profits and bonuses.

CNBC has been tracking them and tells us, fines reached $150 billion. The graph below highlights the wide spectrum of illegal activities:

Miller On The Money

By late 2015 the tally rose to $204 billion. Here are some recent headlines:

  • Another day, another $185 million: Wells Fargo fined for opening fake accounts.
  • JP Morgan Adds $2.6B to its $25 Billion Plus Tally of Recent Settlements.
  • Big Banks Fined $5.9 Billion After Probe Into Rigged Dollar-Euro Trades.
  • CFPB Orders U.S. Bank to Pay $48 Million Refund to Consumers Illegally Billed for Services Not Received.
  • U.S. Bancorp Enters Into Consent Order in Anti-Money Laundering Case.
  • Citigroup to Pay $7 Billion in Mortgage Probe.
  • Bank of America to Pay $16.65 billion for Financial Fraud.

Crime pays well. Fortune Magazine’s article “Wells Fargo Exec Who Headed Phony Accounts Unit Collected $125 Million”:

“it does not appear that Wells Fargo is requiring Carrie Tolstedt, the Wells Fargo executive who was in charge of the unit where employees opened more than 2 million largely unauthorized customer accounts – … to give back any of her nine-figure pay.

… Tolstedt gets to keep all of it because she technically retired.”

The article is about her not having to return any bonus money. Nothing is said about criminal charges.

“If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying”

The above quote is found in the USA Today article, “5 Banks guilty of rate-rigging, pay more than $5B”. Sadly, no individual bank employees were hit with criminal charges. Jimmy Gurule, a former Assistant Attorney General and Treasury official was asked about the criminal pleas and massive fines:

“Once again the actual perpetrators and criminal architects of the fraud scheme will avoid criminal liability, … While the payment of these large fines may help to reduce the federal deficit, such penalties will do little to change the pervasive culture of corruption that currently exists in the banking sector. Real change will only occur when corrupt bank officials are indicted, convicted and sent to prison for their crimes.” (Emphasis mine).

Why does this criminal behavior occur?

Richard Eskow quotes a study in his article, “The Big Banks Are Corrupt – And Getting Worse”.

“The percentage of bankers who believed their own colleagues had engaged in illegal or unethical behavior has nearly doubled since 2012. And more than one-third of those earning $500,000 or more annually said they had first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing in the workplace.”

“Nearly one-third of respondents (32 percent) believe compensation structures or bonus plans in place at their company could incentivize employees to compromise ethics or violate the law.”

Incentivizing illegal and unethical behavior appears at all levels of the banking industry. The Center for Popular Democracy published a revealing report. It begins at the teller level:

“Details from the legal settlements with the biggest U.S. banks illustrate the micro-level mechanisms the top banks used to enact their predatory practices.

Banks impose skewed sales quotas on their tellers, customer service representatives, and loan interviewers.

Workers are forced by management to meet these sales goals based on hawking mismatched or predatory products and services… Workers are often threatened with termination if they fail to meet these goals.”

I feel sorry for these front line workers.

  • An employee of HSBC bank stated that workers who failed to meet their sales goals had the difference in sales taken out of their paycheck.
  • A teller at a top-five bank reports that she is subject to stringent individual goals on a daily basis: if she does not make three sales-points (selling a new checking, savings, or debit card account) each day in a month, she gets written up.
  • Customer service representatives at a call center for another major bank report that each individual has to make 40 percent of the sales of the top seller to avoid being written up. … thereby crafting skewed incentives based on the profitability of a product sold, not on how well it matched the needs of a customer.

One call center worker sums it up well: “… What they want, what they need, isn’t important to us. Selling them a product is.” (Emphasis mine)

Management isn’t any better

The US Inspector General produced a Special Report about the TARP bill and its aftermath. Here is all you need to know:

“Treasury allowed some of the largest banks to exit TARP without meeting the Government’s criteria … the banks … wanted to exit TARP to avoid the public stigma of remaining in TARP and limits on executive compensation.” (Emphasis mine)

Reuters looked at Goldman Sachs and reported, “Goldman and Morgan Stanley, the two largest U.S. investment banks, converted to bank holding companies …Goldman, in the first half of 2009, set aside $11.3 billion for its year-end bonus pool, equal to about half of its revenues.” (Emphasis mine)

During my career I served over 40 of the top 500 US corporations. I’ve never seen an industry that comes close to allocating 50% of their revenues for bonuses. All the little bonuses paid to the little people add up to huge bonuses for management.

Big bank employees, top to bottom, are incentivized to do whatever it takes (even if it is illegal, immoral and unethical) to maximize profits. That has to stop!

No bank should be too big to fail! Break them up! Separate commercial and investment banks. Let the big investment banks take the risk on their own money. Taxpayers should not reward their greed and bail them out for their mistakes.

The Brookings Institute reviewed the two major party platforms and concluded, “Democrats and Republicans agree: Reinstate Glass-Steagall.” Both parties promised it so we can take that one to the bank! (Sarcasm intended)

Get out of jail free

Get Out of Jail Free CardWhen the big boys are fined over $204 billion but no one gets prosecuted criminally, you know they are well connected.

Like Monopoly game bankers, the banks currently hold “Get Out of Jail Free” cards.

They buy protection from the politicos every way they can, campaign donations, speaking fees, donations to special funds and Lord knows what else.

I found the recent announcement, Goldman Sachs tells employees they cannot donate to Trump Campaign – but no restriction on Clinton’s both laughable and frightening.

Partners are restricted by policy from contributing to “… minimize potential reputational damage caused by any false perception that the firm was attempting to circumvent pay-to-play rules…”

“False perception that the firm was circumventing pay-to-play rules” is laughable. Here’s what’s frightening. Should Trump get elected and try to rein them in, are the banks that confident they have bought enough members of congress to protect their gravy train?

The market will prevail

If Congress does nothing, the banks will still eventually collapse, the market will see to that. I wrote a short lullaby.


Rock-a-bye-bankers, on the world top.

When the truth shows, your cartel it will rock.

When the buck breaks the markets will fall.

Down will come bankers, once and for all.

It’s time for the politicos to put the needs of the voters ahead of special interests. Break up the “too big to fail” banks now, just like the trust-busting days of the past. It’s easier and safer than waiting for them to collapse again.

I don’t see any way the government can bail them out without a voter revolution or worse; there just won’t be enough tar and feathers to go around.

And Finally…

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” – Thomas Jefferson

For more information, check out my website.

Download our FREE special report, “An Honest Person’s Guide to Social Security.”

Until next time…

Miller, On The Money

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March 7, 2017 8:09 pm

Didn’t even read the post.ofcourse, Congress doesn’t have the balls.

Deplorably stanley
Deplorably stanley
March 8, 2017 10:02 am

I didn’t.

The answer is obvious and didn’t deserve an entire earnest article dedicated to the topic.



Michael Keane
Michael Keane
March 7, 2017 9:04 pm
Michael Keane
Michael Keane
March 7, 2017 9:05 pm

HSBC bank- a Chinese – English hybrid proves, in my post, below, a criminal laundry. The elements of “Law Enforcement”?, within my post, prove Treasonous behavior. HSBC is referred to, among banking as the English, “Crown Jewell”, even as they are corrupt to the bone. Our country is now and for some time, in thrall to an international, criminal, cartel, that is “English-based”. You may wish to disagree; so be it. In my post you may learn the British Finance Minister, George Osborne compelled American “Law Enforcement”?, to commit Treason, in order to conceal the behaviors of the “English Crown Jewell of Banking”. Our politicians have sold US all, on the cheap, to an international Scam that centers on “Mortgage Fraud”… of that, there is absolutely zero doubt.

The “deferred prosecution agreement” and criminal admissions of HSBC Bank were Booked in Sept 2012.

The agreed-upon, criminal behaviors, in what amounts to a plea bargain agreement, include: (Violations of) “TWEA- Trading With Enemies Act”; “BSA Bank Secrecy Act”; all “AMLs- Anti-Money Laundering Acts”; “IEEPA- International, Economic Emergency Power’s Act”.

The Moore Family of Philadelphia first exposed the DPA and Federal Judge Gleeson wrote the following analysis:

You may read the court document here:
Case 1:12-cr-00763-JG Document 23 Filed 07/01/13

The violations occurred in Brooklyn. Loretta Lynch signed for Brooklyn as Prosecutor on Dec 2012.

Lanny Breuer signed for Eric Holder as Assistant AG on Dec 2012.

So… Holder, Breuer and Lynch all know and 3 months after they conspired through the DPA to conceal their plea bargain, James Comey was placed on the Executive Board of the English – Chinese hybrid, HSBC- “Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation”.

Of course, Eric Holder’s Law Firm, “Covington-Burling”, created the MERS and it has been used for over a decade to counterfeit titles to American Homes.

The counterfeit titles allowed the REMIC Trusts to be violated and Pension Funds to be robbed.

The REMICs- “Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits”, are now, instead, REMIFs- “Real Estate Monopolized Insurance Frauds”.

Holder’s MERS allows banks to “pretend” ownership of real estate, on “loans” the Pension Plans have already paid, in-full.

The banks then place the Assets (title to American Homes) in Shadow Trusts in the Cayman Islands (Google Bucketeering).

The banks then sit back and use the 30-day monthly payments to cleanse terror and drug money in the HSBC criminal laundry. Some “loans” are for 20-30 years (of payments, on titles, paid, in-full, by Pension plans, every 30 days).

The banks also use counterfeit title to place “Naked Short Sale Derivatives Bets” that Americans will default (go into foreclosure), so they can collect on the “Derivatives”, as “Insurance Pay-Offs”.

The banks also use counterfeit title to cheat all 3142 county recorders, across 50 US states.

This is one reason why there is zero money for representative government in places where children are poisoned to death because of the lack of fresh water… places like Flint, Michigan.

~Michael Keane 10/7/16

Holder’s law firm created the counterfeit machine that is the MERS- “Mortgage Electronic Registration System”. It is an imposter to lawful, as set by precedent, paper, wet-ink signature, original contracts, entered into county offices, as opposed to electronic, digitized COPY, entered into an electronic, privately-owned and operated, never vetted as legal, computer boutique.

Please contact me directly if you think an electronic copy of a contractual signature is the same as the original- I want to sell you a Babe Ruth-signed, baseball.

Read :

Particularly p. 116. It describes the MERS as a “shell company” used to “pretend” to own American real estate. Read footnote 23, from p.116. R.K. Arnold, the CEO explains it his intention to “capture” every “mortgage” in the country.

(The author, Professor Christopher L. Peterson wrote the MERS critique while a law professor at SJ Quinney Law School, in Utah. He is now the chief counsel for enforcement of the CFPB.)

Arnold and the MERS now claim an “ownership” ability to transfer some 70 million American real estate titles, despite Arnold’s deposition in court he is the sole employee of his company.

Arnold’s claim he is the sole employee is refuted by some millions of rubber stamps he sold for $25.00 a throw that now show any number of mortgage-industry-insiders rubber-stamping forged documents that claim they are, in fact, MERS Employees.

Their position in the company invariably describes these frauds as “Senior Vice Presidents…

To a company the owner claims has no employees.

Holder and Breuer worked 8 Obama years and never prosecuted a single banker. Now, Holder and Breuer are back working for their old law firm, “Covington-Burling”, that created the hopelessly fraudulent MERS.

In fact, Holder’s other creation, “TBTF”, is yet another, intentional lie; read David Dayen, from “Livinglies”:…/david-dayen-eric-holder…/ .

Lynch, Comey, Holder, Breuer are all aware of the contents of the DPA as those criminal admissions are given in the name of Clinton’s Criminal Laundry of choice: “HSBC”, “Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation”; a bank that supplied the Clintons 80 million from among a cast of the usual suspects within the banking industry

So, 6 months after Two Attorneys General are aware an English-Chinese bank is laundering terror and drug money for known enemies of the US, killing our soldiers, the present FBI Director James Comey is placed on the executive board of that bank. Holder’s wife and Loretta Lynch are sorority sisters and Comey’s brother makes millions as the Clinton’s accountant- just one big, happy family.

~ Michael Keane (written 10/7/16)

Please post this on your wall, share it and spread it.

The current head of the FBI is engaged, along with the former, English Finance Minister, George Osborne, in behaviors that have resulted and are currently resulting in battlefield deaths of American and British Soldiers. James Comey and George Osborne are joined in Treason and Conspiracy, with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, past-Attorney General Eric Holder and his Assistant AG, Lanny Breuer. FBI inaction, coupled with DOJ inaction, have allowed funds from terror and drug cartels to be used to murder American and British Soldiers. These funds are linked to Iranian “Quds Froces”, among others and in particular to the use of IEDs and EFPs, as used against Coalition Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. The American FBI is ignoring a criminal laundry, in the form of the “English Crown Jewell of Banking”, HSBC and has done for some time now. The result of their inaction has resulted in the murder of at least, some 1380 Coalition Soldiers, since 2005, in Afghanistan alone.

Dennis Miller
Dennis Miller
  Michael Keane
March 7, 2017 11:15 pm


Very interesting, thank you.

Best regards,
Dennis Miller

March 7, 2017 9:18 pm

Why do they need to break up banks or reinstate Glass/Steagall?
If they would just restrict how deposits can be lent that are guaranteed by Govt ,wouldn’t that take care of the problem?
If BOA has 1billion in govt guaranteed deposits and 1billion in investor capital,if we restricted the deposits to mom/pop loans & collateralized small business loans,aren’t the tax payers protected?
If the bank wants to make reckless loans with stockholder money,why should we care?

March 7, 2017 9:28 pm

Unbelievable. As a result of MERS, no one “really” knows who owns real estate in the U.S.

March 8, 2017 6:37 am


March 8, 2017 8:30 am

Nope . The banks are Congress.

March 8, 2017 8:52 am

Westcoaster, unfortunately we know exactly who owns real estate in this country – Government, and by extension – the banks. if you don’t believe me, just don’t pay property taxes for a few years. the only difference with MERS is that now the banks are a partner to your main landlord – The Government.
Until people in this country wake up and demand real property rights again, all of us “homeowners” are screwed.

mark branham
mark branham
March 8, 2017 9:19 am

Somethings coming, something big, hopefully it’ll fuck up everything.

There’s more talk of going back to a gold standard; that will be a mistake, we’ve been there, TPTB will always find a way to subvert that.

What must be done: Ask yourself ‘who creates money?’
The answer is, you do, every time you take out a ‘loan’ or use a credit card… the problem is you have to pay that ‘money’ back to a bank, who has made you an agent of said bank. So that transaction is thus: the bank creates ‘money’ out of thin air thru your ‘loan.’ YOU pay back that ‘money’ with your labor: the bank creates fake money and you reimburse that bank with your labor. Is it any surprise that the bank has the money and you have the debt.

The ONLY answer is to remove the banks privilege to create fake money. Money must be free of interest and debt. The only money we currently have that meets that criterion is paper and coins. Whatever you may think of fiat money, it’s free of debt and interest. Bitcoin appears to answer that criteria too… thou I don’t yet fully understand what it is.

Without the necessity of the government paying back bond holders, there is no need for a federal income tax. If states were forced to create a yearly budget, present that budget to the congress for approval, which is then fulfilled by the Treasury, there would be no need for a state income tax nor a property tax. And money would always remain money.

March 8, 2017 10:32 am

Apologies to Dennis but I didn’t read it either. No point-we all know the answer. Let’s find out right from the horses mouth: “And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” Dick Durbin D IL April 2009.

March 8, 2017 1:35 pm

answer no…and there is no point in reading the whole article.
Thanks Mr. Keane,
I think we all want to be rid of these criminal “banks” and their
theft and the misery they have caused in a multitude of ways.
They remind me of strong arm mafia gone rogue.