Via Knuckledraggin

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April 10, 2017 7:47 am

Yep, I tell my wife this all the time.

April 10, 2017 8:43 am

But does she understand what you’re talking about?

April 10, 2017 8:58 am


Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
April 10, 2017 8:15 am

Waste of time. People are far too conditioned to:
1. Shop (consume) ’til you drop.
2. Resources are unlimited; there’s ALWAYS someone willing to extend you credit so you can BUY now and PAY later.

Corollary to this OP: If you want to get the proles to vote for a tax increase, sell each one percent increase as “a Penny for (Whatever.)” My county worked this like the best con artists in the business for a 1% bump in sales tax (to go to building a new jail) with “A penny for safety.”

We all know that most of those who voted for that successful program (that now has a slush fund so large that it’s the subject of considerable political wrangling) thought it would only cost a penny….per person, or per purchase, or per household…I doubt they had a clue.

For 50 years the welfare state encouraged the morons among us to multiply like rabbits…and they did. We’re now surrounded by innumerate morons (who are themselves having kids at way above the 2.1 kids per woman replacement figure, while smart people who have to pay for it all struggle to have 2 kids.)

April 10, 2017 8:18 am

You know…if you’re a government toadie it derisively called a cost avoidance and you have to account for it later when ask for more budget…..I kid you not. Just look at the way the govvies spend cash at year end…..

April 10, 2017 1:23 pm

Are you sure? Might want to recheck that, Jim.

April 10, 2017 7:00 pm

Uhh…..recheck what?

If you have two grand in your bank account and spend $1750 on a TV that is normally priced at two grand then you simply spent $1750 as evidenced by a lack of $1750 in your bank account. You may have received a $250 discount on the asking price of the TV that day but you didn’t “save” anything because you “spent” money instead of saving it.

Tom S.
Tom S.
April 11, 2017 11:11 am

The flip side of this reminds me of the difference between car dealers and developers:

Example #1: A car dealer acquires a car at a cost of $10,000, and puts it on the lot, priced at $12,000. When he sells it a week later for $11,500, he will say he made $1,500.

Example #2: A developer buys land for $10,000, spends another $140,000 to build a house on it, which he lists for $280,000. When he sells it a week later for $270,000, he will never say he made $120,000, instead he will piss-and-moan to no end about how he “lost $10,000 on that deal”.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 16, 2017 11:36 pm

I’m a Republican and the Democrat politicians are like my first wife: I need $100 for food. I just gave you $100 for food. I had to pay the doctor. I gave you $100 for the doctor. Your daughter needed a new dress. Look, I gave you $100 extra for whatever. I used it to buy a dress and gas for job hunting. I gave you $200 for that!… Ok, I hope you don’t get horny the rest of the month because I’ll be sleeping in the spare room and you can explain to the kids why their dad let them go hungry.